lib/yard/code_objects/base.rb in yard-0.9.18 vs lib/yard/code_objects/base.rb in yard-0.9.19
- old
+ new
@@ -1,615 +1,615 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module YARD
- module CodeObjects
- # A list of code objects. This array acts like a set (no unique items)
- # but also disallows any {Proxy} objects from being added.
- class CodeObjectList < Array
- # Creates a new object list associated with a namespace
- #
- # @param [NamespaceObject] owner the namespace the list should be associated with
- # @return [CodeObjectList]
- def initialize(owner = Registry.root)
- @owner = owner
- end
- # Adds a new value to the list
- #
- # @param [Base] value a code object to add
- # @return [CodeObjectList] self
- def push(value)
- value =, value) if value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol)
- if value.is_a?(CodeObjects::Base) || value.is_a?(Proxy)
- super(value) unless include?(value)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "#{value.class} is not a valid CodeObject"
- end
- self
- end
- alias << push
- end
- extend NamespaceMapper
- # Namespace separator
- NSEP = '::'
- # Regex-quoted namespace separator
- # Instance method separator
- ISEP = '#'
- # Regex-quoted instance method separator
- # Class method separator
- CSEP = '.'
- # Regex-quoted class method separator
- CSEPQ = Regexp.quote CSEP
- # Regular expression to match constant name
- # Regular expression to match the beginning of a constant
- # Regular expression to match namespaces (const A or complex path A::B)
- # Regular expression to match a method name
- METHODNAMEMATCH = %r{[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]\@|<<|>>|=~|===?|![=~]?|<=>|[<>]=?|\*\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\[\]=?}
- # Regular expression to match a fully qualified method def (,
- # All builtin Ruby exception classes for inheritance tree.
- BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS = ["ArgumentError", "ClosedQueueError", "EncodingError",
- "EOFError", "Exception", "FiberError", "FloatDomainError", "IndexError",
- "Interrupt", "IOError", "KeyError", "LoadError", "LocalJumpError",
- "NameError", "NoMemoryError", "NoMethodError", "NotImplementedError",
- "RangeError", "RegexpError", "RuntimeError", "ScriptError", "SecurityError",
- "SignalException", "StandardError", "StopIteration", "SyntaxError",
- "SystemCallError", "SystemExit", "SystemStackError", "ThreadError",
- "TypeError", "UncaughtThrowError", "ZeroDivisionError"]
- # All builtin Ruby classes for inheritance tree.
- # @note MatchingData is a 1.8.x legacy class
- BUILTIN_CLASSES = ["Array", "Bignum", "Binding", "Class", "Complex",
- "ConditionVariable", "Data", "Dir", "Encoding", "Enumerator", "FalseClass",
- "Fiber", "File", "Fixnum", "Float", "Hash", "IO", "Integer", "MatchData",
- "Method", "Module", "NilClass", "Numeric", "Object", "Proc", "Queue",
- "Random", "Range", "Rational", "Regexp", "RubyVM", "SizedQueue", "String",
- "Struct", "Symbol", "Thread", "ThreadGroup", "Time", "TracePoint",
- "TrueClass", "UnboundMethod"] + BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
- # All builtin Ruby modules for mixin handling.
- BUILTIN_MODULES = ["Comparable", "Enumerable", "Errno", "FileTest", "GC",
- "Kernel", "Marshal", "Math", "ObjectSpace", "Precision", "Process", "Signal"]
- # All builtin Ruby classes and modules.
- # Hash of {BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS} as keys and true as value (for O(1) lookups)
- BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH = BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS.inject({}) {|h, n| h.update(n => true) }
- # +Base+ is the superclass of all code objects recognized by YARD. A code
- # object is any entity in the Ruby language (class, method, module). A
- # DSL might subclass +Base+ to create a new custom object representing
- # a new entity type.
- #
- # == Registry Integration
- # Any created object associated with a namespace is immediately registered
- # with the registry. This allows the Registry to act as an identity map
- # to ensure that no object is represented by more than one Ruby object
- # in memory. A unique {#path} is essential for this identity map to work
- # correctly.
- #
- # == Custom Attributes
- # Code objects allow arbitrary custom attributes to be set using the
- # {#[]=} assignment method.
- #
- # == Namespaces
- # There is a special type of object called a "namespace". These are subclasses
- # of the {NamespaceObject} and represent Ruby entities that can have
- # objects defined within them. Classically these are modules and classes,
- # though a DSL might create a custom {NamespaceObject} to describe a
- # specific set of objects.
- #
- # == Separators
- # Custom classes with different separator tokens should define their own
- # separators using the {NamespaceMapper.register_separator} method. The
- # standard Ruby separators have already been defined ('::', '#', '.', etc).
- #
- # @abstract This class should not be used directly. Instead, create a
- # subclass that implements {#path}, {#sep} or {#type}. You might also
- # need to register custom separators if {#sep} uses alternate separator
- # tokens.
- # @see Registry
- # @see #path
- # @see #[]=
- # @see NamespaceObject
- # @see NamespaceMapper.register_separator
- class Base
- # The files the object was defined in. To add a file, use {#add_file}.
- # @return [Array<Array(String, Integer)>] a list of files
- # @see #add_file
- attr_reader :files
- # The namespace the object is defined in. If the object is in the
- # top level namespace, this is {Registry.root}
- # @return [NamespaceObject] the namespace object
- attr_reader :namespace
- # The source code associated with the object
- # @return [String, nil] source, if present, or nil
- attr_reader :source
- # Language of the source code associated with the object. Defaults to
- # +:ruby+.
- #
- # @return [Symbol] the language type
- attr_accessor :source_type
- # The one line signature representing an object. For a method, this will
- # be of the form "def meth(arguments...)". This is usually the first
- # source line.
- #
- # @return [String] a line of source
- attr_accessor :signature
- # The non-localized documentation string associated with the object
- # @return [Docstring] the documentation string
- # @since 0.8.4
- attr_reader :base_docstring
- undef base_docstring
- def base_docstring; @docstring end
- # Marks whether or not the method is conditionally defined at runtime
- # @return [Boolean] true if the method is conditionally defined at runtime
- attr_accessor :dynamic
- # @return [String] the group this object is associated with
- # @since 0.6.0
- attr_accessor :group
- # Is the object defined conditionally at runtime?
- # @see #dynamic
- def dynamic?; @dynamic end
- # @return [Symbol] the visibility of an object (:public, :private, :protected)
- attr_accessor :visibility
- undef visibility=
- def visibility=(v) @visibility = v.to_sym end
- class << self
- # Allocates a new code object
- # @return [Base]
- # @see #initialize
- def new(namespace, name, *args, &block)
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid empty object name" if name.to_s.empty?
- if namespace.is_a?(ConstantObject)
- namespace =, namespace.value)
- end
- if name.to_s[0, 2] == NSEP
- name = name.to_s[2..-1]
- namespace = Registry.root
- end
- if name =~ /(?:#{NSEPQ})([^:]+)$/
- return new(, $`), $1, *args, &block)
- end
- obj = super(namespace, name, *args)
- existing_obj =
- obj = existing_obj if existing_obj && existing_obj.class == self
- yield(obj) if block_given?
- obj
- end
- # Compares the class with subclasses
- #
- # @param [Object] other the other object to compare classes with
- # @return [Boolean] true if other is a subclass of self
- def ===(other)
- other.is_a?(self)
- end
- end
- # Creates a new code object
- #
- # @example Create a method in the root namespace
- #, '#method') # => #<yardoc method #method>
- # @example Create class Z inside namespace X::Y
- #"X::Y"), :Z) # or
- #, "X::Y")
- # @param [NamespaceObject] namespace the namespace the object belongs in,
- # {Registry.root} or :root should be provided if it is associated with
- # the top level namespace.
- # @param [Symbol, String] name the name (or complex path) of the object.
- # @yield [self] a block to perform any extra initialization on the object
- # @yieldparam [Base] self the newly initialized code object
- # @return [Base] the newly created object
- def initialize(namespace, name, *)
- if namespace && namespace != :root &&
- !namespace.is_a?(NamespaceObject) && !namespace.is_a?(Proxy)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid namespace object: #{namespace}"
- end
- @files = []
- @current_file_has_comments = false
- @name = name.to_sym
- @source_type = :ruby
- @visibility = :public
- @tags = []
- @docstrings = {}
- @docstring =!('', [], self)
- @namespace = nil
- self.namespace = namespace
- yield(self) if block_given?
- end
- # Copies all data in this object to another code object, except for
- # uniquely identifying information (path, namespace, name, scope).
- #
- # @param [Base] other the object to copy data to
- # @return [Base] the other object
- # @since 0.8.0
- def copy_to(other)
- copyable_attributes.each do |ivar|
- ivar = "@#{ivar}"
- other.instance_variable_set(ivar, instance_variable_get(ivar))
- end
- other.docstring = @docstring.to_raw
- other
- end
- # The name of the object
- # @param [Boolean] prefix whether to show a prefix. Implement
- # this in a subclass to define how the prefix is showed.
- # @return [Symbol] if prefix is false, the symbolized name
- # @return [String] if prefix is true, prefix + the name as a String.
- # This must be implemented by the subclass.
- def name(prefix = false)
- prefix ? @name.to_s : (defined?(@name) && @name)
- end
- # Associates a file with a code object, optionally adding the line where it was defined.
- # By convention, '<stdin>' should be used to associate code that comes form standard input.
- #
- # @param [String] file the filename ('<stdin>' for standard input)
- # @param [Fixnum, nil] line the line number where the object lies in the file
- # @param [Boolean] has_comments whether or not the definition has comments associated. This
- # will allow {#file} to return the definition where the comments were made instead
- # of any empty definitions that might have been parsed before (module namespaces for instance).
- def add_file(file, line = nil, has_comments = false)
- raise(ArgumentError, "file cannot be nil or empty") if file.nil? || file == ''
- obj = [file.to_s, line]
- return if files.include?(obj)
- if has_comments && !@current_file_has_comments
- @current_file_has_comments = true
- @files.unshift(obj)
- else
- @files << obj # back of the line
- end
- end
- # Returns the filename the object was first parsed at, taking
- # definitions with docstrings first.
- #
- # @return [String] a filename
- def file
- @files.first ? @files.first[0] : nil
- end
- # Returns the line the object was first parsed at (or nil)
- #
- # @return [Fixnum] the line where the object was first defined.
- # @return [nil] if there is no line associated with the object
- def line
- @files.first ? @files.first[1] : nil
- end
- # Tests if another object is equal to this, including a proxy
- # @param [Base, Proxy] other if other is a {Proxy}, tests if
- # the paths are equal
- # @return [Boolean] whether or not the objects are considered the same
- def equal?(other)
- if other.is_a?(Base) || other.is_a?(Proxy)
- path == other.path
- else
- super
- end
- end
- alias == equal?
- alias eql? equal?
- # @return [Integer] the object's hash value (for equality checking)
- def hash; path.hash end
- # @return [nil] this object does not turn into an array
- def to_ary; nil end
- # Accesses a custom attribute on the object
- # @param [#to_s] key the name of the custom attribute
- # @return [Object, nil] the custom attribute or nil if not found.
- # @see #[]=
- def [](key)
- if respond_to?(key)
- send(key)
- elsif instance_variable_defined?("@#{key}")
- instance_variable_get("@#{key}")
- end
- end
- # Sets a custom attribute on the object
- # @param [#to_s] key the name of the custom attribute
- # @param [Object] value the value to associate
- # @return [void]
- # @see #[]
- def []=(key, value)
- if respond_to?("#{key}=")
- send("#{key}=", value)
- else
- instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
- end
- end
- # @overload dynamic_attr_name
- # @return the value of attribute named by the method attribute name
- # @raise [NoMethodError] if no method or custom attribute exists by
- # the attribute name
- # @see #[]
- # @overload dynamic_attr_name=(value)
- # @param value a value to set
- # @return +value+
- # @see #[]=
- def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
- if meth.to_s =~ /=$/
- self[meth.to_s[0..-2]] = args.first
- elsif instance_variable_get("@#{meth}")
- self[meth]
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # Attaches source code to a code object with an optional file location
- #
- # @param [#source, String] statement
- # the +Parser::Statement+ holding the source code or the raw source
- # as a +String+ for the definition of the code object only (not the block)
- def source=(statement)
- if statement.respond_to?(:source)
- self.signature = statement.first_line
- @source = format_source(statement.source.strip)
- else
- @source = format_source(statement.to_s)
- end
- end
- # The documentation string associated with the object
- #
- # @param [String, I18n::Locale] locale (I18n::Locale.default)
- # the locale of the documentation string.
- # @return [Docstring] the documentation string
- def docstring(locale = I18n::Locale.default)
- if locale.nil?
- @docstring.resolve_reference
- return @docstring
- end
- if locale.is_a?(String)
- locale_name = locale
- locale = nil
- else
- locale_name =
- end
- @docstrings[locale_name] ||=
- translate_docstring(locale || Registry.locale(locale_name))
- end
- # Attaches a docstring to a code object by parsing the comments attached to the statement
- # and filling the {#tags} and {#docstring} methods with the parsed information.
- #
- # @param [String, Array<String>, Docstring] comments
- # the comments attached to the code object to be parsed
- # into a docstring and meta tags.
- def docstring=(comments)
- @docstrings.clear
- @docstring = Docstring === comments ?
- comments :, self)
- end
- # Default type is the lowercase class name without the "Object" suffix.
- # Override this method to provide a custom object type
- #
- # @return [Symbol] the type of code object this represents
- def type
-'::').last.gsub(/Object$/, '').downcase.to_sym
- end
- # Represents the unique path of the object. The default implementation
- # joins the path of {#namespace} with {#name} via the value of {#sep}.
- # Custom code objects should ensure that the path is unique to the code
- # object by either overriding {#sep} or this method.
- #
- # @example The path of an instance method
- #"A::B"), :c).path # => "A::B#c"
- # @return [String] the unique path of the object
- # @see #sep
- def path
- @path ||= if parent && !parent.root?
- [parent.path, name.to_s].join(sep)
- else
- name.to_s
- end
- end
- alias to_s path
- # @note
- # Override this method if your object has a special title that does
- # not match the {#path} attribute value. This title will be used
- # when linking or displaying the object.
- # @return [String] the display title for an object
- # @see 0.8.4
- def title
- path
- end
- # @param [Base, String] other another code object (or object path)
- # @return [String] the shortest relative path from this object to +other+
- # @since 0.5.3
- def relative_path(other)
- other = if String === other &&
- same_parent = false
- if other.respond_to?(:path)
- same_parent = other.parent == parent
- other = other.path
- end
- return other unless namespace
- common = [path, other].join(" ").match(/^(\S*)\S*(?: \1\S*)*$/)[1]
- common = path unless common =~ /(\.|::|#)$/
- common = common.sub(/(\.|::|#)[^:#\.]*?$/, '') if same_parent
- suffix = %w(. :).include?(common[-1, 1]) || other[common.size, 1] == '#' ?
- '' : '(::|\.)'
- result = other.sub(/^#{Regexp.quote common}#{suffix}/, '')
- result.empty? ? other : result
- end
- # Renders the object using the {Templates::Engine templating system}.
- #
- # @example Formats a class in plaintext
- # puts P('MyClass').format
- # @example Formats a method in html with rdoc markup
- # puts P('MyClass#meth').format(:format => :html, :markup => :rdoc)
- # @param [Hash] options a set of options to pass to the template
- # @option options [Symbol] :format (:text) :html, :text or another output format
- # @option options [Symbol] :template (:default) a specific template to use
- # @option options [Symbol] :markup (nil) the markup type (:rdoc, :markdown, :textile)
- # @option options [Serializers::Base] :serializer (nil) see Serializers
- # @return [String] the rendered template
- # @see Templates::Engine#render
- def format(options = {})
- options = options.merge(:object => self)
- options = options.merge(:type => type) unless options[:type]
- Templates::Engine.render(options)
- end
- # Inspects the object, returning the type and path
- # @return [String] a string describing the object
- def inspect
- "#<yardoc #{type} #{path}>"
- end
- # Sets the namespace the object is defined in.
- #
- # @param [NamespaceObject, :root, nil] obj the new namespace (:root
- # for {Registry.root}). If obj is nil, the object is unregistered
- # from the Registry.
- def namespace=(obj)
- if @namespace
- @namespace.children.delete(self)
- Registry.delete(self)
- end
- @namespace = (obj == :root ? Registry.root : obj)
- if @namespace
- reg_obj =
- return if reg_obj && reg_obj.class == self.class
- unless @namespace.is_a?(Proxy)
- # remove prior objects from obj's children that match this one
- @namespace.children.delete_if {|o| o.path == path }
- @namespace.children << self
- end
- Registry.register(self)
- end
- end
- alias parent namespace
- alias parent= namespace=
- # Gets a tag from the {#docstring}
- # @see Docstring#tag
- def tag(name); docstring.tag(name) end
- # Gets a list of tags from the {#docstring}
- # @see Docstring#tags
- def tags(name = nil); docstring.tags(name) end
- # Tests if the {#docstring} has a tag
- # @see Docstring#has_tag?
- def has_tag?(name); docstring.has_tag?(name) end
- # Add tags to the {#docstring}
- # @see Docstring#add_tag
- # @since 0.8.4
- def add_tag(*tags)
- @docstrings.clear
- @docstring.add_tag(*tags)
- end
- # @return whether or not this object is a RootObject
- def root?; false end
- # Override this method with a custom component separator. For instance,
- # {MethodObject} implements sep as '#' or '.' (depending on if the
- # method is instance or class respectively). {#path} depends on this
- # value to generate the full path in the form: namespace.path + sep + name
- #
- # @return [String] the component that separates the namespace path
- # and the name (default is {NSEP})
- def sep; NSEP end
- protected
- # Override this method if your code object subclass does not allow
- # copying of certain attributes.
- #
- # @return [Array<String>] the list of instance variable names (without
- # "@" prefix) that should be copied when {#copy_to} is called
- # @see #copy_to
- # @since 0.8.0
- def copyable_attributes
- vars = {|ivar| ivar.to_s[1..-1] }
- vars -= %w(docstring docstrings namespace name path)
- vars
- end
- private
- # Formats source code by removing leading indentation
- #
- # @param [String] source the source code to format
- # @return [String] formatted source
- def format_source(source)
- source = source.chomp
- last = source.split(/\r?\n/).last
- indent = last ? last[/^([ \t]*)/, 1].length : 0
- source.gsub(/^[ \t]{#{indent}}/, '')
- end
- def translate_docstring(locale)
- @docstring.resolve_reference
- return @docstring if locale.nil?
- text =
- localized_text = text.translate(locale)
- docstring =, self)
- @docstring.tags.each do |tag|
- if tag.is_a?(Tags::Tag)
- localized_tag = tag.clone
- localized_tag.text =
- docstring.add_tag(localized_tag)
- else
- docstring.add_tag(tag)
- end
- end
- docstring
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module YARD
+ module CodeObjects
+ # A list of code objects. This array acts like a set (no unique items)
+ # but also disallows any {Proxy} objects from being added.
+ class CodeObjectList < Array
+ # Creates a new object list associated with a namespace
+ #
+ # @param [NamespaceObject] owner the namespace the list should be associated with
+ # @return [CodeObjectList]
+ def initialize(owner = Registry.root)
+ @owner = owner
+ end
+ # Adds a new value to the list
+ #
+ # @param [Base] value a code object to add
+ # @return [CodeObjectList] self
+ def push(value)
+ value =, value) if value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol)
+ if value.is_a?(CodeObjects::Base) || value.is_a?(Proxy)
+ super(value) unless include?(value)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "#{value.class} is not a valid CodeObject"
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ alias << push
+ end
+ extend NamespaceMapper
+ # Namespace separator
+ NSEP = '::'
+ # Regex-quoted namespace separator
+ # Instance method separator
+ ISEP = '#'
+ # Regex-quoted instance method separator
+ # Class method separator
+ CSEP = '.'
+ # Regex-quoted class method separator
+ CSEPQ = Regexp.quote CSEP
+ # Regular expression to match constant name
+ # Regular expression to match the beginning of a constant
+ # Regular expression to match namespaces (const A or complex path A::B)
+ # Regular expression to match a method name
+ METHODNAMEMATCH = %r{[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]\@|<<|>>|=~|===?|![=~]?|<=>|[<>]=?|\*\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\[\]=?}
+ # Regular expression to match a fully qualified method def (,
+ # All builtin Ruby exception classes for inheritance tree.
+ BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS = ["ArgumentError", "ClosedQueueError", "EncodingError",
+ "EOFError", "Exception", "FiberError", "FloatDomainError", "IndexError",
+ "Interrupt", "IOError", "KeyError", "LoadError", "LocalJumpError",
+ "NameError", "NoMemoryError", "NoMethodError", "NotImplementedError",
+ "RangeError", "RegexpError", "RuntimeError", "ScriptError", "SecurityError",
+ "SignalException", "StandardError", "StopIteration", "SyntaxError",
+ "SystemCallError", "SystemExit", "SystemStackError", "ThreadError",
+ "TypeError", "UncaughtThrowError", "ZeroDivisionError"]
+ # All builtin Ruby classes for inheritance tree.
+ # @note MatchingData is a 1.8.x legacy class
+ BUILTIN_CLASSES = ["Array", "Bignum", "Binding", "Class", "Complex",
+ "ConditionVariable", "Data", "Dir", "Encoding", "Enumerator", "FalseClass",
+ "Fiber", "File", "Fixnum", "Float", "Hash", "IO", "Integer", "MatchData",
+ "Method", "Module", "NilClass", "Numeric", "Object", "Proc", "Queue",
+ "Random", "Range", "Rational", "Regexp", "RubyVM", "SizedQueue", "String",
+ "Struct", "Symbol", "Thread", "ThreadGroup", "Time", "TracePoint",
+ "TrueClass", "UnboundMethod"] + BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
+ # All builtin Ruby modules for mixin handling.
+ BUILTIN_MODULES = ["Comparable", "Enumerable", "Errno", "FileTest", "GC",
+ "Kernel", "Marshal", "Math", "ObjectSpace", "Precision", "Process", "Signal"]
+ # All builtin Ruby classes and modules.
+ # Hash of {BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS} as keys and true as value (for O(1) lookups)
+ BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH = BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS.inject({}) {|h, n| h.update(n => true) }
+ # +Base+ is the superclass of all code objects recognized by YARD. A code
+ # object is any entity in the Ruby language (class, method, module). A
+ # DSL might subclass +Base+ to create a new custom object representing
+ # a new entity type.
+ #
+ # == Registry Integration
+ # Any created object associated with a namespace is immediately registered
+ # with the registry. This allows the Registry to act as an identity map
+ # to ensure that no object is represented by more than one Ruby object
+ # in memory. A unique {#path} is essential for this identity map to work
+ # correctly.
+ #
+ # == Custom Attributes
+ # Code objects allow arbitrary custom attributes to be set using the
+ # {#[]=} assignment method.
+ #
+ # == Namespaces
+ # There is a special type of object called a "namespace". These are subclasses
+ # of the {NamespaceObject} and represent Ruby entities that can have
+ # objects defined within them. Classically these are modules and classes,
+ # though a DSL might create a custom {NamespaceObject} to describe a
+ # specific set of objects.
+ #
+ # == Separators
+ # Custom classes with different separator tokens should define their own
+ # separators using the {NamespaceMapper.register_separator} method. The
+ # standard Ruby separators have already been defined ('::', '#', '.', etc).
+ #
+ # @abstract This class should not be used directly. Instead, create a
+ # subclass that implements {#path}, {#sep} or {#type}. You might also
+ # need to register custom separators if {#sep} uses alternate separator
+ # tokens.
+ # @see Registry
+ # @see #path
+ # @see #[]=
+ # @see NamespaceObject
+ # @see NamespaceMapper.register_separator
+ class Base
+ # The files the object was defined in. To add a file, use {#add_file}.
+ # @return [Array<Array(String, Integer)>] a list of files
+ # @see #add_file
+ attr_reader :files
+ # The namespace the object is defined in. If the object is in the
+ # top level namespace, this is {Registry.root}
+ # @return [NamespaceObject] the namespace object
+ attr_reader :namespace
+ # The source code associated with the object
+ # @return [String, nil] source, if present, or nil
+ attr_reader :source
+ # Language of the source code associated with the object. Defaults to
+ # +:ruby+.
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol] the language type
+ attr_accessor :source_type
+ # The one line signature representing an object. For a method, this will
+ # be of the form "def meth(arguments...)". This is usually the first
+ # source line.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a line of source
+ attr_accessor :signature
+ # The non-localized documentation string associated with the object
+ # @return [Docstring] the documentation string
+ # @since 0.8.4
+ attr_reader :base_docstring
+ undef base_docstring
+ def base_docstring; @docstring end
+ # Marks whether or not the method is conditionally defined at runtime
+ # @return [Boolean] true if the method is conditionally defined at runtime
+ attr_accessor :dynamic
+ # @return [String] the group this object is associated with
+ # @since 0.6.0
+ attr_accessor :group
+ # Is the object defined conditionally at runtime?
+ # @see #dynamic
+ def dynamic?; @dynamic end
+ # @return [Symbol] the visibility of an object (:public, :private, :protected)
+ attr_accessor :visibility
+ undef visibility=
+ def visibility=(v) @visibility = v.to_sym end
+ class << self
+ # Allocates a new code object
+ # @return [Base]
+ # @see #initialize
+ def new(namespace, name, *args, &block)
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid empty object name" if name.to_s.empty?
+ if namespace.is_a?(ConstantObject)
+ namespace =, namespace.value)
+ end
+ if name.to_s[0, 2] == NSEP
+ name = name.to_s[2..-1]
+ namespace = Registry.root
+ end
+ if name =~ /(?:#{NSEPQ})([^:]+)$/
+ return new(, $`), $1, *args, &block)
+ end
+ obj = super(namespace, name, *args)
+ existing_obj =
+ obj = existing_obj if existing_obj && existing_obj.class == self
+ yield(obj) if block_given?
+ obj
+ end
+ # Compares the class with subclasses
+ #
+ # @param [Object] other the other object to compare classes with
+ # @return [Boolean] true if other is a subclass of self
+ def ===(other)
+ other.is_a?(self)
+ end
+ end
+ # Creates a new code object
+ #
+ # @example Create a method in the root namespace
+ #, '#method') # => #<yardoc method #method>
+ # @example Create class Z inside namespace X::Y
+ #"X::Y"), :Z) # or
+ #, "X::Y")
+ # @param [NamespaceObject] namespace the namespace the object belongs in,
+ # {Registry.root} or :root should be provided if it is associated with
+ # the top level namespace.
+ # @param [Symbol, String] name the name (or complex path) of the object.
+ # @yield [self] a block to perform any extra initialization on the object
+ # @yieldparam [Base] self the newly initialized code object
+ # @return [Base] the newly created object
+ def initialize(namespace, name, *)
+ if namespace && namespace != :root &&
+ !namespace.is_a?(NamespaceObject) && !namespace.is_a?(Proxy)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid namespace object: #{namespace}"
+ end
+ @files = []
+ @current_file_has_comments = false
+ @name = name.to_sym
+ @source_type = :ruby
+ @visibility = :public
+ @tags = []
+ @docstrings = {}
+ @docstring =!('', [], self)
+ @namespace = nil
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ yield(self) if block_given?
+ end
+ # Copies all data in this object to another code object, except for
+ # uniquely identifying information (path, namespace, name, scope).
+ #
+ # @param [Base] other the object to copy data to
+ # @return [Base] the other object
+ # @since 0.8.0
+ def copy_to(other)
+ copyable_attributes.each do |ivar|
+ ivar = "@#{ivar}"
+ other.instance_variable_set(ivar, instance_variable_get(ivar))
+ end
+ other.docstring = @docstring.to_raw
+ other
+ end
+ # The name of the object
+ # @param [Boolean] prefix whether to show a prefix. Implement
+ # this in a subclass to define how the prefix is showed.
+ # @return [Symbol] if prefix is false, the symbolized name
+ # @return [String] if prefix is true, prefix + the name as a String.
+ # This must be implemented by the subclass.
+ def name(prefix = false)
+ prefix ? @name.to_s : (defined?(@name) && @name)
+ end
+ # Associates a file with a code object, optionally adding the line where it was defined.
+ # By convention, '<stdin>' should be used to associate code that comes form standard input.
+ #
+ # @param [String] file the filename ('<stdin>' for standard input)
+ # @param [Fixnum, nil] line the line number where the object lies in the file
+ # @param [Boolean] has_comments whether or not the definition has comments associated. This
+ # will allow {#file} to return the definition where the comments were made instead
+ # of any empty definitions that might have been parsed before (module namespaces for instance).
+ def add_file(file, line = nil, has_comments = false)
+ raise(ArgumentError, "file cannot be nil or empty") if file.nil? || file == ''
+ obj = [file.to_s, line]
+ return if files.include?(obj)
+ if has_comments && !@current_file_has_comments
+ @current_file_has_comments = true
+ @files.unshift(obj)
+ else
+ @files << obj # back of the line
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the filename the object was first parsed at, taking
+ # definitions with docstrings first.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a filename
+ def file
+ @files.first ? @files.first[0] : nil
+ end
+ # Returns the line the object was first parsed at (or nil)
+ #
+ # @return [Fixnum] the line where the object was first defined.
+ # @return [nil] if there is no line associated with the object
+ def line
+ @files.first ? @files.first[1] : nil
+ end
+ # Tests if another object is equal to this, including a proxy
+ # @param [Base, Proxy] other if other is a {Proxy}, tests if
+ # the paths are equal
+ # @return [Boolean] whether or not the objects are considered the same
+ def equal?(other)
+ if other.is_a?(Base) || other.is_a?(Proxy)
+ path == other.path
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ alias == equal?
+ alias eql? equal?
+ # @return [Integer] the object's hash value (for equality checking)
+ def hash; path.hash end
+ # @return [nil] this object does not turn into an array
+ def to_ary; nil end
+ # Accesses a custom attribute on the object
+ # @param [#to_s] key the name of the custom attribute
+ # @return [Object, nil] the custom attribute or nil if not found.
+ # @see #[]=
+ def [](key)
+ if respond_to?(key)
+ send(key)
+ elsif instance_variable_defined?("@#{key}")
+ instance_variable_get("@#{key}")
+ end
+ end
+ # Sets a custom attribute on the object
+ # @param [#to_s] key the name of the custom attribute
+ # @param [Object] value the value to associate
+ # @return [void]
+ # @see #[]
+ def []=(key, value)
+ if respond_to?("#{key}=")
+ send("#{key}=", value)
+ else
+ instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
+ end
+ end
+ # @overload dynamic_attr_name
+ # @return the value of attribute named by the method attribute name
+ # @raise [NoMethodError] if no method or custom attribute exists by
+ # the attribute name
+ # @see #[]
+ # @overload dynamic_attr_name=(value)
+ # @param value a value to set
+ # @return +value+
+ # @see #[]=
+ def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
+ if meth.to_s =~ /=$/
+ self[meth.to_s[0..-2]] = args.first
+ elsif instance_variable_get("@#{meth}")
+ self[meth]
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ # Attaches source code to a code object with an optional file location
+ #
+ # @param [#source, String] statement
+ # the +Parser::Statement+ holding the source code or the raw source
+ # as a +String+ for the definition of the code object only (not the block)
+ def source=(statement)
+ if statement.respond_to?(:source)
+ self.signature = statement.first_line
+ @source = format_source(statement.source.strip)
+ else
+ @source = format_source(statement.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ # The documentation string associated with the object
+ #
+ # @param [String, I18n::Locale] locale (I18n::Locale.default)
+ # the locale of the documentation string.
+ # @return [Docstring] the documentation string
+ def docstring(locale = I18n::Locale.default)
+ if locale.nil?
+ @docstring.resolve_reference
+ return @docstring
+ end
+ if locale.is_a?(String)
+ locale_name = locale
+ locale = nil
+ else
+ locale_name =
+ end
+ @docstrings[locale_name] ||=
+ translate_docstring(locale || Registry.locale(locale_name))
+ end
+ # Attaches a docstring to a code object by parsing the comments attached to the statement
+ # and filling the {#tags} and {#docstring} methods with the parsed information.
+ #
+ # @param [String, Array<String>, Docstring] comments
+ # the comments attached to the code object to be parsed
+ # into a docstring and meta tags.
+ def docstring=(comments)
+ @docstrings.clear
+ @docstring = Docstring === comments ?
+ comments :, self)
+ end
+ # Default type is the lowercase class name without the "Object" suffix.
+ # Override this method to provide a custom object type
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol] the type of code object this represents
+ def type
+'::').last.gsub(/Object$/, '').downcase.to_sym
+ end
+ # Represents the unique path of the object. The default implementation
+ # joins the path of {#namespace} with {#name} via the value of {#sep}.
+ # Custom code objects should ensure that the path is unique to the code
+ # object by either overriding {#sep} or this method.
+ #
+ # @example The path of an instance method
+ #"A::B"), :c).path # => "A::B#c"
+ # @return [String] the unique path of the object
+ # @see #sep
+ def path
+ @path ||= if parent && !parent.root?
+ [parent.path, name.to_s].join(sep)
+ else
+ name.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ alias to_s path
+ # @note
+ # Override this method if your object has a special title that does
+ # not match the {#path} attribute value. This title will be used
+ # when linking or displaying the object.
+ # @return [String] the display title for an object
+ # @see 0.8.4
+ def title
+ path
+ end
+ # @param [Base, String] other another code object (or object path)
+ # @return [String] the shortest relative path from this object to +other+
+ # @since 0.5.3
+ def relative_path(other)
+ other = if String === other &&
+ same_parent = false
+ if other.respond_to?(:path)
+ same_parent = other.parent == parent
+ other = other.path
+ end
+ return other unless namespace
+ common = [path, other].join(" ").match(/^(\S*)\S*(?: \1\S*)*$/)[1]
+ common = path unless common =~ /(\.|::|#)$/
+ common = common.sub(/(\.|::|#)[^:#\.]*?$/, '') if same_parent
+ suffix = %w(. :).include?(common[-1, 1]) || other[common.size, 1] == '#' ?
+ '' : '(::|\.)'
+ result = other.sub(/^#{Regexp.quote common}#{suffix}/, '')
+ result.empty? ? other : result
+ end
+ # Renders the object using the {Templates::Engine templating system}.
+ #
+ # @example Formats a class in plaintext
+ # puts P('MyClass').format
+ # @example Formats a method in html with rdoc markup
+ # puts P('MyClass#meth').format(:format => :html, :markup => :rdoc)
+ # @param [Hash] options a set of options to pass to the template
+ # @option options [Symbol] :format (:text) :html, :text or another output format
+ # @option options [Symbol] :template (:default) a specific template to use
+ # @option options [Symbol] :markup (nil) the markup type (:rdoc, :markdown, :textile)
+ # @option options [Serializers::Base] :serializer (nil) see Serializers
+ # @return [String] the rendered template
+ # @see Templates::Engine#render
+ def format(options = {})
+ options = options.merge(:object => self)
+ options = options.merge(:type => type) unless options[:type]
+ Templates::Engine.render(options)
+ end
+ # Inspects the object, returning the type and path
+ # @return [String] a string describing the object
+ def inspect
+ "#<yardoc #{type} #{path}>"
+ end
+ # Sets the namespace the object is defined in.
+ #
+ # @param [NamespaceObject, :root, nil] obj the new namespace (:root
+ # for {Registry.root}). If obj is nil, the object is unregistered
+ # from the Registry.
+ def namespace=(obj)
+ if @namespace
+ @namespace.children.delete(self)
+ Registry.delete(self)
+ end
+ @namespace = (obj == :root ? Registry.root : obj)
+ if @namespace
+ reg_obj =
+ return if reg_obj && reg_obj.class == self.class
+ unless @namespace.is_a?(Proxy)
+ # remove prior objects from obj's children that match this one
+ @namespace.children.delete_if {|o| o.path == path }
+ @namespace.children << self
+ end
+ Registry.register(self)
+ end
+ end
+ alias parent namespace
+ alias parent= namespace=
+ # Gets a tag from the {#docstring}
+ # @see Docstring#tag
+ def tag(name); docstring.tag(name) end
+ # Gets a list of tags from the {#docstring}
+ # @see Docstring#tags
+ def tags(name = nil); docstring.tags(name) end
+ # Tests if the {#docstring} has a tag
+ # @see Docstring#has_tag?
+ def has_tag?(name); docstring.has_tag?(name) end
+ # Add tags to the {#docstring}
+ # @see Docstring#add_tag
+ # @since 0.8.4
+ def add_tag(*tags)
+ @docstrings.clear
+ @docstring.add_tag(*tags)
+ end
+ # @return whether or not this object is a RootObject
+ def root?; false end
+ # Override this method with a custom component separator. For instance,
+ # {MethodObject} implements sep as '#' or '.' (depending on if the
+ # method is instance or class respectively). {#path} depends on this
+ # value to generate the full path in the form: namespace.path + sep + name
+ #
+ # @return [String] the component that separates the namespace path
+ # and the name (default is {NSEP})
+ def sep; NSEP end
+ protected
+ # Override this method if your code object subclass does not allow
+ # copying of certain attributes.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] the list of instance variable names (without
+ # "@" prefix) that should be copied when {#copy_to} is called
+ # @see #copy_to
+ # @since 0.8.0
+ def copyable_attributes
+ vars = {|ivar| ivar.to_s[1..-1] }
+ vars -= %w(docstring docstrings namespace name path)
+ vars
+ end
+ private
+ # Formats source code by removing leading indentation
+ #
+ # @param [String] source the source code to format
+ # @return [String] formatted source
+ def format_source(source)
+ source = source.chomp
+ last = source.split(/\r?\n/).last
+ indent = last ? last[/^([ \t]*)/, 1].length : 0
+ source.gsub(/^[ \t]{#{indent}}/, '')
+ end
+ def translate_docstring(locale)
+ @docstring.resolve_reference
+ return @docstring if locale.nil?
+ text =
+ localized_text = text.translate(locale)
+ docstring =, self)
+ @docstring.tags.each do |tag|
+ if tag.is_a?(Tags::Tag)
+ localized_tag = tag.clone
+ localized_tag.text =
+ docstring.add_tag(localized_tag)
+ else
+ docstring.add_tag(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ docstring
+ end
+ end
+ end