lib/ztk/base.rb in ztk-0.0.5 vs lib/ztk/base.rb in ztk-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -18,24 +18,28 @@
require "ostruct"
module ZTK
+ # ZTK::Base error class
class BaseError < Error; end
+ # This is the base class inherited by most of the other classes in this
+ # library. It provides a standard set of features to control STDOUT, STDERR
+ # and STDIN, a configuration mechanism and logging mechanism.
+ #
+ # You should never interact with this class directly; you should inherit it
+ # and extend functionality as appropriate.
class Base
+ # @param [Hash] config configuration options hash
+ # @option config [IO] :stdout instance of IO to be used for STDOUT
+ # @option config [IO] :stderr instance of IO to be used for STDERR
+ # @option config [IO] :stdin instance of IO to be used for STDIN
+ # @option config [Logger] :logger instance of Logger to be used for logging
def initialize(config={})
defined?(Rails) and rails_logger = Rails.logger
@config ={
:stdout => $stdout,
:stderr => $stderr,
@@ -46,27 +50,43 @@
@config.stdout.respond_to?(:sync=) and @config.stdout.sync = true
@config.stderr.respond_to?(:sync=) and @config.stderr.sync = true
@config.stdin.respond_to?(:sync=) and @config.stdin.sync = true
@config.logger.respond_to?(:sync=) and @config.logger.sync = true
- @config.logger and @config.logger.debug{ "config(#{@config.inspect})" }
+ log(:debug) { "config(#{@config.inspect})" }
+ # Configuration OpenStruct accessor method.
+ #
+ # If no block is given, the method will return the configuration OpenStruct
+ # object. If a block is given, the block is yielded with the configuration
+ # OpenStruct object.
+ #
+ # @yieldparam [OpenStruct] config The configuration OpenStruct object.
+ # @return [OpenStruct] The configuration OpenStruct object.
def config(&block)
if block_given?
+ # Base logging method.
+ #
+ # The value returned in the block is passed down to the logger specified in
+ # the classes configuration.
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] method_name This should be any one of [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal].
+ # @yield No value is passed to the block.
+ # @yieldreturn [String] The message to log.
+ def log(method_name, &block)
+ if block_given?
+ @config.logger and @config.logger.method(method_name.to_sym).call { yield }
+ else
+ raise(Error, "You must supply a block to the log method!")
+ end
+ end