lib/zenlish/lang/zenlish_grammar.rb in zenlish-0.1.23 vs lib/zenlish/lang/zenlish_grammar.rb in zenlish-0.1.24

- old
+ new

@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt negation' rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix negation' rule 'affirmation' => 'IrregularVerbBe predicative_complement' rule 'negation' => 'IrregularVerbBe AdverbNot predicative_complement' rule 'predicative_complement' => 'noun_phrase' + # 3-22b: X is not the same as before. + rule 'predicative_complement' => 'noun_phrase ComparativeParticle Adverb' rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase comparative_clause_opt' # 3-02d J is one that does this. rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase relative_clause_opt' # 2-28b X is alive before this moment. rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase adverb_phrase noun_phrase_opt' @@ -64,10 +66,14 @@ # Case of dropped ´that´ conjunction rule 'complex_sentence' => 'AdverbMaybe complex_sentence' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt subordinated_clause' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt relative_clause' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt coordinate_clause' + # 3-22d: ..., it changed what I thought about them. + rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause conjunctive_prefix' + # 3-22d: I cannot see what is inside. + rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause ConjunctivePronoun verb_phrase' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma main_clause' # 3-03b If J is not true, then K is true. rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma LinkingAdverb main_clause' # CGE 287d: verb + direct object + infinitive clause (without to) rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause infinitive_clause' @@ -122,10 +128,11 @@ rule 'tense_opt' => 'tense' rule 'tense_opt' => [] rule 'tense' => 'AuxiliaryBe' rule 'tense' => 'AuxiliaryDo' rule 'tense' => 'ModalVerbCan' + rule 'tense' => 'ModalVerbCould' ############# # NOUN PHRASE ############# rule 'noun_phrase_opt' => 'noun_phrase' @@ -205,9 +212,11 @@ rule 'head_vp' => 'IrregularVerbSay direct_speech' rule 'head_vp' => 'RegularVerbWant Preposition head_vp post_head_vp' # Cover case where ´that´ conjunction is dropped. rule 'head_vp' => 'mental_verb dependent_clause' + # 3-21b: ...that you think can cause X to happen. + rule 'head_vp' => 'mental_verb tense_verb_phrase' # ex. 2-23c rule 'head_vp' => 'mental_verb identifying_clause' rule 'post_head_vp' => 'noun_phrase_opt adverb_phrase_opt prepositional_phrases adverb_phrase_opt' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'RegularVerb'