lib/yard/handlers/ruby/legacy/base.rb in yard-0.9.16 vs lib/yard/handlers/ruby/legacy/base.rb in yard-0.9.17
- old
+ new
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module YARD
- module Handlers
- module Ruby::Legacy
- # This is the base handler for the legacy parser. To implement a legacy
- # handler, subclass this class.
- #
- # @abstract (see Ruby::Base)
- class Base < Handlers::Base
- # For tokens like TkDEF, TkCLASS, etc.
- include YARD::Parser::Ruby::Legacy::RubyToken
- # @return [Boolean] whether or not a {Parser::Ruby::Legacy::Statement} object should be handled
- # by this handler.
- def self.handles?(stmt)
- handlers.any? do |a_handler|
- case a_handler
- when String
- stmt.tokens.first.text == a_handler
- when Regexp
- stmt.tokens.to_s =~ a_handler
- else
- a_handler == stmt.tokens.first.class
- end
- end
- end
- # Parses a statement's block with a set of state values. If the
- # statement has no block, nothing happens. A description of state
- # values can be found at {Handlers::Base#push_state}
- #
- # @param [Hash] opts State options
- # @option opts (see Handlers::Base#push_state)
- # @see Handlers::Base#push_state #push_state
- def parse_block(opts = {})
- push_state(opts) do
- if statement.block
- blk =
- parser.process(blk)
- end
- end
- end
- def call_params
- if statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkDEF)
- else
- tokens = statement.tokens[1..-1]
- tokval_list(tokens, :attr, :identifier, TkId).map(&:to_s)
- end
- end
- def caller_method
- if statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkIDENTIFIER)
- statement.tokens.first.text
- elsif statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkDEF)
- extract_method_details.first
- end
- end
- private
- # Extracts method information for macro expansion only
- #
- # @todo This is a duplicate implementation of {MethodHandler}. Refactor.
- # @return [Array<String,Array<Array<String>>>] the method name followed by method
- # arguments (name and optional value)
- def extract_method_details
- if statement.tokens.to_s =~ /^def\s+(#{METHODMATCH})(?:(?:\s+|\s*\()(.*)(?:\)\s*$)?)?/m
- meth = $1
- args = $2
- meth.gsub!(/\s+/, '')
- args = tokval_list(, :all)
-! {|a| k, v = *a.split('=', 2); [k.strip, (v ? v.strip : nil)] } if args
- meth = $` if meth =~ /(?:#{NSEPQ}|#{CSEPQ})([^#{NSEP}#{CSEPQ}]+)$/
- [meth, args]
- end
- end
- # The string value of a token. For example, the return value for the symbol :sym
- # would be :sym. The return value for a string +"foo #{ bar}"+ would be the literal
- # +"foo #{ bar}"+ without any interpolation. The return value of the identifier
- # 'test' would be the same value: 'test'. Here is a list of common types and
- # their return values:
- #
- # @example
- # tokval('"foo"').first) => "foo"
- # tokval(':foo').first) => :foo
- # tokval('CONSTANT').first, RubyToken::TkId) => "CONSTANT"
- # tokval('identifier').first, RubyToken::TkId) => "identifier"
- # tokval('3.25').first) => 3.25
- # tokval('/xyz/i').first) => /xyz/i
- #
- # @param [Token] token The token of the class
- #
- # @param [Array<Class<Token>>, Symbol] accepted_types
- # The allowed token types that this token can be. Defaults to [{TkVal}].
- # A list of types would be, for example, [+TkSTRING+, +TkSYMBOL+], to return
- # the token's value if it is either of those types. If +TkVal+ is accepted,
- # +TkNode+ is also accepted.
- #
- # Certain symbol keys are allowed to specify multiple types in one fell swoop.
- # These symbols are:
- # :string => +TkSTRING+, +TkDSTRING+, +TkDXSTRING+ and +TkXSTRING+
- # :attr => +TkSYMBOL+ and +TkSTRING+
- # :identifier => +TkIDENTIFIER, +TkFID+ and +TkGVAR+.
- # :number => +TkFLOAT+, +TkINTEGER+
- #
- # @return [Object] if the token is one of the accepted types, in its real value form.
- # It should be noted that identifiers and constants are kept in String form.
- # @return [nil] if the token is not any of the specified accepted types
- def tokval(token, *accepted_types)
- accepted_types = [TkVal] if accepted_types.empty?
- accepted_types.push(TkNode) if accepted_types.include? TkVal
- if accepted_types.include?(:attr)
- accepted_types.push(TkSTRING, TkSYMBOL)
- end
- if accepted_types.include?(:string)
- accepted_types.push(TkSTRING, TkDSTRING, TkXSTRING, TkDXSTRING)
- end
- if accepted_types.include?(:identifier)
- accepted_types.push(TkIDENTIFIER, TkFID, TkGVAR)
- end
- if accepted_types.include?(:number)
- accepted_types.push(TkFLOAT, TkINTEGER)
- end
- return unless accepted_types.any? {|t| t === token }
- case token
- token.text[1..-2]
- when TkSYMBOL
- token.text[1..-1].to_sym
- when TkFLOAT
- token.text.to_f
- when TkINTEGER
- token.text.to_i
- when TkREGEXP
- token.text =~ %r{\A/(.+)/([^/])\Z}
-$1, $2)
- when TkTRUE
- true
- when TkFALSE
- false
- when TkNIL
- nil
- else
- token.text
- end
- end
- # Returns a list of symbols or string values from a statement.
- # The list must be a valid comma delimited list, and values
- # will only be returned to the end of the list only.
- #
- # Example:
- # attr_accessor :a, 'b', :c, :d => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
- # attr_accessor 'a', UNACCEPTED_TYPE, 'c' => ['a', 'c']
- #
- # The tokval list of a {Parser::Ruby::Legacy::TokenList} of the above
- # code would be the {#tokval} value of :a, 'b',
- # :c and :d.
- #
- # It should also be noted that this function stops immediately at
- # any ruby keyword encountered:
- # "attr_accessor :a, :b, :c if x == 5" => ['a', 'b', 'c']
- #
- # @param [TokenList] tokenlist The list of tokens to process.
- # @param [Array<Class<Token>>] accepted_types passed to {#tokval}
- # @return [Array<String>] the list of tokvalues in the list.
- # @return [Array<EMPTY>] if there are no symbols or Strings in the list
- # @see #tokval
- def tokval_list(tokenlist, *accepted_types)
- return [] unless tokenlist
- out = [[]]
- parencount = 0
- beforeparen = 0
- needcomma = false
- seen_comma = true
- tokenlist.each do |token|
- tokval = accepted_types == [:all] ? token.text : tokval(token, *accepted_types)
- parencond = !out.last.empty? && !tokval.nil?
- # puts "#{seen_comma.inspect} #{parencount} #{token.class.class_name} #{out.inspect}"
- case token
- when TkCOMMA
- if parencount == 0
- out << [] unless out.last.empty?
- needcomma = false
- seen_comma = true
- elsif parencond
- out.last << token.text
- end
- when TkLPAREN
- if seen_comma
- beforeparen += 1
- else
- parencount += 1
- out.last << token.text if parencond
- end
- when TkRPAREN
- if beforeparen > 0
- beforeparen -= 1
- else
- out.last << token.text if parencount > 0 && !tokval.nil?
- parencount -= 1
- end
- parencount += 1
- out.last << token.text unless tokval.nil?
- out.last << token.text unless tokval.nil?
- parencount -= 1
- else
- break if TkKW === token && ![TkTRUE, TkFALSE, TkSUPER, TkSELF, TkNIL].include?(token.class)
- seen_comma = false unless TkWhitespace === token
- if parencount == 0
- next if needcomma
- next if TkWhitespace === token
- if !tokval.nil?
- out.last << tokval
- else
- out.last.clear
- needcomma = true
- end
- elsif parencond
- needcomma = true
- out.last << token.text
- end
- end
- break if beforeparen == 0 && parencount < 0
- end
- # Flatten any single element lists
- {|e| e.empty? ? nil : (e.size == 1 ? e.pop : e.flatten.join) }.compact
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module YARD
+ module Handlers
+ module Ruby::Legacy
+ # This is the base handler for the legacy parser. To implement a legacy
+ # handler, subclass this class.
+ #
+ # @abstract (see Ruby::Base)
+ class Base < Handlers::Base
+ # For tokens like TkDEF, TkCLASS, etc.
+ include YARD::Parser::Ruby::Legacy::RubyToken
+ # @return [Boolean] whether or not a {Parser::Ruby::Legacy::Statement} object should be handled
+ # by this handler.
+ def self.handles?(stmt)
+ handlers.any? do |a_handler|
+ case a_handler
+ when String
+ stmt.tokens.first.text == a_handler
+ when Regexp
+ stmt.tokens.to_s =~ a_handler
+ else
+ a_handler == stmt.tokens.first.class
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Parses a statement's block with a set of state values. If the
+ # statement has no block, nothing happens. A description of state
+ # values can be found at {Handlers::Base#push_state}
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts State options
+ # @option opts (see Handlers::Base#push_state)
+ # @see Handlers::Base#push_state #push_state
+ def parse_block(opts = {})
+ push_state(opts) do
+ if statement.block
+ blk =
+ parser.process(blk)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def call_params
+ if statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkDEF)
+ else
+ tokens = statement.tokens[1..-1]
+ tokval_list(tokens, :attr, :identifier, TkId).map(&:to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ def caller_method
+ if statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkIDENTIFIER)
+ statement.tokens.first.text
+ elsif statement.tokens.first.is_a?(TkDEF)
+ extract_method_details.first
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Extracts method information for macro expansion only
+ #
+ # @todo This is a duplicate implementation of {MethodHandler}. Refactor.
+ # @return [Array<String,Array<Array<String>>>] the method name followed by method
+ # arguments (name and optional value)
+ def extract_method_details
+ if statement.tokens.to_s =~ /^def\s+(#{METHODMATCH})(?:(?:\s+|\s*\()(.*)(?:\)\s*$)?)?/m
+ meth = $1
+ args = $2
+ meth.gsub!(/\s+/, '')
+ args = tokval_list(, :all)
+! {|a| k, v = *a.split('=', 2); [k.strip, (v ? v.strip : nil)] } if args
+ meth = $` if meth =~ /(?:#{NSEPQ}|#{CSEPQ})([^#{NSEP}#{CSEPQ}]+)$/
+ [meth, args]
+ end
+ end
+ # The string value of a token. For example, the return value for the symbol :sym
+ # would be :sym. The return value for a string +"foo #{ bar}"+ would be the literal
+ # +"foo #{ bar}"+ without any interpolation. The return value of the identifier
+ # 'test' would be the same value: 'test'. Here is a list of common types and
+ # their return values:
+ #
+ # @example
+ # tokval('"foo"').first) => "foo"
+ # tokval(':foo').first) => :foo
+ # tokval('CONSTANT').first, RubyToken::TkId) => "CONSTANT"
+ # tokval('identifier').first, RubyToken::TkId) => "identifier"
+ # tokval('3.25').first) => 3.25
+ # tokval('/xyz/i').first) => /xyz/i
+ #
+ # @param [Token] token The token of the class
+ #
+ # @param [Array<Class<Token>>, Symbol] accepted_types
+ # The allowed token types that this token can be. Defaults to [{TkVal}].
+ # A list of types would be, for example, [+TkSTRING+, +TkSYMBOL+], to return
+ # the token's value if it is either of those types. If +TkVal+ is accepted,
+ # +TkNode+ is also accepted.
+ #
+ # Certain symbol keys are allowed to specify multiple types in one fell swoop.
+ # These symbols are:
+ # :string => +TkSTRING+, +TkDSTRING+, +TkDXSTRING+ and +TkXSTRING+
+ # :attr => +TkSYMBOL+ and +TkSTRING+
+ # :identifier => +TkIDENTIFIER, +TkFID+ and +TkGVAR+.
+ # :number => +TkFLOAT+, +TkINTEGER+
+ #
+ # @return [Object] if the token is one of the accepted types, in its real value form.
+ # It should be noted that identifiers and constants are kept in String form.
+ # @return [nil] if the token is not any of the specified accepted types
+ def tokval(token, *accepted_types)
+ accepted_types = [TkVal] if accepted_types.empty?
+ accepted_types.push(TkNode) if accepted_types.include? TkVal
+ if accepted_types.include?(:attr)
+ accepted_types.push(TkSTRING, TkSYMBOL)
+ end
+ if accepted_types.include?(:string)
+ accepted_types.push(TkSTRING, TkDSTRING, TkXSTRING, TkDXSTRING)
+ end
+ if accepted_types.include?(:identifier)
+ accepted_types.push(TkIDENTIFIER, TkFID, TkGVAR)
+ end
+ if accepted_types.include?(:number)
+ accepted_types.push(TkFLOAT, TkINTEGER)
+ end
+ return unless accepted_types.any? {|t| t === token }
+ case token
+ token.text[1..-2]
+ when TkSYMBOL
+ token.text[1..-1].to_sym
+ when TkFLOAT
+ token.text.to_f
+ when TkINTEGER
+ token.text.to_i
+ when TkREGEXP
+ token.text =~ %r{\A/(.+)/([^/])\Z}
+$1, $2)
+ when TkTRUE
+ true
+ when TkFALSE
+ false
+ when TkNIL
+ nil
+ else
+ token.text
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns a list of symbols or string values from a statement.
+ # The list must be a valid comma delimited list, and values
+ # will only be returned to the end of the list only.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # attr_accessor :a, 'b', :c, :d => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
+ # attr_accessor 'a', UNACCEPTED_TYPE, 'c' => ['a', 'c']
+ #
+ # The tokval list of a {Parser::Ruby::Legacy::TokenList} of the above
+ # code would be the {#tokval} value of :a, 'b',
+ # :c and :d.
+ #
+ # It should also be noted that this function stops immediately at
+ # any ruby keyword encountered:
+ # "attr_accessor :a, :b, :c if x == 5" => ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ #
+ # @param [TokenList] tokenlist The list of tokens to process.
+ # @param [Array<Class<Token>>] accepted_types passed to {#tokval}
+ # @return [Array<String>] the list of tokvalues in the list.
+ # @return [Array<EMPTY>] if there are no symbols or Strings in the list
+ # @see #tokval
+ def tokval_list(tokenlist, *accepted_types)
+ return [] unless tokenlist
+ out = [[]]
+ parencount = 0
+ beforeparen = 0
+ needcomma = false
+ seen_comma = true
+ tokenlist.each do |token|
+ tokval = accepted_types == [:all] ? token.text : tokval(token, *accepted_types)
+ parencond = !out.last.empty? && !tokval.nil?
+ # puts "#{seen_comma.inspect} #{parencount} #{token.class.class_name} #{out.inspect}"
+ case token
+ when TkCOMMA
+ if parencount == 0
+ out << [] unless out.last.empty?
+ needcomma = false
+ seen_comma = true
+ elsif parencond
+ out.last << token.text
+ end
+ when TkLPAREN
+ if seen_comma
+ beforeparen += 1
+ else
+ parencount += 1
+ out.last << token.text if parencond
+ end
+ when TkRPAREN
+ if beforeparen > 0
+ beforeparen -= 1
+ else
+ out.last << token.text if parencount > 0 && !tokval.nil?
+ parencount -= 1
+ end
+ parencount += 1
+ out.last << token.text unless tokval.nil?
+ out.last << token.text unless tokval.nil?
+ parencount -= 1
+ else
+ break if TkKW === token && ![TkTRUE, TkFALSE, TkSUPER, TkSELF, TkNIL].include?(token.class)
+ seen_comma = false unless TkWhitespace === token
+ if parencount == 0
+ next if needcomma
+ next if TkWhitespace === token
+ if !tokval.nil?
+ out.last << tokval
+ else
+ out.last.clear
+ needcomma = true
+ end
+ elsif parencond
+ needcomma = true
+ out.last << token.text
+ end
+ end
+ break if beforeparen == 0 && parencount < 0
+ end
+ # Flatten any single element lists
+ {|e| e.empty? ? nil : (e.size == 1 ? e.pop : e.flatten.join) }.compact
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end