lib/rubygems_plugin.rb in yard-0.6.4 vs lib/rubygems_plugin.rb in yard-0.6.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,100 +1,4 @@
-require 'rubygems/specification'
-require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
-unless defined? Gem::DocManager.load_yardoc
- class Gem::Specification
- # has_rdoc should not be ignored!
- overwrite_accessor(:has_rdoc) { @has_rdoc }
- overwrite_accessor(:has_rdoc=) {|v| @has_rdoc = v }
- # @since 0.5.3
- def has_yardoc=(value)
- @has_rdoc = 'yard'
- end
- def has_yardoc
- @has_rdoc == 'yard'
- end
- undef has_rdoc?
- def has_rdoc?
- @has_rdoc && @has_rdoc != 'yard'
- end
- alias has_yardoc? has_yardoc
- end
- class Gem::DocManager
- def self.load_yardoc
- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/yard'
- end
- def run_yardoc(*args)
- args << '--quiet'
- args << @spec.require_paths
- if @spec.extra_rdoc_files.size > 0
- args << '-'
- args += @spec.extra_rdoc_files
- end
- args = {|arg| arg.to_s }
- old_pwd = Dir.pwd
- Dir.chdir(@spec.full_gem_path)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- dirname = File.dirname e.message.split("-")[1].strip
- raise
- rescue => ex
- alert_error "While generating documentation for #{@spec.full_name}"
- ui.errs.puts "... MESSAGE: #{ex}"
- ui.errs.puts "... YARDDOC args: #{args.join(' ')}"
- ui.errs.puts "\t#{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" if Gem.configuration.backtrace
- ui.errs.puts "(continuing with the rest of the installation)"
- ensure
- Dir.chdir(old_pwd)
- end
- undef setup_rdoc
- def setup_rdoc
- if File.exist?(@doc_dir) && !File.writable?(@doc_dir) then
- raise
- end
- FileUtils.mkdir_p @doc_dir unless File.exist?(@doc_dir)
- self.class.load_rdoc if @spec.has_rdoc?
- self.class.load_yardoc if @spec.has_yardoc?
- end
- def install_yardoc
- rdoc_dir = File.join(@doc_dir, 'rdoc')
- FileUtils.rm_rf rdoc_dir
- say "Installing YARD documentation for #{@spec.full_name}..."
- run_yardoc '-o', rdoc_dir
- end
- def install_ri_yard
- install_ri_yard_orig if @spec.has_rdoc?
- return if @spec.has_rdoc? == false
- return if @spec.has_yardoc?
- self.class.load_yardoc
- say "Building YARD (yri) index for #{@spec.full_name}..."
- run_yardoc '-c', '-n'
- end
- alias install_ri_yard_orig install_ri
- alias install_ri install_ri_yard
- def install_rdoc_yard
- if @spec.has_rdoc?
- install_rdoc_yard_orig
- elsif @spec.has_yardoc?
- install_yardoc
- end
- end
- alias install_rdoc_yard_orig install_rdoc
- alias install_rdoc install_rdoc_yard
- end
+unless defined?(Gem::DocManager.load_yardoc)
+ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/yard/rubygems/specification')
+ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/yard/rubygems/doc_manager')