build/zeus-linux-amd64 in zeus-0.15.0 vs build/zeus-linux-amd64 in zeus-0.15.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1274,19 +1274,19 @@
writerOnly PV writerSem pV zeus-init V
zeus-start V zeus.json V zoneTrans V
{brightgreen} V {magenta} 0V {reset}( PV {reset}) pV {reset}, V {reset}Status: V {yellow} V {yellow} V {yellow}│ V called using nil * PV into Go value of type V of unexported method V **exec.closeOnce V **net.UnixListener PV **processtree.SlaveNode V **signal.handler V **ttyutils.Termios V **unixsocket.Usock PV *[0]reflect.fieldScan V *[1]interface {} V *[1]reflect.fieldScan V *[1]time.zoneTrans PV *[28]strconv.leftCheat V *[2]interface {} V *[2]syscall._C_int V *[3]interface {} PV *[4]interface {} V *[61]runtime.mcachelist V *[87]strconv.extFloat V *[8]interface {} PV *[8]reflect.Type V *[8]strconv.extFloat V *[]unsafe.Pointer V *base64.Encoding PV *chan *unixsocket.Usock V *encoding.TextMarshaler V *errors.errorString V *filepath.lazybuf PV *fmt.runeUnreader V *io.LimitedReader V *io.stringWriter V *json.MarshalerError PV *json.SyntaxError V *json.Unmarshaler V *json.arrayEncoder V *json.condAddrEncoder PV *json.decodeState V *json.encodeState V *json.encoderFunc V *json.floatEncoder PV *json.mapEncoder V *json.ptrEncoder V *json.sliceEncoder V *json.stringValues PV *json.structEncoder V *json.tagOptions V *net.HardwareAddr V *net.InvalidAddrError PV *net.UnixListener V *net.dnsRR_CNAME V *net.dnsRR_HINFO V *net.dnsRR_Header PV *net.dnsRR_MINFO V *net.timeoutError V *os.ProcessState V *os.SyscallError PV *processtree.SlaveNode V *rand.lockedSource V *reflect.ChanDir W *reflect.SliceHeader P W *reflect.StringHeader W *reflect.StructField W *reflect.StructTag W *reflect.ValueError PW *reflect.arrayType W *reflect.chanType W *reflect.emptyInterface W *reflect.fieldScan PW *reflect.imethod W *reflect.interfaceType W *reflect.mapType W *reflect.methodValue PW *reflect.ptrDataGC W *reflect.ptrType W *reflect.sliceType W *reflect.structField PW *reflect.structType W *reflect.uncommonType W *restarter.restarter W *runtime.MemStats PW *runtime.debugvars W *runtime.deferchunk W *runtime.errorCString W *runtime.errorString PW *runtime.funcval W *runtime.gcstats W *runtime.imethod W *runtime.interfacetype PW *runtime.mcachelist W *runtime.stringer W *runtime.uncommontype W *shinylog.ShinyLogger PW *strconv.NumError W *strconv.decimal W *strconv.decimalSlice W *strconv.extFloat P W *strconv.floatInfo W *strconv.leftCheat W *sync.copyChecker
W *syscall.Cmsghdr P
W *syscall.Credential
W *syscall.IfAddrmsg
-W *syscall.IfInfomsg W *syscall.NetlinkMessage PW *syscall.NlMsghdr W *syscall.ProcAttr W *syscall.RawSockaddr W *syscall.RawSockaddrAny PW *syscall.RtGenmsg W *syscall.Sockaddr W *syscall.SockaddrInet4
W *syscall.SockaddrInet6 P
W *syscall.SockaddrUnix
W *syscall.SysProcAttr
W *syscall.Termios W *syscall.Timespec PW *syscall.Timeval W *syscall.WaitStatus W *syscall._Socklen W *syscall.mmapper PW *time.ParseError W *time.runtimeTimer W *ttyutils.Termios W *ttyutils.Ttysize PW *unicode.CaseRange W *unicode.Range16 W *unicode.Range32 W *unicode.RangeTable PW *unicode.foldPair W *unixsocket.Usock W *unixsocket.oobReader W --file-change-delay PW /lib/time/ W /usr/lib/locale/TZ/ W /usr/share/zoneinfo/ W 0123456789ABCDEF PW 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF W 0123456789abcdef W 11920928955078125 W 1490116119384765625 PW 2384185791015625 W 298023223876953125 W 59604644775390625 W 7450580596923828125 PW : missing method W : value of type W <-chan time.Time W AllCommandsAndAliases PW AssignComputeBounds W Available commands: W CPU time limit exceeded W Can't open socket. PW Canadian_Aboriginal W CorruptInputError W Egyptian_Hieroglyphs W FatalErrorString PW IDS_Binary_Operator W IDS_Trinary_Operator W Imperial_Aramaic W Inscriptional_Pahlavi PW Inscriptional_Parthian W InvalidAddrError W InvalidUnmarshalError W IsLinkLocalMulticast PW IsLinkLocalUnicast W Logical_Order_Exception W Meroitic_Cursive W Meroitic_Hieroglyphs PW NetlinkRouteAttr W NetlinkRouteRequest W No FD received :( W Noncharacter_Code_Point PW Old_South_Arabian W Other_Alphabetic W Other_Grapheme_Extend W Other_ID_Continue PW Pattern_White_Space W Process has crashed W RFS specific error W RawSockaddrInet4 PW RawSockaddrInet6 W RawSockaddrLinklayer W RawSockaddrNetlink W RequestCommandBoot PW RequestSlaveBoot W Seek: invalid offset W Seek: invalid whence W SetKeepAlivePeriod P W SetWriteDeadline W SlaveWasInitialized W SockaddrLinklayer !W SocketControlMessage P!W StringChannelWriter !W Terminal_Punctuation !W TypeAssertionError "W Unified_Ideograph P"W UnknownNetworkError "W UnmarshalTypeError "W Unrecognized state: #W UnsupportedTypeError P#W UnsupportedValueError #W Variation_Selector #W WaitCanceledRead $W WaitCanceledWrite P$W ZEUS_MASTER_FD=%d $W Zeus version 0.15.0 $W [%s:%d] %s/(no PID) %W [0]reflect.fieldScan P%W [0]runtime.imethod %W [0]runtime.method %W [0]unicode.Range16 &W [100000]unsafe.Pointer P&W [106]unicode.Range16 &W [107]unicode.Range32 &W [10]unicode.Range16 'W [10]unicode.Range32 P'W [110]unicode.Range16 'W [111]unicode.Range16 'W [115]unicode.Range16 (W [11]unicode.Range16 P(W [121]unicode.Range16 (W [12]unicode.Range16 (W [12]unicode.Range32 )W [13]unicode.Range16 P)W [13]unicode.Range32 )W [145]unicode.Range16 )W [14]unicode.Range16 *W [14]unicode.Range32 P*W [15]unicode.Range16 *W [168]unicode.Range16 *W [16]unicode.Range16 +W [16]unicode.Range32 P+W [172]unicode.Range16 +W [18]unicode.Range16 +W [1]reflect.fieldScan ,W [1]time.zoneTrans P,W [1]unicode.Range16 ,W [1]unicode.Range32 ,W [1]unsafe.Pointer -W [20]unicode.Range16 P-W [21]unicode.Range16 -W [22]unicode.Range16 -W [23]unicode.Range16 .W [23]unicode.Range32 P.W [24]unicode.Range32 .W [25]unicode.Range32 .W [265]unicode.CaseRange /W [274]unicode.Range16 P/W [27]unicode.Range16 /W [28]strconv.leftCheat /W [28]unicode.Range16 0W [29]unicode.Range32 P0W [2]syscall._C_int 0W [2]unicode.Range16 0W [2]unicode.Range32 1W [30]unicode.Range16 P1W [31]unicode.Range16 1W [31]unicode.Range32 1W [32]unicode.Range16 2W [32]unsafe.Pointer P2W [348]unicode.Range16 2W [35]unicode.Range16 2W [35]unicode.Range32 3W [37]unicode.Range16 P3W [3]unicode.Range16 3W [3]unicode.Range32 3W [44]unicode.Range16 4W [45]unicode.Range16 P4W [46]unicode.Range32 4W [4]unicode.Range16 4W [4]unicode.Range32 5W [51]unicode.Range32 P5W [5]unicode.Range16 5W [5]unicode.Range32 5W [60]unicode.Range16 6W [61]runtime.mcachelist P6W [63]unicode.Range16 6W [63]unicode.foldPair 6W [64]unicode.Range32 7W [69]unicode.Range16 P7W [6]unicode.Range16 7W [6]unicode.Range32 7W [70]unicode.Range32 8W [76]unicode.Range32 P8W [7]unicode.Range16 8W [7]unicode.Range32 8W [87]strconv.extFloat 9W [87]unicode.Range16 P9W [8]*reflect.ptrType 9W [8]*reflect.rtype 9W [8]*reflect.structType :W [8]*signal.handler P:W [8]*unicode.RangeTable :W [8]chan<- os.Signal :W [8]func() net.dnsRR ;W [8]json.encoderFunc P;W [8]strconv.extFloat ;W [8]unicode.Range16 ;W [8]unicode.Range32 <W [95]unicode.Range16 P<W [96]unicode.Range16 <W [98]unicode.Range16 <W [99]unicode.Range16 =W [9]unicode.Range16 P=W []*reflect.ptrType =W []*reflect.rtype =W []*reflect.structType >W []*signal.handler P>W []*unicode.RangeTable >W []chan<- os.Signal >W []func() net.dnsRR ?W []json.encoderFunc P?W []reflect.fieldScan ?W []reflect.imethod ?W []reflect.method @W []reflect.structField P@W []runtime.imethod @W []runtime.mcachelist @W []runtime.method AW []strconv.extFloat PAW []strconv.leftCheat AW []syscall._C_int AW []time.zoneTrans BW []unicode.CaseRange PBW []unicode.Range16 BW []unicode.Range32 BW []unicode.foldPair CW []unsafe.Pointer PCW address already in use CW after array element CW after object key DW after top-level value PDW argument list too long DW babysitRootProcess DW bad file descriptor EW bad font file format PEW bad unicode format EW bad value for field EW block device required FW bufio: buffer full PFW bufio: negative count FW bytes.Buffer: too large FW can't scan type: GW cannot allocate memory PGW chan *json.encodeState GW chan *unixsocket.Usock GW chan<- os.Signal HW childBootRequests PHW closeDescriptors HW commandBootRequests HW connection refused IW connection timed out PIW corrupt zip file IW device not a stream IW device or resource busy JW directory not empty PJW disk quota exceeded JW doCrashedOrReadyState JW encoding.TextMarshaler KW entered state SReady PKW errors.errorString KW examples/zeus.json KW exec format error LW exec: Stdin already set PLW exec: already started LW exec: not started LW expected integer MW expected newline PMW expected quoted string MW featureHandlerRunning MW file already exists NW file does not exist PNW file name too long NW filepath.lazybuf NW fmt.runeUnreader OW fractional second POW fsevents-wrapper OW func() ([]uint8, error) OW func() (float64, error) PW func() (int, bool) PPW func() (int, error) PW func() (int, int) PW func() (int, int, int) QW func() (int64, error) PQW func() (int64, int64) QW func() (string, bool) QW func() (string, error) RW func() (string, int) PRW func() (string, string) RW func() (uint32, bool) RW func() (uint8, bool) SW func() (uint8, error) PSW func() *reflect.rtype SW func() *time.Location SW func() [2]uintptr TW func() []interface {} PTW func() []reflect.Value TW func() complex128 TW func() interface {} UW func() net.IPMask PUW func() net.dnsRR UW func() os.FileMode UW func() reflect.ChanDir VW func() reflect.Kind PVW func() reflect.Type VW func() reflect.Value VW func() reflect.iword WW func() sync.Locker PWW func() syscall.Signal WW func() time.Duration WW func() time.Month XW func() time.Time PXW func() time.Weekday XW func(*bufio.Reader) int XW func(*bufio.Reader) YW func(*bytes.Buffer) int PYW func(*bytes.Buffer) YW func(*exec.Cmd) error YW func(*fmt.buffer) ZW func(*fmt.fmt, []uint8) PZW func(*fmt.fmt, bool) ZW func(*fmt.fmt, float32) ZW func(*fmt.fmt, float64) [W func(*fmt.fmt, int64) P[W func(*fmt.fmt, string) [W func(*fmt.pp, int) bool [W func(*fmt.pp, int32) \W func(*fmt.pp, int64) P\W func(* error \W func(* int32 \W func(* string ]W func(*, bool) P]W func(*, error) ]W func(*, string) ]W func(*json.byIndex) int ^W func(*json.byName) int P^W func(*json.encodeState) ^W func(*json.scanner) int ^W func(*json.scanner) _W func(*log.Logger) int P_W func(*log.Logger, int) _W func(*net.Flags) string _W func(*net.IP) bool `W func(*net.IP) net.IP P`W func(*net.IP) string `W func(*net.IPAddr) bool `W func(*net.IPAddr) int aW func(*net.IPConn) bool PaW func(*net.IPConn) error aW func(*net.IPNet) string aW func(*net.OpError) bool bW func(*net.TCPAddr) bool PbW func(*net.TCPAddr) int bW func(*net.TCPConn) bool bW func(*net.UDPAddr) bool cW func(*net.UDPAddr) int PcW func(*net.UDPConn) bool cW func(*net.UnixAddr) int cW func(*net.conn) bool dW func(*net.conn) error PdW func(*net.fdMutex) bool dW func(*net.netFD) error dW func(*net.netFD) string eW func(*net.netFD) PeW func(*net.pollDesc) eW func(*os.File) error eW func(*os.File) string fW func(*os.File) uintptr PfW func(*os.FileMode) bool fW func(*os.Process) bool fW func(*os.Process) error gW func(*os.Process) PgW func(*os.file) error gW func(*os.fileStat) bool gW func(*rand.Rand) int hW func(*rand.Rand) int32 PhW func(*rand.Rand) int64 hW func(*rand.Rand) uint32 hW func(*rand.Rand, int64) iW func(*reflect.Value) PiW func(*reflect.flag) iW func(*runtime.lock) iW func(*sync.Cond) jW func(*sync.Cond, bool) PjW func(*sync.Mutex) jW func(*sync.RWMutex) jW func(*sync.WaitGroup) kW func(*sync.copyChecker) PkW func(*sync.rlocker) kW func(*syscall.Signal) kW func(*syscall.mmapper) lW func(*time.Time) bool PlW func(*time.Time) int lW func(*time.Time) int64 lW func(*time.Time) string mW func(*time.Time) uint64 PmW func(*time.Timer) bool mW func(*unixsocket.Usock) mW func(...interface {}) nW func([]io.Closer) PnW func([]uint8) error nW func([]uint8) string nW func([]uint8, []uint8) oW func([]uint8, string) PoW func(bool) error oW func(bool, int32) oW func(complex128) bool pW func(complex128) PpW func(complex128, int32) pW func(complex64, int32) pW func(error) bool qW func(float32, int32) PqW func(float64) bool qW func(float64, int32) qW func(fmt.State, int32) rW func(int) []uint8 PrW func(int) reflect.Type rW func(int) reflect.Value rW func(int) string sW func(int, []uint8) PsW func(int, int) bool sW func(int, int) error sW func(int, string) error tW func(int, string) int PtW func(int32) bool tW func(int32) error tW func(int32) int32 uW func(int32) string PuW func(int32, **uint8) uW func(int32, int) int64 uW func(int32, int) uint64 vW func(int64) bool PvW func(int64) error vW func(int64) int64 vW func(int64, int32) wW func(interface {}) PwW func(ioutil.byName) int wW func(json.byIndex) int wW func(json.byName) int xW func(map[string]bool) PxW func(net.Flags) string xW func(net.IP) bool xW func(net.IP) net.IP yW func(net.IP) net.IPMask PyW func(net.IP) string yW func(net.IPMask) net.IP yW func(net.IPMask) string zW func(os.File) error PzW func(os.FileMode) bool zW func(os.FileMode) error zW func(os.Signal) error {W func(reflect.Kind) P{W func(reflect.Type) bool {W func(reflect.Value) int {W func(reflect.Value) |W func(reflect.flag) P|W func(strconv.extFloat) |W func(string) bool |W func(string) int }W func(string) string P}W func(string, bool) bool }W func(string, string) }W func(syscall.Signal) ~W func(time.Month) string P~W func(time.Time) bool ~W func(time.Time) error ~W func(time.Time) int W func(time.Time) int64 PW func(time.Time) string W func(time.Time) uint64 W func(uint64) bool W func(uint64, bool) PW func(uint8) error W func(unsafe.Pointer) ЀW W handleFeatureMessage PW hasSuccessfullyBooted W identifier removed ЁW illegal hex digit W illegal instruction PW in booting state W in numeric literal ЂW in string escape code W in string literal PW in unbooted state W input/output error ЃW interface conversion: W interrupted system call PW invalid IP address W invalid argument ЄW invalid character W invalid exchange PW invalid request code W io.LimitedReader ЅW ioctl failed! %s W is a named type file PW json.MarshalerError W json.SyntaxError ІW json.UnmarshalTypeError W json.Unmarshaler PW json.arrayEncoder W json.condAddrEncoder ЇW json.decodeState W json.encodeState PW json.encoderFunc W json.floatEncoder ЈW json.sliceEncoder W json.stringValues PW json.structEncoder W json: Unmarshal(nil ЉW json: Unmarshal(nil) W json: cannot unmarshal PW key has been revoked W link has been severed ЊW literalInterface W local_cachealloc PW local_nlargefree W local_nsmallfree ЋW map.bucket[string]bool W map.bucket[string]int PW map[*uint8][]uint8 W map[reflect.Type]bool ЌW map[reflect.Type]int W map[string]float64 PW map[string]interface {} W map[string]string ЍW message too long W multihop attempted PW mustBeAssignable W my parent is ready now ЎW net.HardwareAddr W net.InvalidAddrError PW net.UnixListener W net.UnknownNetworkError ЏW net.dnsRR_Header W net.timeoutError PW net: invalid interface W net: no such interface АW net:"domain-name"