lib/zen/asset.rb in zen-0.2.7 vs lib/zen/asset.rb in zen-0.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
require 'ramaze/gestalt'
module Zen
- # The Asset module is a module used to register what Javascript files and stylesheets
- # should be loaded for the current request. This can be very useful if you want to add
- # a widget to all pages or override a certain stylesheet.
+ # The Asset module is a module used to register what Javascript files and
+ # stylesheets should be loaded for the current request. This can be very
+ # useful if you want to add a widget to all pages or override a certain
+ # stylesheet.
# ## Adding Assets
- # Assets can be added by calling either Zen::Asset.stylesheet or Zen::Asset.javascript.
- # Both take an array of files and a hash with some configuration options, for more info
- # on the exact usage and all the available parameters see the individual methods. Here
- # are a few quick examples of loading files:
+ # Assets can be added by calling either Zen::Asset.stylesheet or
+ # Zen::Asset.javascript. Both take an array of files and a hash with some
+ # configuration options, for more info on the exact usage and all the
+ # available parameters see the individual methods. Here are a few quick
+ # examples of loading files:
# # Load 3 Javascript files of which 2 will be loaded globally
# Zen::Asset.javascript(
# ['mootools/core', 'mootools/more'], :global => true,
# )
@@ -25,32 +27,33 @@
# Zen::Asset.stylesheet(['admin/css/forms'], :global => true)
# Zen::Asset.stylesheet(['style'], :controller => self)
# ## Customizing Options
- # This module uses Innate::Optioned to provide a few options that can be changed. The
- # following options are available:
+ # This module uses Innate::Optioned to provide a few options that can be
+ # changed. The following options are available:
# * prefix: The global prefix to use for all assets, set to "admin" by default.
- # * javascript_prefix: The prefix to use for all Javascript files on top of the global
- # prefix.
- # * stylesheet_prefix: Similar to the javascript_prefix option but for stylesheets.
+ # * javascript_prefix: The prefix to use for all Javascript files on top of
+ # the globalprefix.
+ # * stylesheet_prefix: Similar to the javascript_prefix option but for
+ # stylesheets.
# ## Building Assets
- # Building assets shouldn't be required as Zen already does this but if you happen to
- # need it you can build the files as following:
+ # Building assets shouldn't be required as Zen already does this but if you
+ # happen to need it you can build the files as following:
# ## Controller Usage
# While this module can be called by any other piece of code the class
- # Zen::Controller::AdminController provides shortcuts to Zen::Asset.javascript and
- # Zen::Asset.stylesheet. These shortcuts work identical but are defined as class methods
- # and thus can be used inside your class declaration:
+ # Zen::Controller::AdminController provides shortcuts to Zen::Asset.javascript
+ # and Zen::Asset.stylesheet. These shortcuts work identical but are defined
+ # as class methods and thus can be used inside your class declaration:
# class Something < Zen::Controller::AdminController
# stylesheet ['reset'], :global => true
# end
@@ -58,101 +61,90 @@
# @since 0.2.5
module Asset
include ::Innate::Optioned
- class << self
- include ::Innate::Trinity
- end
options.dsl do
- o 'Prefix for both Javascript files and stylesheets', :prefix , 'admin'
- o 'Prefix for Javascript files on top of :prefix' , :javascript_prefix, 'js'
- o 'Prefix for stylesheets on top of :prefix' , :stylesheet_prefix, 'css'
+ o 'Prefix for JS and CSS files' , :prefix , 'admin'
+ o 'Prefix for JS files on top of :prefix', :javascript_prefix, 'js'
+ o 'Prefix for CSS on top of :prefix' , :stylesheet_prefix, 'css'
- # Hash containing all the global and controller specific stylesheets that have to be
- # loaded when calling build_stylesheets.
+ # Hash containing all the global and controller specific stylesheets that
+ # have to be loaded when calling build_stylesheets.
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
Stylesheets = {
:global => []
- # Hash containing all the global and controller specific stylesheets to load when
- # calling build_javascripts.
+ # Hash containing all the global and controller specific stylesheets to
+ # load when calling build_javascripts.
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
Javascripts = {
:global => []
- # Registers the given Javascripts files so that they're either loaded for the
- # current action or for all actions. Note that the first argument of this method
- # should always be an array.
+ # Registers the given Javascripts files so that they're either loaded for
+ # the current action or for all actions. Note that the first argument of
+ # this method should always be an array.
# @example
# # Loads /admin/js/users/access_rules.js for the current action only
# Zen::Asset.javascript ['users/access_rules']
# # This would load the file globally
# Zen::Asset.javascript ['users/access_rules'], :global => true
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
- # @param [Array] files An array of Javascript files (without their extensions) to
- # load relatively to the root of the application (/).
- # @param [Hash] options A hash containing additional options.
- # @option options [TrueClass] :global When set to true the specified files will be
- # loaded globally rather than just for the current action.
- # @option options [String/Symbol] controller The name of the controller for which
- # the specified files should be loaded.
+ # @see Zen::Asset.process
def self.javascript(files, options = {})
options = {
- :prefix => File.join('/', self.options.prefix, self.options.javascript_prefix),
+ :prefix => File.join(
+ '/', self.options.prefix, self.options.javascript_prefix
+ ),
:type => :javascript
process(files, options)
- # Registers a number of stylesheets that can either be loaded globally or for the
- # current action.
+ # Registers a number of stylesheets that can either be loaded globally or
+ # for the current action.
# @example
# Zen::Asset.stylesheet ['foobar/admin_template'], :global => true
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
- # @param [Array] files A list of stylesheets (without their extensions) to load.
- # @param [Hash] options A hash containing additional options to use.
- # @option options [TrueClass] :global When set to true all the specified stylesheets
- # will be loaded globally rather than just for the current action.
- # @option options [String/Symbol] controller The name of the controller for which
- # the specified files should be loaded.
+ # @see Zen::Asset.process
def self.stylesheet(files, options = {})
options = {
- :prefix => File.join('/', self.options.prefix, self.options.stylesheet_prefix),
+ :prefix => File.join(
+ '/', self.options.prefix, self.options.stylesheet_prefix
+ ),
:type => :stylesheet
process(files, options)
- # Builds either all Javascript files or stylesheets. This method will load both the
- # global and action specific files.
+ # Builds either all Javascript files or stylesheets. This method will load
+ # both the global and action specific files.
# @example
# # Build the HTML tags for all stylesheets
@@ -165,13 +157,20 @@
# @return [String] The HTML tags for all the assets.
type = type.to_sym
attrs = {}
- controller = action.node.to_s.to_sym
+ controller = Ramaze::Current.action.node.to_s.to_sym
+ method = Ramaze::Current.action.method.to_s.to_sym
gestalt =
+ # The method in Ramaze::Current.action.method does not always contain the
+ # method since the assets are built in a layout.
+ if method.empty? and Ramaze::Current.actions[-2]
+ method = Ramaze::Current.actions[-2].method.to_s.to_sym
+ end
# Set the basic elements of the tag
if type === :stylesheet
tag = :link
value = :href
attrs[:rel] = 'stylesheet'
@@ -182,11 +181,17 @@
files = Javascripts
# Get all the files to build
if !files[controller].nil?
- files = files[:global] + files[controller]
+ if files[controller].key?(method)
+ files = files[:global] + files[controller][method]
+ elsif !files[controller][:__all].nil?
+ files = files[:global] + files[controller][:__all]
+ else
+ files = files[:global]
+ end
files = files[:global]
# Build the tags
@@ -209,23 +214,33 @@
# Stores the given files in the correct hash based on the specified options.
# @example
- # process(['foobar', 'baz'], :global => false, :type => :javascript, :prefix => 'js')
+ # process(
+ # ['foobar', 'baz'],
+ # :global => false,
+ # :type => :javascript,
+ # :prefix => 'js'
+ # )
# @author Yorick Peterse
# @since 0.2.5
# @param [Array] files An array of files to load.
# @param [Hash] options A hash containing all the required options.
- # @option options [TrueClass] :global Specifies that all the files should be loaded
- # globally.
- # @option options [Symbol] :type The type of asset that's loaded, can either be
- # :javascript or :stylesheet.
+ # @option options [TrueClass] :global Specifies that all the files should be
+ # loaded globally.
+ # @option options [Symbol] :type The type of asset that's loaded, can either
+ # be :javascript or :stylesheet.
# @option options [String] :prefix The prefix to use for all the assets.
- # @option options [TrueClass] :global
- # @option options [Symbol/String] :controller
+ # @option options [TrueClass] :global When set to true the specified files
+ # will be loaded globally.
+ # @option options [Symbol/String] :controller The class of the controller
+ # for which the assets should be loaded.
+ # @option options [Symbol/String/Array] :method A string or symbol that
+ # represents a single method for which to load the assets OR an array of
+ # methods.
def self.process(files, options)
# Determine whether the files should be loaded globally
if options.key?(:global) and options[:global] === true
key = :global
@@ -240,17 +255,37 @@
save = Stylesheets
ext = '.css'
+ # Get the method to load the assets for
+ if options.key?(:method) and options[:method].class != Array
+ options[:method] = [options[:method]]
+ end
# Add all the files
files.each do |f|
- f = f.to_s + ext
- f = File.join(options[:prefix], f)
- save[key] ||= []
+ f = f.to_s + ext
+ f = File.join(options[:prefix], f)
- if !save[key].include?(f)
- save[key].push(f)
+ # Load the assets for all the given methods
+ if options.key?(:method)
+ options[:method].each do |method|
+ method = method.to_sym
+ save[key] ||= {}
+ save[key][method] ||= []
+ save[key][method].push(f) unless save[key][method].include?(f)
+ end
+ # Load the assets for all methods in the controller
+ else
+ if key === :global
+ save[key].push(f) unless save[key].include?(f)
+ else
+ save[key] ||= {}
+ save[key][:__all] ||= []
+ save[key][:__all].push(f) unless save[key][:__all].include?(f)
+ end
end # Asset
end # Zen