lib/zenlish/lang/zenlish_grammar.rb in zenlish-0.1.24 vs lib/zenlish/lang/zenlish_grammar.rb in zenlish-0.1.25
- old
+ new
@@ -34,22 +34,21 @@
rule 'affirmative_sentence' => 'noun_phrase Adverb Comma simple_sentence'
# there + (auxiliary/raising verb) + be + notional subject.
rule 'existential_sentence' => 'ExistentialThere IrregularVerbBe existential_subject'
rule 'negative_sentence' => 'negative_tense_phrase'
- rule 'negative_sentence' => 'negated_predicate_sentence'
rule 'inexistential_sentence' => 'ExistentialThere IrregularVerbBe AdverbNot existential_subject'
rule 'existential_subject' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt'
rule 'existential_subject' => 'prepositional_phrase'
- rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'noun_phrase affirmation'
- rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix affirmation'
- rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt negation'
- rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix negation'
- rule 'affirmation' => 'IrregularVerbBe predicative_complement'
- rule 'negation' => 'IrregularVerbBe AdverbNot predicative_complement'
+ rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt assertion'
+ rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix assertion'
+ rule 'assertion' => 'IrregularVerbBe adverb_not_opt predicative_complement'
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'noun_phrase'
+ # Sentence 3-25f definiens: X is more than J but not more than K
+ rule 'predicative_complement' => 'predicative_complement Coordinator adverb_not_opt predicative_complement'
+ rule 'adverb_not_opt' => 'AdverbNot'
# 3-22b: X is not the same as before.
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'noun_phrase ComparativeParticle Adverb'
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase comparative_clause_opt'
# 3-02d J is one that does this.
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase relative_clause_opt'
@@ -57,19 +56,21 @@
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase adverb_phrase noun_phrase_opt'
# X is far from the start.
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adverb_phrase_opt prepositional_phrase'
# something that was not here before.
rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adverb_phrase_star'
+ rule 'adverb_not_opt' => []
# Complex sentence
- # Case of dropped ´that´ conjunction
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'AdverbMaybe complex_sentence'
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt subordinated_clause'
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt relative_clause'
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt coordinate_clause'
+ # 3-27b: They can do more than people can do.
+ rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt comparative_clause'
# 3-22d: ..., it changed what I thought about them.
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause conjunctive_prefix'
# 3-22d: I cannot see what is inside.
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause ConjunctivePronoun verb_phrase'
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma main_clause'
@@ -77,10 +78,13 @@
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma LinkingAdverb main_clause'
# CGE 287d: verb + direct object + infinitive clause (without to)
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause infinitive_clause'
# Colon used to introduce an explanatory sentence.
rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause Colon sentence'
+ # sentence 3-24b: after this moment, you try for some time to do this one.
+ rule 'complex_sentence' => 'adverbial Comma main_clause'
+ rule 'adverbial' => 'adverb_phrase noun_phrase'
rule 'comma_opt' => 'Comma'
rule 'comma_opt' => []
@@ -92,10 +96,12 @@
rule 'dependent_clause' => 'simple_sentence'
rule 'dependent_clause' => 'noun_phrase'
rule 'infinitive_clause' => 'verb_phrase' # Too broad
rule 'comparative_clause_opt' => 'comparative_clause'
rule 'comparative_clause_opt' => []
+ # 3-27b: they can do more than people can do AND more than people want to do.
+ rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_clause Coordinator adverb_phrase comparative_clause'
rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start noun_phrase'
rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start declarative_simple_sentence'
# rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start DefiniteArticle Adjective Cardinal'
rule 'comparative_start' => 'PrepositionThan'
rule 'comparative_start' => 'ComparativeParticle'
@@ -103,17 +109,18 @@
rule 'identifying_clause' => 'RelativePronoun tense_verb_phrase'
rule 'relative_clause_opt' => 'relative_clause'
rule 'relative_clause_opt' => []
rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun tense_phrase'
# Sentence 3-Bxa 'Lisa sees a living thing that is very big.
- rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun affirmation'
# Sentence 3-18b: something that was not here before.
- rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun negation'
+ rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun assertion'
rule 'relative_clause' => 'identifying_clause'
- rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator simple_sentence'
- # Sentence 3-11b K happens because J happens or because J does something.
+ rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator sentence'
+ # Sentence 3-11b: K happens because J happens or because J does something.
rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator subordinated_clause'
+ # Sentence 3-24b: You think about these and what you want to do.
+ rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator conjunctive_prefix'
# Implicit subject. 3-05b: I saw this thing and touched some of its parts.
rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator tense_verb_phrase'
@@ -271,9 +278,11 @@
rule 'prepositional_phrases' => 'prepositional_phrases prepositional_phrase'
rule 'prepositional_phrases' => []
+ # Sentence 3-25b definiens: X happens after J and before K
+ rule 'prepositional_phrase' => 'prepositional_phrase Coordinator prepositional_phrase'
rule 'prepositional_phrase' => 'premodifier_prep preposition_head preposition_object'
# premodifier_prep => # "A degree word" example 1: _straight_ across the street example 2: _right_ from the start
rule 'premodifier_prep' => []
rule 'preposition_head' => 'Preposition'
rule 'preposition_head' => 'PrepositionOf'