config/gitconfig in zsh_dots-0.6.3 vs config/gitconfig in zsh_dots-0.6.5
- old
+ new
@@ -10,27 +10,28 @@
st = status
on = branch
br = branch
co = checkout
blog = log --graph --pretty=format':%C(yellow)%h%Cblue%d%Creset %s %C(white) %an, %ar%Creset' --decorate
- l = !git blog
- unstage = reset HEAD
staged = diff --cached
unstaged = diff
current-branch = !git symbolic-ref -q HEAD | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||'
track = checkout -t
restore = stash pop
- # Rewrite of 'git-process' in git. Basically the same thing without
- # the _parking_ branch (it's the same as master)
- sync = !git fetch origin && git rebase master
- new-fb = !git checkout master && git pull --rebase origin master && git checkout -b $2
+ # git_ship: Rewrite of 'git-process' in git. Basically the same thing without the _parking_ branch (it's the same as master)
+ blog = log --graph --pretty=format':%C(yellow)%h%Cblue%d%Creset %s %C(white) %an, %ar%Creset' --abbrev-commit --decorate
+ unstage = reset HEAD
+ restore = stash pop
+ sync = !export GIT_BRANCH=`git current-branch` && git fetch origin && git checkout master && git rebase origin/master && git checkout $GIT_BRANCH && git rebase master
+ feature = !git checkout master && git pull --rebase origin master && git checkout -b $2
+ new-fb = !git feature
expose = !git sync && git push origin `git current-branch`
- pull-upstream = !git pull --rebase origin master && git checkout master
- to-master = !export GIT_BRANCH=`git current-branch` && git pull-upstream && git merge $GIT_BRANCH && git push origin master && git branch -D $GIT_BRANCH
- ship = !git to-master
+ swim = !git pull --rebase origin master && git checkout master
+ ship = !export GIT_BRANCH=`git current-branch` && git swim && git merge $GIT_BRANCH && git push origin master && git branch -D $GIT_BRANCH
+ prepare = rebase --interactive origin/master
+ # Makes your life generally easier..
rename-branch = !export GIT_BRANCH=`git current-branch` && git checkout master && git branch -m $GIT_BRANCH $1
delete-branch = !export GIT_BRANCH=`git current-branch` && git checkout master && git branch -D $GIT_BRANCH
- prepare = rebase --interactive origin/master
whitespace = warn
diff = auto
status = auto