lib/xcjobs/xcodebuild.rb in xcjobs-0.2.1 vs lib/xcjobs/xcodebuild.rb in xcjobs-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -144,10 +144,104 @@
def sdk
@sdk || 'iphonesimulator'
+ def show_coverage(profdata_path, target_path)
+ cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'report']
+ opts = ['-instr-profile', profdata_path, target_path, '-use-color=0']
+ puts (cmd + opts).join(" ")
+ out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts))
+ out.lines.each do |line|
+ puts line
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_gcov_file(profdata_path, target_path)
+ puts 'Generage gcov file...'
+ gcov_file = {}
+ source_path = ''
+ cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'show']
+ opts = ['-instr-profile', profdata_path, target_path, '-use-color=0']
+ out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts))
+ out.lines.each do |line|
+ match = /^(['"]?(?:\/[^\/]+)*['"]?):$/.match(line)
+ if match.to_a.count > 0
+ source_path = match.to_a[1]
+ gcov_file[source_path] = []
+ next
+ end
+ match = /^[ ]*([0-9]+|[ ]+)\|[ ]*([0-9]+)\|(.*)$/.match(line)
+ next unless match.to_a.count == 4
+ count, number, text = match.to_a[1..3]
+ execution_count = case count.strip
+ when ''
+ '-'.rjust(5)
+ when '0'
+ '#####'
+ else count
+ end
+ gcov_file[source_path] << "#{execution_count.rjust(5)}:#{number.rjust(5)}:#{text}"
+ end
+ gcov_file.each do |key, value|
+ gcon_path = File.join(File.dirname(profdata_path), "#{File.basename(target_path)}.gcov")
+ file = File::open(gcon_path, "w")
+ file.puts("#{'-'.rjust(5)}:#{'0'.rjust(5)}:Source:#{key}")
+ file.puts(value)
+ file.flush
+ end
+ end
+ def coverage_report(options)
+ settings = build_settings(options)
+ targetSettings = { |key, _| settings[key]['PRODUCT_TYPE'] != '' }
+ targetSettings.each do |target, settings|
+ if settings['PRODUCT_TYPE'] == ''
+ if sdk.start_with? 'iphone'
+ target_dir = settings['OBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal'].gsub('Build/Intermediates', "Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/#{target}/Intermediates")
+ executable_name = settings['EXECUTABLE_NAME']
+ target_path = File.join(File.join(target_dir, settings['CURRENT_ARCH']), executable_name)
+ else
+ target_dir = settings['CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH'].gsub('Build/Products', "Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/#{target}/Products")
+ executable_name = settings['EXECUTABLE_NAME']
+ target_path = File.join(target_dir, executable_name)
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ code_coverage_dir = settings['BUILD_DIR'].gsub('Build/Products', "Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/#{target}/")
+ profdata_path = File.join(code_coverage_dir, 'Coverage.profdata')
+ show_coverage(profdata_path, target_path)
+ generate_gcov_file(profdata_path, target_path)
+ end
+ end
+ def build_settings(options)
+ out, status = Open3.capture2(*(['xcodebuild', 'test'] + options + ['-showBuildSettings']))
+ settings, target = {}, nil
+ out.lines.each do |line|
+ case line
+ when /Build settings for action test and target (.+):/
+ target = $1
+ settings[target] = {}
+ else
+ key, value = line.split(/\=/).collect(&:strip)
+ settings[target][key] = value if target
+ end
+ end
+ return settings
+ end
def define
raise 'test action requires specifying a scheme' unless scheme
raise 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets' if scheme && target
@@ -155,80 +249,16 @@
task @name do
if sdk == 'iphonesimulator'
add_build_setting('CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY', '""')
add_build_setting('CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED', 'NO')
- if sdk == 'macosx'
- add_build_setting('CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR', File.expand_path(build_dir)) if build_dir
- end
- add_build_setting('CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR', File.join(build_dir, 'temp')) if build_dir
add_build_setting('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO')
run(['xcodebuild', 'test'] + options)
if coverage_enabled
- out, status = Open3.capture2(*(['xcodebuild', 'test'] + options + ['-showBuildSettings']))
- configuration_build_dir = out.lines.grep(/\bCONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- project_temp_root = out.lines.grep(/\bPROJECT_TEMP_ROOT\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- object_file_dir_normal = out.lines.grep(/\bOBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- current_arch = out.lines.grep(/\bCURRENT_ARCH\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- executable_name = out.lines.grep(/\bEXECUTABLE_NAME\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- executable_path = out.lines.grep(/\bEXECUTABLE_PATH\b/).first.split('=').last.strip
- if sdk.start_with? 'iphone'
- target_path = File.join(File.join(object_file_dir_normal, current_arch), executable_name)
- elsif sdk == 'macosx'
- target_path = File.join(configuration_build_dir, executable_path)
- end
- code_coverage_dir = File.join(project_temp_root, 'CodeCoverage')
- profdata_dir = File.join(code_coverage_dir, scheme)
- profdata_path = File.join(profdata_dir, 'Coverage.profdata')
- gcov_file = {}
- source_path = ''
- cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'report']
- opts = ['-instr-profile', profdata_path, target_path, '-use-color=0']
- puts (cmd + opts).join(" ")
- out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts))
- out.lines.each do |line|
- puts line
- end
- cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'show']
- puts (cmd + opts).join(" ")
- out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts))
- out.lines.each do |line|
- match = /^(['"]?(?:\/[^\/]+)*['"]?):$/.match(line)
- if match.to_a.count > 0
- source_path = match.to_a[1]
- gcov_file[source_path] = []
- next
- end
- match = /^[ ]*([0-9]+|[ ]+)\|[ ]*([0-9]+)\|(.*)$/.match(line)
- next unless match.to_a.count == 4
- count, number, text = match.to_a[1..3]
- execution_count = case count.strip
- when ''
- '-'.rjust(5)
- when '0'
- '#####'
- else count
- end
- gcov_file[source_path] << "#{execution_count.rjust(5)}:#{number.rjust(5)}:#{text}"
- end
- gcov_file.each do |key, value|
- gcon_path = File.join(File.dirname(target_path), "#{File.basename(target_path)}.gcov")
- file = File::open(gcon_path, "w")
- file.puts("#{'-'.rjust(5)}:#{'0'.rjust(5)}:Source:#{key}")
- file.puts(value)
- file.flush
- end
+ coverage_report(options)