lib/yext/api/utils/configuration.rb in yext-api-0.1.1 vs lib/yext/api/utils/configuration.rb in yext-api-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -53,10 +53,27 @@
# The id of a Yext User that the call is being made on the behalf of. This will affect the
# logging of who made a change.
# sandbox
# Boolean that indicates if the gem should use the production or sandbox URL.
+ #
+ # default_callback_processor
+ # The default class to be used to process webhook messages that are called.
+ # The code will warn about any missing webhook messages in a default processor.
+ # set_callback_processor(callback_function_name, processor)
+ # The class to be used to process webhook messages for a specific callback.
+ # If the method callback_function_name is not a public instance method for processor, an error
+ # will be raised.
+ #
+ # The processor class must be able to be instanciated with the following arguments:
+ # * meta - a hash of metadata for the webhook
+ # * object - a Spyke::Base object that represents the object that ws updated or changed
+ # to cause the hook event.
+ # * language_profiles - (optional) An array of objects.
+ #
+ # The functions that can be called for the webhooks are:
+ # * add_request_changed
class Configuration
include Singleton
attr_accessor :account_id,
@@ -77,10 +94,86 @@
@validation_level = value
+ def param_account_id
+ account_id || "me"
+ end
+ def default_callback_processor=(value)
+ callback_names.each do |callback_name|
+ verify_method(value, callback_name)
+ end
+ callback_processors[:default] = value
+ end
+ def default_callback_processor
+ callback_processors[:default]
+ end
+ def set_callback_processor(callback_function_name, processor)
+ callback_function_name = callback_function_name.downcase.to_sym
+ validate_arguments(callback_function_name, processor)
+ if processor.present?
+ callback_processors[callback_function_name.downcase.to_sym] = processor
+ else
+ callback_processors.delete(callback_function_name.downcase.to_sym)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_callback_processor(callback_function_name)
+ callback_function_name = callback_function_name.downcase.to_sym
+ callback_processors.fetch(callback_function_name, callback_processors[:default])
+ end
+ def validate_arguments(callback_function_name, processor)
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid callback function #{callback_function_name}" unless callback_names.include?(callback_function_name)
+ return if verify_method(processor, callback_function_name)
+ raise ArgumentError, "#{} does not have a valid #{callback_function_name} function"
+ end
+ def callback_processors
+ @callback_processors ||= {}
+ end
+ def callback_names
+ %i[add_request_changed].dup
+ end
+ def verify_method(callback_class, method_name)
+ return true if callback_class.blank?
+ return true if valid_method_definition?(callback_class, method_name)
+ warning_messsage = "The callback_processor does not include a valid #{method_name} method."
+ if Object.const_defined?("Rails")
+ Rails.logger.warn warning_messsage
+ else
+ # :nocov:
+ puts warning_messsage
+ # :nocov:
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def valid_method_definition?(callback_class, method_name)
+ return false if callback_class.public_instance_methods.grep(method_name).blank?
+ method = callback_class.instance_method(method_name)
+ return true if
+ method.parameters.count { |param_details| %i[keyreq req].include?(param_details.first) }.zero?
+ end
def read_from_environment_variables
@sandbox = !Rails.env.production?
@account_id = ENV["YEXT_ACCOUNT_ID"]