lib/yzz.rb in yzz-2.0.11 vs lib/yzz.rb in yzz-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require_relative "yzz/version"
require_relative "yzz/side"
+require_relative "yzz/posward_side"
+require_relative "yzz/negward_side"
require_relative "yzz/side_pair"
+require "y_support/core_ext/object"
+require "y_support/core_ext/class"
# Module Yzz is a mixin that provides qualities of a ZZ structure cell to its
# includers.
# A ZZ structure consists of ZZ objects, which exist in multiple dimensions. ZZ
# objects may be connected by directed edges -- connections. Connected objects
@@ -26,33 +31,61 @@
# to the ZZ structure itself, but rather to the proposed user interface (such
# as <em>cursor</em>, <em>view</em>...) are not implemented in yzz, but rather
# in <em>y_nelson</em> gem.
module Yzz
- # Adds initialization of the @zz_dimensions hash to #initialize.
+ # A hash whose #[] method expects a dimension as an argument and returns
+ # a dimension-specific mixin.
- def initialize *args
- @zz_dimensions = { |ꜧ, missing_dimension|
- ꜧ[ missing_dimension ] = Yzz::SidePair
- .new( zz: self, dimension: missing_dimension )
- } # initialize the @zz_dimensions hash
- super # and proceed as usual
+ Dimensions = { |ꜧ, missing_dimension|
+ ꜧ[ missing_dimension ] = do
+ define_singleton_method :dimension do missing_dimension end
+ define_method :dimension do missing_dimension end
+ end
+ }
+ # An accessor method for a dimension-specific mixin from Yzz::Dimensions hash.
+ #
+ def self.Dimension dimension
+ Dimensions[ dimension ]
+ # A reader method that returns a hash whose #[] method returns an appropriate
+ # side pair for a supplied dimension. The hash is constructed upon first call
+ # of the reader. This reader subsequently redefines itself (shadows itself with
+ # a newly defined singleton method) so as to always simply return the same hash.
+ #
+ def zz_dimensions
+ { |ꜧ, missing_dimension|
+ ꜧ[ missing_dimension ] = SidePair() do
+ include ::Yzz.Dimension missing_dimension # ::Yzz just in case
+ }.tap { |ꜧ| define_singleton_method :zz_dimensions do ꜧ end }
+ end
+ # A reader method that returns a parametrized subclass of Yzz::SidePair. This
+ # reader subsequently redefines itself (shadows itself with a newly defined
+ # singleton method) so as to always simply return the same parametrized
+ # subclass.
+ #
+ def SidePair
+ SidePair.parametrize( zz: self )
+ .tap { |ç| define_singleton_method :SidePair do ç end }
+ end
# Returns a SidePair instance along the requested dimension.
def along dimension
- @zz_dimensions[ dimension ]
+ zz_dimensions[ dimension ]
# Returns all sides actually connected to a zz object.
def connections
- { |_, pair| [ pair.negward, pair.posward ] }
+ { |_, pair| [ pair.negward, pair.posward ] }
.reduce( [], :+ ).select { |side| side.neighbor.is_a_zz? }
- alias connectivity connections
# Returns all neighbors of a zz object.
def neighbors &:neighbor
@@ -61,19 +94,19 @@
# Returns all sides facing another zz object supplied as argument. (Note that
# this can be <em>more than 1</em> side: object A can be connected to B along
# more than 1 dimension.
def towards other
- { |side| side.neighbor == other }
+ { |side| side.neighbor == other }
# Prints the labels of the sides facing towards a given zz object.
def tw other
puts towards( other ).map &:label
- # Short string describing the object.
+ # A string describing the object with respect to its zz qualities.
def to_s
"#<Yzz, #{connections.size} conn.>"