lib/zuul/action_controller/dsl.rb in zuul-0.2.7 vs lib/zuul/action_controller/dsl.rb in zuul-0.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,384 +1,12 @@
+require 'zuul/action_controller/dsl/base'
+require 'zuul/action_controller/dsl/actions'
+require 'zuul/action_controller/dsl/actionable'
+require 'zuul/action_controller/dsl/roles'
+require 'zuul/action_controller/dsl/permissions'
module Zuul
module ActionController
module DSL
- class Base
- attr_reader :default, :context, :force_context, :mode, :default_block_allow_rules, :default_block_deny_rules, :actions, :roles, :permissions, :results, :subject_method, :scope
- def actions(*actions, &block)
- actions = actions[0] if actions.length == 1 && actions[0].is_a?(Array)
- opts = options
- opts[:actions].concat(actions)
- return unless opts[:actions].map(&:to_sym).include?(@controller.params[:action].to_sym)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def context(ctxt, &block)
- opts = options.merge(:context => ctxt)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def force_context(flag=true, &block)
- opts = options.merge(:force_context => flag)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def roles(*allowed, &block)
- allowed = allowed[0] if allowed.length == 1 && allowed[0].is_a?(Array)
- opts = options
- opts[:roles].concat(allowed)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def permissions(*allowed, &block)
- allowed = allowed[0] if allowed.length == 1 && allowed[0].is_a?(Array)
- opts = options
- opts[:permissions].concat(allowed)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def scope(scope, &block)
- opts = options.merge(:scope => scope)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- def allow_roles(*allowed)
- allowed = allowed[0] if allowed.length == 1 && allowed[0].is_a?(Array)
- roles *allowed do
- allow *@actions
- end
- end
- alias_method :allow_role, :allow_roles
- alias_method :allow, :allow_roles
- def allow_permissions(*allowed)
- allowed = allowed[0] if allowed.length == 1 && allowed[0].is_a?(Array)
- permissions *allowed do
- allow *@actions
- end
- end
- alias_method :allow_permission, :allow_permissions
- def deny_roles(*denied)
- denied = denied[0] if denied.length == 1 && denied[0].is_a?(Array)
- roles *denied do
- deny *@actions
- end
- end
- alias_method :deny_role, :deny_roles
- alias_method :deny, :deny_roles
- def deny_permissions(*denied)
- denied = denied[0] if denied.length == 1 && denied[0].is_a?(Array)
- permissions *denied do
- deny *@actions
- end
- end
- alias_method :deny_permission, :deny_permissions
- def all_actions
- { |act| !act.match(/^_callback_before_[\d]*$/) }.map(&:to_sym)
- end
- def subject
- @controller.send(@subject_method)
- end
- def logged_out
- :_zuul_logged_out
- end
- alias_method :anonymous, :logged_out
- def logged_in
- :_zuul_logged_in
- end
- def anyone
- [logged_in, logged_out]
- end
- def all_roles(context=false)
- return [] if subject.nil?
- context = (context == false) ? @context : parse_context(context)
- found_roles = subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class.where(:context_type => context.type, :context_id =>
- found_roles.concat(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class.where(:context_type => context.type, :context_id => nil).to_a) unless
- found_roles.concat(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class.where(:context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).to_a) unless context.type.nil?
- found_roles
- end
- def all_permissions(context=false)
- return [] if subject.nil?
- context = (context == false) ? @context : parse_context(context)
- found_permissions = subject.auth_scope(@scope).permission_class.where(:context_type => context.type, :context_id =>
- found_permissions.concat(subject.auth_scope(@scope).permission_class.where(:context_type => context.type, :context_id => nil).to_a) unless
- found_permissions.concat(subject.auth_scope(@scope).permission_class.where(:context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).to_a) unless context.type.nil?
- found_permissions
- end
- def contextual_role(slug, context=false)
- return nil if subject.nil?
- context = (context == false) ? @context : parse_context(context)
- return subject.auth_scope(@scope) { target_role(slug, context.to_context) }
- end
- alias_method :role, :contextual_role
- def contextual_permission(slug, context=false)
- return nil if subject.nil?
- context = (context == false) ? @context : parse_context(context)
- return subject.auth_scope(@scope) { target_permission(slug, context.to_context) }
- end
- alias_method :permission, :contextual_permission
- def options
- {
- :default => @default,
- :actions => @actions.clone,
- :roles => @roles.clone,
- :permissions => @permissions.clone,
- :context => @context.clone,
- :force_context => @force_context,
- :subject_method => @subject_method,
- :scope => @scope,
- :mode => @mode,
- :collect_results => @collect_results,
- :allow => (@default_block_allow_rules.nil? ? @default_block_allow_rules : @default_block_allow_rules.clone),
- :deny => (@default_block_deny_rules.nil? ? @default_block_deny_rules : @default_block_deny_rules.clone),
- }
- end
- def set_options(opts)
- [:default, :actions, :roles, :permissions, :force_context, :mode, :collect_results, :subject_method, :scope].each do |key|
- instance_variable_set "@#{key.to_s}", opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key)
- end
- [:allow, :deny].each do |key|
- instance_variable_set "@default_block_#{key.to_s}_rules", opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key)
- end
- @context = parse_context(opts[:context]) if opts.has_key?(:context)
- self
- end
- alias_method :configure, :set_options
- def parse_context(context=nil)
- if context.is_a?(String) || context.is_a?(Symbol)
- if context.to_s.match(/^@.*$/)
- context = @controller.send(:instance_variable_get, context)
- elsif @controller.respond_to?(context.to_sym)
- context = @controller.send(context)
- end
- end
- Zuul::Context.parse(context)
- end
- def execute(&block)
- log_timer_start =
- if block_given?
- instance_eval(&block)
- else
- instance_eval do
- [:allow, :deny].each do |auth_type|
- auth_opts = instance_variable_get("@default_block_#{auth_type.to_s}_rules")
- next if auth_opts.nil?
- auth_actions = @actions
- auth_opts[:actions] = [auth_opts[:actions]] if auth_opts.has_key?(:actions) && !auth_opts[:actions].is_a?(Array)
- if !auth_opts.has_key?(:actions) || auth_opts[:actions].empty?
- auth_actions << @controller.params[:action].to_sym if auth_actions.empty?
- else
- auth_actions.concat(auth_opts[:actions])
- end
- actions auth_actions do
- [:roles, :permissions].each do |allowable_type|
- if auth_opts.has_key?(allowable_type)
- send "#{auth_type.to_s}_#{allowable_type.to_s}", auth_opts[allowable_type]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # only collect results if configured & there are more filters in the chain
- logger.debug " \e[1;34mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m #{(authorized? ? "\e[1;32mALLOWED\e[0m" : "\e[1;31mDENIED\e[0m")} using \e[1m#{@default.to_s.upcase}\e[0m [#{ { |r| "\e[#{(r ? "32mallow" : "31mdeny")}\e[0m" }.join(",")}]"
- collect_results if @collect_results && @controller.class.acl_filters.length > 0
- end
- def authorized?
- if @default == :deny
- !(@results.empty? || @results.any? { |result| result == false })
- else
- (@results.empty? || !@results.all? { |result| result == false })
- end
- end
- def collect_results
- @results = [authorized?]
- end
- protected
- def initialize(controller, opts={})
- @controller = controller
- # TODO catch 22: need config for subject_method, but need subject_method to check if subject
- opts = {:subject_method => Zuul.configuration.subject_method, :scope => :default}.merge(opts)
- config = @controller.send(opts[:subject_method]).nil? ? Zuul.configuration : @controller.send(opts[:subject_method]).auth_scope(opts[:scope]).config
- opts = {:default => config.acl_default, :force_context => config.force_context, :context => nil, :mode => config.acl_mode, :collect_results => config.acl_collect_results, :allow => nil, :deny => nil, :actions => [], :roles => [], :permissions => []}.merge(opts)
- set_options opts
- @results = []
- end
- def logger
- @controller.logger
- end
- end
- class Actions < Base
- end
- class Actionable < Base
- def all
- all_actions
- end
- def allow?(role_or_perm)
- match? role_or_perm
- end
- def deny?(role_or_perm)
- match? role_or_perm
- end
- end
- class Roles < Actionable
- def match?(role)
- (@or_higher && subject.auth_scope(@scope, @context, @force_context) { |context, force_context| has_role_or_higher?(role, context.to_context, force_context) }) || (!@or_higher && subject.auth_scope(@scope, @context, @force_context) { |context, force_context| has_role?(role, context.to_context, force_context) })
- end
- def allow(*actions)
- log_timer_start =
- actions = actions[0] if actions.length == 1 && actions[0].is_a?(Array)
- actions.concat(@actions)
- return if @roles.empty? || actions.empty?
- if[:action].to_sym)
- @roles.each do |role|
- if (role == logged_out && subject.nil?) ||
- (role == logged_in && !subject.nil?)
- @results << true
- return
- end
- next if subject.nil? # keep going in case :_zuul_logged_out is specified
- if allow?(role)
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mMATCH\e[0m for \e[32mallow\e[0m role \e[1m#{role.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{role.slug}[#{role.context.to_s}]" : role}\e[0m"
- @results << true
- return
- end
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mNO MATCH\e[0m for \e[32mallow\e[0m role \e[1m#{role.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{role.slug}[#{role.context.to_s}]" : role}\e[0m"
- end
- end
- end
- def deny(*actions)
- log_timer_start =
- actions = actions[0] if actions.length == 1 && actions[0].is_a?(Array)
- actions.concat(@actions)
- return if @roles.empty? || actions.empty?
- if[:action].to_sym)
- @roles.each do |role|
- if (role == logged_out && subject.nil?) ||
- (role == logged_in && !subject.nil?)
- @results << false
- return
- end
- next if subject.nil? # keep going in case :_zuul_logged_out is specified
- if deny?(role)
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mMATCH\e[0m for \e[31mdeny\e[0m role \e[1m#{role.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{role.slug}[#{role.context.to_s}]" : role}\e[0m"
- @results << false
- return
- end
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mNO MATCH\e[0m for \e[31mdeny\e[0m role \e[1m#{role.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{role.slug}[#{role.context.to_s}]" : role}\e[0m"
- end
- end
- end
- def or_higher(&block)
- opts = options.merge(:or_higher => true)
- dsl =, opts)
- dsl.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @results.concat dsl.results
- end
- protected
- def initialize(controller, opts={})
- super
- opts = {:or_higher => false}.merge(opts)
- @or_higher = opts[:or_higher]
- end
- end
- class Permissions < Actionable
- def match?(permission)
- subject.auth_scope(@scope, @context, @force_context) { |context, force_context| has_permission?(permission, context.to_context, force_context) }
- end
- def allow(*actions)
- log_timer_start =
- actions = actions[0] if actions.length == 1 && actions[0].is_a?(Array)
- actions.concat(@actions)
- return if subject.nil? || @permissions.empty? || actions.empty?
- if[:action].to_sym)
- @permissions.each do |permission|
- if allow?(permission)
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mMATCH\e[0m for \e[32mallow\e[0m permission \e[1m#{permission.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{permission.slug}[#{permission.context.to_s}]" : permission}\e[0m"
- @results << true
- return
- end
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mNO MATCH\e[0m for \e[32mallow\e[0m permission \e[1m#{permission.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{permission.slug}[#{permission.context.to_s}]" : permission}\e[0m"
- end
- end
- end
- def deny(*actions)
- log_timer_start =
- actions = actions[0] if actions.length == 1 && actions[0].is_a?(Array)
- actions.concat(@actions)
- return if subject.nil? || @permissions.empty? || actions.empty?
- if[:action].to_sym)
- @permissions.each do |permission|
- if deny?(permission)
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mMATCH\e[0m for \e[31mdeny\e[0m permission \e[1m#{permission.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{permission.slug}[#{permission.context.to_s}]" : permission}\e[0m"
- @results << false
- return
- end
- logger.debug " \e[1;33mACL (#{(( - log_timer_start) * 1000.0).round(1)}ms)\e[0m \e[1mNO MATCH\e[0m for \e[31mdeny\e[0m permission \e[1m#{permission.is_a?(subject.auth_scope(@scope).role_class) ? "#{permission.slug}[#{permission.context.to_s}]" : permission}\e[0m"
- end
- end
- end
- end