spec/docstring_spec.rb in yard-0.9.16 vs spec/docstring_spec.rb in yard-0.9.17
- old
+ new
@@ -1,364 +1,373 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-RSpec.describe YARD::Docstring do
- before { YARD::Registry.clear }
- describe "#initialize" do
- it "handles docstrings with empty newlines" do
- expect(Docstring.new("\n\n")).to eq ""
- end
- end
- describe "#+" do
- it "adds another Docstring" do
- d = Docstring.new("FOO") + Docstring.new("BAR")
- expect(d).to eq "FOO\nBAR"
- end
- it "copies over tags" do
- d1 = Docstring.new("FOO\n@api private\n")
- d2 = Docstring.new("BAR\n@param foo descr")
- d = (d1 + d2)
- expect(d).to have_tag(:api)
- expect(d).to have_tag(:param)
- end
- it "adds a String" do
- d = Docstring.new("FOO") + "BAR"
- expect(d).to eq "FOOBAR"
- end
- end
- describe "#line" do
- it "returns nil if #line_range is not set" do
- expect(Docstring.new('foo').line).to be nil
- end
- it "returns line_range.first if #line_range is set" do
- doc = Docstring.new('foo')
- doc.line_range = (1..10)
- expect(doc.line).to eq doc.line_range.first
- end
- end
- describe "#summary" do
- it "handles empty docstrings" do
- o1 = Docstring.new
- expect(o1.summary).to eq ""
- end
- it "handles multiple calls" do
- o1 = Docstring.new("Hello. world")
- 5.times { expect(o1.summary).to eq "Hello." }
- end
- it "strips newlines in first paragraph before summarizing" do
- doc = Docstring.new("Foo\n<code>==</code> bar.")
- expect(doc.summary).to eq 'Foo <code>==</code> bar.'
- end
- it "returns the first sentence" do
- o = Docstring.new("DOCSTRING. Another sentence")
- expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING."
- end
- it "returns the first paragraph" do
- o = Docstring.new("DOCSTRING, and other stuff\n\nAnother sentence.")
- expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING, and other stuff."
- end
- it "returns proper summary when docstring is changed" do
- o = Docstring.new "DOCSTRING, and other stuff\n\nAnother sentence."
- expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING, and other stuff."
- o = Docstring.new "DOCSTRING."
- expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING."
- end
- it "does not double the ending period" do
- o = Docstring.new("Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified.\n\nTest")
- expect(o.summary).to eq "Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified."
- doc = Docstring.new(<<-eof)
- Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified.
- @param name the tag name to return data for, or nil for all tags
- @return [Array<Tags::Tag>] the list of tags by the specified tag name
- eof
- expect(doc.summary).to eq "Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified."
- end
- it "does not attach period if entire summary is include" do
- YARD.parse_string "# docstring\ndef foo; end"
- expect(Docstring.new("{include:#foo}").summary).to eq '{include:#foo}'
- Registry.clear
- end
- it "handles references embedded in summary" do
- expect(Docstring.new("Aliasing {Test.test}. Done.").summary).to eq "Aliasing {Test.test}."
- end
- it "only ends first sentence when outside parentheses" do
- expect(Docstring.new("Hello (the best.) world. Foo bar.").summary).to eq "Hello (the best.) world."
- expect(Docstring.new("A[b.]c.").summary).to eq "A[b.]c."
- end
- it "only sees '.' as period if whitespace (or eof) follows" do
- expect(Docstring.new("hello 1.5 times.").summary).to eq "hello 1.5 times."
- expect(Docstring.new("hello... me").summary).to eq "hello..."
- expect(Docstring.new("hello.").summary).to eq "hello."
- end
- it "returns summary if there is a newline and parentheses count doesn't match" do
- expect(Docstring.new("Happy method call :-)\n\nCall any time.").summary).to eq "Happy method call :-)."
- expect(Docstring.new("Sad method call :-(\n\nCall any time.").summary).to eq "Sad method call :-(."
- expect(Docstring.new("Hello (World. Forget to close.\n\nNew text").summary).to eq "Hello (World. Forget to close."
- expect(Docstring.new("Hello (World. Forget to close\n\nNew text").summary).to eq "Hello (World. Forget to close."
- end
- end
- describe "#ref_tags" do
- it "parses reference tag into ref_tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
- expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 1
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.owner).to eq P("Foo#bar")
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.tag_name).to eq "return"
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.name).to be nil
- end
- it "parses named reference tag into ref_tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param blah \n (see Foo#bar )")
- expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 1
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.owner).to eq P("Foo#bar")
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.tag_name).to eq "param"
- expect(doc.ref_tags.first.name).to eq "blah"
- end
- it "fails to parse named reference tag into ref_tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param blah THIS_BREAKS_REFTAG (see Foo#bar)")
- expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 0
- end
- it "returns all valid reference tags along with #tags" do
- o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
- o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('return', 'testing')
- doc = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
- tags = doc.tags
- expect(tags.size).to eq 1
- expect(tags.first.text).to eq 'testing'
- expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
- expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
- end
- it "returns all valid named reference tags along with #tags(name)" do
- o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
- o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'testing', nil, '*args')
- o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'NOTtesting', nil, 'notargs')
- doc = Docstring.new("@param *args (see Foo#bar)")
- tags = doc.tags('param')
- expect(tags.size).to eq 1
- expect(tags.first.text).to eq 'testing'
- expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
- expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
- end
- it "ignores invalid reference tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param *args (see INVALID::TAG#tag)")
- tags = doc.tags('param')
- expect(tags.size).to eq 0
- end
- it "resolves references to methods in the same class with #methname" do
- klass = CodeObjects::ClassObject.new(:root, "Foo")
- o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(klass, "bar")
- ref = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(klass, "baz")
- o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'testing', nil, 'arg1')
- ref.docstring = "@param (see #bar)"
- tags = ref.docstring.tags("param")
- expect(tags.size).to eq 1
- expect(tags.first.text).to eq "testing"
- expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
- expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
- end
- it "returns an empty list (and warning) if circular reftags are found" do
- YARD.parse_string <<-eof
- class Foo
- # @param (see #b)
- def a; end
- # @param (see #a)
- def b; end
- end
- eof
- expect(log.io.string).to match(/error.*circular reference tag in `Foo#b'/)
- expect(Registry.at('Foo#a').tags).to be_empty
- expect(Registry.at('Foo#b').tags).to be_empty
- end
- it "returns an empty list (and warning) if self-circular reftags are found" do
- YARD.parse_string <<-eof
- class Foo
- # @param (see #bar)
- def bar; end
- end
- eof
- expect(log.io.string).to match(/error.*circular reference tag in `Foo#bar'/)
- expect(Registry.at('Foo#bar').tags).to be_empty
- end
- end
- describe "#empty?/#blank?" do
- before(:all) do
- Tags::Library.define_tag "Invisible", :invisible_tag
- end
- it "is blank and empty if it has no content and no tags" do
- expect(Docstring.new).to be_blank
- expect(Docstring.new).to be_empty
- end
- it "isn't empty or blank if it has content" do
- d = Docstring.new("foo bar")
- expect(d).not_to be_empty
- expect(d).not_to be_blank
- end
- it "is empty but not blank if it has tags" do
- d = Docstring.new("@param foo")
- expect(d).to be_empty
- expect(d).not_to be_blank
- end
- it "is empty but not blank if it has ref tags" do
- o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
- o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('return', 'testing')
- d = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
- expect(d).to be_empty
- expect(d).not_to be_blank
- end
- it "is blank if it has no visible tags" do
- d = Docstring.new("@invisible_tag value")
- expect(d).to be_blank
- end
- it "is not blank if it has invisible tags and only_visible_tags = false" do
- d = Docstring.new("@invisible_tag value")
- d.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('invisible_tag', nil, nil)
- expect(d.blank?(false)).to be false
- end
- end
- describe "#delete_tags" do
- it "deletes tags by a given tag name" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param name x\n@param name2 y\n@return foo")
- doc.delete_tags(:param)
- expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 1
- end
- end
- describe "#delete_tag_if" do
- it "deletes tags for a given block" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param name x\n@param name2 y\n@return foo")
- doc.delete_tag_if {|t| t.name == 'name2' }
- expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 2
- end
- end
- describe "#to_raw" do
- it "returns a clean representation of tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("Hello world\n@return [String, X] foobar\n@param name<Array> the name\nBYE!")
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "Hello world\nBYE!\n@param [Array] name\n the name\n@return [String, X] foobar"
- end
- it "handles tags with newlines and indentation" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name")
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name"
- end
- it "handles deleted tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name")
- doc.delete_tags(:param)
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo"
- end
- it "handles added tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo")
- doc.add_tag(Tags::Tag.new('foo', 'foo'))
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@foo foo"
- end
- it "is equal to .all if not modified" do
- doc = Docstring.new("123\n@param")
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq doc.all
- end
- # @bug gh-563
- it "handles full @option tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@option foo [String] bar (nil) baz")
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@option foo [String] bar (nil) baz"
- end
- # @bug gh-563
- it "handles simple @option tags" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@option foo :key bar")
- expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@option foo :key bar"
- end
- end
- describe "#dup" do
- it "duplicates docstring text" do
- doc = Docstring.new("foo")
- expect(doc.dup).to eq doc
- expect(doc.dup.all).to eq doc
- end
- it "duplicates tags to new list" do
- doc = Docstring.new("@param x\n@return y")
- doc2 = doc.dup
- doc2.delete_tags(:param)
- expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 2
- expect(doc2.tags.size).to eq 1
- end
- it "preserves summary" do
- doc = Docstring.new("foo. bar")
- expect(doc.dup.summary).to eq doc.summary
- end
- it "preserves hash_flag" do
- doc = Docstring.new
- doc.hash_flag = 'foo'
- expect(doc.dup.hash_flag).to eq doc.hash_flag
- end
- it "preserves line_range" do
- doc = Docstring.new
- doc.line_range = (1..2)
- expect(doc.dup.line_range).to eq doc.line_range
- end
- end
- describe "reference docstrings" do
- it "allows for construction of docstring with ref object" do
- YARD.parse_string <<-eof
- class A
- # Docstring
- # @return [Boolean]
- def a; end
- # (see #a)
- def b; end
- end
- eof
- object = YARD::Registry.at('A#b')
- expect(object.docstring).to eq 'Docstring'
- expect(object.tags.map(&:tag_name)).to eq ['return']
- YARD::Registry.clear
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe YARD::Docstring do
+ before { YARD::Registry.clear }
+ describe "#initialize" do
+ it "handles docstrings with empty newlines" do
+ expect(Docstring.new("\n\n")).to eq ""
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#+" do
+ it "adds another Docstring" do
+ d = Docstring.new("FOO") + Docstring.new("BAR")
+ expect(d).to eq "FOO\nBAR"
+ end
+ it "copies over tags" do
+ d1 = Docstring.new("FOO\n@api private\n")
+ d2 = Docstring.new("BAR\n@param foo descr")
+ d = (d1 + d2)
+ expect(d).to have_tag(:api)
+ expect(d).to have_tag(:param)
+ end
+ it "adds a String" do
+ d = Docstring.new("FOO") + "BAR"
+ expect(d).to eq "FOOBAR"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#line" do
+ it "returns nil if #line_range is not set" do
+ expect(Docstring.new('foo').line).to be nil
+ end
+ it "returns line_range.first if #line_range is set" do
+ doc = Docstring.new('foo')
+ doc.line_range = (1..10)
+ expect(doc.line).to eq doc.line_range.first
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#summary" do
+ it "handles empty docstrings" do
+ o1 = Docstring.new
+ expect(o1.summary).to eq ""
+ end
+ it "handles multiple calls" do
+ o1 = Docstring.new("Hello. world")
+ 5.times { expect(o1.summary).to eq "Hello." }
+ end
+ it "strips newlines in first paragraph before summarizing" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("Foo\n<code>==</code> bar.")
+ expect(doc.summary).to eq 'Foo <code>==</code> bar.'
+ end
+ it "returns the first sentence" do
+ o = Docstring.new("DOCSTRING. Another sentence")
+ expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING."
+ end
+ it "returns the first paragraph" do
+ o = Docstring.new("DOCSTRING, and other stuff\n\nAnother sentence.")
+ expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING, and other stuff."
+ end
+ it "returns proper summary when docstring is changed" do
+ o = Docstring.new "DOCSTRING, and other stuff\n\nAnother sentence."
+ expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING, and other stuff."
+ o = Docstring.new "DOCSTRING."
+ expect(o.summary).to eq "DOCSTRING."
+ end
+ it "does not double the ending period" do
+ o = Docstring.new("Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified.\n\nTest")
+ expect(o.summary).to eq "Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified."
+ doc = Docstring.new(<<-eof)
+ Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified.
+ @param name the tag name to return data for, or nil for all tags
+ @return [Array<Tags::Tag>] the list of tags by the specified tag name
+ eof
+ expect(doc.summary).to eq "Returns a list of tags specified by +name+ or all tags if +name+ is not specified."
+ end
+ it "does not attach period if entire summary is include" do
+ YARD.parse_string "# docstring\ndef foo; end"
+ expect(Docstring.new("{include:#foo}").summary).to eq '{include:#foo}'
+ Registry.clear
+ end
+ it "handles references embedded in summary" do
+ expect(Docstring.new("Aliasing {Test.test}. Done.").summary).to eq "Aliasing {Test.test}."
+ end
+ it "only ends first sentence when outside parentheses" do
+ expect(Docstring.new("Hello (the best.) world. Foo bar.").summary).to eq "Hello (the best.) world."
+ expect(Docstring.new("A[b.]c.").summary).to eq "A[b.]c."
+ end
+ it "only sees '.' as period if whitespace (or eof) follows" do
+ expect(Docstring.new("hello 1.5 times.").summary).to eq "hello 1.5 times."
+ expect(Docstring.new("hello... me").summary).to eq "hello..."
+ expect(Docstring.new("hello.").summary).to eq "hello."
+ end
+ it "returns summary if there is a newline and parentheses count doesn't match" do
+ expect(Docstring.new("Happy method call :-)\n\nCall any time.").summary).to eq "Happy method call :-)."
+ expect(Docstring.new("Sad method call :-(\n\nCall any time.").summary).to eq "Sad method call :-(."
+ expect(Docstring.new("Hello (World. Forget to close.\n\nNew text").summary).to eq "Hello (World. Forget to close."
+ expect(Docstring.new("Hello (World. Forget to close\n\nNew text").summary).to eq "Hello (World. Forget to close."
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#ref_tags" do
+ it "parses reference tag into ref_tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 1
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.owner).to eq P("Foo#bar")
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.tag_name).to eq "return"
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.name).to be nil
+ end
+ it "parses named reference tag into ref_tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param blah \n (see Foo#bar )")
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 1
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.owner).to eq P("Foo#bar")
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.tag_name).to eq "param"
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.first.name).to eq "blah"
+ end
+ it "fails to parse named reference tag into ref_tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param blah THIS_BREAKS_REFTAG (see Foo#bar)")
+ expect(doc.ref_tags.size).to eq 0
+ end
+ it "returns all valid reference tags along with #tags" do
+ o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
+ o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('return', 'testing')
+ doc = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
+ tags = doc.tags
+ expect(tags.size).to eq 1
+ expect(tags.first.text).to eq 'testing'
+ expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
+ expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
+ end
+ it "returns all valid named reference tags along with #tags(name)" do
+ o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
+ o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'testing', nil, '*args')
+ o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'NOTtesting', nil, 'notargs')
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param *args (see Foo#bar)")
+ tags = doc.tags('param')
+ expect(tags.size).to eq 1
+ expect(tags.first.text).to eq 'testing'
+ expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
+ expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
+ end
+ it "ignores invalid reference tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param *args (see INVALID::TAG#tag)")
+ tags = doc.tags('param')
+ expect(tags.size).to eq 0
+ end
+ it "resolves references to methods in the same class with #methname" do
+ klass = CodeObjects::ClassObject.new(:root, "Foo")
+ o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(klass, "bar")
+ ref = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(klass, "baz")
+ o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('param', 'testing', nil, 'arg1')
+ ref.docstring = "@param (see #bar)"
+ tags = ref.docstring.tags("param")
+ expect(tags.size).to eq 1
+ expect(tags.first.text).to eq "testing"
+ expect(tags.first).to be_kind_of(Tags::RefTag)
+ expect(tags.first.owner).to eq o
+ end
+ it "returns an empty list (and warning) if circular reftags are found" do
+ YARD.parse_string <<-eof
+ class Foo
+ # @param (see #b)
+ def a; end
+ # @param (see #a)
+ def b; end
+ end
+ eof
+ expect(log.io.string).to match(/error.*circular reference tag in `Foo#b'/)
+ expect(Registry.at('Foo#a').tags).to be_empty
+ expect(Registry.at('Foo#b').tags).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "returns an empty list (and warning) if self-circular reftags are found" do
+ YARD.parse_string <<-eof
+ class Foo
+ # @param (see #bar)
+ def bar; end
+ end
+ eof
+ expect(log.io.string).to match(/error.*circular reference tag in `Foo#bar'/)
+ expect(Registry.at('Foo#bar').tags).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#empty?/#blank?" do
+ before(:all) do
+ Tags::Library.define_tag "Invisible", :invisible_tag
+ end
+ it "is blank and empty if it has no content and no tags" do
+ expect(Docstring.new).to be_blank
+ expect(Docstring.new).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "isn't empty or blank if it has content" do
+ d = Docstring.new("foo bar")
+ expect(d).not_to be_empty
+ expect(d).not_to be_blank
+ end
+ it "is empty but not blank if it has tags" do
+ d = Docstring.new("@param foo")
+ expect(d).to be_empty
+ expect(d).not_to be_blank
+ end
+ it "is empty but not blank if it has ref tags" do
+ o = CodeObjects::MethodObject.new(:root, 'Foo#bar')
+ o.docstring.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('return', 'testing')
+ d = Docstring.new("@return (see Foo#bar)")
+ expect(d).to be_empty
+ expect(d).not_to be_blank
+ end
+ it "is blank if it has no visible tags" do
+ d = Docstring.new("@invisible_tag value")
+ expect(d).to be_blank
+ end
+ it "is not blank if it has invisible tags and only_visible_tags = false" do
+ d = Docstring.new("@invisible_tag value")
+ d.add_tag Tags::Tag.new('invisible_tag', nil, nil)
+ expect(d.blank?(false)).to be false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#delete_tags" do
+ it "deletes tags by a given tag name" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param name x\n@param name2 y\n@return foo")
+ doc.delete_tags(:param)
+ expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 1
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#delete_tag_if" do
+ it "deletes tags for a given block" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param name x\n@param name2 y\n@return foo")
+ doc.delete_tag_if {|t| t.name == 'name2' }
+ expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 2
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_raw" do
+ it "returns a clean representation of tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("Hello world\n@return [String, X] foobar\n@param name<Array> the name\nBYE!")
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "Hello world\nBYE!\n@param [Array] name\n the name\n@return [String, X] foobar"
+ end
+ it "handles tags with newlines and indentation" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name")
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name"
+ end
+ it "handles deleted tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@param [X] name\n the name")
+ doc.delete_tags(:param)
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo"
+ end
+ it "handles added tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo")
+ doc.add_tag(Tags::Tag.new('foo', 'foo'))
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@example TITLE\n the \n example\n @foo\n@foo foo"
+ end
+ it "is equal to .all if not modified" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("123\n@param")
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq doc.all
+ end
+ it "is stable sorting tags" do
+ expected = Docstring.new("123\n@param x\n@param y\n@version A")
+ doc = Docstring.new("123")
+ doc.add_tag(Tags::Tag.new('version', 'A'))
+ doc.add_tag(Tags::Tag.new('param', 'x'))
+ doc.add_tag(Tags::Tag.new('param', 'y'))
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq expected.all
+ end
+ # @bug gh-563
+ it "handles full @option tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@option foo [String] bar (nil) baz")
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@option foo [String] bar (nil) baz"
+ end
+ # @bug gh-563
+ it "handles simple @option tags" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@option foo :key bar")
+ expect(doc.to_raw).to eq "@option foo :key bar"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#dup" do
+ it "duplicates docstring text" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("foo")
+ expect(doc.dup).to eq doc
+ expect(doc.dup.all).to eq doc
+ end
+ it "duplicates tags to new list" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("@param x\n@return y")
+ doc2 = doc.dup
+ doc2.delete_tags(:param)
+ expect(doc.tags.size).to eq 2
+ expect(doc2.tags.size).to eq 1
+ end
+ it "preserves summary" do
+ doc = Docstring.new("foo. bar")
+ expect(doc.dup.summary).to eq doc.summary
+ end
+ it "preserves hash_flag" do
+ doc = Docstring.new
+ doc.hash_flag = 'foo'
+ expect(doc.dup.hash_flag).to eq doc.hash_flag
+ end
+ it "preserves line_range" do
+ doc = Docstring.new
+ doc.line_range = (1..2)
+ expect(doc.dup.line_range).to eq doc.line_range
+ end
+ end
+ describe "reference docstrings" do
+ it "allows for construction of docstring with ref object" do
+ YARD.parse_string <<-eof
+ class A
+ # Docstring
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def a; end
+ # (see #a)
+ def b; end
+ end
+ eof
+ object = YARD::Registry.at('A#b')
+ expect(object.docstring).to eq 'Docstring'
+ expect(object.tags.map(&:tag_name)).to eq ['return']
+ YARD::Registry.clear
+ end
+ end