in xeroizer-2.15.9 vs in xeroizer-2.16.0
- old
+ new
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@
Partner applications are only in beta testing via the Xero API and you will need to contact Xero ( to
get permission to create a partner application and for them to send you information on obtaining your client-side SSL
-Ruby's OpenSSL library rqeuires the certificate and private key to be extracted from the `entrust-client.p12` file
+Ruby's OpenSSL library requires the certificate and private key to be extracted from the `entrust-client.p12` file
downloaded via Xero's instructions. To extract:
openssl pkcs12 -in entrust-client.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out entrust-cert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in entrust-client.p12 -nocerts -out entrust-private.pem
openssl rsa -in entrust-private.pem -out entrust-private-nopass.pem
@@ -389,10 +389,40 @@
invoice = xero.Invoice.find('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712')
puts "Invoice Contact Name: #{}"
+Files or raw data can be attached to record types
+**attach\_data examples:**
+invoice = xero.Invoice.find('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712')
+invoice.attach_data("example.txt", "This is raw data", "txt")
+attach_data('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712', "example.txt", "This is raw data", "txt")
+**attach\_file examples:**
+invoice = xero.Invoice.find('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712')
+invoice.attach_file("example.png", "/path/to/image.png", "image/png")
+attach_file('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712', "example.png", "/path/to/image.png", "image/png")
+**include with online invoice**
+To include an attachment with an invoice set include_online parameter to true within the options hash
+invoice = xero.Invoice.find('cd09aa49-134d-40fb-a52b-b63c6a91d712')
+invoice.attach_file("example.png", "/path/to/image.png", "image/png", { include_online: true })
Creating/Updating Data
### Creating
@@ -454,10 +484,19 @@
POST request for evert 2,000 existing records that have been altered within its block. If any of the
unsaved records aren't valid, it'll return `false` before sending anything across the wire;
otherwise, it returns `true`. `batch_save` takes one optional argument: the number of records to
create/update per request. (Defaults to 2,000.)
+If you'd rather build and send the records manually, there's a `save_records` method:
+contact1 =
+contact2 =
+contact3 =
+xero.Contact.save_records([contact1, contact2, contact3])
+It has the same return values as `batch_save`.
### Errors
If a record doesn't match its internal validation requirements, the `#save` method will return
`false` and the `#errors` attribute will be populated with what went wrong.
@@ -558,9 +597,28 @@
XeroLogger ='log/xero.log', 'weekly')
client =,
:logger => XeroLogger)
+HTTP Callbacks
+You can provide "before" and "after" callbacks which will be invoked every
+time Xeroizer makes an HTTP request, which is potentially useful for both
+throttling and logging:
+ credentials[:key], credentials[:secret],
+ before_request: ->(request) { puts "Hitting this URL: #{request.url}" },
+ after_request: ->(request, response) { puts "Got this response: #{response.code}" }
+The `request` parameter is a custom Struct with `url`, `headers`, `body`,
+and `params` methods. The `response` parameter is a Net::HTTPResponse object.
Unit Price Precision
By default, the API accepts unit prices (UnitAmount) to two decimals places. If you require greater precision, you can opt-in to 4 decimal places by setting an optional parameter when initializing an application: