lib/zen/validation.rb in zen-0.2.7 vs lib/zen/validation.rb in zen-0.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
require __DIR__('error/validation_error')
module Zen
- # The Validation module is a very basic validation framework that's used by various
- # internal modules/classes such as Zen::Plugin and Zen::Package.
+ # The Validation module is a very basic validation framework that's used by
+ # various internal modules/classes such as Zen::Plugin and Zen::Package.
# ## Usage
- # Using the module is pretty simple. Include it, specify the validation rules in a
- # method and call it. All official modules and classes use a method called "validate"
- # but you're free to name it whatever you want. A basic example looks like the
- # following:
+ # Using the module is pretty simple. Include it, specify the validation rules
+ # in a method and call it. All official modules and classes use a method
+ # called "validate" but you're free to name it whatever you want. A basic
+ # example looks like the following:
# class Something
# include Zen::Validation
# attr_accessor :name
@@ -33,13 +33,14 @@
# @example
# validates_presence(:name)
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
- # @param [Array/Symbol/String] attributes Either a single or multiple attributes to
- # validate.
- # @raise [ValidationError] Raised whenever a attribute is missing or is set to nil.
+ # @param [Array/Symbol/String] attributes Either a single or multiple
+ # attributes to validate.
+ # @raise [ValidationError] Raised whenever a attribute is missing or is
+ # set to nil.
def validates_presence(attributes)
if attributes.class != Array
attributes = [attributes]
@@ -50,34 +51,34 @@
- # Checks if the length of a string matches the given length. You can specify a minimum
- # length, a maximum one as well as both.
+ # Checks if the length of a string matches the given length. You can specify
+ # a minimum length, a maximum one as well as both.
# @example
# validates_length(:foobar, :min => 5, :max => 10)
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
# @param [String/Symbol] attribute The attribute to validate.
- # @param [Hash] options Hash containing the options to use for determining how long
- # the attribute's value should be.
+ # @param [Hash] options Hash containing the options to use for determining
+ # how long the attribute's value should be.
# @option options [Fixnum] :min The minimum length of the attribute's value.
# @option options [Fixnum] :max The maximum length of the value.
- # @raise [ValidationError] Raised then the value of the attribute isn't long or short
- # enough.
+ # @raise [ValidationError] Raised then the value of the attribute isn't
+ # long or short enough.
def validates_length(attribute, options)
value = send(attribute)
if !value.respond_to?(:length)
- "The length of \"#{attribute}\" can't be checked as the method \"length\" " +
- "doesn't exist."
+ "The length of \"#{attribute}\" can't be checked as the method " + \
+ "\"length\" doesn't exist."
# Time to validate the length
length = value.length
@@ -91,25 +92,25 @@
# Checks if the given attributes match the specified regular expressions.
- # When a hash is specified the keys should be the names of the attributes to validate
- # and the values the regular expressions to use.
+ # When a hash is specified the keys should be the names of the attributes to
+ # validate and the values the regular expressions to use.
# @example
# validates_format(:name, /[\w\-]+/)
# validates_format(:name => /[\w\-]+/, :age => /[0-9]+/)
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
- # @param [Hash/Symbol] attribute The name of the attribute to validate or a hash
- # containing all the attributes and their regular expressions.
- # @param [Regexp] regexp The regular expression to use when validating a single
- # attribute.
- # @raise [ValidationError] Raised when one of the attributes doesn't matches the
- # regular expression.
+ # @param [Hash/Symbol] attribute The name of the attribute to validate or
+ # a hash containing all the attributes and their regular expressions.
+ # @param [Regexp] regexp The regular expression to use when validating a
+ # single attribute.
+ # @raise [ValidationError] Raised when one of the attributes doesn't matches
+ # the regular expression.
def validates_format(attribute, regexp = nil)
if attribute.class != Hash
attribute = {attribute => regexp}
@@ -118,11 +119,14 @@
attribute.each do |attr, regexp|
val = send(attr)
match = val =~ regexp
if !match
- raise(ValidationError, "The attribute \"#{attr}\" doesn't match #{regexp}.")
+ raise(
+ ValidationError,
+ "The attribute \"#{attr}\" doesn't match #{regexp}"
+ )
@@ -138,10 +142,13 @@
def validates_filepath(attribute)
path = send(attribute)
if !File.exist?(path)
- raise(ValidationError, "The path #{path} in \"#{attribute}\" doesn't exist.")
+ raise(
+ ValidationError,
+ "The path #{path} in \"#{attribute}\" doesn't exist."
+ )
end # Validation
end # Zen