spec/code_objects/proxy_spec.rb in yard-0.9.16 vs spec/code_objects/proxy_spec.rb in yard-0.9.17
- old
+ new
@@ -1,141 +1,141 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
-RSpec.describe YARD::CodeObjects::Proxy do
- before { Registry.clear }
- it "returns the object if it's in the Registry" do
- ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- proxyobj = P(:root, :YARD)
- expect(proxyobj.type).to eq :module
- expect(Proxy === proxyobj).to be false
- end
- it "handles complex string namespaces" do
- ModuleObject.new(:root, :A)
- ModuleObject.new(P(nil, :A), :B)
- expect(P(:root, "A::B")).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
- end
- it "does not return true to Proxy === obj if obj is a Proxy class holding a resolved object" do
- expect(Proxy === P(:root, 'a')).to be true
- expect(Proxy === P(:root)).to be false
- MethodObject.new(:root, 'a')
- expect(Proxy === P(:root, 'a')).to be false
- x = Proxy.new(:root, 'a')
- expect(Proxy === x).to be false
- end
- it "returns the object if it's an included Module" do
- yardobj = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- pathobj = ClassObject.new(:root, :TestClass)
- pathobj.instance_mixins << yardobj
- expect(P(P(nil, :TestClass), :YARD)).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
- end
- it "responds to respond_to?" do
- ClassObject.new(:root, :Object)
- ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:children)).to be true
- expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:children)).to be false
- expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:initialize)).to be false
- expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:initialize, true)).to be true
- expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:initialize)).to be false
- expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:initialize, true)).to be true
- end
- it "makes itself obvious that it's a proxy" do
- pathobj = P(:root, :YARD)
- expect(pathobj.class).to eq Proxy
- expect(Proxy === pathobj).to be true
- end
- it "pretends it's the object's type if it can resolve" do
- ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- proxyobj = P(:root, :YARD)
- expect(proxyobj).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
- end
- it "handles instance method names" do
- obj = P(nil, '#test')
- expect(obj.name).to eq :test
- expect(obj.path).to eq "#test"
- expect(obj.namespace).to eq Registry.root
- end
- it "handles instance method names under a namespace" do
- pathobj = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- obj = P(pathobj, "A::B#test")
- expect(obj.name).to eq :test
- expect(obj.path).to eq "A::B#test"
- end
- it "allows type to be changed" do
- obj = P("InvalidClass")
- expect(obj.type).to eq :proxy
- expect(Proxy === obj).to be true
- obj.type = :class
- expect(obj.type).to eq :class
- end
- it "does NOT retain a type change between Proxy objects" do
- P("InvalidClass").type = :class
- expect(P("InvalidClass").type).to eq :proxy
- end
- it "uses type to ensure resolved object is of intended type" do
- YARD.parse_string <<-eof
- module Foo
- class Bar; end
- def self.Bar; end
- end
- eof
- proxy = Proxy.new(P('Foo'), 'Bar')
- proxy.type = :method
- expect(proxy.path).to eq 'Foo.Bar'
- end
- it "allows type in initializer" do
- expect(Proxy.new(Registry.root, 'Foo', :method).type).to eq :method
- expect(P(Registry.root, 'Foo', :method).type).to eq :method
- end
- it "never equals Registry.root" do
- expect(P("MYPROXY")).not_to eq Registry.root
- expect(P("X::A")).not_to eq Registry.root
- end
- it "resets namespace and name when object is resolved" do
- obj1 = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
- obj2 = ModuleObject.new(:root, :NOTYARD)
- resolved = Proxy.new(obj2, :YARD)
- expect(resolved).to eq obj1
- expect(resolved.namespace).to eq Registry.root
- expect(resolved.name).to eq :YARD
- end
- it "ensures that the correct object was resolved" do
- foo = ModuleObject.new(:root, :Foo)
- foobar = ModuleObject.new(foo, :Bar)
- ClassObject.new(foo, :Baz)
- # Remember, we're looking for Qux::Bar, not just 'Bar'
- proxy = Proxy.new(foobar, 'Foo::Qux::Bar')
- expect(proxy.type).to eq :proxy
- qux = ModuleObject.new(foo, :Qux)
- ModuleObject.new(qux, :Bar)
- # Now it should resolve
- expect(proxy.type).to eq :module
- end
- it "handles constant names in namespaces" do
- YARD.parse_string <<-eof
- module A; end; B = A
- module B::C; def foo; end end
- eof
- expect(Proxy.new(:root, 'B::C')).to eq Registry.at('A::C')
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe YARD::CodeObjects::Proxy do
+ before { Registry.clear }
+ it "returns the object if it's in the Registry" do
+ ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ proxyobj = P(:root, :YARD)
+ expect(proxyobj.type).to eq :module
+ expect(Proxy === proxyobj).to be false
+ end
+ it "handles complex string namespaces" do
+ ModuleObject.new(:root, :A)
+ ModuleObject.new(P(nil, :A), :B)
+ expect(P(:root, "A::B")).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
+ end
+ it "does not return true to Proxy === obj if obj is a Proxy class holding a resolved object" do
+ expect(Proxy === P(:root, 'a')).to be true
+ expect(Proxy === P(:root)).to be false
+ MethodObject.new(:root, 'a')
+ expect(Proxy === P(:root, 'a')).to be false
+ x = Proxy.new(:root, 'a')
+ expect(Proxy === x).to be false
+ end
+ it "returns the object if it's an included Module" do
+ yardobj = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ pathobj = ClassObject.new(:root, :TestClass)
+ pathobj.instance_mixins << yardobj
+ expect(P(P(nil, :TestClass), :YARD)).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
+ end
+ it "responds to respond_to?" do
+ ClassObject.new(:root, :Object)
+ ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:children)).to be true
+ expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:children)).to be false
+ expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:initialize)).to be false
+ expect(P(:YARD).respond_to?(:initialize, true)).to be true
+ expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:initialize)).to be false
+ expect(P(:NOTYARD).respond_to?(:initialize, true)).to be true
+ end
+ it "makes itself obvious that it's a proxy" do
+ pathobj = P(:root, :YARD)
+ expect(pathobj.class).to eq Proxy
+ expect(Proxy === pathobj).to be true
+ end
+ it "pretends it's the object's type if it can resolve" do
+ ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ proxyobj = P(:root, :YARD)
+ expect(proxyobj).to be_instance_of(ModuleObject)
+ end
+ it "handles instance method names" do
+ obj = P(nil, '#test')
+ expect(obj.name).to eq :test
+ expect(obj.path).to eq "#test"
+ expect(obj.namespace).to eq Registry.root
+ end
+ it "handles instance method names under a namespace" do
+ pathobj = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ obj = P(pathobj, "A::B#test")
+ expect(obj.name).to eq :test
+ expect(obj.path).to eq "A::B#test"
+ end
+ it "allows type to be changed" do
+ obj = P("InvalidClass")
+ expect(obj.type).to eq :proxy
+ expect(Proxy === obj).to be true
+ obj.type = :class
+ expect(obj.type).to eq :class
+ end
+ it "does NOT retain a type change between Proxy objects" do
+ P("InvalidClass").type = :class
+ expect(P("InvalidClass").type).to eq :proxy
+ end
+ it "uses type to ensure resolved object is of intended type" do
+ YARD.parse_string <<-eof
+ module Foo
+ class Bar; end
+ def self.Bar; end
+ end
+ eof
+ proxy = Proxy.new(P('Foo'), 'Bar')
+ proxy.type = :method
+ expect(proxy.path).to eq 'Foo.Bar'
+ end
+ it "allows type in initializer" do
+ expect(Proxy.new(Registry.root, 'Foo', :method).type).to eq :method
+ expect(P(Registry.root, 'Foo', :method).type).to eq :method
+ end
+ it "never equals Registry.root" do
+ expect(P("MYPROXY")).not_to eq Registry.root
+ expect(P("X::A")).not_to eq Registry.root
+ end
+ it "resets namespace and name when object is resolved" do
+ obj1 = ModuleObject.new(:root, :YARD)
+ obj2 = ModuleObject.new(:root, :NOTYARD)
+ resolved = Proxy.new(obj2, :YARD)
+ expect(resolved).to eq obj1
+ expect(resolved.namespace).to eq Registry.root
+ expect(resolved.name).to eq :YARD
+ end
+ it "ensures that the correct object was resolved" do
+ foo = ModuleObject.new(:root, :Foo)
+ foobar = ModuleObject.new(foo, :Bar)
+ ClassObject.new(foo, :Baz)
+ # Remember, we're looking for Qux::Bar, not just 'Bar'
+ proxy = Proxy.new(foobar, 'Foo::Qux::Bar')
+ expect(proxy.type).to eq :proxy
+ qux = ModuleObject.new(foo, :Qux)
+ ModuleObject.new(qux, :Bar)
+ # Now it should resolve
+ expect(proxy.type).to eq :module
+ end
+ it "handles constant names in namespaces" do
+ YARD.parse_string <<-eof
+ module A; end; B = A
+ module B::C; def foo; end end
+ eof
+ expect(Proxy.new(:root, 'B::C')).to eq Registry.at('A::C')
+ end