build/zeus-darwin-amd64 in zeus-0.15.0 vs build/zeus-darwin-amd64 in zeus-0.15.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1632,20 +1632,20 @@
writerOnly writerSem 0 zeus-init P
zeus-start p zeus.json zoneTrans
{brightgreen} {magenta} {reset}( {reset}) 0 {reset}, P {reset}Status: p {yellow} {yellow} {yellow}│ called using nil * into Go value of type P of unexported method **exec.closeOnce **net.UnixListener **processtree.SlaveNode P **signal.handler **ttyutils.Termios **unixsocket.Usock *[0]reflect.fieldScan P *[14]syscall._C_int *[1]interface {} *[1]reflect.fieldScan *[1]time.zoneTrans P *[28]strconv.leftCheat *[2]interface {} *[2]syscall._C_int *[3]interface {} P *[4]interface {} *[4]syscall.Sockaddr *[61]runtime.mcachelist *[6]syscall._C_int P *[87]strconv.extFloat *[8]interface {} *[8]reflect.Type *[8]strconv.extFloat P *[]unsafe.Pointer *base64.Encoding *chan *unixsocket.Usock
*encoding.TextMarshaler P
- *fmt.runeUnreader *io.stringWriter P *json.MarshalerError *json.SyntaxError *json.Unmarshaler *json.arrayEncoder P *json.condAddrEncoder *json.decodeState *json.encodeState
*json.encoderFunc P
*json.ptrEncoder *json.sliceEncoder P *json.stringValues *json.structEncoder *json.tagOptions *net.HardwareAddr P *net.InvalidAddrError *net.UnixListener *net.dnsRR_CNAME *net.dnsRR_HINFO P *net.dnsRR_Header *net.dnsRR_MINFO *net.timeoutError *os.ProcessState P *os.SyscallError *processtree.SlaveNode *rand.lockedSource *reflect.ChanDir P *reflect.SliceHeader *reflect.StringHeader *reflect.StructField *reflect.StructTag P *reflect.ValueError *reflect.arrayType *reflect.chanType *reflect.emptyInterface P *reflect.fieldScan *reflect.imethod *reflect.interfaceType *reflect.mapType P *reflect.methodValue *reflect.ptrDataGC *reflect.ptrType *reflect.sliceType P *reflect.structField *reflect.structType *reflect.uncommonType *restarter.restarter P *runtime.MemStats *runtime.debugvars *runtime.deferchunk *runtime.errorCString P *runtime.errorString *runtime.funcval *runtime.gcstats *runtime.imethod P *runtime.interfacetype *runtime.mcachelist *runtime.stringer *runtime.uncommontype P *shinylog.ShinyLogger *strconv.NumError *strconv.decimal *strconv.decimalSlice P *strconv.extFloat *strconv.floatInfo *strconv.leftCheat *sync.copyChecker P *syscall.Cmsghdr *syscall.Credential *syscall.IfMsghdr *syscall.IfaMsghdr P *syscall.IfmaMsghdr2 *syscall.ProcAttr *syscall.RawSockaddr *syscall.RawSockaddrAny P *syscall.RouteMessage *syscall.RoutingMessage *syscall.RtMetrics *syscall.RtMsghdr P *syscall.Sockaddr *syscall.SockaddrInet4 *syscall.SockaddrInet6 *syscall.SockaddrUnix P *syscall.SysProcAttr *syscall.Timespec *syscall.Timeval ! *syscall.Timeval32 P! *syscall.WaitStatus ! *syscall._Socklen ! *syscall.anyMessage " *syscall.attrList P" *syscall.mmapper " *time.ParseError " *time.runtimeTimer # *ttyutils.Termios P# *ttyutils.Ttysize # *ttyutils.speed_t # *ttyutils.tcflag_t $ *unicode.CaseRange P$ *unicode.Range16 $ *unicode.Range32 $ *unicode.RangeTable % *unicode.foldPair P% *unixsocket.Usock % *unixsocket.oobReader % --file-change-delay & /lib/time/ P& /usr/lib/locale/TZ/ & /usr/share/zoneinfo/ & 0123456789ABCDEF ' 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF P' 0123456789abcdef ' 11920928955078125 ' 1490116119384765625 ( 2384185791015625 P( 298023223876953125 ( 59604644775390625 ( 7450580596923828125 ) : missing method P) : value of type ) <-chan time.Time ) AllCommandsAndAliases * AssignComputeBounds P* Available commands: * Can't open socket. * Canadian_Aboriginal + CorruptInputError P+ EMULTIHOP (Reserved) + ENOLINK (Reserved) + Egyptian_Hieroglyphs , FatalErrorString P, IDS_Binary_Operator , IDS_Trinary_Operator , Imperial_Aramaic - Inscriptional_Pahlavi P- Inscriptional_Parthian - InterfaceAddrMessage - InterfaceMessage . InvalidAddrError P. InvalidUnmarshalError . IsLinkLocalMulticast . IsLinkLocalUnicast / Logical_Order_Exception P/ Meroitic_Cursive / Meroitic_Hieroglyphs / No FD received :( 0 Noncharacter_Code_Point P0 Old_South_Arabian 0 Other_Alphabetic 0 Other_Grapheme_Extend 1 Other_ID_Continue P1 Pattern_White_Space 1 Process has crashed 1 RPC prog. not avail 2 RPC struct is bad P2 RPC version wrong 2 RawSockaddrDatalink 2 RawSockaddrInet4 3 RawSockaddrInet6 P3 RequestCommandBoot 3 RequestSlaveBoot 3 STREAM ioctl timeout 4 Seek: invalid offset P4 Seek: invalid whence 4 SetKeepAlivePeriod 4 SetWriteDeadline 5 SlaveWasInitialized P5 SockaddrDatalink 5 SocketControlMessage 5 StringChannelWriter 6 Terminal_Punctuation P6 TypeAssertionError 6 Unified_Ideograph 6 UnknownNetworkError 7 UnmarshalTypeError P7 Unrecognized state: 7 UnsupportedTypeError 7 UnsupportedValueError 8 Variation_Selector P8 WaitCanceledRead 8 WaitCanceledWrite 8 ZEUS_MASTER_FD=%d 9 Zeus version 0.15.0 P9 [%s:%d] %s/(no PID) 9 [0]reflect.fieldScan 9 [0]runtime.imethod : [0]runtime.method P: [0]unicode.Range16 : [100000]unsafe.Pointer : [106]unicode.Range16 ; [107]unicode.Range32 P; [10]unicode.Range16 ; [10]unicode.Range32 ; [110]unicode.Range16 < [111]unicode.Range16 P< [115]unicode.Range16 < [11]unicode.Range16 < [121]unicode.Range16 = [12]unicode.Range16 P= [12]unicode.Range32 = [13]unicode.Range16 = [13]unicode.Range32 > [145]unicode.Range16 P> [14]syscall._C_int > [14]unicode.Range16 > [14]unicode.Range32 ? [15]unicode.Range16 P? [168]unicode.Range16 ? [16]unicode.Range16 ? [16]unicode.Range32 @ [172]unicode.Range16 P@ [18]unicode.Range16 @ [1]reflect.fieldScan @ [1]time.zoneTrans A [1]unicode.Range16 PA [1]unicode.Range32 A [1]unsafe.Pointer A [20]ttyutils.cc_t B [20]unicode.Range16 PB [21]unicode.Range16 B [22]unicode.Range16 B [23]unicode.Range16 C [23]unicode.Range32 PC [24]unicode.Range32 C [25]unicode.Range32 C [265]unicode.CaseRange D [274]unicode.Range16 PD [27]unicode.Range16 D [28]strconv.leftCheat D [28]unicode.Range16 E [29]unicode.Range32 PE [2]syscall._C_int E [2]unicode.Range16 E [2]unicode.Range32 F [30]unicode.Range16 PF [31]unicode.Range16 F [31]unicode.Range32 F [32]unicode.Range16 G [32]unsafe.Pointer PG [348]unicode.Range16 G [35]unicode.Range16 G [35]unicode.Range32 H [37]unicode.Range16 PH [3]unicode.Range16 H [3]unicode.Range32 H [44]unicode.Range16 I [45]unicode.Range16 PI [46]unicode.Range32 I [4]syscall.Sockaddr I [4]unicode.Range16 J [4]unicode.Range32 PJ [51]unicode.Range32 J [5]unicode.Range16 J [5]unicode.Range32 K [60]unicode.Range16 PK [61]runtime.mcachelist K [63]unicode.Range16 K [63]unicode.foldPair L [64]unicode.Range32 PL [69]unicode.Range16 L [6]syscall._C_int L [6]unicode.Range16 M [6]unicode.Range32 PM [70]unicode.Range32 M [76]unicode.Range32 M [7]unicode.Range16 N [7]unicode.Range32 PN [87]strconv.extFloat N [87]unicode.Range16 N [8]*reflect.ptrType O [8]*reflect.rtype PO [8]*reflect.structType O [8]*signal.handler O [8]*unicode.RangeTable P [8]chan<- os.Signal PP [8]func() net.dnsRR P [8]json.encoderFunc P [8]strconv.extFloat Q [8]unicode.Range16 PQ [8]unicode.Range32 Q [95]unicode.Range16 Q [96]unicode.Range16 R [98]unicode.Range16 PR [99]unicode.Range16 R [9]unicode.Range16 R []*reflect.ptrType S []*reflect.rtype PS []*reflect.structType S []*signal.handler S []*unicode.RangeTable T []chan<- os.Signal PT []func() net.dnsRR T []json.encoderFunc T []reflect.fieldScan U []reflect.imethod PU []reflect.method U []reflect.structField U []runtime.imethod V []runtime.mcachelist PV []runtime.method V []strconv.extFloat V []strconv.leftCheat W []syscall.Sockaddr PW []syscall._C_int W []time.zoneTrans W []unicode.CaseRange X []unicode.Range16 PX []unicode.Range32 X []unicode.foldPair X []unsafe.Pointer Y address already in use PY after array element Y after object key Y after top-level value Z argument list too long PZ attrBuf too small Z attribute not found Z authentication error [ babysitRootProcess P[ bad file descriptor [ bad unicode format [ bad value for field \ block device required P\ bufio: buffer full \ bufio: negative count \ bytes.Buffer: too large ] can't scan type: P] cannot allocate memory ] chan *json.encodeState ] chan *unixsocket.Usock ^ chan<- os.Signal P^ childBootRequests ^ closeDescriptors ^ commandBootRequests _ connection refused P_ corrupt zip file _ cputime limit exceeded _ cross-device link ` device not configured P` device power is off ` directory not empty ` disc quota exceeded a doCrashedOrReadyState Pa encoding.TextMarshaler a entered state SReady a errors.errorString b examples/zeus.json Pb exec format error b exec: Stdin already set b exec: already started c exec: not started Pc expected integer c expected newline c expected quoted string d featureHandlerRunning Pd file already exists d file does not exist d file name too long e filepath.lazybuf Pe filesize limit exceeded e fmt.runeUnreader e fractional second f fsevents-wrapper Pf func() ([]uint8, error) f func() (float64, error) f func() (int, bool) g func() (int, error) Pg func() (int, int) g func() (int, int, int) g func() (int64, error) h func() (int64, int64) Ph func() (string, error) h func() (string, int) h func() (string, string) i func() (uint32, bool) Pi func() (uint8, bool) i func() (uint8, error) i func() *reflect.rtype j func() *time.Location Pj func() [2]uintptr j func() []interface {} j func() []reflect.Value k func() complex128 Pk func() interface {} k func() net.IPMask k func() net.dnsRR l func() os.FileMode Pl func() reflect.ChanDir l func() reflect.Kind l func() reflect.Type m func() reflect.Value Pm func() reflect.iword m func() sync.Locker m func() syscall.Signal n func() time.Duration Pn func() time.Month n func() time.Time n func() time.Weekday o func(*bufio.Reader) int Po func(*bufio.Reader) o func(*bytes.Buffer) int o func(*bytes.Buffer) p func(*exec.Cmd) error Pp func(*fmt.buffer) p func(*fmt.fmt, []uint8) p func(*fmt.fmt, bool) q func(*fmt.fmt, float32) Pq func(*fmt.fmt, float64) q func(*fmt.fmt, int64) q func(*fmt.fmt, string) r func(*fmt.pp, int) bool Pr func(*fmt.pp, int32) r func(*fmt.pp, int64) r func(* error s func(* int32 Ps func(* string s func(*, bool) s func(*, error) t func(*, string) Pt func(*json.byIndex) int t func(*json.byName) int t func(*json.encodeState) u func(*json.scanner) int Pu func(*json.scanner) u func(*log.Logger) int u func(*log.Logger, int) v func(*net.Flags) string Pv func(*net.IP) bool v func(*net.IP) net.IP v func(*net.IP) string w func(*net.IPAddr) bool Pw func(*net.IPAddr) int w func(*net.IPConn) bool w func(*net.IPConn) error x func(*net.IPNet) string Px func(*net.OpError) bool x func(*net.TCPAddr) bool x func(*net.TCPAddr) int y func(*net.TCPConn) bool Py func(*net.UDPAddr) bool y func(*net.UDPAddr) int y func(*net.UDPConn) bool z func(*net.UnixAddr) int Pz func(*net.conn) bool z func(*net.conn) error z func(*net.fdMutex) bool { func(*net.netFD) error P{ func(*net.netFD) string { func(*net.netFD) { func(*net.pollDesc) | func(*os.File) error P| func(*os.File) string | func(*os.File) uintptr | func(*os.FileMode) bool } func(*os.Process) bool P} func(*os.Process) error } func(*os.Process) } func(*os.file) error ~ func(*os.fileStat) bool P~ func(*rand.Rand) int ~ func(*rand.Rand) int32 ~ func(*rand.Rand) int64 func(*rand.Rand) uint32 P func(*rand.Rand, int64) func(*reflect.Value) func(*reflect.flag) func(*runtime.lock) P func(*sync.Cond) func(*sync.Cond, bool) Ѐ func(*sync.Mutex) func(*sync.RWMutex) P func(*sync.WaitGroup) func(*sync.copyChecker) Ё func(*sync.rlocker) func(*syscall.Signal) P func(*syscall.mmapper) func(*time.Time) bool Ђ func(*time.Time) int func(*time.Time) int64 P func(*time.Time) string func(*time.Time) uint64 Ѓ func(*time.Timer) bool func(*unixsocket.Usock) P func(...interface {}) func([]io.Closer) Є func([]uint8) error func([]uint8) string P func([]uint8, []uint8) func([]uint8, string) Ѕ func(bool) error func(bool, int32) P func(complex128) bool func(complex128) І func(complex128, int32) func(complex64, int32) P func(error) bool func(float32, int32) Ї func(float64) bool func(float64, int32) P func(fmt.State, int32) func(int) []uint8 Ј func(int) reflect.Type func(int) reflect.Value P func(int) string func(int, []uint8) Љ func(int, int) bool func(int, int) error P func(int, string) error func(int, string) int Њ func(int32) bool func(int32) error P func(int32) int32 func(int32) string Ћ func(int32, **uint8) func(int32, int) int64 P func(int32, int) uint64 func(int64) bool Ќ func(int64) error func(int64) int64 P func(int64, int32) func(interface {}) Ѝ func(ioutil.byName) int func(json.byIndex) int P func(json.byName) int func(map[string]bool) Ў func(net.Flags) string func(net.IP) bool P func(net.IP) net.IP func(net.IP) net.IPMask Џ func(net.IP) string func(net.IPMask) net.IP P func(net.IPMask) string func(os.File) error А func(os.FileMode) bool func(os.FileMode) error P func(os.Signal) error func(reflect.Kind) Б func(reflect.Type) bool func(reflect.Value) int P func(reflect.Value) func(reflect.flag) В func(strconv.extFloat) func(string) bool P func(string) int func(string) string Г func(string, bool) bool func(string, string) P func(syscall.Signal) func(time.Month) string Д func(time.Time) bool func(time.Time) error P func(time.Time) int func(time.Time) int64 Е func(time.Time) string func(time.Time) uint64 P func(uint64) bool func(uint64, bool) Ж func(uint8) error func(unsafe.Pointer) P handleFeatureMessage hasSuccessfullyBooted З identifier removed illegal byte sequence P illegal hex digit illegal instruction И in booting state in numeric literal P in string escape code in string literal Й in unbooted state information request P input/output error interface conversion: К interrupted system call invalid IP address P invalid argument invalid character Л ioctl failed! %s json.MarshalerError P json.SyntaxError json.UnmarshalTypeError М json.Unmarshaler json.arrayEncoder P json.condAddrEncoder json.decodeState Н json.encodeState json.encoderFunc P json.floatEncoder json.sliceEncoder О json.stringValues json.structEncoder P json: Unmarshal(nil json: Unmarshal(nil) П json: cannot unmarshal kern.ipc.somaxconn P literalInterface local_cachealloc Р local_nlargefree local_nsmallfree P malformed Mach-o file map.bucket[string]bool С map.bucket[string]int map[*uint8][]uint8 P map[reflect.Type]bool map[reflect.Type]int Т map[string]float64 map[string]interface {} P map[string]string message too long У mustBeAssignable my parent is ready now P need authenticator net.HardwareAddr Ф net.InvalidAddrError net.UnixListener P net.UnknownNetworkError net.dnsRR_Header Х net.timeoutError net: invalid interface P net: no such interface net:"domain-name"