bin/zing in zing-0.1.2 vs bin/zing in zing-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@
models_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/models"
views_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/views"
routes_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/routes"
push_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/push"
helpers_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/helpers"
scss_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/sass"
+css_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/css"
images_directory = project_absolute_dir + "/public/images"
# check if and app_name.rb exist
unless File.exist?(project_absolute_dir + "/") and
File.exist?(project_absolute_dir + "/#{app_name}.rb")
@@ -135,22 +138,13 @@
# Base
# This will be the base CMS, the rest will not function without this
if options.base
- # run compass create to setup blueprint and stuff
- compass_create_result = system("compass create --sass-dir public/sass --css-dir public/stylesheets --images-dir public/images --javascripts-dir public/javascripts --using blueprint/semantic")
- if compass_create_result
- puts "passed".green + " compass create"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " compass create"
- exit!
- end
- # copy cms images from gem to the app images folder
+ # copy cms images from gem to the app images directory
zing_images = `gem contents zing`.split("\n").select {|e| e.match(/\.png/i)}
- FileUtils.cp zing_images,images_directory
+ FileUtils.cp zing_images, images_directory
# check if database config exist and connection successful
ZingHelper.connect_db(project_absolute_dir + "/models.rb")
# create AdminUser table
@@ -212,178 +206,48 @@
ZingHelper.create_file("#{routes_directory}/cms.rb", cms_content)
- # create application.scss
- application_scss_content = <<-application_scss_content
-@import "compass";
-@import "blueprint";
-@import "partials/base";
-@import "partials/page";
-@import "partials/form";
-.top_wrapper {
- background: white url('../images/background-v2.png') 0 0 repeat-x;
-.footer_wrapper {
- background: url('../images/bg_footer_top.png') #F8F8F8 repeat-x;
-.bottom_wrapper {
- background: url('../images/bg_footer_bottom.png') white repeat-x;
- height: 40px;
- @include container;
- #header {
- @include column(24);
- height: 91px;
- .logo {
- @include column(11);
- @include prepend(1);
- display:block;
- position:relative;
- top: 16px;
- }
- .topnav {
- @include column(11);
- @include append(1);
- text-align: right;
- display:block;
- position:relative;
- }
- }
- #content{
- @include column(22);
- @include append(1);
- @include prepend(1);
- @include prepend-top(-20px);
- @include append-bottom(10px);
- background: url('../images/background-white.png') 0 0 no-repeat;
- // @include column-grid-background;
- #login {
- @include prepend-top(70px);
- @include append-bottom(60px);
- @include column(10);
- @include prepend(7);
- @include append(7);
- }
- #page_title {
- @include prepend-top(20px);
- @include column(22);
- // @include column-grid-background;
- }
- #page_content {
- @include column(22);
- // @include column-grid-background;
- }
- }
- @include container;
- #upper_footer {
- @include column(24);
- overflow: hidden;
- height: 60px;
- .copyright{
- @include column(15);
- text-align: right;
- display:block;
- position:relative;
- top: 25px;
- }
- .bottom_logo {
- @include column(7, true);
- @include append(1);
- text-align: right;
- display:block;
- position:relative;
- top: 14px;
- h1 {
- color:rgb(219, 220, 221);
- }
- }
- }
- #lower_footer {
- }
- application_scss_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{scss_directory}/application.scss", application_scss_content)
# create login.haml
login_haml_content = <<-login_haml_content
!!! 5
%title= if @page_title then "CMS " + @page_title.humanize else "CMS" end
%meta{:content => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
%meta{:content => "NONE,NOARCHIVE", :name => "robots"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/screen.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/print.css", :media => "print", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- /[if lt IE 8]
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/ie.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/application.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
+ %link{:href => "", :rel => "sytlesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %body.bp
- .top_wrapper
- #main
- #header
- .logo
- %h1
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
+ %body
+ .topbar
+ .fill
+ .container
+ %a.brand{:href=>"#"}
+ = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
+ %ul.nav
+ %a{:href => "#"}Home
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "#about"}About
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "#contact"}Contact
+ %form.pull-right{:action => "/cms/login", :method => "post"}
+ %input.input-small{:type => "text", :placeholder => "Username"}
+ %input.input-small{:type => "text", :placeholder => "Password"}
+ %button.btn{:type => "submit"}Sign in
- #content
- %form#login.bp{:action => "/cms/login", :method => "post"}
- %fieldset
- %legend Login
- %p
- %label{:for => "username"} Username
- %br
- %input#username.title{:name => "username", :type => "text", :value => ""}
- %p
- %label{:for => "password"} Password
- %br
- %input#password.title{:name => "password", :type => "password", :value => ""}
- %p
- %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Submit"}
+ .container
+ .hero-unit
+ %h1 CMS
+ %p App CMS
- .footer_wrapper
- #footer
- #upper_footer
- .copyright
- = "All rights reserved. © " + + " " + $APP_NAME + "."
+ .footer
+ %p
+ = "All rights reserved. © " + + " " + $APP_NAME + "."
- .bottom_logo
- %h1
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
- #lower_footer
- .bottom_wrapper
ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/login.haml", login_haml_content)
# create layout.haml
layout_haml_content = <<-layout_haml_content
@@ -391,85 +255,47 @@
%title= if @page_title then "CMS " + @page_title.humanize else "CMS" end
%meta{:content => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
%meta{:content => "NONE,NOARCHIVE", :name => "robots"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/screen.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/print.css", :media => "print", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- /[if lt IE 8]
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/ie.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %link{:href => "/stylesheets/application.css", :media => "screen, projection", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}
+ %link{:href => "", :rel => "sytlesheet", :type => "text/css"}
- %body.bp
- .top_wrapper
- #main
- #header
- .logo
- %h1
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
+ %body
- #content
- #page_title
- %h2
- = @page_title
+ .topbar
+ .fill
+ .container
+ %a.brand{:href=>"#"}
+ = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
+ %ul.nav
+ %a{:href => "#"}Home
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "#about"}About
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "#contact"}Contact
+ %form.pull-right{:action => "/cms/login", :method => "post"}
+ %input.input-small{:type => "text", :placeholder => "Username"}
+ %input.input-small{:type => "text", :placeholder => "Password"}
+ %button.btn{:type => "submit"}Sign in
- #page_nav
- = page_navigation(@page_title) if respond_to? "page_navigation"
+ .container
+ .content
+ = yield
- #page_content
- = yield
+ .footer
+ %p
+ = "All rights reserved. © " + + " " + $APP_NAME + "."
- .footer_wrapper
- #footer
- #upper_footer
- .copyright
- = "All rights reserved. © " + + " " + $APP_NAME + "."
- .bottom_logo
- %h1
- = $APP_NAME + " CMS"
- #lower_footer
- .bottom_wrapper
ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/layout.haml", layout_haml_content)
dashboard_haml_content = <<-dashboard_haml_content
This is the dashboard
ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/dashboard.haml", dashboard_haml_content)
- # add View Partial
- # check if helpers folder exist
- ZingHelper.create_directory(helpers_directory)
- view_partial_content = <<-view_partial_content
-module ViewPartial
- def page_navigation(current_page)
- haml :page_navigation
- end
- view_partial_content
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{helpers_directory}/view_partial.rb", view_partial_content)
- # page_navigation.haml
- page_navigation_haml = <<-page_navigation_haml
- %ul
- %li page_navigation
- page_navigation_haml
- ZingHelper.create_file("#{views_directory}/page_navigation.haml", page_navigation_haml)
- # compass compile scss
- compass_compile_result = system("compass compile")
- if compass_compile_result
- puts "passed".green + " compass compile"
- else
- puts "failed".red + " compass compile"
- exit!
- end
# create push folder if not exist