fixtures/scripts/ in zold-0.14.23 vs fixtures/scripts/ in zold-0.14.24
- old
+ new
@@ -10,52 +10,56 @@
function reserve_port {
python -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()'
function wait_for_url {
+ i=0
while ! curl --silent --fail $1 > /dev/null; do
- ((p++)) || sleep 5
- if ((p==30)); then
- echo "URL $1 is not available after $p seconds of waiting"
+ ((i++)) || sleep 0
+ if ((i==30)); then
+ echo "URL $1 is not available after ${i} attempts"
exit 12
sleep 5
function wait_for_port {
+ i=0
while ! nc -z localhost $1; do
- ((p++)) || sleep 5
- if ((p==30)); then
- echo "Port $1 is not available after $p seconds of waiting"
+ ((i++)) || sleep 0
+ if ((i==30)); then
+ echo "Port $1 is not available after ${i} attempts"
exit 13
sleep 5
function wait_for_file {
+ i=0
while [ ! -f $1 ]; do
- ((c++)) || sleep 5
- if ((c==30)); then
- echo "File $1 not found, giving up after $c seconds of waiting"
+ ((i++)) || sleep 0
+ if ((i==30)); then
+ echo "File $1 not found, giving up after ${i} attempts"
exit 14
sleep 5
function halt_nodes {
for p in "$@"; do
pid=$(curl --silent "http://localhost:$p/pid?halt=test" || echo 'absent')
if [[ "${pid}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ i=0
while kill -0 ${pid}; do
- ((c++)) || sleep 5
- if ((c==30)); then
- echo "Waiting for process ${pid} to die"
+ ((i++)) || sleep 0
+ if ((i==30)); then
+ echo "Process ${pid} didn't die, it's a bug"
exit 15
- echo "Still waiting for process ${pid} to die, cycle no.${c}"
+ echo "Still waiting for process ${pid} to die, attempt no.${i}"
sleep 5
echo "Process ${pid} is dead!"
echo "Node at TCP port ${p} stopped!"