--- layout: default ---


{%- assign toppost = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.weight > 8" -%} {%- for post in toppost limit:1 -%}
{%- comment -%} @FIXME We'll need to activate this logic when we've got more posts to work with in the site{%- assign morepost = site.posts | were_exp:"pos","post.weight < 8" -%} {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign more = site.posts | where_exp:"post", "post.weight < 8" -%} {%- for post in more limit:9 -%}

{{ post.title | truncate:85 }}

{{ post.publication }} {% capture time %}{{ post.content | reading_time }}{% endcapture %} {{ time }} min read
{%- endfor -%}