spec/z_k/client_spec.rb in zk-0.8.9 vs spec/z_k/client_spec.rb in zk-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,235 +1,7 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-describe ZK::Client do
- before do
- @connection_string = "localhost:#{ZK_TEST_PORT}"
- @zk = ZK.new(@connection_string)
- wait_until{ @zk.connected? }
- @zk.rm_rf('/test')
- end
- after do
- @zk.rm_rf('/test')
- @zk.close!
- wait_until(2) { @zk.closed? }
- end
- describe :mkdir_p do
- before(:each) do
- @path_ary = %w[test mkdir_p path creation]
- @bogus_path = File.join('/', *@path_ary)
- end
- it %[should create all intermediate paths for the path givem] do
- @zk.should_not be_exists(@bogus_path)
- @zk.should_not be_exists(File.dirname(@bogus_path))
- @zk.mkdir_p(@bogus_path)
- @zk.should be_exists(@bogus_path)
- end
- end
- describe :stat do
- describe 'for a missing node' do
- before do
- @missing_path = '/thispathdoesnotexist'
- @zk.delete(@missing_path) rescue ZK::Exceptions::NoNode
- end
- it %[should not raise any error] do
- lambda { @zk.stat(@missing_path) }.should_not raise_error
- end
- it %[should return a Stat object] do
- @zk.stat(@missing_path).should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat)
- end
- it %[should return a stat that not exists?] do
- @zk.stat(@missing_path).should_not be_exists
- end
- end
- end
- describe :block_until_node_deleted do
- before do
- @path = '/_bogualkjdhsna'
- end
- describe 'no node initially' do
- before do
- @zk.exists?(@path).should be_false
- end
- it %[should not block] do
- @a = false
- th = Thread.new do
- @zk.block_until_node_deleted(@path)
- @a = true
- end
- th.join(2)
- @a.should be_true
- end
- end
- describe 'node exists initially' do
- before do
- @zk.create(@path, '', :mode => :ephemeral)
- @zk.exists?(@path).should be_true
- end
- it %[should block until the node is deleted] do
- @a = false
- th = Thread.new do
- @zk.block_until_node_deleted(@path)
- @a = true
- end
- Thread.pass
- @a.should be_false
- @zk.delete(@path)
- wait_until(2) { @a }
- @a.should be_true
- end
- shared_examples_for 'session death' do
- def deliver_session_event_to(event_num, zk)
- # jeez, Zookeeper callbacks are so frustratingly stupid
- bogus_event = ZookeeperCallbacks::WatcherCallback.new
- bogus_event.initialize_context(:type => -1, :state => event_num, :path => '', :context => 'bogustestevent')
- # XXX: this is bad because we're in the wrong thread, but we'll fix this after the next Zookeeper release
- zk.event_handler.process(bogus_event)
- end
- before do
- @other_zk = ZK.new(@connection_string)
- end
- after do
- @other_zk.close! unless @other_zk.closed?
- end
- it %[should wake up in the case of an expired session and throw an exception] do
- @a = false
- @other_zk.event_handler.register_state_handler(zoo_state) do |event|
- @a = event
- end
- th = Thread.new do
- @other_zk.block_until_node_deleted(@path)
- end
- wait_until(2) { th.status == 'sleep' }
- # not on the other thread, this may be bad
- deliver_session_event_to(zoo_state, @other_zk)
- # ditto, this is probably happening synchrnously
- wait_until(2) { @a }
- lambda { th.join(2) }.should raise_error(zoo_error_class)
- end
- end
- describe 'exceptional conditions' do
- let(:zoo_state) { ZookeeperConstants::ZOO_EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE }
- let(:zoo_error_class) { ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::SessionExpired }
- it_behaves_like 'session death'
- end
- describe 'ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE' do
- let(:zoo_state) { ZookeeperConstants::ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE }
- let(:zoo_error_class) { ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::NotConnected }
- it_behaves_like 'session death'
- end
- describe 'ZOO_CLOSED_STATE' do
- let(:zoo_state) { ZookeeperConstants::ZOO_CLOSED_STATE }
- let(:zoo_error_class) { ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::ConnectionClosed }
- it_behaves_like 'session death'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'session_id and session_passwd' do
- it %[should expose the underlying session_id] do
- @zk.session_id.should be_kind_of(Fixnum)
- end
- it %[should expose the underlying session_passwd] do
- @zk.session_passwd.should be_kind_of(String)
- end
- end
- describe 'reopen' do
- describe 'watchers' do
- before do
- @path = '/testwatchers'
- @queue = Queue.new
- end
- after do
- @zk.delete(@path)
- end
- def ensure_event_delivery!
- @sub ||= @zk.event_handler.register(@path) do |event|
- logger.debug { "got event: #{event.inspect}" }
- @queue << event
- end
- @zk.exists?(@path, :watch => true).should be_false
- @zk.create(@path, '')
- logger.debug { "waiting for event delivery" }
- wait_until(2) do
- begin
- @events << @queue.pop(true)
- true
- rescue ThreadError
- false
- end
- end
- # first watch delivered correctly
- @events.length.should > 0
- end
- it %[should fire re-registered watchers after reopen (#9)] do
- @events = []
- logger.debug { "ensure event delivery" }
- ensure_event_delivery!
- logger.debug { "reopening connection" }
- @zk.reopen
- wait_until(2) { @zk.connected? }
- logger.debug { "deleting path" }
- @zk.delete(@path)
- logger.debug { "clearing events" }
- @events.clear
- logger.debug { "taunt them a second time" }
- ensure_event_delivery!
- end
- end
- end
+describe ZK::Client::Threaded do
+ include_context 'threaded client connection'
+ it_should_behave_like 'client'