spec/handlers/ruby/legacy/base_spec.rb in yard-0.9.16 vs spec/handlers/ruby/legacy/base_spec.rb in yard-0.9.17
- old
+ new
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-include Parser::Ruby::Legacy
-RSpec.describe YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base, "#handles and inheritance" do
- before do
- allow(Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base).to receive(:inherited)
- if RUBY_VERSION > '1.8.7'
- allow(Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler).to receive(:inherited) # fixes a Ruby1.9 issue
- end
- @processor = Handlers::Processor.new(OpenStruct.new(:parser_type => :ruby18))
- end
- after(:all) do
- Handlers::Base.clear_subclasses
- end
- def stmt(string)
- Statement.new(TokenList.new(string))
- end
- it "only handles Handlers inherited from Ruby::Legacy::Base class" do
- class IgnoredHandler < Handlers::Base
- handles "hello"
- end
- class NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles "hello"
- end
- allow(Handlers::Base).to receive(:subclasses).and_return [IgnoredHandler, NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy]
- expect(@processor.find_handlers(stmt("hello world"))).to eq [NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy]
- end
- it "handles a string input" do
- class TestStringHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles "hello"
- end
- expect(TestStringHandler.handles?(stmt("hello world"))).to be true
- expect(TestStringHandler.handles?(stmt("nothello world"))).to be false
- end
- it "handles regex input" do
- class TestRegexHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles(/^nothello$/)
- end
- expect(TestRegexHandler.handles?(stmt("nothello"))).to be true
- expect(TestRegexHandler.handles?(stmt("not hello hello"))).to be false
- end
- it "handles token input" do
- class TestTokenHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles TkMODULE
- end
- expect(TestTokenHandler.handles?(stmt("module"))).to be true
- expect(TestTokenHandler.handles?(stmt("if"))).to be false
- end
- it "parses a do/end or { } block with #parse_block" do
- class MyBlockHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles(/\AmyMethod\b/)
- def process
- parse_block(:owner => "test")
- end
- end
- class MyBlockInnerHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
- handles "inner"
- def self.reset; @@reached = false end
- def self.reached?; @@reached ||= false end
- def process; @@reached = true end
- end
- allow(Handlers::Base).to receive(:subclasses).and_return [MyBlockHandler, MyBlockInnerHandler]
- Parser::SourceParser.parser_type = :ruby18
- Parser::SourceParser.parse_string "myMethod do inner end"
- expect(MyBlockInnerHandler).to be_reached
- MyBlockInnerHandler.reset
- Parser::SourceParser.parse_string "myMethod { inner }"
- expect(MyBlockInnerHandler).to be_reached
- Parser::SourceParser.parser_type = :ruby
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+include Parser::Ruby::Legacy
+RSpec.describe YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base, "#handles and inheritance" do
+ before do
+ allow(Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base).to receive(:inherited)
+ if RUBY_VERSION > '1.8.7'
+ allow(Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler).to receive(:inherited) # fixes a Ruby1.9 issue
+ end
+ @processor = Handlers::Processor.new(OpenStruct.new(:parser_type => :ruby18))
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ Handlers::Base.clear_subclasses
+ end
+ def stmt(string)
+ Statement.new(TokenList.new(string))
+ end
+ it "only handles Handlers inherited from Ruby::Legacy::Base class" do
+ class IgnoredHandler < Handlers::Base
+ handles "hello"
+ end
+ class NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles "hello"
+ end
+ allow(Handlers::Base).to receive(:subclasses).and_return [IgnoredHandler, NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy]
+ expect(@processor.find_handlers(stmt("hello world"))).to eq [NotIgnoredHandlerLegacy]
+ end
+ it "handles a string input" do
+ class TestStringHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles "hello"
+ end
+ expect(TestStringHandler.handles?(stmt("hello world"))).to be true
+ expect(TestStringHandler.handles?(stmt("nothello world"))).to be false
+ end
+ it "handles regex input" do
+ class TestRegexHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles(/^nothello$/)
+ end
+ expect(TestRegexHandler.handles?(stmt("nothello"))).to be true
+ expect(TestRegexHandler.handles?(stmt("not hello hello"))).to be false
+ end
+ it "handles token input" do
+ class TestTokenHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles TkMODULE
+ end
+ expect(TestTokenHandler.handles?(stmt("module"))).to be true
+ expect(TestTokenHandler.handles?(stmt("if"))).to be false
+ end
+ it "parses a do/end or { } block with #parse_block" do
+ class MyBlockHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles(/\AmyMethod\b/)
+ def process
+ parse_block(:owner => "test")
+ end
+ end
+ class MyBlockInnerHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base
+ handles "inner"
+ def self.reset; @@reached = false end
+ def self.reached?; @@reached ||= false end
+ def process; @@reached = true end
+ end
+ allow(Handlers::Base).to receive(:subclasses).and_return [MyBlockHandler, MyBlockInnerHandler]
+ Parser::SourceParser.parser_type = :ruby18
+ Parser::SourceParser.parse_string "myMethod do inner end"
+ expect(MyBlockInnerHandler).to be_reached
+ MyBlockInnerHandler.reset
+ Parser::SourceParser.parse_string "myMethod { inner }"
+ expect(MyBlockInnerHandler).to be_reached
+ Parser::SourceParser.parser_type = :ruby
+ end