# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: jekyll-plugin-include 0.1.1 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "jekyll-plugin-include".freeze s.version = "0.1.1".freeze s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze] s.authors = ["Decipher Media".freeze] s.date = "2018-09-24" s.description = "A Jekyll liquid tag plugin which allows includes directly from plugins' `_include` directories, with optional ability to override with files present in site includes_dir (if they exist).\n\nNormally, Jekyll's `include` tag can only search for files in the site's single configured includes directory (and that of the *theme* plugin, if it using one). That means that if a plugin wants to provide you with a template/fragment via includes, the best it can do is ask you to copy it into your own repo manually.\n\nThis plugin then makes it easy to use includes that ship *with* a plugin directly *from* a plugin. And if a modified version of the file is provided in the site's own includes directory, it can intelligently use that one instead!\n\nAnd for plugin developers, this provides a way to ship and use includes without leaning on the user to manage the unmodified files themselves.".freeze s.email = ["deciphermediatv@gmail.com".freeze] s.files = [".gitignore".freeze, ".rspec".freeze, ".rubocop.yml".freeze, ".travis.yml".freeze, "CHANGELOG.md".freeze, "LICENSE.md".freeze, "README.md".freeze, "Rakefile".freeze, "bin/console".freeze, "bin/setup".freeze, "jekyll-plugin-include.gemspec".freeze, "lib/jekyll-plugin-include.rb".freeze, "lib/jekyll_plugin_include/version.rb".freeze] s.homepage = "https://github.com/decipher-media/jekyll-plugin-include".freeze s.licenses = ["MIT".freeze] s.rubygems_version = "3.5.10".freeze s.summary = "A Jekyll liquid tag plugin which allows includes directly from plugins' _include directories, with optional ability to override with equivalently-named files present in site includes_dir (if they exist).".freeze s.specification_version = 4 s.add_runtime_dependency(%q.freeze, [">= 3.8".freeze, "< 4.0".freeze]) s.add_development_dependency(%q.freeze, ["~> 1.16".freeze]) s.add_development_dependency(%q.freeze, ["~> 10.0".freeze]) s.add_development_dependency(%q.freeze, ["~> 3.0".freeze]) s.add_development_dependency(%q.freeze, ["~> 0.59.1".freeze]) end