Rakefile in yandex_metrika-0.0.0 vs Rakefile in yandex_metrika-0.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@
require 'jeweler'
Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem|
gem.name = "yandex_metrika"
gem.summary = "[Rails] Easily enable Yandex.Metrika support in your Rails application."
- gem.description = 'By default this gem will output Yandex.Metrika code for ' +
+ gem.description = gem.summary + "\n<br/><br/>\n" +
+ 'By default this gem will output Yandex.Metrika code for ' +
"every page automagically, if it's configured correctly. " +
- "This is done by adding:\n" +
- "Yandex::Metrika.counter_id = '123456'\n" +
+ "This is done by adding: <br/>\n" +
+ "Yandex::Metrika.counter_id = '123456' <br/>\n" +
'to your `config/environment.rb`, inserting your own COUNTER_ID. ' +
'This can be discovered by looking at the value of "new Ya.Metrika(123456)" ' +
'in the Javascript code.'
gem.email = "zed.0xff@gmail.com"
gem.homepage = "http://github.com/zed-0xff/yandex_metrika"
- gem.authors = ["Andrey \"Zed\" Zaikin"]
+ gem.authors = ["Andrey 'Zed' Zaikin"]
#gem.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda"
# gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for additional settings
gem.add_dependency 'actionpack', '>= 2.3.3'
gem.add_dependency 'activesupport', '>= 2.3.3'