lib/zcc/pickers.rb in zcc-0.0.2 vs lib/zcc/pickers.rb in zcc-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,66 +1,139 @@
-module Pickers
- def select_good_marc(take_how_many)
+module ZCC
+ def ZCC.display_menu(rec_copy, index)
+ field_width = $term_width - 8
+ say("<%= color(\"#{index}\", :index) %> ")
+ ['245', '260', '300'].each do |field|
+ string = rec_copy[index][field].to_s
+ string.rstrip!
+ string.lstrip!
+ if string.length < field_width
+ say("\t#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(string, field)}")
+ else
+ better_string = ZCC.wrap_field(string, field_width)
+ #puts better_string
+ say("\t#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(better_string, field)}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #currently this goes word by word. how difficult to go field by subfield?
+ def ZCC.wrap_field(s, width)
+ lines = []
+ line = ""
+ smaller_width = width - 7
+ s.split(/\s+/).each do |word|
+ if (line.size + word.size) >= (width - 3)
+ lines << line
+ line = word
+ width = smaller_width
+ elsif line.empty?
+ line = word
+ else
+ line << " " << word
+ end
+ end
+ lines << line if line
+ return lines.join "\n\t\t"
+ end
+ def ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(string, field)
+ #puts field
+ string.gsub!("'", "\'")
+ #string.gsub!("(", "\(")
+ #string.gsub!(")", "\)")
+ if field == '245'
+ string.gsub!(/(\$a\s)(.*?)(\$.)/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :field_hilite) %>\\3")
+ elsif field == '260'
+ #puts 'gets here'
+ string.gsub!(/(\$c\s)([\[0-9A-Za-z\]]*)(.|$)/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :field_hilite) %>\\3")
+ #string.gsub!(/(\$c)(.*)(\$\s)/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :field_hilite) %>\\3")
+ #string.gsub!(/(\$c)(.*)(\.|$)/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :field_hilite) %>\\3")
+ elsif field == '300'
+ string.gsub!(/(\$a)(.*?)(\$|$)/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :field_hilite) %>\\3")
+ elsif field == 'record'
+ string.sub!(/(LEADER.{19})(.{1})/, "\\1<%= color(\"\\2\", :headline) %>") #colorizes the value of the standard (AACR2, ISBD, or none)
+ end
+ string.gsub!( /\$(.)/, "<%= color('$\\1', :marc_tag) %>" )
+ string.gsub!( /^(\d\d\d)\s/, "<%= color('\\1 ', :marc_tag) %>")
+ string
+ end
+ def ZCC.not_valid_value
+ print $clear_code
+ say("\a<%= color(\"That's not a valid value. Try again.\", :headline) %> ")
+ sleep 1
+ print "\a"
+ end
+class Array
+ def zcc_select_good_marc(take_how_many)
#puts self[0]
unless self[0].is_a? MARC::Record
raise ArgumentError, "This Array doesn't have a MARC::Record!" end
#puts self
- rec_copy = self.dup
- #print "rec_copy.length: ", rec_copy.length
- #print "rec_copy.class: ", rec_copy.class
- #puts rec_copy[3] #if it chokes on a record uncomment and include the record number
- #i = 0
+ rec_copy = self.dup
+ rec_copy = rec_copy.sort_by {|rec| rec['245']['a']}
recs_to_return = []
loop {
- rec_copy.each_index do #This block lists
- |index|
- puts "#{index}\t#{rec_copy[index]['245']}"
- puts "\t#{rec_copy[index]['260']}" if rec_copy[index]['260']
- puts "\t#{rec_copy[index]['300']}" if rec_copy[index]['300']
- puts "\n\n"
+ print $clear_code
+ rec_copy.each_index do |index|
+ ZCC.display_menu(rec_copy, index)
+ puts "\n\n"
+ whichrec = ''
if take_how_many =='one'
- print "\nEnter # | s# | c#-# | l# | none : "
+ whichrec = ask("\n<%= color('Enter # | s# | c#-# | l# | none :', UNDERLINE) %> ", String){ |q| q.readline = true }
- print "\nEnter # | n | s# | c#-# | l# | d : "
+ whichrec = ask("\n<%= color('Enter # | n | s# | c#-# | l# | d :', UNDERLINE) %> ", String){ |q| q.readline = true }
- whichrec = STDIN.gets.chomp!
#puts "whichrec #{whichrec[0,1]}"
#puts whichrec.class
#whichrec = whichrec.to_i unless whichrec.respond_to?(:upcase)
first_bit = whichrec[0,1]
puts "whichrec is an Integer" if whichrec.is_a?(Integer)
see_num = whichrec[1,9].to_i
if first_bit == 's'
- puts rec_copy[see_num]
- print "\n\nHit enter to continue."
- STDIN.gets.chomp
+ print $clear_code
+ print "\a"
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(rec_copy[see_num].to_s, 'record')}")
+ ask("<%= color('Hit ENTER to continue...', :headline) %> ")
+ #STDIN.gets
elsif first_bit == 'c'
- puts "comparison time!"
+ say("<%= color('comparison:', :headline) %> ")
comparison = whichrec[1,99]
compare_nums = comparison.split('-')
- puts "\nHit enter to continue."
- STDIN.gets
+ ask("<%= color('Hit ENTER to continue...', :headline) %> ")
+ #STDIN.gets
elsif first_bit == 'l'
#puts rec_copy[whichrec[1,99].to_i]
- puts "\nHit enter to continue."
- STDIN.gets
+ ask("<%= color('Hit ENTER to continue...', :headline) %> ")
+ #STDIN.gets
elsif take_how_many == 'one'
if ( whichrec == 'none' )
puts "Since you cannot decide on a good record, please refer the book to a cataloger."
return "none"
elsif ( first_bit =~ /[a-z]/i or whichrec == '' )
- puts "that's not a valid value. try again."
+ ZCC.not_valid_value
if whichrec.to_i > (rec_copy.length - 1)
puts "Your number exceeds the number of records in your retrieved set."
@@ -74,11 +147,11 @@
recs_to_return << "done"
elsif ( whichrec == 'n' or whichrec == '' )
puts "recs that will be returned #{recs_to_return.length}"
return recs_to_return
elsif whichrec[0,1] =~ /[a-z]/i
- puts "that's not a valid value. try again."
+ ZCC.not_valid_value
if whichrec.to_i > (rec_copy.length - 1)
puts "Your number exceeds the number of records in your retrieved set."
@@ -96,5 +169,8 @@
return recs_to_return