bin/zing in zing-0.2.2 vs bin/zing in zing-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,132 +1,36 @@
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# script to automate creation of cms for a new/old Sinatra project
require 'ostruct'
-require 'optparse'
-require 'fileutils'
require 'colorize'
+require 'zing'
-class OptionParser
- def self.parse(args)
- # The options specified on the command line will be collected in *options*
- # We set the default value here
- options =
- options.project_name = nil
- opts = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: zing [options]"
- opts.separator " "
- opts.separator "Specific options:"
- opts.on("-b", "--base",
- "Zing base CMS") do |lib|
- options.base = true
- end
- opts.on("-p", "--push",
- "Zing push module on top of base CMS") do |lib|
- options.push = true
- end
- opts.on("-m", "--model MODEL_NAME",
- "Zing CRUD for individual MODEL_NAME, use commas for multiple models") do |ver|
- if ver.split(",").class == Array
- options.model = ver.split(",").map(&:strip)
- elsif ver.class == String
- options.model = var
- else
- options.model = nil
- end
- end
- # No argument, shows at tail. This will print an options summary.
- # Try it and see!
- opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
- puts opts
- exit!
- end
- end
- opts.parse!(args)
- options
- rescue Exception => e
- if e.message.match(/invalid option/i) or e.message.match(/missing argument/i)
- puts "ERROR: #{e.message}".red
- puts ""
- puts opts
- end
- exit!
- end
-class ZingHelper
- def self.create_directory(dir_path)
- if File.exist?(dir_path)
- puts "exists #{dir_path}"
- else
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_path)
- puts "create".green + " #{dir_path}"
- end
- end
- def self.create_file(file_path, file_content)
- if File.exist?(file_path)
- puts "exists #{file_path}"
- else
-"#{file_path}", "w") do |file|
- file.puts file_content
- end
- puts "create".green + " #{file_path}"
- end
- end
- def self.connect_db(models_file_path)
- if File.exist?(models_file_path)
- # check if db connection can be made
- require models_file_path
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection and ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
- puts "passed".green + " Database Connection"
- else
- puts "errors".red + " Database Connection not exist"
- exit!
- end
- else
- puts "ERROR: Are you sure DB is properly configured in #{models_file_path}?".red
- exit!
- end
- end
# make sure ARGV has values
if ARGV.size == 0
puts "ERROR: Parameters needed. Run with -h to view options".red
# parse option from command line
-options = OptionParser.parse(ARGV)
+options =
+ Zing::CommandParser.parse(ARGV, options)
+rescue Exception => e
+ exit!
-# working directory
-project_absolute_dir = FileUtils.pwd
-app_name = project_absolute_dir.split("/").last
+# default directories path setting
+project_absolute_dir = options.project_absolute_dir
+app_name = options.app_name
models_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/models"
views_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/views"
routes_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/routes"
push_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/push"
helpers_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/helpers"
scss_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/sass"
css_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/css"
images_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/images"
# check if and app_name.rb exist
unless File.exist?(project_absolute_dir + "/") and
@@ -138,362 +42,62 @@
# Base
# This will be the base CMS, the rest will not function without this
if options.base
- # copy cms images from gem to the app images directory
- zing_images = `gem contents zing`.split("\n").select {|e| e.match(/\.png/i)}
- FileUtils.cp zing_images, images_directory
+ begin
+ puts "Zinging Base CMS"
- # check if database config exist and connection successful
- ZingHelper.connect_db(project_absolute_dir + "/models.rb")
+ # copy cms images from gem to the app images directory
+ zing_images = `gem contents zing`.split("\n").select {|e| e.match(/\.png/i)}
+ FileUtils.cp zing_images, images_directory
- # create AdminUser table
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:admin_users)
- puts "exists AdminUser Table"
- else
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :admin_users do |t|
- t.string :username, :limit => 40, :null => false
- t.string :password, :limit => 40
- t.integer :utime, :limit => 16
- t.timestamps
- end
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:admin_users)
- puts "passed".green + " AdminUser Table Creation"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " AdminUser Table Creation"
- exit!
- end
- end
+ # check if database config exist and connection successful
+ Zing::DbHelper.connect_db(project_absolute_dir + "/models.rb")
- # create AdminUser model
- admin_user_content = <<-admin_user_content
-class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
- admin_user_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{models_directory}/admin_user.rb", admin_user_content)
+ # create AdminUser table
+ Zing::DbHelper.create_admin_user_table
- # create cms routes
- cms_content = <<-cms_content
-class Cms < Sinatra::Base
+ # copy_file_templates
+ Zing::FileHelper.copy_file_templates(options, "options_base")
- get '/cms' do
- if session[:authorized]
- redirect '/cms/dashboard'
- else
- redirect '/cms/login'
- end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts "ERROR: #{e.message}".red
+ puts ""
+ exit!
- get '/cms/login' do
- image_array = ["",
- "",
- ""]
- @main_image = image_array[rand(3)]
- haml :login, :layout => false
- end
- post '/cms/login' do
- if params[:username] && params[:password]
- admin_users = AdminUser.find_all_by_username_and_password(params[:username], params[:password])
- if admin_users.size > 0
- session[:authorized] = true
- redirect '/cms/dashboard'
- end
- end
- redirect '/cms/login'
- end
- get '/cms/logout' do
- session[:authorized] = false
- redirect '/cms/login'
- end
- get '/cms/dashboard' do
- haml :dashboard
- end
- cms_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{routes_directory}/cms.rb", cms_content)
- # create login.haml
- login_haml_content = <<-login_haml_content
-!!! 5
- %head
- %title= if @page_title then "CMS " + @page_title.humanize else "CMS" end
- %meta{:content => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
- %meta{:content => "NONE,NOARCHIVE", :name => "robots"}
- %link{:href => "", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- :css
- body {
- padding-top: 60px;
- }
- .hero-unit {
- padding: 0;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- %body
- .topbar
- .fill
- .container
- %a.brand{:href=>"#"}
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
- %form.pull-right{:action => "/cms/login", :method => "post"}
- %input.input-small{:name => "username", :type => "text", :placeholder => "Username"}
- %input.input-small{:name => "password", :type => "password", :placeholder => "Password"}
- %button.btn{:type => "submit"}Sign in
- .container
- .hero-unit
- %img{:src => @main_image}
- .row
- .span16
- %h2 We build custom mobile applications
- %p
- We help our clients create mobile applications. Our focus is on building apps that deliver real-time, contextually relevant information to mobile touch screens. We are experts in using location, augmented reality and push notification. We don't out-source.
- .row
- .span4{:style => "text-align: center"}
- %img{:src => "", :width => "200px", :height => "376px"}
- .span4{:style => "text-align: center"}
- %img{:src => "", :width => "187px", :height => "344px"}
- .span4{:style => "text-align: center"}
- %img{:src => "", :width => "230px", :height => "363px"}
- .span4{:style => "text-align: center"}
- %img{:src => "", :width => "200px", :height => "362px"}
- .row
- .span16
- %h2 Platforms
- %p From iPhone/iPad, to Android, to BlackBerry, to Windows 7: our portfolio of products is testament to our expertise across multiple platforms. Our services extend beyond just developing apps. We can provide a complete infrastructure for deployment, content management and hosting.
- %footer
- %p
- = "All rights reserved. © BuUuk " +
- login_haml_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/login.haml", login_haml_content)
- # create layout.haml
- layout_haml_content = <<-layout_haml_content
-!!! 5
- %head
- %title= if @page_title then "CMS " + @page_title.humanize else "CMS" end
- %meta{:content => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
- %meta{:content => "NONE,NOARCHIVE", :name => "robots"}
- %link{:href => "", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- :css
- body {
- padding-top: 60px;
- }
- %body
- .topbar
- .topbar-inner
- .container-fluid
- %a.brand{:href=>"/"}
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
- %ul.nav
- %a{:href => "/cms/dashboard"}Dashboard
- %p.pull-right
- %a{:href => "/cms/logout"}Logout
- .container-fluid
- .sidebar
- .well
- = haml :sidebar
- .content
- = yield
- %footer
- %p
- = "All rights reserved. © BuUuk " +
- layout_haml_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/layout.haml", layout_haml_content)
- sidebar_haml_content = <<-sidebar_haml_content
- CMS Modules
- %ul
- %li
- %a{:href => "#"}Push Notification
- %li
- %a{:href => "#"}Collection Items
- sidebar_haml_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/sidebar.haml", sidebar_haml_content)
- dashboard_haml_content = <<-dashboard_haml_content
- This is the dashboard
- dashboard_haml_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/dashboard.haml", dashboard_haml_content)
+# Push
# create push folder if not exist
if options.push
- puts "Zinging push CMS"
- ZingHelper.create_directory(push_directory)
+ begin
+ puts "Zinging push CMS"
- # check if database config exist and connection successful
- ZingHelper.connect_db(project_absolute_dir + "/models.rb")
+ Zing::FileHelper.create_directory(push_directory)
- # create Token table
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:tokens)
- puts "exists Token Table"
- else
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :tokens do |t|
- t.string :udid, :limit => 40, :null => false
- t.string :owner, :limit => 40
- t.string :token, :limit => 128, :null => false
- t.boolean :buuuk, :default => 0
- t.boolean :valid_udid, :default => 1
- t.string :carrier
- t.integer :utime, :limit => 16
- t.string :network_code, :limit => 12
- t.string :country_code, :limit => 12
- t.string :device, :limit => 32
- t.string :country
- t.string :version, :limit => 16
- t.timestamps
- end
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:tokens)
- puts "passed".green + " Token Table Creation"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " Token Table Creation"
- exit!
- end
- end
+ # check if database config exist and connection successful
+ Zing::DbHelper.connect_db(project_absolute_dir + "/models.rb")
- # create Notification table
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:notifications)
- puts "exists Notification Table"
- else
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :notifications do |t|
- t.string :message
- t.string :btn_name, :limit => 64
- t.string :sound, :limit => 64
- t.string :url
- t.string :category, :limit => 64
- t.string :carrier, :limit => 64
- t.string :test_udids, :limit => 512
- t.integer :utime, :limit => 16
- t.timestamps
- end
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:notifications)
- puts "passed".green + " Notification Table Creation"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " Notification Table Creation"
- exit!
- end
- end
+ # create Token Table
+ Zing::DbHelper.create_token_table
+ # create Notification Table
+ Zing::DbHelper.create_notification_table
+ # create ApnLog Table
+ Zing::DbHelper.create_apn_log_table
- # create ApnLog table
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:apn_logs)
- puts "exists ApnLog Table"
- else
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :apn_logs do |t|
- t.integer :notification_id
- t.integer :notification_size, :limit => 16
- t.text :log_text
- t.integer :utime, :limit => 16
- t.timestamps
- end
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:apn_logs)
- puts "passed".green + " ApnLog Table Creation"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " ApnLog Table Creation"
- exit!
- end
- end
+ # copy file templates
+ Zing::FileHelper.copy_file_templates(options, "options_push")
- # create Token model
- token_content = <<-token_class
-class Token < ActiveRecord::Base
- token_class
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{models_directory}/token.rb", token_content)
+ # completion
+ puts "Dont forget to place your '".yellow + "#{app_name}_push_certificate.pem".red + "' file in '".yellow + "/push".red + "' folder".yellow
- # create Notification model
- notification_content = <<-notification_class
-class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
- notification_class
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{models_directory}/notification.rb", notification_content)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts "ERROR: #{e.message}".red
+ puts ""
+ exit!
+ end
- # create ApnLog model
- apn_log_content = <<-apn_log_class
-class ApnLog < ActiveRecord::Base
- apn_log_class
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{models_directory}/apn_log.rb", apn_log_content)
- # create the Push class
- push_class_content = <<-push_class
-gem "apns", "=0.9.0"
-require "apns"
-class Push
- def self.push_new_alert(notification, token_array)
- notification_id =
- message = notification.message
- button_name = notification.btn_name
- sound = notification.sound
- url = notification.url
- test_udids = notification.test_udids
- # apn setting
- = ""
- APNS.pem = "#{app_name}_push_certificate.pem"
- # always overide token_array if test udids exist
- if token_array.size > 0 and test_udids and test_udids.size > 0
- token_array = Token.find_all_by_udid(test_udids).map(&:token).compact
- end
- apn_notifications = []
- if token_array.size > 0
- token_array.each do |token|
- apn_notifications <<
- token,
- :alert => {:body => message,"action-loc-key" => button_name},
- :sound => sound,
- :other => {:url => url}
- )
- end
- APNS.send_notifications(apn_notifications)
- # Log the push
- ApnLog.create(
- :notification_id => notification_id,
- :log_text => apn_notifications.inspect,
- :utime =>
- )
- end
- end
- push_class
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{push_directory}/push.rb", push_class_content)
- # completion
- puts "Dont forget to place your '".yellow + "#{app_name}_push_certificate.pem".red + "' file in '".yellow + "/push".red + "' folder".yellow