lib/yard/code_objects/method_object.rb in yard- vs lib/yard/code_objects/method_object.rb in yard-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,59 +1,117 @@
module YARD::CodeObjects
+ # Represents a Ruby method in source
class MethodObject < Base
- attr_accessor :visibility, :scope, :explicit, :parameters
+ # The visibility of the method (+:public:+, +:protected+, +:private+)
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol] the method visibility
+ attr_accessor :visibility
+ # The scope of the method (+:class+ or +:instance+)
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol] the scope
+ attr_accessor :scope
+ # Whether the object is explicitly defined in source or whether it was
+ # inferred by a handler. For instance, attribute methods are generally
+ # inferred and therefore not explicitly defined in source.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the object is explicitly defined in source.
+ attr_accessor :explicit
+ # Returns the list of parameters parsed out of the method signature
+ # with their default values.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<Array(String, String)>] a list of parameter names followed
+ # by their default values (or nil)
+ attr_accessor :parameters
+ # Creates a new method object in +namespace+ with +name+ and an instance
+ # or class +scope+
+ #
+ # @param [NamespaceObject] namespace the namespace
+ # @param [String, Symbol] name the method name
+ # @param [Symbol] scope +:instance+ or +:class+
def initialize(namespace, name, scope = :instance)
self.visibility = :public
self.scope = scope
self.parameters = []
+ # Changes the scope of an object from :instance or :class
+ # @param [Symbol] v the new scope
def scope=(v)
reregister = @scope ? true : false
YARD::Registry.delete(self) if reregister
@scope = v.to_sym
YARD::Registry.register(self) if reregister
+ # Sets the visibility
+ # @param [Symbol] v the new visibility (:public, :private, or :protected)
def visibility=(v) @visibility = v.to_sym end
+ # Tests if the object is defined as an attribute in the namespace
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the object is an attribute
def is_attribute?
namespace.attributes[scope].has_key? name.to_s.gsub(/=$/, '')
+ # Tests if the object is defined as an alias of another method
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the object is an alias
def is_alias?
namespace.aliases.has_key? self
+ # Tests boolean {#explicit} value.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the method is explicitly defined in source
def is_explicit?
explicit ? true : false
+ # Returns all alias names of the object
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] the alias names
def aliases
list = []
namespace.aliases.each do |o, aname|
list << o if aname == name && o.scope == scope
+ # Override path handling for instance methods in the root namespace
+ # (they should still have a separator as a prefix).
+ # @return [String] the path of a method
def path
if !namespace || namespace.path == ""
sep + super
+ # Returns the name of the object.
+ #
+ # @example The name of an instance method (with prefix)
+ # # => "#mymethod"
+ # @example The name of a class method (with prefix)
+ # # => "mymethod"
+ # @param [Boolean] prefix whether or not to show the prefix
+ # @return [String] returns {#sep} + +name+ for an instance method if
+ # prefix is true
+ # @return [Symbol] the name without {#sep} if prefix is set to false
def name(prefix = false)
- ((prefix ? (sep == ISEP ? sep : "") : "") + super().to_s).to_sym
+ prefix ? (sep == ISEP ? "#{sep}#{super}" : super.to_s) : super
+ # Override separator to differentiate between class and instance
+ # methods.
+ # @return [String] "#" for an instance method, "." for class
def sep
if scope == :class
namespace && namespace != YARD::Registry.root ? CSEP : NSEP