spec/live/app_spec.rb in zendesk_api-1.3.0.rc2 vs spec/live/app_spec.rb in zendesk_api-1.3.0.rc3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,56 @@
require 'core/spec_helper'
describe ZendeskAPI::App do
- it "should work "do
+ it "should work" do
upload = VCR.use_cassette("app_upload_create") do
ZendeskAPI::App::Upload.new(client, :id => "spec/fixtures/sample_app.zip").tap(&:save!)
attributes = { :upload_id => upload.id, :name => "My App", :short_description => "Testing" }
app = ZendeskAPI::App.new(client, attributes)
VCR.use_cassette("app_create") { app.save! }
- body = {}
+ body = check_job(app)
- VCR.use_cassette("app_create_job_status") do
- until %w{failed completed}.include?(body["status"])
- response = client.connection.get(app.response.headers["Location"])
- body = response.body
- sleep(3)
- end
- end
- if body["status"] == "failed"
- fail "Could not create app: #{body.inspect}"
- end
app.id = body["app_id"]
app.author_name = "Mr. Sprinkles"
app.author_email = "sprinkle@example.com"
VCR.use_cassette("app_save") { app.save! }
app.author_name.should == "Mr. Sprinkles"
VCR.use_cassette("app_destroy") { app.destroy! }
+ it "should be able to handle the simplest creation api call" do
+ VCR.use_cassette("app_simple_create") do
+ app = ZendeskAPI::App.create!(client, { :name => "Testing App Creation", :upload => "spec/fixtures/sample_app.zip" })
+ check_job(app)
+ VCR.use_cassette("app_destroy") { app.destroy! }
+ end
+ end
+def check_job(app)
+ body = {}
+ VCR.use_cassette("app_create_job_status") do
+ until %w{failed completed}.include?(body["status"])
+ response = client.connection.get(app.response.headers["Location"])
+ body = response.body
+ sleep(3)
+ end
+ end
+ if body["status"] == "failed"
+ fail "Could not create app: #{body.inspect}"
+ end
+ body