# # Cookbook Name:: mu-master # Recipe:: default # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # XXX this is nonsense if we're not in AWS instance_id = node.name search_domains = ["platform-mu"] if node['ec2'] response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("")) instance_id = response.body search_domains = ["ec2.internal", "server.#{instance_id}.platform-mu", "platform-mu"] elsif node['gce'] instance_id = node['gce']['instance']['name'] domains = node['gce']['instance']['hostname'].split(/\./) domains.shift search_domains = [] begin search_domains << domains.join(".")+"." domains.shift end while domains.size > 1 search_domains << "google.internal." end if ::File.exist?("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent") sshgroup = if node['platform'] == "centos" "centos" elsif node['platform'] == "ubuntu" "ubuntu" elsif node['platform'] == "windows" "windows" else "root" end File.readlines("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent").each { |l| l.chomp! user = l.sub(/ .*/, '') group sshgroup do members user append true end } end include_recipe 'mu-master::init' include_recipe 'mu-master::basepackages' include_recipe 'mu-master::firewall-holes' include_recipe 'mu-master::ssl-certs' include_recipe 'mu-master::vault' include_recipe 'mu-tools::gcloud' #include_recipe 'mu-master::kubectl' master_ips = get_mu_master_ips master_ips << "" master_ips.uniq! master_ips.each { |host| firewall_rule "Mu Master ports for self (#{host})" do source "#{host}/32" end if host.match(/^(?:10\.|172\.(1[6789]|2[0-9]|3[01])\.|192\.168\.)/) hostsfile_entry host do hostname $MU_CFG['hostname'] aliases [node.name, "MU-MASTER"] action :append end end } ["#{$MU_CFG['installdir']}/etc/mu.yaml", "#{$MU_CFG['installdir']}/lib/Berksfile.lock"].each { |f| file f do mode 0644 end } if !node['update_nagios_only'] include_recipe 'chef-vault' if $MU_CFG.has_key?('ldap') if $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "389 Directory Services" and Dir.exist?("/etc/dirsrv/slapd-#{$MU_CFG['hostname']}") include_recipe 'mu-master::sssd' elsif $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "Active Directory" node.normal['ad'] = {} node.normal['ad']['computer_name'] = "MU-MASTER" node.normal['ad']['node_class'] = "mumaster" node.normal['ad']['node_type'] = "domain_node" node.normal['ad']['domain_operation'] = "join" node.normal['ad']['domain_name'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['domain_name'] search_domains << node.normal['ad']['domain_name'] node.normal['ad']['netbios_name'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['domain_netbios_name'] node.normal['ad']['dcs'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['dcs'] node.normal['ad']['domain_join_vault'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['join_creds']['vault'] node.normal['ad']['domain_join_item'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['join_creds']['item'] node.normal['ad']['domain_join_username_field'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['join_creds']['username_field'] node.normal['ad']['domain_join_password_field'] = $MU_CFG['ldap']['join_creds']['password_field'] if !node['application_attributes']['sshd_allow_groups'].match(/(^|\s)#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['user_group_name']}(\s|$)/i) node.normal['application_attributes']['sshd_allow_groups'] = node['application_attributes']['sshd_allow_groups']+" "+$MU_CFG['ldap']['user_group_name'].downcase end node.save include_recipe "mu-activedirectory::domain-node" end end execute "set Mu Master's hostname" do command "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin hostname #{$MU_CFG['hostname']}" not_if "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin hostname | grep '^#{$MU_CFG['hostname']}$'" end file "/etc/hostname" do content "#{$MU_CFG['hostname']}\n" end execute "updating hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network" do command "sed -i 's/^HOSTNAME=.*/HOSTNAME=#{$MU_CFG['hostname']}.platform-mu/' /etc/sysconfig/network" not_if "grep '^HOSTNAME=#{$MU_CFG['hostname']}.platform-mu'" end sudoer_line = "%#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['admin_group_name']} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" execute "echo '#{sudoer_line}' >> /etc/sudoers" do not_if "grep '^#{sudoer_line}$' /etc/sudoers" end cookbook_file "/root/.vimrc" do source "vimrc" action :create_if_missing end file "/etc/profile.d/usr_local_bin.sh" do content "export PATH=\"${PATH}:/usr/local/bin\"\n" mode 0644 end cookbook_file "/var/www/html/cloudamatic.png" do source "cloudamatic.png" mode 0644 end package "nagios" do action :remove end # The Nagios cookbook will only rebuild if the main executable is missing, so # remove it if we've got a version bump coming down the pike. execute "remove old Nagios binary" do command "rm -f /usr/sbin/nagios" not_if "/usr/sbin/nagios -V | grep 'Nagios Core #{node['nagios']['server']['version']}'" end end include_recipe "mu-master::update_nagios_only" if !node['update_nagios_only'] package %w(nagios-plugins-breeze nagios-plugins-by_ssh nagios-plugins-cluster nagios-plugins-dhcp nagios-plugins-dig nagios-plugins-disk nagios-plugins-disk_smb nagios-plugins-dns nagios-plugins-dummy nagios-plugins-file_age nagios-plugins-flexlm nagios-plugins-fping nagios-plugins-game nagios-plugins-hpjd nagios-plugins-http nagios-plugins-icmp nagios-plugins-ide_smart nagios-plugins-ircd nagios-plugins-ldap nagios-plugins-load nagios-plugins-log nagios-plugins-mailq nagios-plugins-mrtg nagios-plugins-mrtgtraf nagios-plugins-nagios nagios-plugins-nt nagios-plugins-ntp nagios-plugins-ntp-perl nagios-plugins-nwstat nagios-plugins-oracle nagios-plugins-overcr nagios-plugins-pgsql nagios-plugins-ping nagios-plugins-procs nagios-plugins-real nagios-plugins-rpc nagios-plugins-sensors nagios-plugins-smtp nagios-plugins-snmp nagios-plugins-ssh nagios-plugins-swap nagios-plugins-tcp nagios-plugins-time nagios-plugins-ups nagios-plugins-users nagios-plugins-wave) do action :install end package %w(nagios-plugins-mysql) do action :install not_if { node['platform'] == 'amazon' } end directory "/home/nagios" do owner "nagios" mode 0711 end directory "/home/nagios/.ssh" do owner "nagios" mode 0711 end file "/home/nagios/.ssh/config" do owner "nagios" mode 0600 end execute "dhclient-script" do command "/sbin/dhclient-script" action :nothing end service "network" do action :nothing end if !$MU_CFG['public_address'].match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) my_name = $MU_CFG['public_address'].dup begin search_domains << my_name.dup my_name.sub!(/^[^\.]+?\./, "") end while my_name.match(/\./) end template "/etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf" do source "dhclient-eth0.conf.erb" mode 0644 notifies :restart, "service[network]", :immediately unless %w{redhat centos}.include?(node['platform']) && node['platform_version'].to_i == 7 variables( :search_domains => search_domains ) end svrname = node['hostname'] if !$MU_CFG['public_address'].match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) svrname = $MU_CFG['public_address'] end apache2_install "" do docroot_dir "/var/www/html" modules %w{status alias auth_basic authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_groupfile authz_host authz_user autoindex deflate dir env mime negotiation setenvif log_config logio unixd systemd headers proxy proxy_http rewrite ssl ldap authnz_ldap slotmem_shm} end package "mod_ldap" # add stock .conf files to the mix where applicable apache2_mod_proxy "" apache2_mod_ldap "" apache2_mod_cgid "" apache2_mod_ssl "" apache2_mod "php" apache2_default_site "" do action :enable notifies :start, "service[apache2]", :delayed end # nagios keeps disabling the default vhost, so let's make another one execute "Allow net connect to local for apache" do command "/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on" not_if "/usr/sbin/getsebool httpd_can_network_connect | grep -cim1 ^.*on$" not_if "/sbin/getenforce | grep -cim1 disabled" notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end aliases = [node['fqdn'], node['hostname'], node['local_hostname'], node['local_ipv4'], node['public_hostname'], node['public_ipv4']] if node['ec2'] aliases << node['ec2']['local_ipv4'] aliases << node['ec2']['local_hostname'] aliases << node['ec2']['public_ipv4'] aliases << node['ec2']['public_hostname'] end aliases.uniq! aliases.reject! { |a| a.nil? or a.empty? } service 'apache2' do extend Apache2::Cookbook::Helpers service_name lazy { apache_platform_service_name } supports restart: true, status: true, reload: true action :enable end template '/etc/httpd/sites-available/mu_docs.conf' do variables( server_name: svrname, server_port: "80", server_aliases: aliases, docroot: "/var/www/html" ) cookbook 'mu-master' source 'web_app.conf.erb' notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end apache2_site "mu_docs" template '/etc/httpd/sites-available/https_proxy.conf' do variables( server_name: svrname, server_port: "443", server_aliases: aliases, docroot: "/var/www/html" ) cookbook 'mu-master' source 'web_app.conf.erb' notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end apache2_site "https_proxy" # configure the appropriate authentication method for the web server case node['nagios']['server_auth_method'] when 'openid' apache2_mod 'auth_openid' when 'cas' apache2_mod 'auth_cas' end # apache2_conf "nagios" do # server_name svrname # server_aliases aliases # template 'nagios.conf.erb' # cookbook "mu-master" # notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed # action :enable # end template '/etc/httpd/sites-available/nagios.conf' do variables( server_name: svrname, server_port: "443", server_aliases: aliases, docroot: "/var/www/html" ) cookbook 'mu-master' source 'nagios.conf.erb' notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end apache2_site "nagios" link "/etc/nagios3" do to "/etc/nagios" notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end directory "/usr/lib64/nagios" link "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi-bin" do to "/usr/lib/cgi-bin" notifies :reload, "service[apache2]", :delayed end directory "/var/www/html/docs" do owner "apache" group "apache" end include_recipe "postfix" # Use a real hostname for mail if we happen to have one assigned if !MU.mu_public_addr.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) node.normal['postfix']['main']['myhostname'] = MU.mu_public_addr node.normal['postfix']['main']['mydomain'] = MU.mu_public_addr.sub(/^.*?([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/, '\1') node.normal['postfix']['main']['myorigin'] = MU.mu_public_addr.sub(/^.*?([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/, '\1') else node.normal['postfix']['main']['myhostname'] = $MU_CFG['hostname'] node.normal['postfix']['main']['mydomain'] = "platform-mu" node.normal['postfix']['main']['myorigin'] = "platform-mu" end node.normal['postfix']['main']['inet_interfaces'] = "all" node.save mubranch=`cd #{MU_BASE}/lib && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` # ~FC048 file "/var/www/html/index.html" do owner "apache" group "apache" content "

This is a Mu Master server

Nagios monitoring GUI

Mu API documentation

" end execute "echo 'devnull: /dev/null' >> /etc/aliases" do not_if "grep '^devnull: /dev/null$' /etc/aliases" end directory "/Mu_Logs" include_recipe "mu-tools::rsyslog" cookbook_file "0-mu-log-server.conf" do path "/etc/rsyslog.d/0-mu-log-server.conf" notifies :restart, "service[rsyslog]", :delayed end file "0-mu-log-client.conf" do path "/etc/rsyslog.d/0-mu-log-client.conf" action :delete notifies :restart, "service[rsyslog]", :delayed end execute "echo '/sbin/restorecon -r /home' >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local" do not_if "grep '^/sbin/restorecon -r /home' /etc/rc.d/rc.local" end execute "echo '/opt/chef/bin/chef-client' >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local" do not_if "grep ^/opt/chef/bin/chef-client /etc/rc.d/rc.local" end directory "/etc/pki/rsyslog" ["Mu_CA.pem", "rsyslog.crt", "rsyslog.key"].each { |file| execute "install rsyslog SSL cert file #{file}" do command "cp -f #{MU.mainDataDir}/ssl/#{file} /etc/pki/rsyslog/#{file} && chmod 400 /etc/pki/rsyslog/#{file}" not_if "diff #{MU.mainDataDir}/ssl/#{file} /etc/pki/rsyslog/#{file}" end } package "logrotate" file "/etc/logrotate.d/Mu_audit_logs" do content "/Mu_Logs/master.log /Mu_Logs/nodes.log { sharedscripts daily delaycompress postrotate #{MU.myRoot}/bin/mu-aws-setup -u /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true endscript } " end # XXX this will catch the occasional 4am groom. Need a way to graceful-restart momma. file "/etc/logrotate.d/Mu_momma_cat" do content "/var/log/mu-momma-cat.log { sharedscripts size 100M delaycompress postrotate /etc/init.d/mu-momma-cat restart endscript } " end template "#{MU.etcDir}/mu.rc" do source "mu.rc.erb" mode 0644 owner "root" variables( :installdir => MU.installDir, :repos => MU.muCfg['repos'] ) not_if { ::File.size?("#{MU.etcDir}/mu.rc") } end execute "source #{MU.etcDir}/mu.rc from root dotfiles" do command "echo 'source #{MU.etcDir}/mu.rc' >> #{Etc.getpwnam("root").dir}/.bashrc" not_if "test -f #{Etc.getpwnam("root").dir}/.bashrc && grep '^source #{MU.etcDir}/mu.rc$' #{Etc.getpwnam("root").dir}/.bashrc" end begin resources('service[sshd]') rescue Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound service "sshd" do action [:enable, :start] end end template "Mu Master /etc/ssh/sshd_config" do path "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" source "sshd_config.erb" mode 0600 owner "root" group "root" notifies :reload, "service[sshd]", :delayed cookbook "mu-tools" end cron "Sync client firewall allow rules" do action :create minute "10" user "root" command "#{MU.installDir}/bin/mu-firewall-allow-clients" end # XXX bug in Chef vault is current purging basically all clients cron "Rotate vault keys and purge MIA clients" do action :delete minute "10" hour "6" user "root" command "/opt/mu/bin/knife vault rotate all keys --clean-unknown-clients" end # TODO fine if we're SysV-compatible, but cover the other guys template "/etc/init.d/mu-momma-cat" do source "mu-momma-cat.erb" variables( :installdir => MU.installDir, :ssl_key => $MU_CFG['ssl']['key'], :ssl_cert => $MU_CFG['ssl']['cert'], ) mode 0755 end link "/opt/mu/bin/mu-momma-cat" do to "/etc/init.d/mu-momma-cat" end service "mu-momma-cat" do action [:enable, :start] end # This is stuff that can break for no damn reason at all include_recipe "mu-tools::cloudinit" begin node.normal['mu']['user_map'] = MU::Master.listUsers node.normal['mu']['user_list'] = [] node['mu']['user_map'].each_pair { |user, data| node.normal['mu']['user_list'] << "#{user} (#{data['email']})" } node.save file "/root/.gitconfig" do content "[user] name = #{node['mu']['user_map']['mu']['realname']} email = #{node['mu']['user_map']['mu']['email']} [push] default = current " end # XXX placeholder- we should have a "federal" flag which invokes # mu-tools::apply_security, which has its own gov-compliant /etc/issue.net # The one that ships on CentOS images seems incorrect, so nuking it for now file "/etc/issue.net" do action :delete end node['mu']['user_map'].each_pair { |mu_user, data| execute "echo '#{mu_user}: #{data['email']}' >> /etc/aliases" do not_if "grep '^#{mu_user}: #{data['email']}$' /etc/aliases" end } file "/etc/motd" do content " ******************************************************************************* This is a Mu Master server. Mu is installed in #{MU.myRoot}. Nagios monitoring GUI: https://#{MU.mu_public_addr}/nagios/ Mu API documentation: #{(mubranch.nil? or mubranch == "master" or mubranch.match(/detached from/)) ? "https://cloudamatic.gitlab.io/mu/" : "http://"+MU.mu_public_addr+"/docs"} Mu metadata are stored in #{MU.mainDataDir} Users: #{node['mu']['user_list'].join(", ")} ******************************************************************************* " end rescue Exception log "Can't list users" do message "Doesn't seem like I can list available users. Hopefully this is initial setup." level :warn end end end