html/map.html in zold-0.10.3 vs html/map.html in zold-0.10.4
- old
+ new
@@ -47,67 +47,82 @@
#logo { position: absolute; bottom: 1em; right: 1em; width: 48px; height: 48px; }
#remotes { margin-top: 1em; }
#remotes li { list-style: none; }
- function init() {
- var options = {
- center: new google.maps.LatLng(55.751244, 37.618423),
- mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
- zoom: 3
- };
- var remotes = {};
- var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), options);
- $.getJSON('/', function(data) {
+ function put_marker_by_ip(map, coords, ip, port) {
+ $.getJSON('' + ip, function(json) {
+ var lat = parseFloat(json['geoplugin_latitude']), lon = parseFloat(json['geoplugin_longitude']);
+ console.log(ip + ' located at ' + lat + '/' + lon);
+ new google.maps.Marker({
+ position: { lat: lat, lng: lon },
+ map: map,
+ title: ''
+ });
+ console.log('Marker set for ' + coords + ' at ' + lat + '/' + lon);
+ }).fail(function() { console.log('Failed to find geo-location for ' + ip) });
+ }
+ function put_marker_by_host(map, coords, host, port) {
+ $.getJSON('' + host + '/a', function(json) {
+ ip = $.grep(json['answer'], function (a, i) { return a['type'] == 'A'; })[0]['rdata'];
+ console.log('Host ' + host + ' resolved to ' + ip);
+ put_marker_by_ip(map, coords, ip, port);
+ }).fail(function() { console.log('Failed to find IP for ' + host) });
+ }
+ function put_markers(map, remotes) {
+ $.each(remotes, function (i, r) {
+ var host = r['host'], port = r['port'];
+ var coords = host + ':' + port;
+ var items = $('#remotes li[data-coords="' + coords + '"]');
+ if (items.length) {
+ var li = items.first();
+ $.getJSON('http://' + coords + '/', function(json) {
+ li.html(coords + ': ' + json['score']['value'] + '/' + json['wallets'] + ' (' + json['version'] + ')');
+ if (host.match(/^[0-9\.]+$/)) {
+ put_marker_by_ip(map, host + ':' + port, host, port);
+ } else {
+ put_marker_by_host(map, host + ':' + port, host, port);
+ }
+ }).done(function() { li.css('color', 'darkgreen'); }).fail(function() { li.css('color', 'red'); });
+ } else {
+ $('#remotes').append('<li data-coords="' + coords + '">' + coords + '</li>')
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function refresh_list(map) {
+ $.getJSON('', function(data) {
+ var remotes = data['all'];
+ console.log(remotes.length + ' remote nodes found');
+ put_markers(map, remotes);
+ });
+ }
+ function refresh(map) {
+ $.getJSON('', function(data) {
'Version: ' + data['version'] + '<br/>' +
'Host: ' + data['score']['host'] + ':' + data['score']['port'] + '<br/>' +
'Score: ' + data['score']['value'] + '<br/>' +
'Wallets: ' + data['wallets']
+ refresh_list(map);
+ window.setTimeout(refresh, 10000);
- window.setInterval(function() {
- $.getJSON('/remotes', function(data) { remotes = data['all']; });
- }, 10000);
- window.setInterval(function() {
- $('#remotes li').each(function (li) {
- found = $.grep(remotes, function (r, i) { return r['host'] + ':' + r['port'] == $(li).attr('data-coords'); });
- if (!found.length) {
- li.remove();
- }
- });
- }, 10000);
- window.setInterval(function() {
- $.each(remotes, function (idx, remote) {
- var host = remote['host'], port = remote['port'];
- var coords = host + ':' + port;
- var items = $('#remotes li[data-coords="' + coords + '"]');
- if (items.length) {
- var li = items.first();
- $.getJSON('http://' + coords + '/', function(data) {
- li.html(coords + ': ' + data['score']['value'] + '/' + data['wallets'] + ' (' + data['version'] + ')');
- })
- .done(function() { li.css('color', 'darkgreen'); })
- .fail(function() { li.css('color', 'red'); });
- var ip = host;
- if (!ip.match(/[0-9\.]+/)) {
- $.get('' + host, function(data) {
- ip = data
- });
- }
- li.attr('title', ip);
- $.getJSON('' + ip, function(data) {
- new google.maps.Marker({
- position: { lat: data['lat'], lng: data['lon'] },
- map: map,
- title: coords
- }).setMap(map);
- });
- } else {
- $('#remotes').append('<li data-coords="' + coords + '">' + coords + '</li>')
- }
- });
- }, 10000);
+ }
+ function init() {
+ var map = new google.maps.Map(
+ document.getElementById("map"),
+ {
+ center: new google.maps.LatLng(55.751244, 37.618423),
+ mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
+ zoom: 3
+ }
+ );
+ var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
+ position: { lat: 55, lng: 37 },
+ map: map,
+ title: 'Hello'
+ });
+ refresh(map);
<body onload="init();">
<div id="container">