lib/yarp.rb in yarp-0.12.0 vs lib/yarp.rb in yarp-0.13.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,616 +1,4 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-module YARP
- # This represents a source of Ruby code that has been parsed. It is used in
- # conjunction with locations to allow them to resolve line numbers and source
- # ranges.
- class Source
- attr_reader :source, :offsets
- def initialize(source, offsets = compute_offsets(source))
- @source = source
- @offsets = offsets
- end
- def slice(offset, length)
- source.byteslice(offset, length)
- end
- def line(value)
- offsets.bsearch_index { |offset| offset > value } || offsets.length
- end
- def line_offset(value)
- offsets[line(value) - 1]
- end
- def column(value)
- value - offsets[line(value) - 1]
- end
- private
- def compute_offsets(code)
- offsets = [0]
- code.b.scan("\n") { offsets << $~.end(0) }
- offsets
- end
- end
- # This represents a location in the source.
- class Location
- # A Source object that is used to determine more information from the given
- # offset and length.
- protected attr_reader :source
- # The byte offset from the beginning of the source where this location
- # starts.
- attr_reader :start_offset
- # The length of this location in bytes.
- attr_reader :length
- # The list of comments attached to this location
- attr_reader :comments
- def initialize(source, start_offset, length)
- @source = source
- @start_offset = start_offset
- @length = length
- @comments = []
- end
- # Create a new location object with the given options.
- def copy(**options)
- options.fetch(:source) { source },
- options.fetch(:start_offset) { start_offset },
- options.fetch(:length) { length }
- )
- end
- # Returns a string representation of this location.
- def inspect
- "#<YARP::Location @start_offset=#{@start_offset} @length=#{@length}>"
- end
- # The source code that this location represents.
- def slice
- source.slice(start_offset, length)
- end
- # The byte offset from the beginning of the source where this location ends.
- def end_offset
- start_offset + length
- end
- # The line number where this location starts.
- def start_line
- source.line(start_offset)
- end
- # The content of the line where this location starts before this location.
- def start_line_slice
- offset = source.line_offset(start_offset)
- source.slice(offset, start_offset - offset)
- end
- # The line number where this location ends.
- def end_line
- source.line(end_offset - 1)
- end
- # The column number in bytes where this location starts from the start of
- # the line.
- def start_column
- source.column(start_offset)
- end
- # The column number in bytes where this location ends from the start of the
- # line.
- def end_column
- source.column(end_offset)
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { start_offset: start_offset, end_offset: end_offset }
- end
- def pretty_print(q)
- q.text("(#{start_offset}...#{end_offset})")
- end
- def ==(other)
- other.is_a?(Location) &&
- other.start_offset == start_offset &&
- other.end_offset == end_offset
- end
- # Returns a new location that stretches from this location to the given
- # other location. Raises an error if this location is not before the other
- # location or if they don't share the same source.
- def join(other)
- raise "Incompatible sources" if source != other.source
- raise "Incompatible locations" if start_offset > other.start_offset
-, start_offset, other.end_offset - start_offset)
- end
- def self.null
- new(0, 0)
- end
- end
- # This represents a comment that was encountered during parsing.
- class Comment
- TYPES = [:inline, :embdoc, :__END__]
- attr_reader :type, :location
- def initialize(type, location)
- @type = type
- @location = location
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { type: type, location: location }
- end
- # Returns true if the comment happens on the same line as other code and false if the comment is by itself
- def trailing?
- type == :inline && !location.start_line_slice.strip.empty?
- end
- def inspect
- "#<YARP::Comment @type=#{@type.inspect} @location=#{@location.inspect}>"
- end
- end
- # This represents an error that was encountered during parsing.
- class ParseError
- attr_reader :message, :location
- def initialize(message, location)
- @message = message
- @location = location
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { message: message, location: location }
- end
- def inspect
- "#<YARP::ParseError @message=#{@message.inspect} @location=#{@location.inspect}>"
- end
- end
- # This represents a warning that was encountered during parsing.
- class ParseWarning
- attr_reader :message, :location
- def initialize(message, location)
- @message = message
- @location = location
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { message: message, location: location }
- end
- def inspect
- "#<YARP::ParseWarning @message=#{@message.inspect} @location=#{@location.inspect}>"
- end
- end
- # A class that knows how to walk down the tree. None of the individual visit
- # methods are implemented on this visitor, so it forces the consumer to
- # implement each one that they need. For a default implementation that
- # continues walking the tree, see the Visitor class.
- class BasicVisitor
- def visit(node)
- node&.accept(self)
- end
- def visit_all(nodes)
- { |node| visit(node) }
- end
- def visit_child_nodes(node)
- visit_all(node.child_nodes)
- end
- end
- class Visitor < BasicVisitor
- end
- # This represents the result of a call to ::parse or ::parse_file. It contains
- # the AST, any comments that were encounters, and any errors that were
- # encountered.
- class ParseResult
- attr_reader :value, :comments, :errors, :warnings, :source
- def initialize(value, comments, errors, warnings, source)
- @value = value
- @comments = comments
- @errors = errors
- @warnings = warnings
- @source = source
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { value: value, comments: comments, errors: errors, warnings: warnings }
- end
- def success?
- errors.empty?
- end
- def failure?
- !success?
- end
- end
- # This represents a token from the Ruby source.
- class Token
- attr_reader :type, :value, :location
- def initialize(type, value, location)
- @type = type
- @value = value
- @location = location
- end
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- { type: type, value: value, location: location }
- end
- def pretty_print(q)
- do
- q.text(type.to_s)
- self.location.pretty_print(q)
- q.text("(")
- q.nest(2) do
- q.breakable("")
- q.pp(value)
- end
- q.breakable("")
- q.text(")")
- end
- end
- def ==(other)
- other.is_a?(Token) &&
- other.type == type &&
- other.value == value
- end
- end
- # This represents a node in the tree.
- class Node
- attr_reader :location
- def newline?
- @newline ? true : false
- end
- def set_newline_flag(newline_marked)
- line = location.start_line
- unless newline_marked[line]
- newline_marked[line] = true
- @newline = true
- end
- end
- # Slice the location of the node from the source.
- def slice
- location.slice
- end
- def pretty_print(q)
- q.text(inspect.chomp)
- end
- end
- # This object is responsible for generating the output for the inspect method
- # implementations of child nodes.
- class NodeInspector
- attr_reader :prefix, :output
- def initialize(prefix = "")
- @prefix = prefix
- @output = +""
- end
- # Appends a line to the output with the current prefix.
- def <<(line)
- output << "#{prefix}#{line}"
- end
- # This generates a string that is used as the header of the inspect output
- # for any given node.
- def header(node)
- output = +"@ #{"::").last} ("
- output << "location: (#{node.location.start_offset}...#{node.location.end_offset})"
- output << ", newline: true" if node.newline?
- output << ")\n"
- output
- end
- # Generates a string that represents a list of nodes. It handles properly
- # using the box drawing characters to make the output look nice.
- def list(prefix, nodes)
- output = +"(length: #{nodes.length})\n"
- last_index = nodes.length - 1
- nodes.each_with_index do |node, index|
- pointer, preadd = (index == last_index) ? ["└── ", " "] : ["├── ", "│ "]
- node_prefix = "#{prefix}#{preadd}"
- output << node.inspect(, "#{prefix}#{pointer}")
- end
- output
- end
- # Generates a string that represents a location field on a node.
- def location(value)
- if value
- "(#{value.start_offset}...#{value.end_offset}) = #{value.slice.inspect}"
- else
- "∅"
- end
- end
- # Generates a string that represents a child node.
- def child_node(node, append)
- node.inspect(child_inspector(append)).delete_prefix(prefix)
- end
- # Returns a new inspector that can be used to inspect a child node.
- def child_inspector(append)
- end
- # Returns the output as a string.
- def to_str
- output
- end
- end
- # Load the serialized AST using the source as a reference into a tree.
- def self.load(source, serialized)
- Serialize.load(source, serialized)
- end
- # This module is used for testing and debugging and is not meant to be used by
- # consumers of this library.
- module Debug
- class ISeq
- attr_reader :parts
- def initialize(parts)
- @parts = parts
- end
- def type
- parts[0]
- end
- def local_table
- parts[10]
- end
- def instructions
- parts[13]
- end
- def each_child
- instructions.each do |instruction|
- # Only look at arrays. Other instructions are line numbers or
- # tracepoint events.
- next unless instruction.is_a?(Array)
- instruction.each do |opnd|
- # Only look at arrays. Other operands are literals.
- next unless opnd.is_a?(Array)
- # Only look at instruction sequences. Other operands are literals.
- next unless opnd[0] == "YARVInstructionSequence/SimpleDataFormat"
- yield
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # For the given source, compiles with CRuby and returns a list of all of the
- # sets of local variables that were encountered.
- def self.cruby_locals(source)
- verbose = $VERBOSE
- $VERBOSE = nil
- begin
- locals = []
- stack = []
- while (iseq = stack.pop)
- if iseq.type != :once
- names = iseq.local_table
- # CRuby will push on a special local variable when there are keyword
- # arguments. We get rid of that here.
- names = names.grep_v(Integer)
- # For some reason, CRuby occasionally pushes this special local
- # variable when there are splat arguments. We get rid of that here.
- names = names.grep_v(:"#arg_rest")
- # Now push them onto the list of locals.
- locals << names
- end
- iseq.each_child { |child| stack << child }
- end
- locals
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- end
- # For the given source, parses with YARP and returns a list of all of the
- # sets of local variables that were encountered.
- def self.yarp_locals(source)
- locals = []
- stack = [YARP.parse(source).value]
- while (node = stack.pop)
- case node
- when BlockNode, DefNode, LambdaNode
- names = node.locals
- params = node.parameters
- params = params&.parameters unless node.is_a?(DefNode)
- # YARP places parameters in the same order that they appear in the
- # source. CRuby places them in the order that they need to appear
- # according to their own internal calling convention. We mimic that
- # order here so that we can compare properly.
- if params
- sorted = [
- *params.requireds.grep(RequiredParameterNode).map(&:name),
- *,
- *(( || :*) if && != ","),
- *params.posts.grep(RequiredParameterNode).map(&:name),
- *params.keywords.reject(&:value).map(&:name),
- *
- ]
- # TODO: When we get a ... parameter, we should be pushing * and &
- # onto the local list. We don't do that yet, so we need to add them
- # in here.
- if params.keyword_rest.is_a?(ForwardingParameterNode)
- sorted.push(:*, :&, :"...")
- end
- # Recurse down the parameter tree to find any destructured
- # parameters and add them after the other parameters.
- param_stack = params.requireds.concat(params.posts).grep(RequiredDestructuredParameterNode).reverse
- while (param = param_stack.pop)
- case param
- when RequiredDestructuredParameterNode
- param_stack.concat(param.parameters.reverse)
- when RequiredParameterNode
- sorted <<
- when SplatNode
- sorted << if param.expression
- end
- end
- names = sorted.concat(names - sorted)
- end
- locals << names
- when ClassNode, ModuleNode, ProgramNode, SingletonClassNode
- locals << node.locals
- when ForNode
- locals << []
- when PostExecutionNode
- locals.push([], [])
- when InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode
- locals << [] if node.once?
- end
- stack.concat(node.child_nodes.compact)
- end
- locals
- end
- def self.newlines(source)
- YARP.parse(source).source.offsets
- end
- def self.parse_serialize_file(filepath)
- parse_serialize_file_metadata(filepath, [filepath.bytesize, filepath.b, 0].pack("LA*L"))
- end
- end
- # Marking this as private so that consumers don't see it. It makes it a little
- # annoying for testing since you have to const_get it to access the methods,
- # but at least this way it's clear it's not meant for consumers.
- private_constant :Debug
-require_relative "yarp/lex_compat"
-require_relative "yarp/mutation_visitor"
-require_relative "yarp/desugar_visitor"
-require_relative "yarp/node"
-require_relative "yarp/ripper_compat"
-require_relative "yarp/serialize"
-require_relative "yarp/pack"
-require_relative "yarp/pattern"
-require_relative "yarp/parse_result/comments"
-require_relative "yarp/parse_result/newlines"
-if RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" and !ENV["YARP_FFI_BACKEND"]
- require "yarp/yarp"
- require_relative "yarp/ffi"
-# Reopening the YARP module after yarp/node is required so that constant
-# reflection APIs will find the constants defined in the node file before these.
-# This block is meant to contain extra APIs we define on YARP nodes that aren't
-# templated and are meant as convenience methods.
-module YARP
- class FloatNode < Node
- # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Float.
- def value
- Float(slice)
- end
- end
- class ImaginaryNode < Node
- # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Complex.
- def value
- Complex(0, numeric.value)
- end
- end
- class IntegerNode < Node
- # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Integer.
- def value
- Integer(slice)
- end
- end
- class InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode < Node
- # Returns a numeric value that represents the flags that were used to create
- # the regular expression.
- def options
- o = flags & 0b111
- o |= Regexp::FIXEDENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EUC_JP | RegularExpressionFlags::WINDOWS_31J | RegularExpressionFlags::UTF_8)
- o |= Regexp::NOENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::ASCII_8BIT)
- o
- end
- end
- class RationalNode < Node
- # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Rational.
- def value
- Rational(slice.chomp("r"))
- end
- end
- class RegularExpressionNode < Node
- # Returns a numeric value that represents the flags that were used to create
- # the regular expression.
- def options
- o = flags & 0b111
- o |= Regexp::FIXEDENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EUC_JP | RegularExpressionFlags::WINDOWS_31J | RegularExpressionFlags::UTF_8)
- o |= Regexp::NOENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::ASCII_8BIT)
- o
- end
- end
+require "prism"
+YARP = Prism