# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: paginator 1.1.1 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "paginator".freeze s.version = "1.1.1".freeze s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze] s.authors = ["Bruce Williams".freeze] s.date = "2008-06-25" s.description = "Paginator doesn't make any assumptions as to how data is retrieved; you just have to provide it with the total number of objects and a way to pull a specific set of objects based on the offset and number of objects per page.".freeze s.email = "bruce@codefluency.com".freeze s.executables = ["paginator".freeze] s.extra_rdoc_files = ["History.txt".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.txt".freeze] s.files = ["History.txt".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.txt".freeze, "Rakefile".freeze, "bin/paginator".freeze, "lib/paginator.rb".freeze, "test/test_paginator.rb".freeze] s.homepage = "http://paginator.rubyforge.org".freeze s.rdoc_options = ["--main".freeze, "README.txt".freeze] s.rubygems_version = "3.5.10".freeze s.summary = "A generic paginator object for use in any Ruby program".freeze s.test_files = ["test/test_paginator.rb".freeze] s.specification_version = 2 s.add_runtime_dependency(%q.freeze, [">= 1.6.0".freeze]) end