lib/ztk/ssh.rb in ztk-1.2.0 vs lib/ztk/ssh.rb in ztk-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -117,36 +117,44 @@
autoload :Bootstrap, 'ztk/ssh/bootstrap'
autoload :Command, 'ztk/ssh/command'
autoload :Download, 'ztk/ssh/download'
autoload :Exec, 'ztk/ssh/exec'
+ autoload :File, 'ztk/ssh/file'
autoload :Upload, 'ztk/ssh/upload'
include ZTK::SSH::Bootstrap
include ZTK::SSH::Command
include ZTK::SSH::Download
include ZTK::SSH::Exec
+ include ZTK::SSH::File
include ZTK::SSH::Upload
# @param [Hash] configuration Configuration options hash.
- # @option config [String] :host_name Server hostname to connect to.
- # @option config [String] :user Username to use for authentication.
- # @option config [String, Array<String>] :keys A single or series of
+ # @option configuration [String] :host_name Server hostname to connect to.
+ # @option configuration [String] :user Username to use for authentication.
+ # @option configuration [String, Array<String>] :keys A single or series of
# identity files to use for authentication.
- # @option config [String] :password Password to use for authentication.
- # @option config [Integer] :timeout SSH connection timeout to use.
- # @option config [Boolean] :compression Weither or not to use compression
- # for this session.
- # @option config [Integer] :compression_level What level of compression to
- # use.
- # @option config [String] :proxy_host_name Server hostname to proxy through.
- # @option config [String] :proxy_user Username to use for proxy
+ # @option configuration [String] :password Password to use for authentication.
+ # @option configuration [Integer] :timeout (60) SSH connection timeout in
+ # seconds to use.
+ # @option configuration [Boolean] :compression (false) Whether or not to use
+ # compression for this session.
+ # @option configuration [Integer] :compression_level What level of
+ # compression to use.
+ # @option configuration [String] :proxy_host_name Server hostname to proxy
+ # through.
+ # @option configuration [String] :proxy_user Username to use for proxy
# authentication.
- # @option config [Boolean] :request_pty Weither or not we should try to
- # obtain a PTY
- # @option config [String, Array<String>] :proxy_keys A single or series of
- # identity files to use for authentication with the proxy.
+ # @option configuration [Boolean] :request_pty (true) Whether or not we
+ # should try to obtain a PTY
+ # @option configuration [Boolean] :ignore_exit_status (false) Whether or not
+ # we should throw an exception if the exit status is not kosher.
+ # @option configuration [Boolean] :forward_agent (true) Whether or not to
+ # enable SSH agent forwarding.
+ # @option configuration [String, Array<String>] :proxy_keys A single or
+ # series of identity files to use for authentication with the proxy.
def initialize(configuration={})
:forward_agent => true,
:compression => false,
:user_known_hosts_file => '/dev/null',
@@ -179,10 +187,9 @@
# Launches an SSH console, replacing the current process with the console
# process.
# @example Launch a console:
- # $logger =
# ssh =
# ssh.config do |config|
# config.user = ENV["USER"]
# config.host_name = ""
# end