lib/xdg.rb in xdg-0.3.0 vs lib/xdg.rb in xdg-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# :Title: XDG
# :Author: &trans;
# :Copyright: (c)2008 Tiger Ops
# :License: GPLv3
# = XDG Base Directory Standard
# This provides a conveient library for conforming to the
# XDG Base Directory Standard.
@@ -30,124 +29,173 @@
# This module returns paths as strings.
module XDG
- def self.home
+ extend self #module_function
+ def home
ENV['HOME'] || File.expand_path('~')
# Location of user's personal config directory.
- def self.config_home
+ def config_home
- ENV['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] || File.join(xdg_home, '.config')
+ ENV['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] || File.join(home, '.config')
# List of user's shared config directories.
- def self.config_dirs
+ def config_dirs
dirs = ENV['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'].to_s.split(/[:;]/)
if dirs.empty?
dirs = %w{/etc/xdg}
dirs.collect{ |d| File.expand_path(d) }
# Location of user's personal data directory.
- def self.data_home
+ def data_home
- ENV['XDG_DATA_HOME'] || File.join(xdg_home, '.local', 'share')
+ ENV['XDG_DATA_HOME'] || File.join(home, '.local', 'share')
# List of user's shared data directores.
- def self.data_dirs
+ def data_dirs
dirs = ENV['XDG_DATA_DIRS'].split(/[:;]/)
if dirs.empty?
dirs = %w{/usr/local/share/ /usr/share/}
dirs.collect{ |d| File.expand_path(d) }
# Location of user's personal cache directory.
- def self.cache_home
+ def cache_home
- ENV['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] || File.join(xdg_home, '.cache')
+ ENV['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] || File.join(home, '.cache')
# Find a file or directory in data dirs.
- def self.data_file(file)
- find = nil
- [xdg_data_home, *xdg_data_dirs].each do |dir|
- path = File.join(dir,file)
- break find = path if File.exist?(path)
+ def data_find(*glob_and_flags)
+ data_glob(*glob_and_flags).first
+ end
+ def data_glob(*glob_and_flags)
+ glob, flags = *glob_and_flags.partition{ |e| String===e }
+ flag = flags.inject(0) do |m, f|
+ if Symbol === f
+ m + File::const_get("FNM_#{f.to_s.upcase}")
+ else
+ m + f.to_i
+ end
+ find = []
+ [data_home, *data_dirs].each do |dir|
+ path = File.join(dir, *glob)
+ find.concat(Dir.glob(path, flag))
+ end
- # Find a file or directory in config dirs.
- def self.config_file(file)
- find = nil
- [xdg_config_home, *xdg_config_dirs].each do |dir|
- path = File.join(dir,file)
- break find = path if File.exist?(path)
+ # Return the fist matching file or directory
+ # from the config locations.
+ #
+ # See +config_glog+.
+ def config_find(*glob_and_flags)
+ config_glob(*glob_and_flags).first
+ end
+ # Return array of matching files or directories
+ # in any of the config locations.
+ #
+ # This starts with the user's home directory
+ # and then searches system directories.
+ #
+ # String parameters are joined into a pathname
+ # while Integers and Symbols treated as flags.
+ #
+ # For example, the following are equivalent:
+ #
+ # XDG.config_glob('sow/plugins', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
+ #
+ # XDG.config_glob('sow', 'plugins', :casefold)
+ #
+ def config_glob(*glob_and_flags)
+ glob, flags = *glob_and_flags.partition{ |e| String===e }
+ flag = flags.inject(0) do |m, f|
+ if Symbol === f
+ m + File::const_get("FNM_#{f.to_s.upcase}")
+ else
+ m + f.to_i
+ end
+ find = []
+ [config_home, *config_dirs].each do |dir|
+ path = File.join(dir, *glob)
+ find.concat(Dir.glob(path, flag))
+ end
- # Find a file or directory in the user cache.
- def self.cache_file(file)
- path = File.join(xdg_cache_home,file)
- File.exist?(path) ? path : nil
+ # Return the fist matching file or directory
+ # in the cache directory.
+ #
+ # See +cache_glog+.
+ def cache_find(*glob_and_flags)
+ cache_glob(*glob_and_flags).first
+ # Return array of matching files or directories
+ # from the cache directory.
+ #
+ # String parameters are joined into a pathname
+ # while Integers and Symbols treated as flags.
+ #
+ # For example, the following are equivalent:
+ #
+ # XDG.cache_glob('sow/tmp', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
+ #
+ # XDG.cache_glob('sow', 'tmp', :casefold)
+ #
+ def cache_glob(*glob_and_flags)
+ glob, flags = *glob_and_flags.partition{ |e| String===e }
+ flag = flags.inject(0) do |m, f|
+ if Symbol === f
+ m + File::const_get("FNM_#{f.to_s.upcase}")
+ else
+ m + f.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ path = File.join(cache_home,*glob)
+ Dir.glob(path, flag)
+ end
# The following are not strictly XDG spec,
- # but are useful in the same respect.
+ # but are useful in a similar respect.
# Location of working config directory.
- def self.config_work
+ def config_work
- #ENV['XDG_CONFIG_WORK'] || File.join(Dir.pwd, '.config')
File.join(Dir.pwd, '.config')
# Location of working data directory.
- def self.data_work
+ def data_work
- #ENV['XDG_DATA_WORK'] || File.join(Dir.pwd, '.share')
File.join(Dir.pwd, '.share')
# Location of working cache directory.
- def self.cache_work
+ def cache_work
- #ENV['XDG_CACHE_WORK'] || File.join(Dir.pwd, '.cache')
File.join(Dir.pwd, '.cache')
- ###############
- module_function
- ###############
- def xdg_home ; XDG.home ; end
- def xdg_config_home ; XDG.config_home ; end
- def xdg_config_dirs ; XDG.config_dirs ; end
- def xdg_data_home ; XDG.data_home ; end
- def xdg_data_dirs ; XDG.data_dirs ; end
- def xdg_cache_home ; XDG.cache_home ; end
- def xdg_data_file(file) ; XDG.data_file(file) ; end
- def xdg_config_file(file) ; XDG.config_file(file) ; end
- def xdg_cache_file(file) ; XDG.cache_file(file) ; end
- def xdg_config_work ; XDG.config_work ; end
- def xdg_data_work ; XDG.data_work ; end
- def xdg_cache_work ; XDG.cache_work ; end
end # module XDG