proto/gateway.proto in zeebe-client-0.19.0 vs proto/gateway.proto in zeebe-client-0.20.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,26 @@
option go_package = "./;pb";
// For a more complete documentation, refer to Zeebe documentation at:
+message StreamActivatedJobsRequest {
+ // the job type, as defined in the BPMN process (e.g. <zeebe:taskDefinition
+ // type="payment-service" />)
+ string type = 1;
+ // the name of the worker activating the jobs, mostly used for logging purposes
+ string worker = 2;
+ // a job returned after this call will not be activated by another call until the
+ // timeout (in ms) has been reached
+ int64 timeout = 3;
+ // a list of variables to fetch as the job variables; if empty, all visible variables at
+ // the time of activation for the scope of the job will be returned
+ repeated string fetchVariable = 5;
+ // a list of identifiers of tenants for which to stream jobs
+ repeated string tenantIds = 6;
message ActivateJobsRequest {
// the job type, as defined in the BPMN process (e.g. <zeebe:taskDefinition
// type="payment-service" />)
string type = 1;
// the name of the worker activating the jobs, mostly used for logging purposes
@@ -24,10 +40,12 @@
repeated string fetchVariable = 5;
// The request will be completed when at least one job is activated or after the requestTimeout (in ms).
// if the requestTimeout = 0, a default timeout is used.
// if the requestTimeout < 0, long polling is disabled and the request is completed immediately, even when no job is activated.
int64 requestTimeout = 6;
+ // a list of IDs of tenants for which to activate jobs
+ repeated string tenantIds = 7;
message ActivateJobsResponse {
// list of activated jobs
repeated ActivatedJob jobs = 1;
@@ -61,10 +79,12 @@
// when the job can be activated again, sent as a UNIX epoch timestamp
int64 deadline = 12;
// JSON document, computed at activation time, consisting of all visible variables to
// the task scope
string variables = 13;
+ // the id of the tenant that owns the job
+ string tenantId = 14;
message CancelProcessInstanceRequest {
// the process instance key (as, for example, obtained from
// CreateProcessInstanceResponse)
@@ -100,10 +120,12 @@
string variables = 4;
// List of start instructions. If empty (default) the process instance
// will start at the start event. If non-empty the process instance will apply start
// instructions after it has been created
repeated ProcessInstanceCreationStartInstruction startInstructions = 5;
+ // the tenant id of the process definition
+ string tenantId = 6;
message ProcessInstanceCreationStartInstruction {
// future extensions might include
@@ -126,10 +148,12 @@
// the version of the process definition which was used to create the process instance
int32 version = 3;
// the unique identifier of the created process instance; to be used wherever a request
// needs a process instance key (e.g. CancelProcessInstanceRequest)
int64 processInstanceKey = 4;
+ // the tenant identifier of the created process instance
+ string tenantId = 5;
message CreateProcessInstanceWithResultRequest {
CreateProcessInstanceRequest request = 1;
// timeout (in ms). the request will be closed if the process is not completed
@@ -153,10 +177,12 @@
// needs a process instance key (e.g. CancelProcessInstanceRequest)
int64 processInstanceKey = 4;
// JSON document
// consists of visible variables in the root scope
string variables = 5;
+ // the tenant identifier of the process definition
+ string tenantId = 6;
message EvaluateDecisionRequest {
// the unique key identifying the decision to be evaluated (e.g. returned
// from a decision in the DeployResourceResponse message)
@@ -168,10 +194,12 @@
// key-value fashion, e.g. { "a": 1, "b": 2 } will create two variables,
// named "a" and "b" respectively, with their associated values.
// [{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }] would not be a valid argument, as the root of the
// JSON document is an array and not an object.
string variables = 3;
+ // the tenant identifier of the decision
+ string tenantId = 4;
message EvaluateDecisionResponse {
// the unique key identifying the decision which was evaluated (e.g. returned
// from a decision in the DeployResourceResponse message)
@@ -197,10 +225,12 @@
// an optional string indicating the ID of the decision which
// failed during evaluation
string failedDecisionId = 9;
// an optional message describing why the decision which was evaluated failed
string failureMessage = 10;
+ // the tenant identifier of the evaluated decision
+ string tenantId = 11;
message EvaluatedDecision {
// the unique key identifying the decision which was evaluated (e.g. returned
// from a decision in the DeployResourceResponse message)
@@ -219,10 +249,12 @@
string decisionOutput = 6;
// the decision rules that matched within this decision evaluation
repeated MatchedDecisionRule matchedRules = 7;
// the decision inputs that were evaluated within this decision evaluation
repeated EvaluatedDecisionInput evaluatedInputs = 8;
+ // the tenant identifier of the evaluated decision
+ string tenantId = 9;
message EvaluatedDecisionInput {
// the id of the evaluated decision input
string inputId = 1;
@@ -276,10 +308,12 @@
message DeployResourceRequest {
// list of resources to deploy
repeated Resource resources = 1;
+ // the tenant id of the resources to deploy
+ string tenantId = 2;
message Resource {
// the resource name, e.g. myProcess.bpmn or myDecision.dmn
string name = 1;
@@ -290,10 +324,12 @@
message DeployResourceResponse {
// the unique key identifying the deployment
int64 key = 1;
// a list of deployed resources, e.g. processes
repeated Deployment deployments = 2;
+ // the tenant id of the deployed resources
+ string tenantId = 3;
message Deployment {
// each deployment has only one metadata
oneof Metadata {
@@ -301,10 +337,12 @@
ProcessMetadata process = 1;
// metadata of a deployed decision
DecisionMetadata decision = 2;
// metadata of a deployed decision requirements
DecisionRequirementsMetadata decisionRequirements = 3;
+ // metadata of a deployed form
+ FormMetadata form = 4;
message ProcessMetadata {
// the bpmn process ID, as parsed during deployment; together with the version forms a
@@ -315,10 +353,12 @@
// the assigned key, which acts as a unique identifier for this process
int64 processDefinitionKey = 3;
// the resource name (see: from which this process was
// parsed
string resourceName = 4;
+ // the tenant id of the deployed process
+ string tenantId = 5;
message DecisionMetadata {
// the dmn decision ID, as parsed during deployment; together with the
// versions forms a unique identifier for a specific decision
@@ -334,10 +374,12 @@
// of, as parsed during deployment
string dmnDecisionRequirementsId = 5;
// the assigned key of the decision requirements graph that this decision is
// part of
int64 decisionRequirementsKey = 6;
+ // the tenant id of the deployed decision
+ string tenantId = 7;
message DecisionRequirementsMetadata {
// the dmn decision requirements ID, as parsed during deployment; together
// with the versions forms a unique identifier for a specific decision
@@ -350,12 +392,28 @@
// for this decision requirements
int64 decisionRequirementsKey = 4;
// the resource name (see: from which this decision
// requirements was parsed
string resourceName = 5;
+ // the tenant id of the deployed decision requirements
+ string tenantId = 6;
+message FormMetadata {
+ // the form ID, as parsed during deployment; together with the
+ // versions forms a unique identifier for a specific form
+ string formId = 1;
+ // the assigned form version
+ int32 version = 2;
+ // the assigned key, which acts as a unique identifier for this form
+ int64 formKey = 3;
+ // the resource name
+ string resourceName = 4;
+ // the tenant id of the deployed form
+ string tenantId = 5;
message FailJobRequest {
// the unique job identifier, as obtained when activating the job
int64 jobKey = 1;
// the amount of retries the job should have left
int32 retries = 2;
@@ -405,15 +463,19 @@
// with the given ID will ever be published (during its lifetime)
string messageId = 4;
// the message variables as a JSON document; to be valid, the root of the document must be an
// object, e.g. { "a": "foo" }. [ "foo" ] would not be valid.
string variables = 5;
+ // the tenant id of the message
+ string tenantId = 6;
message PublishMessageResponse {
// the unique ID of the message that was published
int64 key = 1;
+ // the tenant id of the message
+ string tenantId = 2;
message ResolveIncidentRequest {
// the unique ID of the incident to resolve
int64 incidentKey = 1;
@@ -482,10 +544,20 @@
message UpdateJobRetriesResponse {
+message UpdateJobTimeoutRequest {
+ // the unique job identifier, as obtained from ActivateJobsResponse
+ int64 jobKey = 1;
+ // the duration of the new timeout in ms, starting from the current moment
+ int64 timeout = 2;
+message UpdateJobTimeoutResponse {
message SetVariablesRequest {
// the unique identifier of a particular element; can be the process instance key (as
// obtained during instance creation), or a given element, such as a service task (see
// elementInstanceKey on the job message)
int64 elementInstanceKey = 1;
@@ -547,32 +619,60 @@
message ModifyProcessInstanceResponse {
+message MigrateProcessInstanceRequest {
+ // key of the process instance to migrate
+ int64 processInstanceKey = 1;
+ // the migration plan that defines target process and element mappings
+ MigrationPlan migrationPlan = 2;
+ message MigrationPlan {
+ // the key of process definition to migrate the process instance to
+ int64 targetProcessDefinitionKey = 1;
+ // the mapping instructions describe how to map elements from the source process definition to the target process definition
+ repeated MappingInstruction mappingInstructions = 2;
+ }
+ message MappingInstruction {
+ // the element id to migrate from
+ string sourceElementId = 1;
+ // the element id to migrate into
+ string targetElementId = 2;
+ }
+message MigrateProcessInstanceResponse {
message DeleteResourceRequest {
// The key of the resource that should be deleted. This can either be the key
- // of a process definition, or the key of a decision requirements definition.
+ // of a process definition, the key of a decision requirements definition or the key of a form.
int64 resourceKey = 1;
message DeleteResourceResponse {
message BroadcastSignalRequest {
// The name of the signal
string signalName = 1;
// the signal variables as a JSON document; to be valid, the root of the document must be an
// object, e.g. { "a": "foo" }. [ "foo" ] would not be valid.
string variables = 2;
+ // the id of the tenant that owns the signal.
+ string tenantId = 3;
message BroadcastSignalResponse {
// the unique ID of the signal that was broadcasted.
int64 key = 1;
+ // the tenant id of the signal that was broadcasted.
+ string tenantId = 2;
service Gateway {
Iterates through all known partitions round-robin and activates up to the requested
@@ -587,10 +687,22 @@
rpc ActivateJobs (ActivateJobsRequest) returns (stream ActivateJobsResponse) {
+ Registers client to a job stream that will stream jobs back to the client as
+ they become activatable.
+ Errors:
+ - type is blank (empty string, null)
+ - timeout less than 1
+ */
+ rpc StreamActivatedJobs (StreamActivatedJobsRequest) returns (stream ActivatedJob) {
+ }
+ /*
Cancels a running process instance
- no process instance exists with the given key
@@ -677,15 +789,21 @@
Deploys one or more resources (e.g. processes or decision models) to Zeebe.
Note that this is an atomic call, i.e. either all resources are deployed, or none of them are.
+ - if a deployment to an unauthorized tenant is performed
- no resources given.
- if at least one resource is invalid. A resource is considered invalid if:
- the content is not deserializable (e.g. detected as BPMN, but it's broken XML)
- the content is invalid (e.g. an event-based gateway has an outgoing sequence flow to a task)
+ - if multi-tenancy is enabled, and:
+ - a tenant id is not provided
+ - a tenant id with an invalid format is provided
+ - if multi-tenancy is disabled and a tenant id is provided
rpc DeployResource (DeployResourceRequest) returns (DeployResourceResponse) {
@@ -791,9 +909,50 @@
- ancestor of element for activation doesn't exist
- scope of variable is unknown
rpc ModifyProcessInstance (ModifyProcessInstanceRequest) returns (ModifyProcessInstanceResponse) {
+ }
+ /*
+ Migrates the process instance to the specified process definition.
+ In simple terms, this is handled by updating the active element's process.
+ Errors:
+ - no process instance exists with the given key, or it is not active
+ - no process definition exists with the given target definition key
+ - no process instance exists with the given key for the tenants the user is authorized to work with.
+ - not all active elements in the given process instance are mapped to the elements in the target process definition
+ - a mapping instruction changes the type of an element or event
+ - a mapping instruction refers to an unsupported element (i.e. some elements will be supported later on)
+ - a mapping instruction refers to element in unsupported scenarios.
+ (i.e. migration is not supported when process instance or target process elements contains event subscriptions)
+ - A `sourceElementId` does not refer to an element in the process instance's process definition
+ - A `targetElementId` does not refer to an element in the target process definition
+ - A `sourceElementId` is mapped by multiple mapping instructions.
+ For example, the engine cannot determine how to migrate a process instance when the instructions are: [A->B, A->C].
+ */
+ rpc MigrateProcessInstance (MigrateProcessInstanceRequest) returns (MigrateProcessInstanceResponse) {
+ }
+ /*
+ Updates the deadline of a job using the timeout (in ms) provided. This can be used
+ for extending or shortening the job deadline.
+ Errors:
+ - no job exists with the given key
+ - no deadline exists for the given job key
+ */
+ rpc UpdateJobTimeout (UpdateJobTimeoutRequest) returns (UpdateJobTimeoutResponse) {
Deletes a resource from the state. Once a resource has been deleted it cannot
be recovered. If the resource needs to be available again, a new deployment