lib/dots/aliases.zsh in zsh_dots-0.5.1 vs lib/dots/aliases.zsh in zsh_dots-0.5.3

- old
+ new

@@ -1,40 +1,65 @@ -# = Aliases -# -# General purpose, time-saving aliases for everyday use. - -# Access the superuser for a single command. +# System administration alias _='sudo' - -# Show command history. alias history='fc -l 1' - -# Use grep with ack. alias afind='ack-grep -il' -# Reload DOTS after a change. -alias reload="source $HOME/.zshenv; source $HOME/.zshrc" +# Reload the DOTS framework and clear the screen. alias refresh="reload && clear" - -# Reload TextMate bundles. -alias tmbundle="osascript -e 'tell app \"TextMate\" to reload bundles'" - -# Find all ._* files in the directory and remove them. -alias rmbs="find . -type f -name '._*' -exec rm {} + && echo \"Removed all ._ files\"" - -# Make `ed` easier to use. +alias rmbs="rhombus" alias ed='ed -p "ed> "' # Dotfiles persistence alias persist='dots persist' +alias pst='persist' alias forget='dots forget' +alias fgt='forget' # File viewing and editing alias v=$PAGER +alias e='editor' # Terminal support alias c='clear' -aliasias ti='set_title' -alias o='open .' +alias ti='set_title' +alias o='open_file_or_directory' +alias p='echo' -# Ripple -alias ripple='open /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ --args -disable-web-security' +# iOS development +alias ripple='canary' + +# Application deployment +alias dp='bundle exec rain on production' +alias ds='bundle exec rain on stage' + +# Language REPLs +alias rb='ruby' +alias py='python' +alias js='node' +alias json='jsonlint' + +# Running Ruby tests +alias t='run_single_test' +alias rts='rtest_rake' + +# Kill the first Ruby process. +alias kill_first_ruby_process="kill -9 `ps -A | grep ruby | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1`" +alias krp='kill_first_ruby_process' + +alias fs='foreman start' +alias reload='dots update' + +alias guard='nocorrect guard --no-bundler-warning' +alias rspec='nocorrect rspec' +alias rain='nocorrect rain' + +# Kill it with fire +alias k9='kill -9' + +# Sane defaults for the `patch` command, reverts a given diff. +alias revert='patch -R -p1' + +# Set up Autoenv for this directory. +alias cfg='source .env' + +# Just in case.. +alias dots='nocorrect dots'