spec/translator_spec.rb in ymdp-0.1.6 vs spec/translator_spec.rb in ymdp-0.1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,322 @@
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper')
require 'translator/base'
describe "Translator" do
\ No newline at end of file
+ before(:each) do
+ stub_timer
+ stub_screen_io
+ end
+ describe "Yaml" do
+ before(:each) do
+ YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return({"hi" => "what"})
+ @original_translations = ["application_en-US.yml", "sidebar_en-US.yml"]
+ Dir.stub!(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/en-US\/\*\.yml/).and_return(@original_translations)
+ end
+ describe "class methods" do
+ it "should output a message for each file" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).and_return([""])
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Processing /)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml.translate
+ end
+ it "should instantiate a new template" do
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ @yaml = mock('yaml', :copy => true)
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml.should_receive(:new).with(file).and_return(@yaml)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml.translate
+ end
+ it "should copy the new template" do
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ @yaml = mock('yaml', :copy => true)
+ @yaml.should_receive(:copy)
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml.stub!(:new).with(file).and_return(@yaml)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml.translate
+ end
+ end
+ describe "instance methods" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @path = "path_en-US.yml"
+ @yml = YMDP::Translator::Yaml.new(@path)
+ end
+ it "should instantiate" do
+ @yml.should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should copy keys" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.yml").and_return(["key: value\n"])
+ #
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_receive(:puts).with(/key: translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.size - 1
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.each do |lang, code|
+ unless lang == "en-US"
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/#{lang}\/\*\.yml/).and_return(["keys_#{lang}.yml"])
+ end
+ end
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yml.copy
+ end
+ it "should not copy comments" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.yml").and_return(["# comment\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_not_receive(:puts).with(/key: translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.size - 1
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yml.copy
+ end
+ it "should not copy empty keys" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.yml").and_return(["KEY=\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_not_receive(:puts).with(/key: translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.size - 1
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yml.copy
+ end
+ it "should copy keys with variables" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.yml").and_return(["key: value {0}\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_receive(:puts).with(/key: translated value {0}/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.size - 1
+ YMDP::Translator::Yaml::LOCALES.each do |lang, code|
+ unless lang == "en-US"
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/#{lang}\/\*\.yml/).and_return(["keys_#{lang}.yml"])
+ end
+ end
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value [0]", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value [0]")
+ @yml.copy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "YRB" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @original_translations = ["application_en-US.pres", "sidebar_en-US.pres"]
+ Dir.stub!(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/en-US\/\*\.pres/).and_return(@original_translations)
+ end
+ describe "class methods" do
+ it "should output a message for each file" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).and_return([""])
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Processing /)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB.translate
+ end
+ it "should instantiate a new template" do
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ @yrb = mock('yrb', :copy => true)
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB.should_receive(:new).with(file).and_return(@yrb)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB.translate
+ end
+ it "should copy the new template" do
+ @original_translations.each do |file|
+ @yrb = mock('yrb', :copy => true)
+ @yrb.should_receive(:copy)
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB.stub!(:new).with(file).and_return(@yrb)
+ end
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB.translate
+ end
+ end
+ describe "instance methods" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @path = "path_en-US.pres"
+ @yrb = YMDP::Translator::YRB.new(@path)
+ end
+ it "should instantiate" do
+ @yrb.should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should copy keys" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.pres").and_return(["KEY=value\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_receive(:puts).with(/KEY=translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.size - 1
+ @template = mock('template', :to_hash => {"key" => "value"})
+ YMDP::Compiler::Template::YRB.stub!(:new).and_return(@template)
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.each do |lang, code|
+ unless lang == "en-US"
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/#{lang}\/\*\.pres/).and_return(["keys_#{lang}.pres"])
+ end
+ end
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yrb.copy
+ end
+ it "should not copy comments" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.pres").and_return(["# comment\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_not_receive(:puts).with(/KEY=translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.size - 1
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yrb.copy
+ end
+ it "should not copy empty keys" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.pres").and_return(["KEY=\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_not_receive(:puts).with(/KEY=translated value/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.size - 1
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value")
+ @yrb.copy
+ end
+ it "should copy keys with variables" do
+ File.stub!(:readlines).with("path_en-US.pres").and_return(["KEY=value {0}\n"])
+ @file = mock('file', :puts => true)
+ @file.should_receive(:puts).with(/KEY=translated value {0}/)
+ File.stub!(:open).with(anything, "a").and_yield(@file)
+ size = YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.size - 1
+ @template = mock('template', :to_hash => {"key" => "value"})
+ YMDP::Compiler::Template::YRB.stub!(:new).and_return(@template)
+ YMDP::Translator::YRB::LOCALES.each do |lang, code|
+ unless lang == "en-US"
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with(/app\/assets\/yrb\/#{lang}\/\*\.pres/).and_return(["keys_#{lang}.pres"])
+ end
+ end
+ Translate.stub!(:t).with("value [0]", "ENGLISH", anything).exactly(size).and_return("translated value [0]")
+ @yrb.copy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Base" do
+ describe "class methods" do
+ it "should raise error on original_translations" do
+ lambda {
+ YMDP::Translator::Base.original_translations
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise error on all_source_files" do
+ lambda {
+ YMDP::Translator::Base.all_source_files
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise error on template" do
+ lambda {
+ YMDP::Translator::Base.template
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise error on translate" do
+ lambda {
+ YMDP::Translator::Base.translate
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "instance methods" do
+ it "should raise an error on instantiation" do
+ lambda {
+ @base = YMDP::Translator::Base.new("path")
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "raise in child" do
+ before(:each) do
+ class YMDPTranslatorBase < YMDP::Translator::Base
+ def language(path)
+ "en-US"
+ end
+ def base_filename(path)
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ @thing = YMDPTranslatorBase.new("path")
+ end
+ it "should raise an error calling parse_template" do
+ lambda {
+ @thing.parse_template("path")
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise an error calling format" do
+ lambda {
+ @thing.format("a", "b")
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise an error calling key_and_value_from_line" do
+ lambda {
+ @thing.key_and_value_from_line("line")
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ it "should raise an error calling comment?" do
+ lambda {
+ @thing.comment?("line")
+ }.should raise_error("Define in child")
+ end
+ end
+ end