# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: geoptima 0.1.20 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "geoptima".freeze s.version = "0.1.20".freeze s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze] s.authors = ["Craig Taverner".freeze] s.date = "2013-06-13" s.description = "\nGeoptima is a suite of applications for measuring and locating\nmobile/cellular subscriber experience on GPS enabled smartphones. It is\nproduced by AmanziTel AB in Helsingborg, Sweden, and supports many phone\nmanufacturers, with free downloads from the various app stores, markets or\nmarketplaces. This Ruby library is capable of reading the JSON format files\nproduced by these phones and reformating them as CSV, GPX and PNG for\nfurther analysis in Excel. This is a simple and independent way of\nanalysing the data, when compared to the full-featured analysis applications\nand servers available from AmanziTel. If you want to analyse a limited\namount of data in excel, or with Ruby, then this GEM might be for you. If\nyou want to analyse large amounts of data, from many subscribers, or over\nlong periods of time then rather consider the NetView and Customer IQ\napplications from AmanziTel at www.amanzitel.com.\n\nCurrent features available in the library and the show_geoptima command:\n* Import one or many JSON files\n* Organize data by device id (IMEI) into datasets\n* Split by event type\n* Time ordering and time correlation (associate data from one event to another):\n** Add GPS locations to other events (time window and interpolation algorithms)\n** Add signal strenth, battery level, etc. to other events\n* Export event tables to CSV format for further processing in excel\n* Make and export GPS traces in GPX and PNG format for simple map reports\n\nThe amount of data possible to process is limited by memory, since all data\nis imported in ruby data structures for procssing. If you need to process\nlarger amounts of data, you will need a database-driven approach, like that\nprovided by AmanziTel's NetView and Customer IQ solutions. This Ruby gem is\nactually used by parts of the data pre-processing chain of 'Customer IQ',\nbut it not used by the main database and statistics engine that generates\nthe reports.\n\n".freeze s.email = "craig@amanzi.com".freeze s.executables = ["show_geoptima".freeze, "geoptima_file_time".freeze, "geoptima_file_time_stats".freeze, "csv_chart".freeze, "csv_stats".freeze, "csv_merge".freeze] s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README.rdoc".freeze] s.files = ["CHANGELOG".freeze, "CONTRIBUTORS".freeze, "Gemfile".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze, "bin/csv_chart".freeze, "bin/csv_merge".freeze, "bin/csv_stats".freeze, "bin/geoptima_file_time".freeze, "bin/geoptima_file_time_stats".freeze, "bin/show_geoptima".freeze, "bin/show_geoptima_sos".freeze, "examples/csv_chart.rb".freeze, "examples/csv_merge.rb".freeze, "examples/csv_stats.rb".freeze, "examples/geoptima_file_time.rb".freeze, "examples/geoptima_file_time_stats.rb".freeze, "examples/sample_geoptima.json".freeze, "examples/sample_short.json".freeze, "examples/show_geoptima.rb".freeze, "examples/show_geoptima_sos.rb".freeze, "geoptima.gemspec".freeze, "lib/geoptima.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/after.ports".freeze, "lib/geoptima/before.ports".freeze, "lib/geoptima/chart.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/data.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/daterange.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/file_time.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/locationrange.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/locator.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/options.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/timer.rb".freeze, "lib/geoptima/version.rb".freeze] s.homepage = "http://github.com/craigtaverner/geoptima.rb".freeze s.rdoc_options = ["--quiet".freeze, "--title".freeze, "Geoptima.rb".freeze, "--line-numbers".freeze, "--main".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze, "--inline-source".freeze] s.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 1.8.6".freeze) s.rubygems_version = "3.5.10".freeze s.summary = "Ruby access to Geoptima JSON files".freeze s.specification_version = 3 s.add_runtime_dependency(%q.freeze, [">= 1.1.0".freeze]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q.freeze, [">= 1.6.5".freeze]) end