lib/ztk/ssh.rb in ztk-0.0.6 vs lib/ztk/ssh.rb in ztk-0.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@
require "net/sftp"
module ZTK
# ZTK::SSH error class
+ #
+ # @author Zachary Patten <>
class SSHError < Error; end
# We can get a new instance of SSH like so:
# ssh =
@@ -67,28 +69,40 @@
# Check host keys, the default is false (off):
# ssh.config do |config|
# config.host_key_verify = true
# end
+ #
+ # @author Zachary Patten <>
class SSH < ZTK::Base
# @param [Hash] config Configuration options hash.
# @option config [String] :host_name Server hostname to connect to.
# @option config [String] :user Username to use for authentication.
- # @option config [String, Array<String>] :keys A single or series of identity files to use for authentication.
+ # @option config [String, Array<String>] :keys A single or series of
+ # identity files to use for authentication.
# @option config [String] :password Password to use for authentication.
# @option config [Integer] :timeout SSH connection timeout to use.
- # @option config [Boolean] :compression Weither or not to use compression for this session.
- # @option config [Integer] :compression_level What level of compression to use.
+ # @option config [Boolean] :compression Weither or not to use compression
+ # for this session.
+ # @option config [Integer] :compression_level What level of compression to
+ # use.
# @option config [String] :proxy_host_name Server hostname to proxy through.
- # @option config [String] :proxy_user Username to use for proxy authentication.
- # @option config [String, Array<String>] :proxy_keys A single or series of identity files to use for authentication with the proxy.
+ # @option config [String] :proxy_user Username to use for proxy
+ # authentication.
+ # @option config [String, Array<String>] :proxy_keys A single or series of
+ # identity files to use for authentication with the proxy.
def initialize(config={})
- super(config)
+ super({
+ :forward_agent => true,
+ :compression => false,
+ :user_known_hosts_file => '/dev/null'
+ }.merge(config))
- # Launches an SSH console, replacing the current process with the console process.
+ # Launches an SSH console, replacing the current process with the console
+ # process.
# @example Launch a console:
# $logger =
# ssh =
# ssh.config do |config|
@@ -105,13 +119,17 @@
# Executes a command on the remote host.
# @param [String] command The command to execute.
# @param [Hash] options The options hash for executing the command.
- # @option options [Boolean] :silence Squelch output to STDOUT and STDERR. If the log level is :debug, STDOUT and STDERR will go to the log file regardless of this setting. STDOUT and STDERR are always returned in the output return value regardless of this setting.
+ # @option options [Boolean] :silence Squelch output to STDOUT and STDERR.
+ # If the log level is :debug, STDOUT and STDERR will go to the log file
+ # regardless of this setting. STDOUT and STDERR are always returned in
+ # the output return value regardless of this setting.
- # @return [OpenStruct#output] The output of the command, both STDOUT and STDERR.
+ # @return [OpenStruct#output] The output of the command, both STDOUT and
# @return [OpenStruct#exit] The exit status (i.e. $?).
# @example Execute a command:
# $logger =
# ssh =
@@ -294,14 +312,10 @@
# Builds our SSH options hash.
def ssh_options
log(:debug) { "ssh_options" }
log(:debug) { "config(#{@config.inspect})" }
- options = {
- :forward_agent => true,
- :compression => false,
- :user_known_hosts_file => '/dev/null'
- }
+ options = {}
# These are plainly documented on the Net::SSH config class.
options.merge!(:encryption => @config.encryption) if @config.encryption
options.merge!(:compression => @config.compression) if @config.compression
options.merge!(:compression_level => @config.compression_level) if @config.compression_level