exe/yee in xilight-0.1.2 vs exe/yee in xilight-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -56,21 +56,15 @@
example [
def call(**)
- current_config = ::Xilight::CLI.config
- current_lights = current_config.fetch('yeelights', [])
- ::Xilight::Yeelight.discover.each do |light|
- current_lights.reject!{|l| l['id'] == light.id}
- current_lights << light.instance_variables.map{|v| [v.to_s[1..-1], light.instance_variable_get(v)] }.to_h
- end
- current_config['yeelights'] = current_lights
- current_lights.each_with_index do |light, index|
- puts "Light ##{index} => #{(light['name'] || light['id'])}@#{light['host']}"
- end
- ::Xilight::CLI.config = current_config
+ ::Xilight::CLI.config = {
+ 'yeelights' => ::Xilight::Yeelight.discover.each do |light|
+ light.instance_variables.map{|v| [v.to_s[1..-1], light.instance_variable_get(v)] }.to_h
+ end
+ }
class List < Dry::CLI::Command
desc "List known Yeelights"
@@ -234,10 +228,10 @@
COLORS.each do |color, values|
class_name = color.to_s[0].upcase + color.to_s[1..-1]
Object.const_set(class_name, Class.new(Dry::CLI::Command) do
desc "Set yeelight to color #{color}"
example [
- "#{color}"
+ ""
option :light, desc: "ID/index of Yeelight to target", default: "0", aliases: ["-l"]
option :name, desc: "Name of Yeelight to target", default: nil, aliases: ["-n"]
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