spec/zenlish/parser/lesson2_spec.rb in zenlish-0.2.05 vs spec/zenlish/parser/lesson2_spec.rb in zenlish-0.2.06
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative '../../spec_helper' # Use the RSpec framework
require_relative '../support/var2word'
require_relative '../../../lib/zenlish/parser/zparser' # Load the class under test
module Zenlish
@@ -178,14 +179,13 @@
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-Dx: "Lisa thinks about something bad happening to this
# living thing. Thinking about this feels bad for Lisa."
literals = [lisa, thinks, about, something, bad, happening, to, this,
- living, thing, dot,
- #thinking, about, this_as_pronoun, feels, bad,
- #for_, lisa, dot
- ]
+ living, thing, dot]
+ # thinking, about, this_as_pronoun, feels, bad,
+ # for_, lisa, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 2-E' do
# Sentence 2-14a: "Lisa says something at this time."
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@
literals = [tony, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, did, x_as_noun, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-19a definiens: 'Tony says something about Tony. Tony says: Tony did X.'
literals = [tony, says, something, about, tony, dot,
- tony, says, colon, tony, did, x_as_noun, dot]
+ tony, says, colon, tony, did, x_as_noun, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-19a: 'Tony says: "I see Lisa.".'
literals = [tony, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, see, lisa, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@
literals = [lisa, says, colon, quote, x_as_noun, happened, to, me, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-19b definiens: 'Lisa says something about Lisa. Lisa says: X happened to Lisa.'
literals = [lisa, says, something, about, lisa, dot,
- lisa, says, colon, x_as_noun, happened, to, lisa, dot]
+ lisa, says, colon, x_as_noun, happened, to, lisa, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-19c: 'Lisa says: "Tony sees me."'
literals = [lisa, says, colon, quote, tony, sees, me, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -280,12 +280,12 @@
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-20a definiens: 'Tony says something about Lisa.
# Tony says this to Lisa. Tony says: Tony can see Lisa.'
literals = [tony, says, something, about, lisa, dot,
- tony, says, this_as_pronoun, to, lisa, dot,
- tony, says, colon, tony, can, see, lisa, dot]
+ tony, says, this_as_pronoun, to, lisa, dot,
+ tony, says, colon, tony, can, see, lisa, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-20b: "I know you have something good."
literals = [i_pronoun, know, you, have, something, good, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@
literals = [tony, says, colon, quote, x_as_noun, happens, here, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-21a definiens: "Tony is in a place. Tony says: X happens in this place."
literals = [tony, is, in_, a_as_art, place, dot,
- tony, says, colon, x_as_noun, happens, in_, this, place, dot]
+ tony, says, colon, x_as_noun, happens, in_, this, place, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-21b: "Many people were here at one time."
literals = [many, people, were, here, at, one, time, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -312,20 +312,20 @@
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-22a definiens: 'Lisa says something at a time.
# Lisa says: X happens at this same time.'
literals = [lisa, says, something, at, a_as_art, time, dot,
- lisa, says, colon, x_as_noun, happens, at, this, time, dot]
+ lisa, says, colon, x_as_noun, happens, at, this, time, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-22b: "There are not many people here now."
- literals = [there, are, not_, many, people, here, now , dot]
+ literals = [there, are, not_, many, people, here, now, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-Fa: "Lisa says to Tony: "I can see many living things here."."
literals = [lisa, says, to, tony, colon, quote, i_pronoun,
- can, see, many, living, things, here, dot, quote, dot]
+ can, see, many, living, things, here, dot, quote, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 2-G' do
# Sentence 2-23a definiendum: 'Someone does X.'
@@ -333,12 +333,12 @@
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-23a definiens: 'Something does X. This something can
# think like people think. This something can be one person.'
literals = [something, does, x_as_noun, dot,
- this, something, can, think, like, people, think, dot,
- this, something, can, be_, a_as_art, person, dot]
+ this, something, can, think, like, people, think, dot,
+ this, something, can, be_, a_as_art, person, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-23b: Someone said something to Tony.
literals = [someone, said, something, to, tony, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -404,20 +404,20 @@
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-26b: In a moment, I knew something here was not good.
# 'here' is adverb that modifies the 'knew' verb
literals = [in_, a_as_art, moment, comma, i_pronoun, knew, something,
- here, was, not_, good, dot ]
+ here, was, not_, good, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-Gx: Tony is inside this thing for some time.
# Lisa says: "I want to know who is inside this thing.".
# Tony hears Lisa. Because of this, Tony says: "I am inside.".
# Tony says this after Tony hears Lisa.
literals = [tony, is, inside, this, thing, for_, some, time, dot,
lisa, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, want, to, know, who, is,
- inside, this, thing, dot, quote, dot, tony, hears, lisa, dot,
+ inside, this, thing, dot, quote, dot, tony, hears, lisa, dot,
because, of, this_as_pronoun, comma, tony, says, colon,
quote, i_pronoun, am, inside, dot, quote, dot,
tony, says, this_as_pronoun, after_, tony, hears, lisa, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
@@ -429,74 +429,69 @@
# Sentence 2-27b "Parts of this person can touch other things.
# Parts of this person can touch other parts inside this person.
# X is all of these parts of this person."
# [One part of the body of this person felt very bad.]
- literals = [ parts, of, this, person, can, touch, other, things, dot,
+ literals = [parts, of, this, person, can, touch, other, things, dot,
parts, of, this, person, can, touch, other, parts, inside,
- this, person, dot,
+ this, person, dot,
x_as_noun, is, all, of, these, parts, of, this, person, dot,
- one, part, of, the, body, of, this, person, felt, very, bad, dot
- ]
+ one, part, of, the, body, of, this, person, felt, very, bad, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-28a definiendum "X dies."
literals = [x_as_noun, dies, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-28b definiens "Something happens to X in a moment.
# X is alive before this moment. X is not alive after this moment.
# [After this person lived for a long time, this person died."
- literals = [ something, happens, to, x_as_noun, in_, a_as_art,
- moment, dot,
+ literals = [something, happens, to, x_as_noun, in_, a_as_art,
+ moment, dot,
x_as_noun, is, alive, before_adverb, this, moment, dot,
x_as_noun, is, not_, alive, after_adverb, this, moment, dot,
after_, this, person, lived, for_, a_as_art, long, time, comma,
- this, person, died, dot
- ]
+ this, person, died, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-29a definiendum "You think maybe X is true."
literals = [you, think, maybe, x_as_noun, is, true_, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-29b definiens "You think something like X
# can be true. You do not know X is true.
# You do not know X is not true.
# [Maybe some people far from here can see me.]"
- literals = [ you, do_aux, not_, know, x_as_noun, is, true_, dot,
+ literals = [you, do_aux, not_, know, x_as_noun, is, true_, dot,
you, do_aux, not_, know, x_as_noun, is, not_, true_, dot,
- maybe, some, people, far_from, here_as_noun, can, see, me, dot
- ]
+ maybe, some, people, far_from, here_as_noun, can, see, me, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-30a definiendum "J is below K."
literals = [j_, is, below, k_, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-30b definiens "K is above J.
# [I am touching this thing below me.]
- literals = [ j_, is, below, k_, dot,
- i_pronoun, am, touching, this, thing, below, me, dot
- ]
+ literals = [j_, is, below, k_, dot,
+ i_pronoun, am, touching, this, thing, below, me, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
# Sentence 2-H extra "Someone sees this thing.
# The body of this thing is not moving.
# Maybe this thing is dead."
- literals = [ someone, sees, thing, dot,
- the, body, of, this, thing, is_aux, not_, moving, dot
- ]
+ literals = [someone, sees, thing, dot,
+ the, body, of, this, thing, is_aux, not_, moving, dot]
expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error
Lesson 2.C
- Xtra:
- Tony knows Lisa has something, because Tony sees what Lisa has.
- Tony thinks about what Lisa has, because Tony want to have the same kind of thing.
+ Xtra:
+ Tony knows Lisa has something, because Tony sees what Lisa has.
+ Tony thinks about what Lisa has, because Tony want to have the same kind of thing.
end # context
end # describe
end # module
end # module