bin/zcc in zcc-0.0.3 vs bin/zcc in zcc-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,202 +1,228 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-## Jason Ronallo
-# April, 2007
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'zoom'
-require 'marc'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'yaml'
-$KCODE = 'u'
-require 'jcode'
-require 'unicode'
-#--my modules
-require 'zcc/marcadditions'
-require 'zcc/pickers'
-require 'zcc/subfieldeditor'
-require 'zcc/zoomer'
-#require 'wcid'
-require 'highline/import'
-#require 'curses'
-termsize = HighLine::SystemExtensions.terminal_size
-$term_width = termsize[0]
-$term_height = termsize[1]
-$clear_code = %x{clear}
-ft = do |cs|
- cs[:headline] = [ :bold, :white, :on_black ]
- cs[:horizontal_line] = [ :bold, :white, :on_blue]
- cs[:even_row] = [ :green ]
- cs[:odd_row] = [ :magenta ]
- cs[:marc_tag] = [:bold]
- cs[:bolder] = [:bold]
- cs[:field_hilite] = [:bold, :blue]
- cs[:index] = [:bold, :red]
- end
-HighLine.color_scheme = ft
-##Setting up testing parameter
-$testing = ARGV[0]
-$testing = nil unless $testing == 'v' or $testing == 't'
-puts "We're testing " if $testing
-STDIN.gets if $testing
-#reading in config from yaml file
-yamlfile = YAML.load_file( "#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/zcc.yaml" )
-zservers = yamlfile['zservers']
-labels = yamlfile['labels']
-scripting = yamlfile['scripting']
-$procs = yamlfile['procs']
-TO_SHOW = yamlfile['to_show']
-HOW_TO_SAVE = yamlfile['save_filename']
-TIMESTAMP ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-SCRIPTING = yamlfile['scripting_on']
-EDITING = yamlfile['subfield_editing']
-CSV = yamlfile['csv_on']
-LINTER = yamlfile['linter_on']
-FORMAT_TO_SAVE = yamlfile['save_record_syntax']
-#ZEBRA_ON = yamlfile['zebra']
-#ZEBRA_CONF = yamlfile['zebraconf']
-print $clear_code
-#printed once when starting the program.
-say("Zcc, Copyright (C) 2007 Jason Ronallo\nZcc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\nZcc is released under the terms of the GPL v.2 or later.\nSee LICENSE for full information.\n")
-say("Introductory help. For now see:")
-#++# All the main logic of the program is just one simple big loop.
-# Copy cataloging forever....
-clear_code_do = false
-loop {
- taken = []
- print $clear_code if clear_code_do
- clear_code_do = true
- search_term = ask("\n<%= color('Enter search. [ISBN, title, LCCN (with dash), or :q to quit]', :bolder) %>\nsearch> ", String){ |q| q.readline = true }
- exit if search_term == ':q'
- zservers.each do |zserver|
- records = ZCC.zoomer(search_term, zserver[0], zserver[1], zserver[2])
- puts "\n"
- if records.nil?: print "nil records returned"; next; end
- recs_array = records.to_a
- taker = []
- taker = recs_array.zcc_select_good_marc('multi')
- another_zserver = taker.pop if taker[-1] == 'done'
- next if taker == nil
- taker.each do |taker|
- puts "\ntaker: #{taker['245']}\n\n"
- taken << taker
- end
- break if another_zserver == 'done'
- end
- taken.flatten!
- taken.compact!
- puts "taken.length #{taken.length}"
- if taken.length > 1
- say("\a<%= color('#{'!' * 10}We only need one record per book, so make your choice now!#{'!' * 10}', :headline) %>")
- sleep 2
- taken = taken.zcc_select_good_marc('one')
- if taken == 'none'
- next
- print $clear_code
- end
- puts "after selecting final record taken.length = #{taken.length}"
- puts taken[0]['245'] , "\n\n"
- elsif taken.length == 0
- print $clear_code
- print "You didn't get any records!\n"
- clear_code_do = false
- next #if continue? == 'again'
- end
- final_taken = taken[0]
- #puts final_taken
- print $clear_code
- print "\a"
- say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
- say("<%= color('SCRIPTING...', :headline) %>")
- final_taken.local_script(scripting)
- end
- print $clear_code
- print "\a"
- say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
- say("Would you like to <%= color('edit', :headline) %> this record [yes or ANYTHING]? ")
- edit = STDIN.gets.chomp
- if edit == ('y' or 'yes')
- print $clear_code
- say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
- final_taken.edit
- end
- end
- print $clear_code
- say("<%= color('#{'-'*20}FINAL RECORD#{'-'*20}', :headline) %>")
- say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
- say("<%= color('#{'-'*20}FINAL RECORD#{'-'*20}\a', :headline) %>")
- print "Would you like to keep this FINAL RECORD? (ANYTHING or n)"
- to_save_or_not_to_save = STDIN.gets.chomp
- if to_save_or_not_to_save == 'n'
- next #if continue? == 'again'
- end
- if CSV
- print $clear_code
- print "\a"
- say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
- say("<%= color('Label making time!', :headline) %>")
- csv = final_taken.marc_to_csv(labels)
- print "Final csv:\n#{csv}\n"
- end
- print $clear_code
- clear_code_do = false
- #saves in the directory in which zcc was run
- if HOW_TO_SAVE == 'search_term'
- filename = search_term.gsub(' ','_')
- elsif HOW_TO_SAVE == 'timestamp'
- filename = TIMESTAMP
- end
- if FORMAT_TO_SAVE == 'marc'
- aFile ="#{filename}\.mrc","a+")
- aFile.write(final_taken.to_marc)
- puts "#{final_taken['245']['a']} saved in #{filename}\.mrc"
- aFile.close
- elsif FORMAT_TO_SAVE == 'marcxml'
- puts final_taken.to_xml
- aFile ="#{filename}\.xml","a+")
- aFile.write(final_taken.to_xml)
- puts "#{final_taken['245']['a']} saved in #{filename}\.xml"
- aFile.close
- elsif FORMAT_TO_SAVE == 'zebra'
- #puts final_taken.to_xml
-"#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/zebra/records/#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}\.xml", "w") do |f|
- f.write final_taken.to_xml
- end
- end
- if CSV
- csvFile ="csv-#{filename}\.txt","a+")
- csvFile.write(csv)
- puts "csv for #{taken[0]['245']['a']} saved in csv-#{filename}\.txt"
- csvFile.close
- end
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+## Jason Ronallo
+# July, 2007
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'zoom'
+require 'marc'
+require 'highline/import'
+require 'term/ansicolor'
+#include Term::ANSIColor
+require 'stringio'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'tempfile'
+$KCODE = 'u'
+require 'jcode'
+require 'unicode'
+require 'zcc'
+include ZCC
+termsize = HighLine::SystemExtensions.terminal_size
+$term_width = termsize[0]
+$term_height = termsize[1]
+$clear_code = %x{clear}
+HighLine.track_eof = false
+##Setting up testing parameter
+$testing = ARGV[0]
+$testing = nil unless $testing == 'v' or $testing == 't'
+file_mode = true if ARGV[0] == 'file'
+puts "We're testing " if $testing
+STDIN.gets if $testing
+#reading in config from yaml file
+yamlfile = YAML.load_file( "#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/zcc.yaml" )
+zservers = yamlfile['zservers']
+if zservers[0][0] =~ /Include/
+ filename = zservers[0][0][8, 99]
+ contents = YAML.load_file("#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/#{filename}")
+ contents.each{|c| zservers.push(c)}
+ zservers[0] = nil
+labels = yamlfile['labels']
+scripting = yamlfile['scripting']
+$procs = yamlfile['procs']
+TO_SHOW = yamlfile['to_show']
+SHOW_PER_PAGE = yamlfile['show_per_page']
+FIELDS_TO_SHOW = yamlfile['fields_to_show']
+HOW_TO_SAVE = yamlfile['save_filename']
+TIMESTAMP ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+SCRIPTING = yamlfile['scripting_on']
+EDITING = yamlfile['subfield_editing']
+CSV = yamlfile['csv_on']
+LINTER = yamlfile['linter_on']
+FORMAT_TO_SAVE = yamlfile['save_record_syntax']
+print $clear_code
+#printed once when starting the program.
+say("Zcc, Copyright (C) 2007 Jason Ronallo\nZcc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\nZcc is released under the terms of the GPL v.2 or later.\nSee LICENSE for full information.\n".bold)
+say("Simply enter a title, LCCN or ISBN and hit enter.\nTitle: enter the title exactly as it is on the source\n for better relevancy ranking by title.\nLCCN: Include the dash, like 81-21962\nEnter ISBNs without dashes.\nNot all servers accept it, but you can also do a narrowing search\nby including an author's name after the title like so:\nFinnegans Wake :au Joyce")
+say("For more help see:")
+zserver_objects = []
+zservers.each do |server|
+ zserver_objects <<[0], server[1], server[2], server[3])
+server_h = {|hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
+zserver_objects.each {|z| server_h[] << z}
+groups = []
+server_h.each_key{|k| groups << k}
+loop {
+ search_term = ask("\nEnter search. [ISBN, title, LCCN (with dash), or :q to quit]\nsearch> ".boldz, String){ |q| q.readline = true }
+ exit if search_term == ':q'
+ taken =
+ groups.each do |group|
+ print $clear_code
+ servers = server_h[group]
+ query =, servers)
+ results =
+ results.index_pos = SHOW_PER_PAGE - 1
+ if results.records.empty?
+ puts "There are no results from group #{group} servers!\n\n\n"
+ another_group = ask("Do you want to continue searcing the next group of servers? [y], anything ".boldz)
+ if another_group == 'y' || another_group == ''
+ next
+ else
+ print $clear_code
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ results.rank_by_relevance!
+ return_value = zcc_select_good_marc(results, 'multi')
+ taken << results
+ break if return_value == 'done'
+ end
+ taken.remove_unselected!
+ next if taken.empty?
+ continue = true
+ print $clear_code
+ say("\aThis is your combined result set.\nWe will winnow until you choose ".white.bold.on_black + "'done'".red.bold + "\nor you unselect all records.".white.bold.on_black)
+ sleep 3
+ while continue
+ return_value = zcc_select_good_marc(taken, 'multi')
+ continue = false if taken.selected_length == 0
+ continue = false if return_value == 'done'
+ end
+ taken.remove_unselected!
+ unless taken.length == 0
+ puts "Here are the records you've selected for processing:"
+ taken.each do |record|
+ puts record.title
+ end
+ sleep 2
+ end
+ taken.records.each do |final_taken|
+ print $clear_code
+ print "\a"
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
+ say("SCRIPTING...".bold.white.on_black)
+ final_taken.local_script(scripting)
+ end
+ print $clear_code
+ print "\a"
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
+ edit = ask("Would you like to " + "edit".headline + " this record [yes or ANYTHING]? ")
+ if edit == ('y' or 'yes')
+ print $clear_code
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
+ final_taken.edit
+ end
+ end
+ print $clear_code
+ say("#{'-'*20}FINAL RECORD#{'-'*20}".headline)
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
+ say("#{'-'*20}FINAL RECORD#{'-'*20}".headline)
+ to_save_or_not_to_save = ask("Would you like to keep this FINAL RECORD? (ANYTHING or n)")
+ if to_save_or_not_to_save == 'n'
+ next #if continue? == 'again'
+ end
+ if CSV
+ print $clear_code
+ print "\a"
+ say("#{ZCC.zcc_marc_str_bold(final_taken.to_s, 'record')}")
+ say("Label making time!".headline)
+ csv = final_taken.marc_to_csv(labels)
+ print "Final csv:\n#{csv}\n"
+ end
+ print $clear_code
+ clear_code_do = false
+ #saves in the directory in which zcc was run
+ if HOW_TO_SAVE == 'search_term'
+ filename = search_term.gsub(' ','_')
+ elsif HOW_TO_SAVE == 'timestamp'
+ filename = TIMESTAMP
+ end
+ FORMAT_TO_SAVE.each do |format|
+ if format == 'marc'
+ puts
+ aFile ="#{filename}\.mrc","a+")
+ aFile.write(final_taken.marc.to_marc)
+ puts "#{final_taken.marc['245']['a']} saved in #{filename}\.mrc"
+ aFile.close
+ puts
+ elsif format == 'xml'
+ #puts final_taken.marc.to_xml
+ aFile ="#{filename}\.xml","a+")
+ aFile.write(final_taken.marc.to_xml)
+ puts "#{final_taken.marc['245']['a']} saved in #{filename}\.xml"
+ aFile.close
+ elsif format == 'zebra'
+ #puts final_taken.to_xml
+"#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/zebra/records/#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}\.mrc", "w") do |f|
+ f.write final_taken.marc.to_marc
+ end
+ Dir.chdir("#{File.expand_path("~")}/.zcc/zebra") do
+ record_update = `zebraidx update records`
+ puts record_update
+ end
+ #saving to koha2 is untested. Please let me know if it doesn't work--or even if it does.
+ elsif format == 'koha2'
+ puts
+ out ="koha2-")
+ out << final_taken.marc.to_marc
+ out.close
+ koha_save = `perl /usr/local/koha/intranet/scripts/misc/migration_tools/ -v 6 -file #{out.path}`
+ puts koha_save
+ puts
+ end
+ end
+ if CSV
+ puts
+ csvFile ="csv-#{filename}\.txt","a+")
+ csvFile.write(csv)
+ puts "csv for #{final_taken.marc['245']['a']} saved in csv-#{filename}\.txt"
+ csvFile.close
+ puts
+ end
+ end