vendor/assets/javascripts/wysihtml5x.js in wysihtml5x-rails-0.4.0 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/wysihtml5x.js in wysihtml5x-rails-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,41 +1,42 @@
- * @license wysihtml5x v0.4.0
+ * @license wysihtml5x v0.4.1
* Author: Christopher Blum (
* Secondary author of extended features: Oliver Pulges (
* Copyright (C) 2012 XING AG
* Licensed under the MIT license (MIT)
var wysihtml5 = {
- version: "0.4.0",
+ version: "0.4.1",
// namespaces
commands: {},
dom: {},
quirks: {},
toolbar: {},
lang: {},
selection: {},
views: {},
EMPTY_FUNCTION: function() {},
Rangy, a cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library
Copyright 2012, Tim Down
Licensed under the MIT license.
@@ -125,147 +126,147 @@
h=c.getBody(h).createControlRange();for(var D,G=false,P=0,X=d.length;P<X;++P){D=d.item(P);if(D!==b||G)h.add(d.item(P));else G=true};n(this)}else ba(this,b)}:function(b){ba(this,b)};var aa;if(!J&&W&&l.features.implementsDomRange){aa=function(b){var d=false;if(b.anchorNode)d=c.comparePoints(b.anchorNode,b.anchorOffset,b.focusNode,b.focusOffset)==1;return d};g.isBackwards=function(){return aa(this)}}else aa=g.isBackwards=function(){return false};g.toString=function(){for(var b=[],d=0,h=this.rangeCount;d<
h;++d)b[d]=""+this._ranges[d];return b.join("")};g.collapse=function(b,d){q(this,b);var h=l.createRange(c.getDocument(b));h.collapseToPoint(b,d);this.removeAllRanges();this.addRange(h);this.isCollapsed=true};g.collapseToStart=function(){if(this.rangeCount){var b=this._ranges[0];this.collapse(b.startContainer,b.startOffset)}else throw new L("INVALID_STATE_ERR");};g.collapseToEnd=function(){if(this.rangeCount){var b=this._ranges[this.rangeCount-1];this.collapse(b.endContainer,b.endOffset)}else throw new L("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
};g.selectAllChildren=function(b){q(this,b);var d=l.createRange(c.getDocument(b));d.selectNodeContents(b);this.removeAllRanges();this.addRange(d)};g.deleteFromDocument=function(){if(M&&V&&this.docSelection.type=="Control"){for(var b=this.docSelection.createRange(),d;b.length;){d=b.item(0);b.remove(d);d.parentNode.removeChild(d)}this.refresh()}else if(this.rangeCount){b=this.getAllRanges();this.removeAllRanges();d=0;for(var h=b.length;d<h;++d)b[d].deleteContents();this.addRange(b[h-1])}};g.getAllRanges=
function(){return this._ranges.slice(0)};g.setSingleRange=function(b){this.setRanges([b])};g.containsNode=function(b,d){for(var h=0,D=this._ranges.length;h<D;++h)if(this._ranges[h].containsNode(b,d))return true;return false};g.toHtml=function(){var b="";if(this.rangeCount){b=k.getRangeDocument(this._ranges[0]).createElement("div");for(var d=0,h=this._ranges.length;d<h;++d)b.appendChild(this._ranges[d].cloneContents());b=b.innerHTML}return b};g.getName=function(){return"WrappedSelection"};g.inspect=
function(){return v(this)};g.detach=function(){};x.inspect=v;l.Selection=x;l.selectionPrototype=g;l.addCreateMissingNativeApiListener(function(b){if(typeof b.getSelection=="undefined")b.getSelection=function(){return l.getSelection(this)};b=null})});/*
- Base.js, version 1.1a
- Copyright 2006-2010, Dean Edwards
- License:
+ Base.js, version 1.1a
+ Copyright 2006-2010, Dean Edwards
+ License:
var Base = function() {
- // dummy
+ // dummy
Base.extend = function(_instance, _static) { // subclass
- var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
- // build the prototype
- Base._prototyping = true;
- var proto = new this;
-, _instance);
+ var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
+ // build the prototype
+ Base._prototyping = true;
+ var proto = new this;
+, _instance);
proto.base = function() {
// call this method from any other method to invoke that method's ancestor
- delete Base._prototyping;
- // create the wrapper for the constructor function
- //var constructor = proto.constructor.valueOf(); //-dean
- var constructor = proto.constructor;
- var klass = proto.constructor = function() {
- if (!Base._prototyping) {
- if (this._constructing || this.constructor == klass) { // instantiation
- this._constructing = true;
- constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- delete this._constructing;
- } else if (arguments[0] != null) { // casting
- return (arguments[0].extend || extend).call(arguments[0], proto);
- }
- }
- };
- // build the class interface
- klass.ancestor = this;
- klass.extend = this.extend;
- klass.forEach = this.forEach;
- klass.implement = this.implement;
- klass.prototype = proto;
- klass.toString = this.toString;
- klass.valueOf = function(type) {
- //return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor; //-dean
- return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor.valueOf();
- };
-, _static);
- // class initialisation
- if (typeof klass.init == "function") klass.init();
- return klass;
+ delete Base._prototyping;
+ // create the wrapper for the constructor function
+ //var constructor = proto.constructor.valueOf(); //-dean
+ var constructor = proto.constructor;
+ var klass = proto.constructor = function() {
+ if (!Base._prototyping) {
+ if (this._constructing || this.constructor == klass) { // instantiation
+ this._constructing = true;
+ constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ delete this._constructing;
+ } else if (arguments[0] != null) { // casting
+ return (arguments[0].extend || extend).call(arguments[0], proto);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // build the class interface
+ klass.ancestor = this;
+ klass.extend = this.extend;
+ klass.forEach = this.forEach;
+ klass.implement = this.implement;
+ klass.prototype = proto;
+ klass.toString = this.toString;
+ klass.valueOf = function(type) {
+ //return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor; //-dean
+ return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor.valueOf();
+ };
+, _static);
+ // class initialisation
+ if (typeof klass.init == "function") klass.init();
+ return klass;
-Base.prototype = {
- extend: function(source, value) {
- if (arguments.length > 1) { // extending with a name/value pair
- var ancestor = this[source];
- if (ancestor && (typeof value == "function") && // overriding a method?
- // the valueOf() comparison is to avoid circular references
- (!ancestor.valueOf || ancestor.valueOf() != value.valueOf()) &&
- /\bbase\b/.test(value)) {
- // get the underlying method
- var method = value.valueOf();
- // override
- value = function() {
- var previous = this.base || Base.prototype.base;
- this.base = ancestor;
- var returnValue = method.apply(this, arguments);
- this.base = previous;
- return returnValue;
- };
- // point to the underlying method
- value.valueOf = function(type) {
- return (type == "object") ? value : method;
- };
- value.toString = Base.toString;
- }
- this[source] = value;
- } else if (source) { // extending with an object literal
- var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
- // if this object has a customised extend method then use it
- if (!Base._prototyping && typeof this != "function") {
- extend = this.extend || extend;
- }
- var proto = {toSource: null};
- // do the "toString" and other methods manually
- var hidden = ["constructor", "toString", "valueOf"];
- // if we are prototyping then include the constructor
- var i = Base._prototyping ? 0 : 1;
- while (key = hidden[i++]) {
- if (source[key] != proto[key]) {
-, key, source[key]);
+Base.prototype = {
+ extend: function(source, value) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) { // extending with a name/value pair
+ var ancestor = this[source];
+ if (ancestor && (typeof value == "function") && // overriding a method?
+ // the valueOf() comparison is to avoid circular references
+ (!ancestor.valueOf || ancestor.valueOf() != value.valueOf()) &&
+ /\bbase\b/.test(value)) {
+ // get the underlying method
+ var method = value.valueOf();
+ // override
+ value = function() {
+ var previous = this.base || Base.prototype.base;
+ this.base = ancestor;
+ var returnValue = method.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.base = previous;
+ return returnValue;
+ };
+ // point to the underlying method
+ value.valueOf = function(type) {
+ return (type == "object") ? value : method;
+ };
+ value.toString = Base.toString;
+ }
+ this[source] = value;
+ } else if (source) { // extending with an object literal
+ var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
+ // if this object has a customised extend method then use it
+ if (!Base._prototyping && typeof this != "function") {
+ extend = this.extend || extend;
+ }
+ var proto = {toSource: null};
+ // do the "toString" and other methods manually
+ var hidden = ["constructor", "toString", "valueOf"];
+ // if we are prototyping then include the constructor
+ var i = Base._prototyping ? 0 : 1;
+ while (key = hidden[i++]) {
+ if (source[key] != proto[key]) {
+, key, source[key]);
- }
- }
- // copy each of the source object's properties to this object
- for (var key in source) {
- if (!proto[key]), key, source[key]);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ // copy each of the source object's properties to this object
+ for (var key in source) {
+ if (!proto[key]), key, source[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
// initialise
Base = Base.extend({
- constructor: function() {
- this.extend(arguments[0]);
- }
+ constructor: function() {
+ this.extend(arguments[0]);
+ }
}, {
- ancestor: Object,
- version: "1.1",
- forEach: function(object, block, context) {
- for (var key in object) {
- if (this.prototype[key] === undefined) {
-, object[key], key, object);
- }
- }
- },
- implement: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (typeof arguments[i] == "function") {
- // if it's a function, call it
- arguments[i](this.prototype);
- } else {
- // add the interface using the extend method
- this.prototype.extend(arguments[i]);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- toString: function() {
- return String(this.valueOf());
- }
+ ancestor: Object,
+ version: "1.1",
+ forEach: function(object, block, context) {
+ for (var key in object) {
+ if (this.prototype[key] === undefined) {
+, object[key], key, object);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ implement: function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ if (typeof arguments[i] == "function") {
+ // if it's a function, call it
+ arguments[i](this.prototype);
+ } else {
+ // add the interface using the extend method
+ this.prototype.extend(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return String(this.valueOf());
+ }
* Detect browser support for specific features
wysihtml5.browser = (function() {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
@@ -274,23 +275,23 @@
isIE = userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Opera") === -1,
isGecko = userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("KHTML") === -1,
isWebKit = userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") !== -1,
isChrome = userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") !== -1,
isOpera = userAgent.indexOf("Opera/") !== -1;
function iosVersion(userAgent) {
return +((/ipad|iphone|ipod/.test(userAgent) && userAgent.match(/ os (\d+).+? like mac os x/)) || [undefined, 0])[1];
function androidVersion(userAgent) {
return +(userAgent.match(/android (\d+)/) || [undefined, 0])[1];
return {
// Static variable needed, publicly accessible, to be able override it in unit tests
USER_AGENT: userAgent,
* Exclude browsers that are not capable of displaying and handling
* contentEditable as desired:
* - iPhone, iPad (tested iOS 4.2.2) and Android (tested 2.2) refuse to make contentEditables focusable
* - IE < 8 create invalid markup and crash randomly from time to time
@@ -310,23 +311,23 @@
return hasContentEditableSupport
&& hasEditingApiSupport
&& hasQuerySelectorSupport
&& !isIncompatibleMobileBrowser;
isTouchDevice: function() {
return this.supportsEvent("touchmove");
isIos: function() {
return (/ipad|iphone|ipod/i).test(this.USER_AGENT);
isAndroid: function() {
return this.USER_AGENT.indexOf("Android") !== -1;
* Whether the browser supports sandboxed iframes
* Currently only IE 6+ offers such feature <iframe security="restricted">
@@ -361,11 +362,11 @@
* All other browsers provide the computed style in px via window.getComputedStyle
hasCurrentStyleProperty: function() {
return "currentStyle" in testElement;
* Firefox on OSX navigates through history when hitting CMD + Arrow right/left
hasHistoryIssue: function() {
return isGecko && navigator.platform.substr(0, 3) === "Mac";
@@ -393,11 +394,11 @@
* Opera doesn't correctly fire focus/blur events when clicking in- and outside of iframe
supportsEventsInIframeCorrectly: function() {
return !isOpera;
* Everything below IE9 doesn't know how to treat HTML5 tags
* @param {Object} context The document object on which to check HTML5 support
@@ -432,11 +433,11 @@
// converted into a list (<ul><li>...</li></ul>, <ol><li>...</li></ol>)
// IE and Opera act a bit different here as they convert the entire content of the current block element into a list
"insertUnorderedList": isIE || isWebKit,
"insertOrderedList": isIE || isWebKit
// Firefox throws errors for queryCommandSupported, so we have to build up our own object of supported commands
var supported = {
"insertHTML": isGecko
@@ -541,23 +542,23 @@
* See
supportsSelectionModify: function() {
return "getSelection" in window && "modify" in window.getSelection();
// Returns if there is a way for setting selection to expand a line
supportsSelectLine: function () {
return (this.supportsSelectionModify() || document.selection) ? true : false;
* Opera needs a white space after a <br> in order to position the caret correctly
needsSpaceAfterLineBreak: function() {
return isOpera;
* Whether the browser supports the speech api on the given element
* See
* @example
@@ -568,72 +569,73 @@
supportsSpeechApiOn: function(input) {
var chromeVersion = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/) || [undefined, 0];
return chromeVersion[1] >= 11 && ("onwebkitspeechchange" in input || "speech" in input);
* IE9 crashes when setting a getter via Object.defineProperty on XMLHttpRequest or XDomainRequest
* See
* or try the POC
crashesWhenDefineProperty: function(property) {
return isIE && (property === "XMLHttpRequest" || property === "XDomainRequest");
* IE is the only browser who fires the "focus" event not immediately when .focus() is called on an element
doesAsyncFocus: function() {
return isIE;
* In IE it's impssible for the user and for the selection library to set the caret after an <img> when it's the lastChild in the document
hasProblemsSettingCaretAfterImg: function() {
return isIE;
hasUndoInContextMenu: function() {
return isGecko || isChrome || isOpera;
* Opera sometimes doesn't insert the node at the right position when range.insertNode(someNode)
* is used (regardless if rangy or native)
* This especially happens when the caret is positioned right after a <br> because then
* insertNode() will insert the node right before the <br>
hasInsertNodeIssue: function() {
return isOpera;
* IE 8+9 don't fire the focus event of the <body> when the iframe gets focused (even though the caret gets set into the <body>)
hasIframeFocusIssue: function() {
return isIE;
* Chrome + Safari create invalid nested markup after paste
- *
+ *
* <p>
* foo
* <p>bar</p> <!-- BOO! -->
* </p>
createsNestedInvalidMarkupAfterPaste: function() {
return isWebKit;
supportsMutationEvents: function() {
return ("MutationEvent" in window);
-})();wysihtml5.lang.array = function(arr) {
+wysihtml5.lang.array = function(arr) {
return {
* Check whether a given object exists in an array
* @example
@@ -641,11 +643,11 @@
* // => true
contains: function(needle) {
return wysihtml5.lang.array(arr).indexOf(needle) !== -1;
* Check whether a given object exists in an array and return index
* If no elelemt found returns -1
* @example
@@ -660,11 +662,11 @@
if (arr[i] === needle) { return i; }
return -1;
* Substract one array from another
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).without([3, 4]);
@@ -680,14 +682,14 @@
return newArr;
* Return a clean native array
- *
+ *
* Following will convert a Live NodeList to a proper Array
* @example
* var childNodes = wysihtml5.lang.array(document.body.childNodes).get();
get: function() {
@@ -697,11 +699,11 @@
for (; i<length; i++) {
return newArray;
* Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.
* optionally this can be provided as second argument
* @example
@@ -722,11 +724,12 @@
return A;
-};wysihtml5.lang.Dispatcher = Base.extend(
+wysihtml5.lang.Dispatcher = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.lang.Dialog.prototype */ {
on: function(eventName, handler) { = || {};[eventName] =[eventName] || [];[eventName].push(handler);
@@ -751,31 +754,32 @@
// Clean up all events = {};
return this;
fire: function(eventName, payload) { = || {};
var handlers =[eventName] || [],
i = 0;
for (; i<handlers.length; i++) {
handlers[i].call(this, payload);
return this;
// deprecated, use .on()
observe: function() {
return this.on.apply(this, arguments);
// deprecated, use .off()
stopObserving: function() {
return, arguments);
-});wysihtml5.lang.object = function(obj) {
+wysihtml5.lang.object = function(obj) {
return {
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.object({ foo: 1, bar: 1 }).merge({ bar: 2, baz: 3 }).get();
* // => { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }
@@ -784,15 +788,15 @@
for (var i in otherObj) {
obj[i] = otherObj[i];
return this;
get: function() {
return obj;
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.object({ foo: 1 }).clone();
* // => { foo: 1 }
@@ -802,21 +806,22 @@
for (i in obj) {
newObj[i] = obj[i];
return newObj;
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.object([]).isArray();
* // => true
isArray: function() {
return === "[object Array]";
-};(function() {
+(function() {
var WHITE_SPACE_START = /^\s+/,
ENTITY_REG_EXP = /[&<>"]/g,
'&': '&',
@@ -833,11 +838,11 @@
* // => "foo"
trim: function() {
return str.replace(WHITE_SPACE_START, "").replace(WHITE_SPACE_END, "");
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.string("Hello #{name}").interpolate({ name: "Christopher" });
* // => "Hello Christopher"
@@ -845,11 +850,11 @@
for (var i in vars) {
str = this.replace("#{" + i + "}").by(vars[i]);
return str;
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.string("Hello Tom").replace("Tom").with("Hans");
* // => "Hello Hans"
@@ -858,22 +863,23 @@
by: function(replace) {
return str.split(search).join(replace);
* @example
* wysihtml5.lang.string("hello<br>").escapeHTML();
* // => "hello<br>"
escapeHTML: function() {
return str.replace(ENTITY_REG_EXP, function(c) { return ENTITY_MAP[c]; });
* Find urls in descendant text nodes of an element and auto-links them
* Inspired by
* @param {Element} element Container element in which to search for urls
@@ -898,11 +904,11 @@
URL_REG_EXP = /((https?:\/\/|www\.)[^\s<]{3,})/gi,
TRAILING_CHAR_REG_EXP = /([^\w\/\-](,?))$/i,
BRACKETS = { ")": "(", "]": "[", "}": "{" };
function autoLink(element) {
if (_hasParentThatShouldBeIgnored(element)) {
return element;
@@ -910,11 +916,11 @@
element = element.ownerDocument.body;
return _parseNode(element);
* This is basically a rebuild of
* the rails auto_link_urls text helper
function _convertUrlsToLinks(str) {
@@ -934,15 +940,15 @@
// Add http prefix if necessary
if (realUrl.substr(0, 4) === "www.") {
realUrl = "http://" + realUrl;
return '<a href="' + realUrl + '">' + displayUrl + '</a>' + punctuation;
* Creates or (if already cached) returns a temp element
* for the given document object
function _getTempElement(context) {
@@ -950,31 +956,31 @@
if (!tempElement) {
tempElement = context._wysihtml5_tempElement = context.createElement("div");
return tempElement;
* Replaces the original text nodes with the newly auto-linked dom tree
function _wrapMatchesInNode(textNode) {
var parentNode = textNode.parentNode,
nodeValue = wysihtml5.lang.string(,
tempElement = _getTempElement(parentNode.ownerDocument);
// We need to insert an empty/temporary <span /> to fix IE quirks
// Elsewise IE would strip white space in the beginning
tempElement.innerHTML = "<span></span>" + _convertUrlsToLinks(nodeValue);
while (tempElement.firstChild) {
// inserts tempElement.firstChild before textNode
parentNode.insertBefore(tempElement.firstChild, textNode);
function _hasParentThatShouldBeIgnored(node) {
var nodeName;
while (node.parentNode) {
node = node.parentNode;
nodeName = node.nodeName;
@@ -984,65 +990,66 @@
return false;
return false;
function _parseNode(element) {
if (IGNORE_URLS_IN.contains(element.nodeName)) {
if (element.nodeType === wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE && {
var childNodes = wysihtml5.lang.array(element.childNodes).get(),
childNodesLength = childNodes.length,
i = 0;
for (; i<childNodesLength; i++) {
return element;
wysihtml5.dom.autoLink = autoLink;
// Reveal url reg exp to the outside
wysihtml5.dom.autoLink.URL_REG_EXP = URL_REG_EXP;
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var api = wysihtml5.dom;
api.addClass = function(element, className) {
var classList = element.classList;
if (classList) {
return classList.add(className);
if (api.hasClass(element, className)) {
element.className += " " + className;
api.removeClass = function(element, className) {
var classList = element.classList;
if (classList) {
return classList.remove(className);
element.className = element.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), " ");
api.hasClass = function(element, className) {
var classList = element.classList;
if (classList) {
return classList.contains(className);
var elementClassName = element.className;
return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == className || new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName)));
wysihtml5.dom.contains = (function() {
@@ -1058,11 +1065,12 @@
return function(container, element) {
return !!(container.compareDocumentPosition(element) & 16);
* Converts an HTML fragment/element into a unordered/ordered list
* @param {Element} element The element which should be turned into a list
* @param {String} listType The list type in which to convert the tree (either "ul" or "ol")
* @return {Element} The created list
@@ -1090,21 +1098,21 @@
function _createListItem(doc, list) {
var listItem = doc.createElement("li");
return listItem;
function _createList(doc, type) {
return doc.createElement(type);
function convertToList(element, listType, uneditableClass) {
if (element.nodeName === "UL" || element.nodeName === "OL" || element.nodeName === "MENU") {
// Already a list
return element;
var doc = element.ownerDocument,
list = _createList(doc, listType),
lineBreaks = element.querySelectorAll("br"),
lineBreaksLength = lineBreaks.length,
@@ -1114,11 +1122,11 @@
// First find <br> at the end of inline elements and move them behind them
for (i=0; i<lineBreaksLength; i++) {
lineBreak = lineBreaks[i];
while ((parentNode = lineBreak.parentNode) && parentNode !== element && parentNode.lastChild === lineBreak) {
if (wysihtml5.dom.getStyle("display").from(parentNode) === "block") {
@@ -1126,53 +1134,54 @@
childNodes = wysihtml5.lang.array(element.childNodes).get();
childNodesLength = childNodes.length;
for (i=0; i<childNodesLength; i++) {
currentListItem = currentListItem || _createListItem(doc, list);
childNode = childNodes[i];
isBlockElement = wysihtml5.dom.getStyle("display").from(childNode) === "block";
isLineBreak = childNode.nodeName === "BR";
// consider uneditable as an inline element
if (isBlockElement && (!uneditableClass || !wysihtml5.dom.hasClass(childNode, uneditableClass))) {
// Append blockElement to current <li> if empty, otherwise create a new one
currentListItem = currentListItem.firstChild ? _createListItem(doc, list) : currentListItem;
currentListItem = null;
if (isLineBreak) {
// Only create a new list item in the next iteration when the current one has already content
currentListItem = currentListItem.firstChild ? null : currentListItem;
if (childNodes.length === 0) {
_createListItem(doc, list);
element.parentNode.replaceChild(list, element);
return list;
return convertToList;
* Copy a set of attributes from one element to another
* @param {Array} attributesToCopy List of attributes which should be copied
* @return {Object} Returns an object which offers the "from" method which can be invoked with the element where to
- * copy the attributes from., this again returns an object which provides a method named "to" which can be invoked
+ * copy the attributes from., this again returns an object which provides a method named "to" which can be invoked
* with the element where to copy the attributes to (see example)
* @example
* var textarea = document.querySelector("textarea"),
* div = document.querySelector("div[contenteditable=true]"),
@@ -1197,131 +1206,134 @@
return { andTo: arguments.callee };
* Copy a set of styles from one element to another
* Please note that this only works properly across browsers when the element from which to copy the styles
* is in the dom
* Interesting article on how to copy styles
* @param {Array} stylesToCopy List of styles which should be copied
* @return {Object} Returns an object which offers the "from" method which can be invoked with the element where to
- * copy the styles from., this again returns an object which provides a method named "to" which can be invoked
+ * copy the styles from., this again returns an object which provides a method named "to" which can be invoked
* with the element where to copy the styles to (see example)
* @example
* var textarea = document.querySelector("textarea"),
* div = document.querySelector("div[contenteditable=true]"),
* anotherDiv = document.querySelector("div.preview");
* wysihtml5.dom.copyStyles(["overflow-y", "width", "height"]).from(textarea).to(div).andTo(anotherDiv);
(function(dom) {
* Mozilla, WebKit and Opera recalculate the computed width when box-sizing: boder-box; is set
- * So if an element has "width: 200px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px;" then
+ * So if an element has "width: 200px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px;" then
* its computed css width will be 198px
* See
var BOX_SIZING_PROPERTIES = ["-webkit-box-sizing", "-moz-box-sizing", "-ms-box-sizing", "box-sizing"];
var shouldIgnoreBoxSizingBorderBox = function(element) {
if (hasBoxSizingBorderBox(element)) {
return parseInt(dom.getStyle("width").from(element), 10) < element.offsetWidth;
return false;
var hasBoxSizingBorderBox = function(element) {
var i = 0,
length = BOX_SIZING_PROPERTIES.length;
for (; i<length; i++) {
if (dom.getStyle(BOX_SIZING_PROPERTIES[i]).from(element) === "border-box") {
dom.copyStyles = function(stylesToCopy) {
return {
from: function(element) {
if (shouldIgnoreBoxSizingBorderBox(element)) {
stylesToCopy = wysihtml5.lang.array(stylesToCopy).without(BOX_SIZING_PROPERTIES);
var cssText = "",
length = stylesToCopy.length,
i = 0,
for (; i<length; i++) {
property = stylesToCopy[i];
cssText += property + ":" + dom.getStyle(property).from(element) + ";";
return {
to: function(element) {
return { andTo: arguments.callee };
* Event Delegation
* @example
* wysihtml5.dom.delegate(document.body, "a", "click", function() {
* // foo
* });
(function(wysihtml5) {
wysihtml5.dom.delegate = function(container, selector, eventName, handler) {
return wysihtml5.dom.observe(container, eventName, function(event) {
var target =,
match = wysihtml5.lang.array(container.querySelectorAll(selector));
while (target && target !== container) {
if (match.contains(target)) {, event);
target = target.parentNode;
* Returns the given html wrapped in a div element
* Fixing IE's inability to treat unknown elements (HTML5 section, article, ...) correctly
* when inserted via innerHTML
- *
+ *
* @param {String} html The html which should be wrapped in a dom element
* @param {Obejct} [context] Document object of the context the html belongs to
* @example
* wysihtml5.dom.getAsDom("<article>foo</article>");
wysihtml5.dom.getAsDom = (function() {
var _innerHTMLShiv = function(html, context) {
var tempElement = context.createElement("div"); = "none";
// IE throws an exception when trying to insert <frameset></frameset> via innerHTML
try { tempElement.innerHTML = html; } catch(e) {}
return tempElement;
* Make sure IE supports HTML5 tags, which is accomplished by simply creating one instance of each element
var _ensureHTML5Compatibility = function(context) {
if (context._wysihtml5_supportsHTML5Tags) {
@@ -1330,22 +1342,22 @@
for (var i=0, length=HTML5_ELEMENTS.length; i<length; i++) {
context._wysihtml5_supportsHTML5Tags = true;
* List of html5 tags
* taken from
"abbr", "article", "aside", "audio", "bdi", "canvas", "command", "datalist", "details", "figcaption",
"figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "keygen", "mark", "meter", "nav", "output", "progress",
"rp", "rt", "ruby", "svg", "section", "source", "summary", "time", "track", "video", "wbr"
return function(html, context) {
context = context || document;
var tempElement;
if (typeof(html) === "object" && html.nodeType) {
tempElement = context.createElement("div");
@@ -1357,11 +1369,12 @@
tempElement = _innerHTMLShiv(html, context);
return tempElement;
* Walks the dom tree from the given node up until it finds a match
* Designed for optimal performance.
* @param {Element} node The from which to check the parent nodes
* @param {Object} matchingSet Object to match against (possible properties: nodeName, className, classRegExp)
@@ -1373,45 +1386,45 @@
* var unorderedListElement = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(document.querySelector("li"), { nodeName: "UL" });
* // ... or ...
* var coloredElement = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(myTextNode, { nodeName: "SPAN", className: "wysiwyg-color-red", classRegExp: /wysiwyg-color-[a-z]/g });
wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement = (function() {
function _isSameNodeName(nodeName, desiredNodeNames) {
if (!desiredNodeNames || !desiredNodeNames.length) {
return true;
if (typeof(desiredNodeNames) === "string") {
return nodeName === desiredNodeNames;
} else {
return wysihtml5.lang.array(desiredNodeNames).contains(nodeName);
function _isElement(node) {
return node.nodeType === wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE;
function _hasClassName(element, className, classRegExp) {
var classNames = (element.className || "").match(classRegExp) || [];
if (!className) {
return !!classNames.length;
return classNames[classNames.length - 1] === className;
function _getParentElementWithNodeName(node, nodeName, levels) {
while (levels-- && node && node.nodeName !== "BODY") {
if (_isSameNodeName(node.nodeName, nodeName)) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
function _getParentElementWithNodeNameAndClassName(node, nodeName, className, classRegExp, levels) {
while (levels-- && node && node.nodeName !== "BODY") {
if (_isElement(node) &&
_isSameNodeName(node.nodeName, nodeName) &&
_hasClassName(node, className, classRegExp)) {
@@ -1419,11 +1432,11 @@
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
return function(node, matchingSet, levels) {
levels = levels || 50; // Go max 50 nodes upwards from current node
if (matchingSet.className || matchingSet.classRegExp) {
return _getParentElementWithNodeNameAndClassName(
node, matchingSet.nodeName, matchingSet.className, matchingSet.classRegExp, levels
@@ -1448,33 +1461,33 @@
wysihtml5.dom.getStyle = (function() {
var stylePropertyMapping = {
"float": ("styleFloat" in document.createElement("div").style) ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat"
REG_EXP_CAMELIZE = /\-[a-z]/g;
function camelize(str) {
return str.replace(REG_EXP_CAMELIZE, function(match) {
return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
return function(property) {
return {
from: function(element) {
if (element.nodeType !== wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var doc = element.ownerDocument,
camelizedProperty = stylePropertyMapping[property] || camelize(property),
style =,
currentStyle = element.currentStyle,
styleValue = style[camelizedProperty];
if (styleValue) {
return styleValue;
// currentStyle is no standard and only supported by Opera and IE but it has one important advantage over the standard-compliant
// window.getComputedStyle, since it returns css property values in their original unit:
// If you set an elements width to "50%", window.getComputedStyle will give you it's current width in px while currentStyle
// gives you the original "50%".
// Opera supports both, currentStyle and window.getComputedStyle, that's why checking for currentStyle should have higher prio
@@ -1505,11 +1518,12 @@
return returnValue;
* High performant way to check whether an element with a specific tag name is in the given document
* Optimized for being heavily executed
* Unleashes the power of live node lists
* @param {Object} doc The document object of the context where to check
@@ -1518,25 +1532,26 @@
* wysihtml5.dom.hasElementWithTagName(document, "IMG");
wysihtml5.dom.hasElementWithTagName = (function() {
var LIVE_CACHE = {},
function _getDocumentIdentifier(doc) {
return doc._wysihtml5_identifier || (doc._wysihtml5_identifier = DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER++);
return function(doc, tagName) {
var key = _getDocumentIdentifier(doc) + ":" + tagName,
cacheEntry = LIVE_CACHE[key];
if (!cacheEntry) {
cacheEntry = LIVE_CACHE[key] = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
return cacheEntry.length > 0;
* High performant way to check whether an element with a specific class name is in the given document
* Optimized for being heavily executed
* Unleashes the power of live node lists
* @param {Object} doc The document object of the context where to check
@@ -1549,11 +1564,11 @@
function _getDocumentIdentifier(doc) {
return doc._wysihtml5_identifier || (doc._wysihtml5_identifier = DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER++);
wysihtml5.dom.hasElementWithClassName = function(doc, className) {
// getElementsByClassName is not supported by IE<9
// but is sometimes mocked via library code (which then doesn't return live node lists)
if (!wysihtml5.browser.supportsNativeGetElementsByClassName()) {
return !!doc.querySelector("." + className);
@@ -1571,33 +1586,34 @@
wysihtml5.dom.insert = function(elementToInsert) {
return {
after: function(element) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(elementToInsert, element.nextSibling);
before: function(element) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(elementToInsert, element);
into: function(element) {
-};wysihtml5.dom.insertCSS = function(rules) {
+wysihtml5.dom.insertCSS = function(rules) {
rules = rules.join("\n");
return {
into: function(doc) {
var styleElement = doc.createElement("style");
styleElement.type = "text/css";
if (styleElement.styleSheet) {
styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = rules;
} else {
var link = doc.querySelector("head link");
if (link) {
link.parentNode.insertBefore(styleElement, link);
} else {
@@ -1606,24 +1622,25 @@
* Method to set dom events
* @example
* wysihtml5.dom.observe(iframe.contentWindow.document.body, ["focus", "blur"], function() { ... });
wysihtml5.dom.observe = function(element, eventNames, handler) {
eventNames = typeof(eventNames) === "string" ? [eventNames] : eventNames;
var handlerWrapper,
i = 0,
length = eventNames.length;
for (; i<length; i++) {
eventName = eventNames[i];
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
} else {
@@ -1640,11 +1657,11 @@, event);
element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handlerWrapper);
return {
stop: function() {
var eventName,
i = 0,
length = eventNames.length;
@@ -1710,11 +1727,11 @@
* });
* // => '<p class="red">foo</p><p>bar</p>'
wysihtml5.dom.parse = (function() {
* It's not possible to use a XMLParser/DOMParser as HTML5 is not always well-formed XML
* new DOMParser().parseFromString('<img src="foo.gif">') will cause a parseError since the
* node isn't closed
@@ -1728,111 +1745,112 @@
defaultRules = { tags: {}, classes: {} },
currentRules = {},
uneditableClass = false;
* Iterates over all childs of the element, recreates them, appends them into a document fragment
* which later replaces the entire body content
function parse(elementOrHtml, config) {
var context = config.context || elementOrHtml.ownerDocument || document,
fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
isString = typeof(elementOrHtml) === "string",
if (config.uneditableClass) {
uneditableClass = config.uneditableClass;
if (isString) {
element = wysihtml5.dom.getAsDom(elementOrHtml, context);
} else {
element = elementOrHtml;
while (element.firstChild) {
firstChild = element.firstChild;
newNode = _convert(firstChild, config.cleanUp);
if (newNode) {
// Clear element contents
element.innerHTML = "";
// Insert new DOM tree
return isString ? wysihtml5.quirks.getCorrectInnerHTML(element) : element;
function _convert(oldNode, cleanUp) {
var oldNodeType = oldNode.nodeType,
oldChilds = oldNode.childNodes,
oldChildsLength = oldChilds.length,
method = NODE_TYPE_MAPPING[oldNodeType],
i = 0,
if (uneditableClass && oldNodeType === 1 && wysihtml5.dom.hasClass(oldNode, uneditableClass)) {
return oldNode;
- }
+ }
newNode = method && method(oldNode);
if (!newNode) {
if (newNode === false) {
// false defines that tag should be removed but contents should remain (unwrap)
fragment = oldNode.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
+ for (i = oldChildsLength; i--;) {
+ newChild = _convert(oldChilds[i], cleanUp);
+ if (newChild) {
+ fragment.insertBefore(newChild, fragment.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
// TODO: try to minimize surplus spaces
if (wysihtml5.lang.array([
"div", "pre", "p",
"table", "td", "th",
"ul", "ol", "li",
"dd", "dl",
"footer", "header", "section",
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"
- ]).contains(oldNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) && oldNode.parentNode.firstChild !== oldNode) {
- // add space as first when unwraping non-textflow elements
- fragment.appendChild(oldNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "));
+ ]).contains(oldNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) && oldNode.parentNode.lastChild !== oldNode) {
+ // add space at first when unwraping non-textflow elements
+ if (!oldNode.nextSibling || oldNode.nextSibling.nodeType !== 3 || !(/^\s/).test(oldNode.nextSibling.nodeValue)) {
+ fragment.appendChild(oldNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "));
+ }
- for (i=0; i<oldChildsLength; i++) {
- newChild = _convert(oldChilds[i], cleanUp);
- if (newChild) {
- fragment.appendChild(newChild);
- }
- }
if (fragment.normalize) {
return fragment;
} else {
return null;
for (i=0; i<oldChildsLength; i++) {
newChild = _convert(oldChilds[i], cleanUp);
if (newChild) {
// Cleanup senseless <span> elements
if (cleanUp &&
newNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === DEFAULT_NODE_NAME &&
(!newNode.childNodes.length ||
((/^\s*$/gi).test(newNode.innerHTML) && oldNode.className !== "_wysihtml5-temp-placeholder") ||
@@ -1845,38 +1863,38 @@
if (fragment.normalize) {
return fragment;
if (newNode.normalize) {
return newNode;
function _handleElement(oldNode) {
var rule,
tagRules = currentRules.tags,
nodeName = oldNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
scopeName = oldNode.scopeName;
* We already parsed that element
* ignore it! (yes, this sometimes happens in IE8 when the html is invalid)
if (oldNode._wysihtml5) {
return null;
oldNode._wysihtml5 = 1;
if (oldNode.className === "wysihtml5-temp") {
return null;
* IE is the only browser who doesn't include the namespace in the
* nodeName, that's why we have to prepend it by ourselves
* scopeName is a proprietary IE feature
* read more here
@@ -1894,25 +1912,25 @@
oldNode.nodeName === "P" &&
oldNode.outerHTML.slice(-4).toLowerCase() !== "</p>") {
nodeName = "div";
if (nodeName in tagRules) {
rule = tagRules[nodeName];
if (!rule || rule.remove) {
return null;
} else if (rule.unwrap) {
return false;
// tests if type condition is met or node should be removed/unwrapped
if (rule.one_of_type && !_testTypes(oldNode, currentRules, rule.one_of_type)) {
return (rule.remove_action && rule.remove_action == "unwrap") ? false : null;
rule = typeof(rule) === "string" ? { rename_tag: rule } : rule;
} else if (oldNode.firstChild) {
rule = { rename_tag: DEFAULT_NODE_NAME };
} else {
// Remove empty unknown elements
@@ -1920,80 +1938,80 @@
newNode = oldNode.ownerDocument.createElement(rule.rename_tag || nodeName);
_handleAttributes(oldNode, newNode, rule);
_handleStyles(oldNode, newNode, rule);
oldNode = null;
if (newNode.normalize) { newNode.normalize(); }
return newNode;
function _testTypes(oldNode, rules, types) {
var definition, type;
// do not interfere with placeholder span or pasting caret position is not maintained
if (oldNode.nodeName === "SPAN" && oldNode.className === "_wysihtml5-temp-placeholder") {
return true;
for (type in types) {
if (types.hasOwnProperty(type) && rules.type_definitions && rules.type_definitions[type]) {
definition = rules.type_definitions[type];
if (_testType(oldNode, definition)) {
- return true;
+ return true;
return false;
function array_contains(a, obj) {
var i = a.length;
while (i--) {
if (a[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
function _testType(oldNode, definition) {
var nodeClasses = oldNode.getAttribute("class"),
nodeStyles = oldNode.getAttribute("style"),
classesLength, s, s_corrected, a, attr, currentClass, styleProp;
// test for classes, if one found return true
if (nodeClasses && definition.classes) {
nodeClasses = nodeClasses.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '').split(WHITE_SPACE_REG_EXP);
classesLength = nodeClasses.length;
for (var i = 0; i < classesLength; i++) {
if (definition.classes[nodeClasses[i]]) {
return true;
// test for styles, if one found return true
if (nodeStyles && definition.styles) {
nodeStyles = nodeStyles.split(';');
for (s in definition.styles) {
if (definition.styles.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
for (var sp = nodeStyles.length; sp--;) {
styleProp = nodeStyles[sp].split(':');
if (styleProp[0].replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase() === s) {
if (definition.styles[s] === true || styleProp[1].replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase() === definition.styles[s]) {
return true;
// test for attributes in general against regex match
if (definition.attrs) {
for (a in definition.attrs) {
if (definition.attrs.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
attr = _getAttribute(oldNode, a);
@@ -2005,11 +2023,11 @@
return false;
function _handleStyles(oldNode, newNode, rule) {
var s;
if(rule && rule.keep_styles) {
for (s in rule.keep_styles) {
if (rule.keep_styles.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
@@ -2026,11 +2044,11 @@
function _handleAttributes(oldNode, newNode, rule) {
var attributes = {}, // fresh new set of attributes to set on newNode
setClass = rule.set_class, // classes to set
addClass = rule.add_class, // add classes based on existing attributes
setAttributes = rule.set_attributes, // attributes to set on the current node
@@ -2046,15 +2064,15 @@
if (setAttributes) {
attributes = wysihtml5.lang.object(setAttributes).clone();
if (checkAttributes) {
for (attributeName in checkAttributes) {
method = attributeCheckMethods[checkAttributes[attributeName]];
if (!method) {
@@ -2066,15 +2084,15 @@
attributes[attributeName] = newAttributeValue;
if (setClass) {
if (addClass) {
for (attributeName in addClass) {
method = addClassMethods[addClass[attributeName]];
if (!method) {
@@ -2083,14 +2101,14 @@
if (typeof(newClass) === "string") {
// make sure that wysihtml5 temp class doesn't get stripped out
allowedClasses["_wysihtml5-temp-placeholder"] = 1;
// add old classes last
oldClasses = oldNode.getAttribute("class");
if (oldClasses) {
classes = classes.concat(oldClasses.split(WHITE_SPACE_REG_EXP));
@@ -2099,34 +2117,34 @@
currentClass = classes[i];
if (allowedClasses[currentClass]) {
// remove duplicate entries and preserve class specificity
newClassesLength = newClasses.length;
while (newClassesLength--) {
currentClass = newClasses[newClassesLength];
if (!wysihtml5.lang.array(newUniqueClasses).contains(currentClass)) {
if (newUniqueClasses.length) {
attributes["class"] = newUniqueClasses.join(" ");
// set attributes on newNode
for (attributeName in attributes) {
// Setting attributes can cause a js error in IE under certain circumstances
// eg. on a <img> under https when it's new attribute value is non-https
// TODO: Investigate this further and check for smarter handling
try {
newNode.setAttribute(attributeName, attributes[attributeName]);
} catch(e) {}
// IE8 sometimes loses the width/height attributes when those are set before the "src"
// so we make sure to set them again
if (attributes.src) {
if (typeof(attributes.width) !== "undefined") {
newNode.setAttribute("width", attributes.width);
@@ -2134,11 +2152,11 @@
if (typeof(attributes.height) !== "undefined") {
newNode.setAttribute("height", attributes.height);
* IE gives wrong results for hasAttribute/getAttribute, for example:
* var td = document.createElement("td");
* td.getAttribute("rowspan"); // => "1" in IE
@@ -2157,17 +2175,17 @@
} else if (HAS_GET_ATTRIBUTE_BUG && "outerHTML" in node) {
// Don't trust getAttribute/hasAttribute in IE 6-8, instead check the element's outerHTML
var outerHTML = node.outerHTML.toLowerCase(),
// TODO: This might not work for attributes without value: <input disabled>
hasAttribute = outerHTML.indexOf(" " + attributeName + "=") != -1;
return hasAttribute ? node.getAttribute(attributeName) : null;
} else{
return node.getAttribute(attributeName);
* Check whether the given node is a proper loaded image
* FIXME: Returns undefined when unknown (Chrome, Safari)
function _isLoadedImage(node) {
@@ -2177,25 +2195,25 @@
if (node.complete && node.readyState === "complete") {
return true;
function _handleText(oldNode) {
var nextSibling = oldNode.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType === wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE) {
// Concatenate text nodes = +;
} else {
// \uFEFF = wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE (used as a hack in certain rich text editing situations)
var data =, "");
return oldNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data);
- }
+ }
// ------------ attribute checks ------------ \\
var attributeCheckMethods = {
url: (function() {
var REG_EXP = /^https?:\/\//i;
return function(attributeValue) {
@@ -2229,30 +2247,36 @@
return attributeValue.replace(REG_EXP, function(match) {
return match.toLowerCase();
alt: (function() {
var REG_EXP = /[^ a-z0-9_\-]/gi;
return function(attributeValue) {
if (!attributeValue) {
return "";
return attributeValue.replace(REG_EXP, "");
numbers: (function() {
var REG_EXP = /\D/g;
return function(attributeValue) {
attributeValue = (attributeValue || "").replace(REG_EXP, "");
return attributeValue || null;
+ })(),
+ any: (function() {
+ return function(attributeValue) {
+ return attributeValue;
+ };
// ------------ class converter (converts an html attribute to a class name) ------------ \\
var addClassMethods = {
align_img: (function() {
var mapping = {
left: "wysiwyg-float-left",
@@ -2260,11 +2284,11 @@
return function(attributeValue) {
return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()];
align_text: (function() {
var mapping = {
left: "wysiwyg-text-align-left",
right: "wysiwyg-text-align-right",
center: "wysiwyg-text-align-center",
@@ -2272,11 +2296,11 @@
return function(attributeValue) {
return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()];
clear_br: (function() {
var mapping = {
left: "wysiwyg-clear-left",
right: "wysiwyg-clear-right",
both: "wysiwyg-clear-both",
@@ -2284,11 +2308,11 @@
return function(attributeValue) {
return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()];
size_font: (function() {
var mapping = {
"1": "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-small",
"2": "wysiwyg-font-size-small",
"3": "wysiwyg-font-size-medium",
@@ -2302,11 +2326,11 @@
return function(attributeValue) {
return mapping[String(attributeValue).charAt(0)];
return parse;
* Checks for empty text node childs and removes them
@@ -2358,13 +2382,14 @@
wysihtml5.dom.copyAttributes(["align", "className"]).from(element).to(newElement);
element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element);
return newElement;
* Takes an element, removes it and replaces it with it's childs
- *
+ *
* @param {Object} node The node which to replace with it's child nodes
* @example
* <div id="foo">
* <span>hello</span>
* </div>
@@ -2375,16 +2400,16 @@
wysihtml5.dom.replaceWithChildNodes = function(node) {
if (!node.parentNode) {
if (!node.firstChild) {
var fragment = node.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
while (node.firstChild) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, node);
@@ -2414,35 +2439,35 @@
(function(dom) {
function _isBlockElement(node) {
return dom.getStyle("display").from(node) === "block";
function _isLineBreak(node) {
return node.nodeName === "BR";
function _appendLineBreak(element) {
var lineBreak = element.ownerDocument.createElement("br");
function resolveList(list, useLineBreaks) {
if (!list.nodeName.match(/^(MENU|UL|OL)$/)) {
var doc = list.ownerDocument,
fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
previousSibling = list.previousElementSibling || list.previousSibling,
if (useLineBreaks) {
// Insert line break if list is after a non-block element
if (previousSibling && !_isBlockElement(previousSibling) && !_isLineBreak(previousSibling)) {
@@ -2456,11 +2481,11 @@
if (shouldAppendLineBreak) {
} else {
while (listItem = (list.firstElementChild || list.firstChild)) {
if (listItem.querySelector && listItem.querySelector("div, p, ul, ol, menu, blockquote, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6")) {
@@ -2478,13 +2503,14 @@
list.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, list);
dom.resolveList = resolveList;
* Sandbox for executing javascript, parsing css styles and doing dom operations in a secure way
* Browser Compatibility:
* - Secure in MSIE 6+, but only when the user hasn't made changes to his security level "restricted"
* - Partially secure in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, ...)
@@ -2530,25 +2556,25 @@
documentProperties = [
"write", "open", "close"
wysihtml5.dom.Sandbox = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.dom.Sandbox.prototype */ {
constructor: function(readyCallback, config) {
this.callback = readyCallback || wysihtml5.EMPTY_FUNCTION;
this.config = wysihtml5.lang.object({}).merge(config).get();
this.editableArea = this._createIframe();
insertInto: function(element) {
if (typeof(element) === "string") {
element = doc.getElementById(element);
getIframe: function() {
return this.editableArea;
@@ -2580,11 +2606,11 @@
* Therefore we need to set the "allow-same-origin" flag which enables accessing the iframe's dom
* But then there's another problem, DOM events (focus, blur, change, keypress, ...) aren't fired.
* In order to make this happen we need to set the "allow-scripts" flag.
* A combination of allow-scripts and allow-same-origin is almost the same as setting no sandbox attribute at all.
* - Chrome & Safari, doesn't seem to support sandboxing correctly when the iframe's html is inlined (no physical document)
- * - IE needs to have the security="restricted" attribute set before the iframe is
+ * - IE needs to have the security="restricted" attribute set before the iframe is
* inserted into the dom tree
* - Believe it or not but in IE "security" in document.createElement("iframe") is false, even
* though it supports it
* - When an iframe has security="restricted", in IE eval() & execScript() don't work anymore
* - IE doesn't fire the onload event when the content is inlined in the src attribute, therefore we rely
@@ -2657,11 +2683,11 @@
throw new Error("wysihtml5.Sandbox: " + errorMessage, fileName, lineNumber);
if (!wysihtml5.browser.supportsSandboxedIframes()) {
// Unset a bunch of sensitive variables
- // Please note: This isn't hack safe!
+ // Please note: This isn't hack safe!
// It more or less just takes care of basic attacks and prevents accidental theft of sensitive information
// IE is secure though, which is the most important thing, since IE is the only browser, who
// takes over scripts & styles into contentEditable elements when copied from external websites
// or applications (Microsoft Word, ...)
var i, length;
@@ -2672,11 +2698,11 @@
this._unset(iframeWindow, windowProperties2[i], wysihtml5.EMPTY_FUNCTION);
for (i=0, length=documentProperties.length; i<length; i++) {
this._unset(iframeDocument, documentProperties[i]);
- // This doesn't work in Safari 5
+ // This doesn't work in Safari 5
// See
this._unset(iframeDocument, "cookie", "", true);
this.loaded = true;
@@ -2733,49 +2759,49 @@
(function(wysihtml5) {
- var doc = document;
+ var doc = document;
wysihtml5.dom.ContentEditableArea = Base.extend({
getContentEditable: function() {
return this.element;
getWindow: function() {
return this.element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
getDocument: function() {
return this.element.ownerDocument;
constructor: function(readyCallback, config, contentEditable) {
this.callback = readyCallback || wysihtml5.EMPTY_FUNCTION;
this.config = wysihtml5.lang.object({}).merge(config).get();
if (contentEditable) {
this.element = this._bindElement(contentEditable);
- } else {
+ } else {
this.element = this._createElement();
// creates a new contenteditable and initiates it
_createElement: function() {
var element = doc.createElement("div");
element.className = "wysihtml5-sandbox";
return element;
// initiates an allready existent contenteditable
_bindElement: function(contentEditable) {
contentEditable.className = (contentEditable.className && contentEditable.className != '') ? contentEditable.className + " wysihtml5-sandbox" : "wysihtml5-sandbox";
this._loadElement(contentEditable, true);
return contentEditable;
_loadElement: function(element, contentExists) {
var that = this;
if (!contentExists) {
var sandboxHtml = this._getHtml();
element.innerHTML = sandboxHtml;
@@ -2794,15 +2820,15 @@
this.loaded = true;
// Trigger the callback
setTimeout(function() { that.callback(that); }, 0);
- _getHtml: function(templateVars) {
+ _getHtml: function(templateVars) {
return '';
(function() {
var mapping = {
"className": "class"
@@ -2814,11 +2840,12 @@
element.setAttribute(mapping[i] || i, attributes[i]);
-})();wysihtml5.dom.setStyles = function(styles) {
+wysihtml5.dom.setStyles = function(styles) {
return {
on: function(element) {
var style =;
if (typeof(styles) === "string") {
style.cssText += ";" + styles;
@@ -2832,11 +2859,12 @@
style[i] = styles[i];
* Simulate HTML5 placeholder attribute
* Needed since
* - div[contentEditable] elements don't support it
* - older browsers (such as IE8 and Firefox 3.6) don't support it at all
@@ -2928,17 +2956,18 @@
} else if (HAS_GET_ATTRIBUTE_BUG && "outerHTML" in node) {
// Don't trust getAttribute/hasAttribute in IE 6-8, instead check the element's outerHTML
var outerHTML = node.outerHTML.toLowerCase(),
// TODO: This might not work for attributes without value: <input disabled>
hasAttribute = outerHTML.indexOf(" " + attributeName + "=") != -1;
return hasAttribute ? node.getAttribute(attributeName) : null;
} else{
return node.getAttribute(attributeName);
-};(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var api = wysihtml5.dom;
var MapCell = function(cell) {
this.el = cell;
this.isColspan= false;
@@ -2959,11 +2988,11 @@
} else if (table) {
this.table = table;
this.cell = this.table.querySelectorAll('th, td')[0];
function queryInList(list, query) {
var ret = [],
for (var e = 0, len = list.length; e < len; e++) {
q = list[e].querySelectorAll(query);
@@ -2971,19 +3000,19 @@
for(var i = q.length; i--; ret.unshift(q[i]));
return ret;
function removeElement(el) {
function insertAfter(referenceNode, newNode) {
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling);
function nextNode(node, tag) {
var element = node.nextSibling;
while (element.nodeType !=1) {
element = element.nextSibling;
if (!tag || tag == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
@@ -2992,16 +3021,16 @@
return null;
TableModifyerByCell.prototype = {
addSpannedCellToMap: function(cell, map, r, c, cspan, rspan) {
var spanCollect = [],
rmax = r + ((rspan) ? parseInt(rspan, 10) - 1 : 0),
cmax = c + ((cspan) ? parseInt(cspan, 10) - 1 : 0);
for (var rr = r; rr <= rmax; rr++) {
if (typeof map[rr] == "undefined") { map[rr] = []; }
for (var cc = c; cc <= cmax; cc++) {
map[rr][cc] = new MapCell(cell);
map[rr][cc].isColspan = (cspan && parseInt(cspan, 10) > 1);
@@ -3010,27 +3039,27 @@
map[rr][cc].lastCol = cc == cmax;
map[rr][cc].firstRow = rr == r;
map[rr][cc].lastRow = rr == rmax;
map[rr][cc].isReal = cc == c && rr == r;
map[rr][cc].spanCollection = spanCollect;
setCellAsModified: function(cell) {
cell.modified = true;
if (cell.spanCollection.length > 0) {
for (var s = 0, smax = cell.spanCollection.length; s < smax; s++) {
cell.spanCollection[s].modified = true;
setTableMap: function() {
- var map = [];
+ var map = [];
var tableRows = this.getTableRows(),
ridx, row, cells, cidx, cell,
cspan, rspan;
@@ -3041,11 +3070,11 @@
if (typeof map[ridx] == "undefined") { map[ridx] = []; }
for (cidx = 0; cidx < cells.length; cidx++) {
cell = cells[cidx];
// If cell allready set means it is set by col or rowspan,
- // so increase cols index until free col is found
+ // so increase cols index until free col is found
while (typeof map[ridx][c] != "undefined") { c++; }
cspan = api.getAttribute(cell, 'colspan');
rspan = api.getAttribute(cell, 'rowspan');
@@ -3055,61 +3084,61 @@
} else {
map[ridx][c] = new MapCell(cell);
- }
+ } = map;
return map;
getRowCells: function(row) {
var inlineTables = this.table.querySelectorAll('table'),
inlineCells = (inlineTables) ? queryInList(inlineTables, 'th, td') : [],
allCells = row.querySelectorAll('th, td'),
tableCells = (inlineCells.length > 0) ? wysihtml5.lang.array(allCells).without(inlineCells) : allCells;
return tableCells;
getTableRows: function() {
var inlineTables = this.table.querySelectorAll('table'),
inlineRows = (inlineTables) ? queryInList(inlineTables, 'tr') : [],
allRows = this.table.querySelectorAll('tr'),
tableRows = (inlineRows.length > 0) ? wysihtml5.lang.array(allRows).without(inlineRows) : allRows;
return tableRows;
getMapIndex: function(cell) {
var r_length =,
c_length = ( &&[0]) ?[0].length : 0;
for (var r_idx = 0;r_idx < r_length; r_idx++) {
for (var c_idx = 0;c_idx < c_length; c_idx++) {
if ([r_idx][c_idx].el === cell) {
return {'row': r_idx, 'col': c_idx};
return false;
getElementAtIndex: function(idx) {
if ([idx.row] &&[idx.row][idx.col] &&[idx.row][idx.col].el) {
return null;
getMapElsTo: function(to_cell) {
var els = [];
this.idx_start = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
this.idx_end = this.getMapIndex(to_cell);
// switch indexes if start is bigger than end
if (this.idx_start.row > this.idx_end.row || (this.idx_start.row == this.idx_end.row && this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col)) {
var temp_idx = this.idx_start;
this.idx_start = this.idx_end;
this.idx_end = temp_idx;
@@ -3117,26 +3146,26 @@
if (this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col) {
var temp_cidx = this.idx_start.col;
this.idx_start.col = this.idx_end.col;
this.idx_end.col = temp_cidx;
if (this.idx_start != null && this.idx_end != null) {
for (var row = this.idx_start.row, maxr = this.idx_end.row; row <= maxr; row++) {
for (var col = this.idx_start.col, maxc = this.idx_end.col; col <= maxc; col++) {
return els;
orderSelectionEnds: function(secondcell) {
this.idx_start = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
this.idx_end = this.getMapIndex(secondcell);
// switch indexes if start is bigger than end
if (this.idx_start.row > this.idx_end.row || (this.idx_start.row == this.idx_end.row && this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col)) {
var temp_idx = this.idx_start;
this.idx_start = this.idx_end;
this.idx_end = temp_idx;
@@ -3144,40 +3173,40 @@
if (this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col) {
var temp_cidx = this.idx_start.col;
this.idx_start.col = this.idx_end.col;
this.idx_end.col = temp_cidx;
return {
createCells: function(tag, nr, attrs) {
var doc = this.table.ownerDocument,
frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
cell = doc.createElement(tag);
if (attrs) {
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
cell.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
// add non breaking space
return frag;
// Returns next real cell (not part of spanned cell unless first) on row if selected index is not real. I no real cells -1 will be returned
correctColIndexForUnreals: function(col, row) {
var r =[row],
corrIdx = -1;
for (var i = 0, max = col; i < col; i++) {
@@ -3185,35 +3214,35 @@
return corrIdx;
getLastNewCellOnRow: function(row, rowLimit) {
var cells = this.getRowCells(row),
cell, idx;
for (var cidx = 0, cmax = cells.length; cidx < cmax; cidx++) {
cell = cells[cidx];
idx = this.getMapIndex(cell);
if (idx === false || (typeof rowLimit != "undefined" && idx.row != rowLimit)) {
return cell;
return null;
removeEmptyTable: function() {
var cells = this.table.querySelectorAll('td, th');
if (!cells || cells.length == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Splits merged cell on row to unique cells
splitRowToCells: function(cell) {
if (cell.isColspan) {
var colspan = parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'colspan') || 1, 10),
cType = cell.el.tagName.toLowerCase();
@@ -3222,86 +3251,103 @@
insertAfter(cell.el, newCells);
getRealRowEl: function(force, idx) {
var r = null,
c = null;
idx = idx || this.idx;
for (var cidx = 0, cmax =[idx.row].length; cidx < cmax; cidx++) {
c =[idx.row][cidx];
if (c.isReal) {
r = api.getParentElement(c.el, { nodeName: ["TR"] });
if (r) {
return r;
if (r === null && force) {
r = api.getParentElement([idx.row][idx.col].el, { nodeName: ["TR"] }) || null;
return r;
injectRowAt: function(row, col, colspan, cType, c) {
var r = this.getRealRowEl(false, {'row': row, 'col': col}),
new_cells = this.createCells(cType, colspan);
if (r) {
var n_cidx = this.correctColIndexForUnreals(col, row);
if (n_cidx >= 0) {
insertAfter(this.getRowCells(r)[n_cidx], new_cells);
} else {
r.insertBefore(new_cells, r.firstChild);
- }
+ }
} else {
var rr = this.table.ownerDocument.createElement('tr');
insertAfter(api.getParentElement(c.el, { nodeName: ["TR"] }), rr);
- canMerge: function() {
+ canMerge: function(to) {
+ = to;
+ this.setTableMap();
+ this.idx_start = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
+ this.idx_end = this.getMapIndex(;
+ // switch indexes if start is bigger than end
+ if (this.idx_start.row > this.idx_end.row || (this.idx_start.row == this.idx_end.row && this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col)) {
+ var temp_idx = this.idx_start;
+ this.idx_start = this.idx_end;
+ this.idx_end = temp_idx;
+ }
+ if (this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col) {
+ var temp_cidx = this.idx_start.col;
+ this.idx_start.col = this.idx_end.col;
+ this.idx_end.col = temp_cidx;
+ }
for (var row = this.idx_start.row, maxr = this.idx_end.row; row <= maxr; row++) {
for (var col = this.idx_start.col, maxc = this.idx_end.col; col <= maxc; col++) {
if ([row][col].isColspan ||[row][col].isRowspan) {
return false;
return true;
decreaseCellSpan: function(cell, span) {
var nr = parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, span), 10) - 1;
- if (nr >= 1) {
+ if (nr >= 1) {
cell.el.setAttribute(span, nr);
} else {
if (span == 'colspan') {
cell.isColspan = false;
if (span == 'rowspan') {
cell.isRowspan = false;
- }
+ }
cell.firstCol = true;
cell.lastCol = true;
cell.firstRow = true;
cell.lastRow = true;
- cell.isReal = true;
+ cell.isReal = true;
removeSurplusLines: function() {
var row, cell, ridx, rmax, cidx, cmax, allRowspan;
if ( {
ridx = 0;
rmax =;
for (;ridx < rmax; ridx++) {
@@ -3321,11 +3367,11 @@
for (; cidx < cmax; cidx++) {
this.decreaseCellSpan(row[cidx], 'rowspan');
// remove rows without cells
var tableRows = this.getTableRows();
ridx = 0;
rmax = tableRows.length;
for (;ridx < rmax; ridx++) {
@@ -3334,25 +3380,25 @@
fillMissingCells: function() {
var r_max = 0,
c_max = 0,
prevcell = null;
if ( {
// find maximal dimensions of broken table
r_max =;
for (var ridx = 0; ridx < r_max; ridx++) {
if ([ridx].length > c_max) { c_max =[ridx].length; }
for (var row = 0; row < r_max; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < c_max; col++) {
if ([row] && ![row][col]) {
if (col > 0) {[row][col] = new MapCell(this.createCells('td', 1));
@@ -3361,34 +3407,34 @@
- }
+ }
rectify: function() {
if (!this.removeEmptyTable()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
unmerge: function() {
if (this.rectify()) {
this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
if (this.idx) {
var thisCell =[this.idx.row][this.idx.col],
colspan = (api.getAttribute(thisCell.el, "colspan")) ? parseInt(api.getAttribute(thisCell.el, "colspan"), 10) : 1,
cType = thisCell.el.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (thisCell.isRowspan) {
var rowspan = parseInt(api.getAttribute(thisCell.el, "rowspan"), 10);
if (rowspan > 1) {
for (var nr = 1, maxr = rowspan - 1; nr <= maxr; nr++){
this.injectRowAt(this.idx.row + nr, this.idx.col, colspan, cType, thisCell);
@@ -3398,42 +3444,26 @@
// merges cells from start cell (defined in creating obj) to "to" cell
merge: function(to) {
if (this.rectify()) {
- = to;
- this.setTableMap();
- this.idx_start = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
- this.idx_end = this.getMapIndex(;
- // switch indexes if start is bigger than end
- if (this.idx_start.row > this.idx_end.row || (this.idx_start.row == this.idx_end.row && this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col)) {
- var temp_idx = this.idx_start;
- this.idx_start = this.idx_end;
- this.idx_end = temp_idx;
- }
- if (this.idx_start.col > this.idx_end.col) {
- var temp_cidx = this.idx_start.col;
- this.idx_start.col = this.idx_end.col;
- this.idx_end.col = temp_cidx;
- }
- if (this.canMerge()) {
+ if (this.canMerge(to)) {
var rowspan = this.idx_end.row - this.idx_start.row + 1,
colspan = this.idx_end.col - this.idx_start.col + 1;
for (var row = this.idx_start.row, maxr = this.idx_end.row; row <= maxr; row++) {
for (var col = this.idx_start.col, maxc = this.idx_end.col; col <= maxc; col++) {
if (row == this.idx_start.row && col == this.idx_start.col) {
- if (rowspan > 1) {
+ if (rowspan > 1) {[row][col].el.setAttribute('rowspan', rowspan);
- if (colspan > 1) {
+ if (colspan > 1) {[row][col].el.setAttribute('colspan', colspan);
} else {
// transfer content
if (!(/^\s*<br\/?>\s*$/.test([row][col].el.innerHTML.toLowerCase()))) {
@@ -3449,20 +3479,20 @@
console.log('Do not know how to merge allready merged cells.');
// Decreases rowspan of a cell if it is done on first cell of rowspan row (real cell)
// Cell is moved to next row (if it is real)
collapseCellToNextRow: function(cell) {
var cellIdx = this.getMapIndex(cell.el),
newRowIdx = cellIdx.row + 1,
newIdx = {'row': newRowIdx, 'col': cellIdx.col};
if (newRowIdx < {
var row = this.getRealRowEl(false, newIdx);
if (row !== null) {
var n_cidx = this.correctColIndexForUnreals(newIdx.col, newIdx.row);
if (n_cidx >= 0) {
insertAfter(this.getRowCells(row)[n_cidx], cell.el);
@@ -3480,11 +3510,11 @@
// Removes a cell when removing a row
// If is rowspan cell then decreases the rowspan
// and moves cell to next row if needed (is first cell of rowspan)
removeRowCell: function(cell) {
if (cell.isReal) {
@@ -3499,11 +3529,40 @@
} else {
+ getRowElementsByCell: function() {
+ var cells = [];
+ this.setTableMap();
+ this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
+ if (this.idx !== false) {
+ var modRow =[this.idx.row];
+ for (var cidx = 0, cmax = modRow.length; cidx < cmax; cidx++) {
+ if (modRow[cidx].isReal) {
+ cells.push(modRow[cidx].el);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cells;
+ },
+ getColumnElementsByCell: function() {
+ var cells = [];
+ this.setTableMap();
+ this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
+ if (this.idx !== false) {
+ for (var ridx = 0, rmax =; ridx < rmax; ridx++) {
+ if ([ridx][this.idx.col] &&[ridx][this.idx.col].isReal) {
+ cells.push([ridx][this.idx.col].el);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cells;
+ },
// Removes the row of selected cell
removeRow: function() {
var oldRow = api.getParentElement(this.cell, { nodeName: ["TR"] });
if (oldRow) {
@@ -3518,11 +3577,11 @@
removeColCell: function(cell) {
if (cell.isColspan) {
if (parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'colspan'), 10) > 2) {
cell.el.setAttribute('colspan', parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'colspan'), 10) - 1);
} else {
@@ -3530,11 +3589,11 @@
} else if (cell.isReal) {
removeColumn: function() {
this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
if (this.idx !== false) {
for (var ridx = 0, rmax =; ridx < rmax; ridx++) {
@@ -3543,11 +3602,11 @@
// removes row or column by selected cell element
remove: function(what) {
if (this.rectify()) {
switch (what) {
case 'row':
@@ -3558,45 +3617,45 @@
addRow: function(where) {
var doc = this.table.ownerDocument;
this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
if (where == "below" && api.getAttribute(this.cell, 'rowspan')) {
this.idx.row = this.idx.row + parseInt(api.getAttribute(this.cell, 'rowspan'), 10) - 1;
if (this.idx !== false) {
var modRow =[this.idx.row],
- newRow = doc.createElement('tr');
+ newRow = doc.createElement('tr');
for (var ridx = 0, rmax = modRow.length; ridx < rmax; ridx++) {
if (!modRow[ridx].modified) {
this.addRowCell(modRow[ridx], newRow, where);
switch (where) {
- case 'below':
+ case 'below':
insertAfter(this.getRealRowEl(true), newRow);
- case 'above':
+ case 'above':
var cr = api.getParentElement([this.idx.row][this.idx.col].el, { nodeName: ["TR"] });
if (cr) {
cr.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, cr);
addRowCell: function(cell, row, where) {
var colSpanAttr = (cell.isColspan) ? {"colspan" : api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'colspan')} : null;
if (cell.isReal) {
if (where != 'above' && cell.isRowspan) {
cell.el.setAttribute('rowspan', parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el,'rowspan'), 10) + 1);
@@ -3606,71 +3665,71 @@
} else {
if (where != 'above' && cell.isRowspan && cell.lastRow) {
row.appendChild(this.createCells('td', 1, colSpanAttr));
} else if (c.isRowspan) {
cell.el.attr('rowspan', parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'rowspan'), 10) + 1);
- }
+ }
add: function(where) {
if (this.rectify()) {
if (where == 'below' || where == 'above') {
if (where == 'before' || where == 'after') {
addColCell: function (cell, ridx, where) {
var doAdd,
cType = cell.el.tagName.toLowerCase();
// defines add cell vs expand cell conditions
// true means add
switch (where) {
- case "before":
+ case "before":
doAdd = (!cell.isColspan || cell.firstCol);
case "after":
doAdd = (!cell.isColspan || cell.lastCol || (cell.isColspan && c.el == this.cell));
if (doAdd){
- // adds a cell before or after current cell element
+ // adds a cell before or after current cell element
switch (where) {
case "before":
cell.el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.createCells(cType, 1), cell.el);
case "after":
insertAfter(cell.el, this.createCells(cType, 1));
- // handles if cell has rowspan
+ // handles if cell has rowspan
if (cell.isRowspan) {
this.handleCellAddWithRowspan(cell, ridx+1, where);
} else {
// expands cell
cell.el.setAttribute('colspan', parseInt(api.getAttribute(cell.el, 'colspan'), 10) + 1);
addColumn: function(where) {
var row, modCell;
this.idx = this.getMapIndex(this.cell);
if (where == "after" && api.getAttribute(this.cell, 'colspan')) {
this.idx.col = this.idx.col + parseInt(api.getAttribute(this.cell, 'colspan'), 10) - 1;
if (this.idx !== false) {
for (var ridx = 0, rmax =; ridx < rmax; ridx++ ) {
row =[ridx];
if (row[this.idx.col]) {
modCell = row[this.idx.col];
@@ -3680,33 +3739,33 @@
handleCellAddWithRowspan: function (cell, ridx, where) {
var addRowsNr = parseInt(api.getAttribute(this.cell, 'rowspan'), 10) - 1,
crow = api.getParentElement(cell.el, { nodeName: ["TR"] }),
cType = cell.el.tagName.toLowerCase(),
cidx, temp_r_cells,
doc = this.table.ownerDocument,
for (var i = 0; i < addRowsNr; i++) {
cidx = this.correctColIndexForUnreals(this.idx.col, (ridx + i));
crow = nextNode(crow, 'tr');
if (crow) {
if (cidx > 0) {
switch (where) {
- case "before":
+ case "before":
temp_r_cells = this.getRowCells(crow);
if (cidx > 0 &&[ridx + i][this.idx.col].el != temp_r_cells[cidx] && cidx == temp_r_cells.length - 1) {
insertAfter(temp_r_cells[cidx], this.createCells(cType, 1));
} else {
temp_r_cells[cidx].parentNode.insertBefore(this.createCells(cType, 1), temp_r_cells[cidx]);
case "after":
insertAfter(this.getRowCells(crow)[cidx], this.createCells(cType, 1));
@@ -3719,75 +3778,91 @@
api.table = {
getCellsBetween: function(cell1, cell2) {
var c1 = new TableModifyerByCell(cell1);
return c1.getMapElsTo(cell2);
addCells: function(cell, where) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
removeCells: function(cell, what) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
mergeCellsBetween: function(cell1, cell2) {
var c1 = new TableModifyerByCell(cell1);
unmergeCell: function(cell) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
orderSelectionEnds: function(cell, cell2) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
return c.orderSelectionEnds(cell2);
indexOf: function(cell) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
return c.getMapIndex(cell);
findCell: function(table, idx) {
var c = new TableModifyerByCell(null, table);
return c.getElementAtIndex(idx);
+ },
+ findRowByCell: function(cell) {
+ var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
+ return c.getRowElementsByCell();
+ },
+ findColumnByCell: function(cell) {
+ var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell);
+ return c.getColumnElementsByCell();
+ },
+ canMerge: function(cell1, cell2) {
+ var c = new TableModifyerByCell(cell1);
+ return c.canMerge(cell2);
// does a selector query on element or array of elements
wysihtml5.dom.query = function(elements, query) {
var ret = [],
if (elements.nodeType) {
elements = [elements];
for (var e = 0, len = elements.length; e < len; e++) {
q = elements[e].querySelectorAll(query);
if (q) {
for(var i = q.length; i--; ret.unshift(q[i]));
- return ret;
+ return ret;
* Fix most common html formatting misbehaviors of browsers implementation when inserting
* content via copy & paste contentEditable
* @author Christopher Blum
@@ -3795,15 +3870,15 @@
// TODO: We probably need more rules here
var defaultRules = {
// When pasting underlined links <a> into a contentEditable, IE thinks, it has to insert <u> to keep the styling
"a u": wysihtml5.dom.replaceWithChildNodes
function cleanPastedHTML(elementOrHtml, rules, context) {
rules = rules || defaultRules;
context = context || elementOrHtml.ownerDocument || document;
var element,
isString = typeof(elementOrHtml) === "string",
@@ -3812,27 +3887,28 @@
if (isString) {
element = wysihtml5.dom.getAsDom(elementOrHtml, context);
} else {
element = elementOrHtml;
for (i in rules) {
matches = element.querySelectorAll(i);
method = rules[i];
matchesLength = matches.length;
for (; j<matchesLength; j++) {
matches = elementOrHtml = rules = null;
return isString ? element.innerHTML : element;
return cleanPastedHTML;
* IE and Opera leave an empty paragraph in the contentEditable element after clearing it
* @param {Object} contentEditableElement The contentEditable element to observe for clearing events
* @exaple
* wysihtml5.quirks.ensureProperClearing(myContentEditableElement);
@@ -3867,11 +3943,11 @@
wysihtml5.quirks.getCorrectInnerHTML = function(element) {
var innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
if (innerHTML.indexOf(TILDE_ESCAPED) === -1) {
return innerHTML;
var elementsWithTilde = element.querySelectorAll("[href*='~'], [src*='~']"),
@@ -3880,170 +3956,169 @@
urlToSearch = wysihtml5.lang.string(url).replace("~").by(TILDE_ESCAPED);
innerHTML = wysihtml5.lang.string(innerHTML).replace(urlToSearch).by(url);
return innerHTML;
* Force rerendering of a given element
* Needed to fix display misbehaviors of IE
* @param {Element} element The element object which needs to be rerendered
* @example
* wysihtml5.quirks.redraw(document.body);
(function(wysihtml5) {
var CLASS_NAME = "wysihtml5-quirks-redraw";
wysihtml5.quirks.redraw = function(element) {
wysihtml5.dom.addClass(element, CLASS_NAME);
wysihtml5.dom.removeClass(element, CLASS_NAME);
// Following hack is needed for firefox to make sure that image resize handles are properly removed
try {
var doc = element.ownerDocument;
doc.execCommand("italic", false, null);
doc.execCommand("italic", false, null);
} catch(e) {}
-})(wysihtml5);wysihtml5.quirks.tableCellsSelection = (function() {
- var dom = wysihtml5.dom,
- select = {
- table: null,
- start: null,
- end: null,
- select: selectCells
- },
- editable = null,
- selection_class = "wysiwyg-tmp-selected-cell",
- moveHandler = null,
- upHandler = null,
- editor = null;
- function init (element, edit) {
- editable = element;
- editor = edit;
- dom.observe(editable, "mousedown", function(event) {
- var target =,
- nodeName = target.nodeName;
- if (nodeName == "TD" || nodeName == "TH") {
- handleSelectionMousedown(target);
- }
- });
- return select;
- }
- function handleSelectionMousedown (target) {
- select.start = target;
- select.end = target;
- select.table = dom.getParentElement(select.start, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
- if (select.table) {
- removeCellSelections();
- dom.addClass(target, selection_class);
- moveHandler = dom.observe(editable, "mousemove", handleMouseMove);
- upHandler = dom.observe(editable, "mouseup", handleMouseUp);
- }
- }
- // remove all selection classes
- function removeCellSelections () {
- if (editable) {
- var selectedCells = editable.querySelectorAll('.' + selection_class);
- if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < selectedCells.length; i++) {
- dom.removeClass(selectedCells[i], selection_class);
- }
+wysihtml5.quirks.tableCellsSelection = function(editable, editor) {
+ var dom = wysihtml5.dom,
+ select = {
+ table: null,
+ start: null,
+ end: null,
+ cells: null,
+ select: selectCells
+ },
+ selection_class = "wysiwyg-tmp-selected-cell",
+ moveHandler = null,
+ upHandler = null;
+ function init () {
+ dom.observe(editable, "mousedown", function(event) {
+ var target = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(, { nodeName: ["TD", "TH"] });
+ if (target) {
+ handleSelectionMousedown(target);
- }
- }
- function addSelections (cells) {
- for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
- dom.addClass(cells[i], selection_class);
+ });
+ return select;
- }
- function handleMouseMove (event) {
- var curTable = null,
- cell = dom.getParentElement(, { nodeName: ["TD","TH"] }),
- selectedCells;
- if (cell && select.table && select.start) {
- curTable = dom.getParentElement(cell, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
- if (curTable && curTable === select.table) {
+ function handleSelectionMousedown (target) {
+ select.start = target;
+ select.end = target;
+ select.cells = [target];
+ select.table = dom.getParentElement(select.start, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
+ if (select.table) {
- select.end = cell;
- selectedCells = dom.table.getCellsBetween(select.start, cell);
- addSelections(selectedCells);
+ dom.addClass(target, selection_class);
+ moveHandler = dom.observe(editable, "mousemove", handleMouseMove);
+ upHandler = dom.observe(editable, "mouseup", handleMouseUp);
- }
- function handleMouseUp (event) {
- moveHandler.stop();
- upHandler.stop();
- setTimeout(function() {
- bindSideclick();
- },0);
- }
- function bindSideclick () {
- var sideClickHandler = dom.observe(editable.ownerDocument, "click", function(event) {
- sideClickHandler.stop();
- if (dom.getParentElement(, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] }) != select.table) {
- removeCellSelections();
- select.table = null;
- select.start = null;
- select.end = null;
+ // remove all selection classes
+ function removeCellSelections () {
+ if (editable) {
+ var selectedCells = editable.querySelectorAll('.' + selection_class);
+ if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < selectedCells.length; i++) {
+ dom.removeClass(selectedCells[i], selection_class);
+ }
+ }
- });
- }
- function selectCells (start, end) {
- select.start = start;
- select.end = end;
- select.table = dom.getParentElement(select.start, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
- selectedCells = dom.table.getCellsBetween(select.start, select.end);
- addSelections(selectedCells);
- bindSideclick();
+ }
+ function addSelections (cells) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
+ dom.addClass(cells[i], selection_class);
+ }
+ }
+ function handleMouseMove (event) {
+ var curTable = null,
+ cell = dom.getParentElement(, { nodeName: ["TD","TH"] });
+ if (cell && select.table && select.start) {
+ curTable = dom.getParentElement(cell, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
+ if (curTable && curTable === select.table) {
+ removeCellSelections();
+ select.end = cell;
+ select.cells = dom.table.getCellsBetween(select.start, cell);
+ if (select.cells.length > 1) {
+ editor.composer.selection.deselect();
+ }
+ addSelections(select.cells);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function handleMouseUp (event) {
+ moveHandler.stop();
+ upHandler.stop();"tableselect").fire("tableselect:composer");
- }
- return init;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ bindSideclick();
+ },0);
+ }
+ function bindSideclick () {
+ var sideClickHandler = dom.observe(editable.ownerDocument, "click", function(event) {
+ sideClickHandler.stop();
+ if (dom.getParentElement(, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] }) != select.table) {
+ removeCellSelections();
+ select.table = null;
+ select.start = null;
+ select.end = null;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function selectCells (start, end) {
+ select.start = start;
+ select.end = end;
+ select.table = dom.getParentElement(select.start, { nodeName: ["TABLE"] });
+ selectedCells = dom.table.getCellsBetween(select.start, select.end);
+ addSelections(selectedCells);
+ bindSideclick();
+ }
+ return init();
(function(wysihtml5) {
var RGBA_REGEX = /^rgba\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*([\d\.]+)\s*\)/i,
RGB_REGEX = /^rgb\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)/i,
HEX6_REGEX = /^#([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/i,
HEX3_REGEX = /^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])/i;
var param_REGX = function (p) {
return new RegExp("(^|\\s|;)" + p + "\\s*:\\s*[^;$]+" , "gi");
wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser = {
parseColor: function(stylesStr, paramName) {
var paramRegex = param_REGX(paramName),
params = stylesStr.match(paramRegex),
radix = 10,
str, colorMatch;
- if (params) {
+ if (params) {
for (var i = params.length; i--;) {
params[i] = wysihtml5.lang.string(params[i].split(':')[1]).trim();
- }
+ }
str = params[params.length-1];
if (RGBA_REGEX.test(str)) {
colorMatch = str.match(RGBA_REGEX);
} else if (RGB_REGEX.test(str)) {
colorMatch = str.match(RGB_REGEX);
} else if (HEX6_REGEX.test(str)) {
@@ -4055,11 +4130,11 @@
return wysihtml5.lang.array(colorMatch).map(function(d, idx) {
return (idx < 3) ? (parseInt(d, 16) * 16) + parseInt(d, 16): parseFloat(d);
if (colorMatch) {
if (!colorMatch[3]) {
@@ -4068,11 +4143,11 @@
return false;
unparseColor: function(val, props) {
if (props) {
if (props == "hex") {
return (val[0].toString(16).toUpperCase()) + (val[1].toString(16).toUpperCase()) + (val[2].toString(16).toUpperCase());
} else if (props == "hash") {
@@ -4083,60 +4158,61 @@
return "rgba(" + val[0] + "," + val[1] + "," + val[2] + "," + val[3] + ")";
} else if (props == "csv") {
return val[0] + "," + val[1] + "," + val[2] + "," + val[3];
if (val[3] && val[3] !== 1) {
return "rgba(" + val[0] + "," + val[1] + "," + val[2] + "," + val[3] + ")";
} else {
return "rgb(" + val[0] + "," + val[1] + "," + val[2] + ")";
parseFontSize: function(stylesStr) {
var params = stylesStr.match(param_REGX('font-size'));
- if (params) {
+ if (params) {
return wysihtml5.lang.string(params[params.length - 1].split(':')[1]).trim();
return false;
* Selection API
* @example
* var selection = new wysihtml5.Selection(editor);
(function(wysihtml5) {
var dom = wysihtml5.dom;
function _getCumulativeOffsetTop(element) {
var top = 0;
if (element.parentNode) {
do {
top += element.offsetTop || 0;
element = element.offsetParent;
} while (element);
return top;
wysihtml5.Selection = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.Selection.prototype */ {
constructor: function(editor, contain, unselectableClass) {
// Make sure that our external range library is initialized
this.editor = editor;
this.composer = editor.composer;
this.doc = this.composer.doc;
this.contain = contain;
this.unselectableClass = unselectableClass || false;
* Get the current selection as a bookmark to be able to later restore it
* @return {Object} An object that represents the current selection
@@ -4179,11 +4255,11 @@
* @example
* selection.setBefore(myElement);
setAfter: function(node) {
var range = rangy.createRange(this.doc);
return this.setSelection(range);
@@ -4249,22 +4325,22 @@
} else {
range = this.getRange(this.doc);
return range ? range.commonAncestorContainer : this.doc.body;
getSelectedOwnNodes: function(controlRange) {
var selection,
ranges = this.getOwnRanges(),
ownNodes = [];
for (var i = 0, maxi = ranges.length; i < maxi; i++) {
ownNodes.push(ranges[i].commonAncestorContainer || this.doc.body);
return ownNodes;
findNodesInSelection: function(nodeTypes) {
var ranges = this.getOwnRanges(),
nodes = [], curNodes;
for (var i = 0, maxi = ranges.length; i < maxi; i++) {
curNodes = ranges[i].getNodes([1], function(node) {
@@ -4272,49 +4348,49 @@
nodes = nodes.concat(curNodes);
return nodes;
containsUneditable: function() {
var uneditables = this.getOwnUneditables(),
selection = this.getSelection();
for (var i = 0, maxi = uneditables.length; i < maxi; i++) {
if (selection.containsNode(uneditables[i])) {
return true;
return false;
deleteContents: function() {
var ranges = this.getOwnRanges();
for (var i = ranges.length; i--;) {
getPreviousNode: function(node, ignoreEmpty) {
if (!node) {
var selection = this.getSelection();
node = selection.anchorNode;
if (node === this.contain) {
return false;
var ret = node.previousSibling,
if (ret === this.contain) {
return false;
if (ret && ret.nodeType !== 3 && ret.nodeType !== 1) {
// do not count comments and other node types
ret = this.getPreviousNode(ret, ignoreEmpty);
} else if (ret && ret.nodeType === 3 && (/^\s*$/).test(ret.textContent)) {
// do not count empty textnodes as previus nodes
@@ -4327,112 +4403,108 @@
parent = node.parentNode;
if (parent !== this.contain) {
ret = this.getPreviousNode(parent, ignoreEmpty);
return (ret !== this.contain) ? ret : false;
caretIsInTheBeginnig: function() {
var selection = this.getSelection(),
node = selection.anchorNode,
offset = selection.anchorOffset;
return (offset === 0 && !this.getPreviousNode(node, true));
caretIsBeforeUneditable: function() {
var selection = this.getSelection(),
node = selection.anchorNode,
offset = selection.anchorOffset;
if (offset === 0) {
var prevNode = this.getPreviousNode(node, true);
if (prevNode) {
var uneditables = this.getOwnUneditables();
for (var i = 0, maxi = uneditables.length; i < maxi; i++) {
if (prevNode === uneditables[i]) {
return uneditables[i];
- }
+ }
return false;
// TODO: has problems in chrome 12. investigate block level and uneditable area inbetween
executeAndRestore: function(method, restoreScrollPosition) {
var body = this.doc.body,
oldScrollTop = restoreScrollPosition && body.scrollTop,
oldScrollLeft = restoreScrollPosition && body.scrollLeft,
className = "_wysihtml5-temp-placeholder",
placeholderHtml = '<span class="' + className + '">' + wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE + '</span>',
- range = this.getRange(this.doc),
+ range = this.getRange(true),
nextSibling, prevSibling,
node, node2, range2,
// Nothing selected, execute and say goodbye
if (!range) {
method(body, body);
if (!range.collapsed) {
range2 = range.cloneRange();
node2 = range2.createContextualFragment(placeholderHtml);
node = range.createContextualFragment(placeholderHtml);
if (node2) {
caretPlaceholder = this.contain.querySelectorAll("." + className);
range.setEndAfter(caretPlaceholder[caretPlaceholder.length -1]);
// Make sure that a potential error doesn't cause our placeholder element to be left as a placeholder
try {
method(range.startContainer, range.endContainer);
} catch(e) {
setTimeout(function() { throw e; }, 0);
caretPlaceholder = this.contain.querySelectorAll("." + className);
if (caretPlaceholder && caretPlaceholder.length) {
newRange = rangy.createRange(this.doc);
nextSibling = caretPlaceholder[0].nextSibling;
if (caretPlaceholder.length > 1) {
prevSibling = caretPlaceholder[caretPlaceholder.length -1].previousSibling;
if (prevSibling && nextSibling) {
} else {
newCaretPlaceholder = this.doc.createTextNode(wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE);
for (var i = caretPlaceholder.length; i--;) {
} else {
// fallback for when all hell breaks loose
@@ -4487,17 +4559,17 @@
newRange = rangy.createRange(this.doc);
try { newRange.setStart(rangeBackup.startContainer, rangeBackup.startOffset); } catch(e1) {}
try { newRange.setEnd(rangeBackup.endContainer, rangeBackup.endOffset); } catch(e2) {}
try { this.setSelection(newRange); } catch(e3) {}
set: function(node, offset) {
var newRange = rangy.createRange(this.doc);
newRange.setStart(node, offset || 0);
* Insert html at the caret position and move the cursor after the inserted html
* @param {String} html HTML string to insert
* @example
@@ -4505,11 +4577,11 @@
insertHTML: function(html) {
var range = rangy.createRange(this.doc),
node = range.createContextualFragment(html),
lastChild = node.lastChild;
if (lastChild) {
@@ -4537,11 +4609,11 @@
var ranges = this.getOwnRanges(),
node, nodes = [];
if (ranges.length == 0) {
return nodes;
for (var i = ranges.length; i--;) {
node = this.doc.createElement(nodeOptions.nodeName);
if (nodeOptions.className) {
node.className = nodeOptions.className;
@@ -4556,30 +4628,30 @@
return nodes;
deblockAndSurround: function(nodeOptions) {
var tempElement = this.doc.createElement('div'),
range = rangy.createRange(this.doc),
tempElement.className = nodeOptions.className;
this.composer.commands.exec("formatBlock", nodeOptions.nodeName, nodeOptions.className);
tempDivElements = this.contain.querySelectorAll("." + nodeOptions.className);
if (tempDivElements[0]) {
tempDivElements[0].parentNode.insertBefore(tempElement, tempDivElements[0]);
range.setEndAfter(tempDivElements[tempDivElements.length - 1]);
tempElements = range.extractContents();
- while (tempElements.firstChild) {
+ while (tempElements.firstChild) {
firstChild = tempElements.firstChild;
if (firstChild.nodeType == 1 && wysihtml5.dom.hasClass(firstChild, nodeOptions.className)) {
while (firstChild.firstChild) {
@@ -4590,11 +4662,11 @@
} else {
tempElement = null;
return tempElement;
* Scroll the current caret position into the view
@@ -4704,76 +4776,94 @@
return range.getNodes([nodeType], filter);
} else {
return [];
fixRangeOverflow: function(range) {
- if (this.contain && range) {
- var containment = range.compareNode(this.contain);
- if (containment !== 2) {
- if (containment === 1) {
- range.setStartBefore(this.contain.firstChild);
- }
- if (containment === 0) {
- range.setEndAfter(this.contain.lastChild);
- }
- if (containment === 3) {
- range.setStartBefore(this.contain.firstChild);
- range.setEndAfter(this.contain.lastChild);
- }
- }
+ if (this.contain && this.contain.firstChild && range) {
+ var containment = range.compareNode(this.contain);
+ if (containment !== 2) {
+ if (containment === 1) {
+ range.setStartBefore(this.contain.firstChild);
+ }
+ if (containment === 0) {
+ range.setEndAfter(this.contain.lastChild);
+ }
+ if (containment === 3) {
+ range.setStartBefore(this.contain.firstChild);
+ range.setEndAfter(this.contain.lastChild);
+ }
+ } else if (this._detectInlineRangeProblems(range)) {
+ var previousElementSibling = range.endContainer.previousElementSibling;
+ if (previousElementSibling) {
+ range.setEnd(previousElementSibling, this._endOffsetForNode(previousElementSibling));
+ }
+ }
- getRange: function() {
+ _endOffsetForNode: function(node) {
+ var range = document.createRange()
+ range.selectNodeContents(node)
+ return range.endOffset;
+ },
+ _detectInlineRangeProblems: function(range) {
+ position = range.startContainer.compareDocumentPosition(range.endContainer);
+ return (
+ range.endOffset == 0 &&
+ );
+ },
+ getRange: function(dontFix) {
var selection = this.getSelection(),
range = selection && selection.rangeCount && selection.getRangeAt(0);
- this.fixRangeOverflow(range);
+ if (dontFix !== true) {
+ this.fixRangeOverflow(range);
+ }
return range;
getOwnUneditables: function() {
var allUneditables = dom.query(this.contain, '.' + this.unselectableClass),
deepUneditables = dom.query(allUneditables, '.' + this.unselectableClass);
return wysihtml5.lang.array(allUneditables).without(deepUneditables);
// Returns an array of ranges that belong only to this editable
// Needed as uneditable block in contenteditabel can split range into pieces
// If manipulating content reverse loop is usually needed as manipulation can shift subsequent ranges
getOwnRanges: function() {
var ranges = [],
r = this.getRange(),
- if (r) { ranges.push(r); }
+ if (r) { ranges.push(r); }
if (this.unselectableClass && this.contain && r) {
var uneditables = this.getOwnUneditables(),
if (uneditables.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0, imax = uneditables.length; i < imax; i++) {
tmpRanges = [];
for (var j = 0, jmax = ranges.length; j < jmax; j++) {
if (ranges[j]) {
switch (ranges[j].compareNode(uneditables[i])) {
- case 2:
+ case 2:
// all selection inside uneditable. remove
case 3:
//section begins before and ends after uneditable. spilt
tmpRange = ranges[j].cloneRange();
tmpRange = ranges[j].cloneRange();
@@ -4796,21 +4886,25 @@
setSelection: function(range) {
var win = this.doc.defaultView || this.doc.parentWindow,
selection = rangy.getSelection(win);
return selection.setSingleRange(range);
createRange: function() {
return rangy.createRange(this.doc);
isCollapsed: function() {
return this.getSelection().isCollapsed;
+ },
+ deselect: function() {
+ var sel = this.getSelection();
+ sel && sel.removeAllRanges();
* Inspired by the rangy CSS Applier module written by Tim Down and licensed under the MIT license.
@@ -4818,43 +4912,43 @@
* - to use custom tags
* - to detect and replace similar css classes via reg exp
(function(wysihtml5, rangy) {
var defaultTagName = "span";
var REG_EXP_WHITE_SPACE = /\s+/g;
function hasClass(el, cssClass, regExp) {
if (!el.className) {
return false;
var matchingClassNames = el.className.match(regExp) || [];
return matchingClassNames[matchingClassNames.length - 1] === cssClass;
function hasStyleAttr(el, regExp) {
if (!el.getAttribute || !el.getAttribute('style')) {
return false;
var matchingStyles = el.getAttribute('style').match(regExp);
return (el.getAttribute('style').match(regExp)) ? true : false;
function addStyle(el, cssStyle, regExp) {
if (el.getAttribute('style')) {
removeStyle(el, regExp);
if (el.getAttribute('style') && !(/\s+/).test(el.getAttribute('style'))) {
el.setAttribute('style', cssStyle + ";" + el.getAttribute('style'));
} else {
el.setAttribute('style', cssStyle);
} else {
el.setAttribute('style', cssStyle);
- }
+ }
function addClass(el, cssClass, regExp) {
if (el.className) {
removeClass(el, regExp);
el.className += " " + cssClass;
@@ -4866,11 +4960,11 @@
function removeClass(el, regExp) {
if (el.className) {
el.className = el.className.replace(regExp, "");
function removeStyle(el, regExp) {
var s,
s2 = [];
if (el.getAttribute('style')) {
s = el.getAttribute('style').split(';');
@@ -4884,20 +4978,20 @@
} else {
function getMatchingStyleRegexp(el, style) {
var regexes = [],
sSplit = style.split(';'),
elStyle = el.getAttribute('style');
if (elStyle) {
- elStyle = elStyle.replace(/\s/gi, '').toLowerCase();
+ elStyle = elStyle.replace(/\s/gi, '').toLowerCase();
regexes.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s|;)" + style.replace(/\s/gi, '').replace(/([\(\)])/gi, "\\$1").toLowerCase().replace(";", ";?"), "gi"));
for (var i = sSplit.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (!(/^\s*$/).test(sSplit[i])) {
regexes.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s|;)" + sSplit[i].replace(/\s/gi, '').replace(/([\(\)])/gi, "\\$1").toLowerCase().replace(";", ";?"), "gi"));
@@ -4905,32 +4999,32 @@
if (elStyle.match(regexes[j])) {
return regexes[j];
return false;
function removeOrChangeStyle(el, style, regExp) {
var exactRegex = getMatchingStyleRegexp(el, style);
/*new RegExp("(^|\\s|;)" + style.replace(/\s/gi, '').replace(/([\(\)])/gi, "\\$1").toLowerCase().replace(";", ";?"), "gi"),
elStyle = el.getAttribute('style');*/
if (exactRegex) {
// adding same style value on property again removes style
removeStyle(el, exactRegex);
return "remove";
} else {
// adding new style value changes value
addStyle(el, style, regExp);
return "change";
function hasSameClasses(el1, el2) {
return el1.className.replace(REG_EXP_WHITE_SPACE, " ") == el2.className.replace(REG_EXP_WHITE_SPACE, " ");
function replaceWithOwnChildren(el) {
@@ -5002,11 +5096,11 @@
rangy.dom.insertAfter(newNode, descendantNode);
return (descendantNode == node) ? newNode : splitNodeAt(node, newNode.parentNode, rangy.dom.getNodeIndex(newNode));
function Merge(firstNode) {
this.isElementMerge = (firstNode.nodeType == wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE);
this.firstTextNode = this.isElementMerge ? firstNode.lastChild : firstNode;
this.textNodes = [this.firstTextNode];
@@ -5059,24 +5153,25 @@
HTMLApplier.prototype = {
getAncestorWithClass: function(node) {
var cssClassMatch;
while (node) {
cssClassMatch = this.cssClass ? hasClass(node, this.cssClass, this.similarClassRegExp) : (this.cssStyle !== "") ? false : true;
- if (node.nodeType == wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE && rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, node.tagName.toLowerCase()) && cssClassMatch) {
+ if (node.nodeType == wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getAttribute("contenteditable") != "false" && rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, node.tagName.toLowerCase()) && cssClassMatch) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
// returns parents of node with given style attribute
getAncestorWithStyle: function(node) {
var cssStyleMatch;
while (node) {
cssStyleMatch = this.cssStyle ? hasStyleAttr(node, this.similarStyleRegExp) : false;
- if (node.nodeType == wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE && rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, node.tagName.toLowerCase()) && cssStyleMatch) {
+ if (node.nodeType == wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getAttribute("contenteditable") != "false" && rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, node.tagName.toLowerCase()) && cssStyleMatch) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
@@ -5136,11 +5231,11 @@
// Set the range boundaries
range.setStart(rangeStartNode, rangeStartOffset);
range.setEnd(rangeEndNode, rangeEndOffset);
getAdjacentMergeableTextNode: function(node, forward) {
var isTextNode = (node.nodeType == wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE);
var el = isTextNode ? node.parentNode : node;
var adjacentNode;
var propName = forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling";
@@ -5157,11 +5252,11 @@
return adjacentNode[forward ? "firstChild" : "lastChild"];
return null;
areElementsMergeable: function(el1, el2) {
return rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, (el1.tagName || "").toLowerCase())
&& rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, (el2.tagName || "").toLowerCase())
&& hasSameClasses(el1, el2)
&& elementsHaveSameNonClassAttributes(el1, el2);
@@ -5179,11 +5274,11 @@
applyToTextNode: function(textNode) {
var parent = textNode.parentNode;
if (parent.childNodes.length == 1 && rangy.dom.arrayContains(this.tagNames, parent.tagName.toLowerCase())) {
if (this.cssClass) {
addClass(parent, this.cssClass, this.similarClassRegExp);
} else {
var el = this.createContainer(rangy.dom.getDocument(textNode));
@@ -5202,47 +5297,47 @@
styleChanged = false;
if (!range.containsNode(ancestor)) {
// Split out the portion of the ancestor from which we can remove the CSS class
var ancestorRange = range.cloneRange();
if (ancestorRange.isPointInRange(range.endContainer, range.endOffset) && isSplitPoint(range.endContainer, range.endOffset)) {
splitNodeAt(ancestor, range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
if (ancestorRange.isPointInRange(range.startContainer, range.startOffset) && isSplitPoint(range.startContainer, range.startOffset)) {
ancestor = splitNodeAt(ancestor, range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
if (!styleMode && this.similarClassRegExp) {
removeClass(ancestor, this.similarClassRegExp);
if (styleMode && this.similarStyleRegExp) {
styleChanged = (removeOrChangeStyle(ancestor, this.cssStyle, this.similarStyleRegExp) === "change");
if (this.isRemovable(ancestor) && !styleChanged) {
applyToRange: function(range) {
var textNodes;
- for (var ri = range.length; ri--;) {
+ for (var ri = range.length; ri--;) {
textNodes = range[ri].getNodes([wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE]);
if (!textNodes.length) {
try {
var node = this.createContainer(range[ri].endContainer.ownerDocument);
this.selectNode(range[ri], node);
} catch(e) {}
textNodes = range[ri].getNodes([wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE]);
if (textNodes.length) {
var textNode;
@@ -5250,26 +5345,26 @@
textNode = textNodes[i];
if (!this.getAncestorWithClass(textNode)) {
range[ri].setStart(textNodes[0], 0);
textNode = textNodes[textNodes.length - 1];
range[ri].setEnd(textNode, textNode.length);
if (this.normalize) {
this.postApply(textNodes, range[ri]);
undoToRange: function(range) {
var textNodes, textNode, ancestorWithClass, ancestorWithStyle;
for (var ri = range.length; ri--;) {
textNodes = range[ri].getNodes([wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE]);
if (textNodes.length) {
textNodes = range[ri].getNodes([wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE]);
@@ -5278,12 +5373,12 @@
node = doc.createTextNode(wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE);
textNodes = [node];
for (var i = 0, len = textNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (range[ri].isValid()) {
textNode = textNodes[i];
ancestorWithClass = this.getAncestorWithClass(textNode);
ancestorWithStyle = this.getAncestorWithStyle(textNode);
@@ -5292,11 +5387,11 @@
} else if (ancestorWithStyle) {
this.undoToTextNode(textNode, range[ri], false, ancestorWithStyle);
if (len == 1) {
this.selectNode(range[ri], textNodes[0]);
} else {
range[ri].setStart(textNodes[0], 0);
textNode = textNodes[textNodes.length - 1];
@@ -5304,14 +5399,14 @@
if (this.normalize) {
this.postApply(textNodes, range[ri]);
selectNode: function(range, node) {
var isElement = node.nodeType === wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE,
canHaveHTML = "canHaveHTML" in node ? node.canHaveHTML : true,
content = isElement ? node.innerHTML :,
isEmpty = (content === "" || content === wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE);
@@ -5326,11 +5421,11 @@
} else if (isEmpty) {
getTextSelectedByRange: function(textNode, range) {
var textRange = range.cloneRange();
var intersectionRange = textRange.intersection(range);
@@ -5341,21 +5436,21 @@
isAppliedToRange: function(range) {
var ancestors = [],
ancestor, styleAncestor, textNodes;
for (var ri = range.length; ri--;) {
textNodes = range[ri].getNodes([wysihtml5.TEXT_NODE]);
if (!textNodes.length) {
ancestor = this.getAncestorWithClass(range[ri].startContainer);
if (!ancestor) {
ancestor = this.getAncestorWithStyle(range[ri].startContainer);
return ancestor ? [ancestor] : false;
for (var i = 0, len = textNodes.length, selectedText; i < len; ++i) {
selectedText = this.getTextSelectedByRange(textNodes[i], range[ri]);
ancestor = this.getAncestorWithClass(textNodes[i]);
if (!ancestor) {
ancestor = this.getAncestorWithStyle(textNodes[i]);
@@ -5363,11 +5458,11 @@
if (!(selectedText != "" && !ancestor)) {
return (ancestors.length) ? ancestors : false;
toggleRange: function(range) {
if (this.isAppliedToRange(range)) {
@@ -5377,36 +5472,37 @@
wysihtml5.selection.HTMLApplier = HTMLApplier;
-})(wysihtml5, rangy);/**
+})(wysihtml5, rangy);
* Rich Text Query/Formatting Commands
- *
+ *
* @example
* var commands = new wysihtml5.Commands(editor);
wysihtml5.Commands = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.Commands.prototype */ {
constructor: function(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
this.composer = editor.composer;
this.doc = this.composer.doc;
* Check whether the browser supports the given command
* @param {String} command The command string which to check (eg. "bold", "italic", "insertUnorderedList")
* @example
* commands.supports("createLink");
support: function(command) {
return wysihtml5.browser.supportsCommand(this.doc, command);
* Check whether the browser supports the given command
* @param {String} command The command string which to execute (eg. "bold", "italic", "insertUnorderedList")
* @param {String} [value] The command value parameter, needed for some commands ("createLink", "insertImage", ...), optional for commands that don't require one ("bold", "underline", ...)
@@ -5416,27 +5512,27 @@
exec: function(command, value) {
var obj = wysihtml5.commands[command],
args = wysihtml5.lang.array(arguments).get(),
method = obj && obj.exec,
result = null;
if (method) {
result = method.apply(obj, args);
} else {
try {
// try/catch for buggy firefox
result = this.doc.execCommand(command, false, value);
} catch(e) {}
return result;
* Check whether the current command is active
* If the caret is within a bold text, then calling this with command "bold" should return true
* @param {String} command The command string which to check (eg. "bold", "italic", "insertUnorderedList")
@@ -5459,11 +5555,11 @@
} catch(e) {
return false;
/* Get command state parsed value if command has stateValue parsing function */
stateValue: function(command) {
var obj = wysihtml5.commands[command],
args = wysihtml5.lang.array(arguments).get(),
method = obj && obj.stateValue;
@@ -5471,11 +5567,11 @@
return method.apply(obj, args);
} else {
return false;
- }
+ }
wysihtml5.commands.bold = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "b");
@@ -5536,39 +5632,39 @@
elementToSetCaretAfter = whiteSpace;
// Changes attributes of links
function _changeLinks(composer, anchors, attributes) {
var oldAttrs;
for (var a = anchors.length; a--;) {
// Remove all old attributes
oldAttrs = anchors[a].attributes;
for (var oa = oldAttrs.length; oa--;) {
// Set new attributes
for (var j in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
anchors[a].setAttribute(j, attributes[j]);
- }
+ }
wysihtml5.commands.createLink = {
* TODO: Use HTMLApplier or formatInline here
* Turns selection into a link
* If selection is already a link, it just changes the attributes
- *
+ *
* @example
* // either ...
* wysihtml5.commands.createLink.exec(composer, "createLink", "");
* // ... or ...
* wysihtml5.commands.createLink.exec(composer, "createLink", { href: "", target: "_blank" });
@@ -5589,13 +5685,14 @@
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "A");
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var dom = wysihtml5.dom;
function _removeFormat(composer, anchors) {
var length = anchors.length,
i = 0,
@@ -5613,20 +5710,20 @@
} else {
wysihtml5.commands.removeLink = {
* If selection is a link, it removes the link and wraps it with a <code> element
* The <code> element is needed to avoid auto linking
- *
+ *
* @example
* wysihtml5.commands.createLink.exec(composer, "removeLink");
exec: function(composer, command) {
var anchors = this.state(composer, command);
if (anchors) {
composer.selection.executeAndRestore(function() {
_removeFormat(composer, anchors);
@@ -5636,18 +5733,19 @@
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "A");
* document.execCommand("fontSize") will create either inline styles (firefox, chrome) or use font tags
* which we don't want
* Instead we set a css class
(function(wysihtml5) {
var REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-font-size-[0-9a-z\-]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.fontSize = {
exec: function(composer, command, size) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "span", "wysiwyg-font-size-" + size, REG_EXP);
@@ -5657,11 +5755,11 @@
/* In case font size adjustment to any number defined by user is preferred, we cannot use classes and must use inline styles. */
(function(wysihtml5) {
var REG_EXP = /(\s|^)font-size\s*:\s*[^;\s]+;?/gi;
wysihtml5.commands.fontSizeStyle = {
exec: function(composer, command, size) {
size = (typeof(size) == "object") ? size.size : size;
if (!(/^\s*$/).test(size)) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "span", false, false, "font-size:" + size, REG_EXP);
@@ -5669,16 +5767,16 @@
state: function(composer, command, size) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "span", false, false, "font-size", REG_EXP);
stateValue: function(composer, command) {
var st = this.state(composer, command),
styleStr, fontsizeMatches,
val = false;
if (st && wysihtml5.lang.object(st).isArray()) {
st = st[0];
if (st) {
styleStr = st.getAttribute('style');
@@ -5687,40 +5785,42 @@
return false;
* document.execCommand("foreColor") will create either inline styles (firefox, chrome) or use font tags
* which we don't want
* Instead we set a css class
(function(wysihtml5) {
var REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-color-[0-9a-z]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.foreColor = {
exec: function(composer, command, color) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "span", "wysiwyg-color-" + color, REG_EXP);
state: function(composer, command, color) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "span", "wysiwyg-color-" + color, REG_EXP);
* document.execCommand("foreColor") will create either inline styles (firefox, chrome) or use font tags
* which we don't want
* Instead we set a css class
(function(wysihtml5) {
var REG_EXP = /(\s|^)color\s*:\s*[^;\s]+;?/gi;
wysihtml5.commands.foreColorStyle = {
exec: function(composer, command, color) {
var colorVals = wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser.parseColor((typeof(color) == "object") ? "color:" + color.color : "color:" + color, "color"),
if (colorVals) {
colString = "color: rgb(" + colorVals[0] + ',' + colorVals[1] + ',' + colorVals[2] + ');';
if (colorVals[3] !== 1) {
colString += "color: rgba(" + colorVals[0] + ',' + colorVals[1] + ',' + colorVals[2] + ',' + colorVals[3] + ');';
@@ -5729,19 +5829,19 @@
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "span", false, false, "color", REG_EXP);
stateValue: function(composer, command, props) {
var st = this.state(composer, command),
if (st && wysihtml5.lang.object(st).isArray()) {
st = st[0];
if (st) {
colorStr = st.getAttribute('style');
if (colorStr) {
if (colorStr) {
val = wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser.parseColor(colorStr, "color");
@@ -5749,61 +5849,63 @@
return false;
-})(wysihtml5);/* In case background adjustment to any color defined by user is preferred, we cannot use classes and must use inline styles. */
+/* In case background adjustment to any color defined by user is preferred, we cannot use classes and must use inline styles. */
(function(wysihtml5) {
var REG_EXP = /(\s|^)background-color\s*:\s*[^;\s]+;?/gi;
wysihtml5.commands.bgColorStyle = {
exec: function(composer, command, color) {
var colorVals = wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser.parseColor((typeof(color) == "object") ? "background-color:" + color.color : "background-color:" + color, "background-color"),
if (colorVals) {
colString = "background-color: rgb(" + colorVals[0] + ',' + colorVals[1] + ',' + colorVals[2] + ');';
if (colorVals[3] !== 1) {
colString += "background-color: rgba(" + colorVals[0] + ',' + colorVals[1] + ',' + colorVals[2] + ',' + colorVals[3] + ');';
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "span", false, false, colString, REG_EXP);
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "span", false, false, "background-color", REG_EXP);
stateValue: function(composer, command, props) {
var st = this.state(composer, command),
- colorStr,
+ colorStr,
val = false;
if (st && wysihtml5.lang.object(st).isArray()) {
st = st[0];
if (st) {
colorStr = st.getAttribute('style');
if (colorStr) {
val = wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser.parseColor(colorStr, "background-color");
return wysihtml5.quirks.styleParser.unparseColor(val, props);
return false;
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var dom = wysihtml5.dom,
// Following elements are grouped
// when the caret is within a H1 and the H4 is invoked, the H1 should turn into H4
// instead of creating a H4 within a H1 which would result in semantically invalid html
BLOCK_ELEMENTS_GROUP = ["H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "P", "PRE", "BLOCKQUOTE", "DIV"];
* Remove similiar classes (based on classRegExp)
* and add the desired class name
function _addClass(element, className, classRegExp) {
@@ -5934,60 +6036,60 @@
target.className += " " + className;
doc.execCommand(command, false, nodeName);
if (eventListener) {
function _selectionWrap(composer, options) {
if (composer.selection.isCollapsed()) {
var surroundedNodes = composer.selection.surround(options);
for (var i = 0, imax = surroundedNodes.length; i < imax; i++) {
// rethink restoring selection
// composer.selection.selectNode(element, wysihtml5.browser.displaysCaretInEmptyContentEditableCorrectly());
function _hasClasses(element) {
return !!wysihtml5.lang.string(element.className).trim();
wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock = {
exec: function(composer, command, nodeName, className, classRegExp) {
var doc = composer.doc,
blockElements = this.state(composer, command, nodeName, className, classRegExp),
useLineBreaks = composer.config.useLineBreaks,
defaultNodeName = useLineBreaks ? "DIV" : "P",
selectedNodes, classRemoveAction, blockRenameFound;
nodeName = typeof(nodeName) === "string" ? nodeName.toUpperCase() : nodeName;
if (blockElements.length) {
composer.selection.executeAndRestoreSimple(function() {
for (var b = blockElements.length; b--;) {
if (classRegExp) {
classRemoveAction = _removeClass(blockElements[b], classRegExp);
if (classRemoveAction && nodeName === null && blockElements[b].nodeName != defaultNodeName) {
// dont rename or remove element when just setting block formating class
var hasClasses = _hasClasses(blockElements[b]);
if (!hasClasses && (useLineBreaks || nodeName === "P")) {
// Insert a line break afterwards and beforewards when there are siblings
// that are not of type line break or block element
@@ -5995,14 +6097,14 @@
// Make sure that styling is kept by renaming the element to a <div> or <p> and copying over the class name
dom.renameElement(blockElements[b], nodeName === "P" ? "DIV" : defaultNodeName);
// Find similiar block element and rename it (<h2 class="foo"></h2> => <h1 class="foo"></h1>)
if (nodeName === null || wysihtml5.lang.array(BLOCK_ELEMENTS_GROUP).contains(nodeName)) {
selectedNodes = composer.selection.findNodesInSelection(BLOCK_ELEMENTS_GROUP).concat(composer.selection.getSelectedOwnNodes());
composer.selection.executeAndRestoreSimple(function() {
for (var n = selectedNodes.length; n--;) {
@@ -6018,17 +6120,17 @@
blockElement = dom.renameElement(blockElement, nodeName);
if (className) {
_addClass(blockElement, className, classRegExp);
blockRenameFound = true;
if (blockRenameFound) {
@@ -6042,23 +6144,23 @@
// Native command does not create elements from selecton boundaries.
// Not quite user expected behaviour
if ( {
_execCommand(doc, composer, command, nodeName || defaultNodeName, className);
- }
+ }
state: function(composer, command, nodeName, className, classRegExp) {
var nodes = composer.selection.getSelectedOwnNodes(),
parents = [],
nodeName = typeof(nodeName) === "string" ? nodeName.toUpperCase() : nodeName;
//var selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode();
for (var i = 0, maxi = nodes.length; i < maxi; i++) {
parent = dom.getParentElement(nodes[i], {
nodeName: nodeName,
className: className,
@@ -6071,26 +6173,27 @@
if (parents.length == 0) {
return false;
return parents;
* formatInline scenarios for tag "B" (| = caret, |foo| = selected text)
* #1 caret in unformatted text:
* abcdefg|
* output:
* abcdefg<b>|</b>
- *
+ *
* #2 unformatted text selected:
* abc|deg|h
* output:
* abc<b>|deg|</b>h
- *
+ *
* #3 unformatted text selected across boundaries:
* ab|c <span>defg|h</span>
* output:
* ab<b>|c </b><span><b>defg</b>|h</span>
@@ -6116,32 +6219,32 @@
"em": "i",
"b": "strong",
"i": "em"
htmlApplier = {};
function _getTagNames(tagName) {
var alias = ALIAS_MAPPING[tagName];
return alias ? [tagName.toLowerCase(), alias.toLowerCase()] : [tagName.toLowerCase()];
function _getApplier(tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp) {
var identifier = tagName + ":" + className;
if (cssStyle) {
- identifier += ":" + cssStyle
+ identifier += ":" + cssStyle;
if (!htmlApplier[identifier]) {
htmlApplier[identifier] = new wysihtml5.selection.HTMLApplier(_getTagNames(tagName), className, classRegExp, true, cssStyle, styleRegExp);
return htmlApplier[identifier];
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline = {
exec: function(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp, dontRestoreSelect, noCleanup) {
var range = composer.selection.createRange();
ownRanges = composer.selection.getOwnRanges();
if (!ownRanges || ownRanges.length == 0) {
return false;
_getApplier(tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp).toggleRange(ownRanges);
@@ -6159,22 +6262,22 @@
} else {
// Executes so that if collapsed caret is in a state and executing that state it should unformat that state
// It is achieved by selecting the entire state element before executing.
// This works on built in contenteditable inline format commands
execWithToggle: function(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp) {
var that = this;
if (this.state(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp) && composer.selection.isCollapsed()) {
var state_element = that.state(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp)[0];
composer.selection.executeAndRestoreSimple(function() {
var parent = state_element.parentNode;
composer.selection.selectNode(state_element, true);
- wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.exec(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp, true);
+ wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.exec(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp, true, true);
} else {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.exec(composer, command, tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp);
@@ -6194,19 +6297,20 @@
if (className && !wysihtml5.dom.hasElementWithClassName(doc, className)) {
return false;
ownRanges = composer.selection.getOwnRanges();
if (ownRanges.length == 0) {
return false;
return _getApplier(tagName, className, classRegExp, cssStyle, styleRegExp).isAppliedToRange(ownRanges);
-})(wysihtml5);wysihtml5.commands.insertHTML = {
+wysihtml5.commands.insertHTML = {
exec: function(composer, command, html) {
if ( {
composer.doc.execCommand(command, false, html);
} else {
@@ -6217,16 +6321,16 @@
return false;
(function(wysihtml5) {
var NODE_NAME = "IMG";
wysihtml5.commands.insertImage = {
* Inserts an <img>
* If selection is already an image link, it removes it
- *
+ *
* @example
* // either ...
* wysihtml5.commands.insertImage.exec(composer, "insertImage", "");
* // ... or ...
* wysihtml5.commands.insertImage.exec(composer, "insertImage", { src: "", title: "foo" });
@@ -6256,11 +6360,11 @@
image = doc.createElement(NODE_NAME);
for (var i in value) {
image.setAttribute(i === "className" ? "class" : i, value[i]);
@@ -6312,13 +6416,14 @@
return imagesInSelection[0];
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var LINE_BREAK = "<br>" + (wysihtml5.browser.needsSpaceAfterLineBreak() ? " " : "");
wysihtml5.commands.insertLineBreak = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
if ( {
composer.doc.execCommand(command, false, null);
if (!wysihtml5.browser.autoScrollsToCaret()) {
@@ -6331,25 +6436,34 @@
state: function() {
return false;
-})(wysihtml5);wysihtml5.commands.insertOrderedList = {
+wysihtml5.commands.insertOrderedList = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
var doc = composer.doc,
selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode(),
list = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "OL" }),
otherList = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "UL" }),
tempClassName = "_wysihtml5-temp-" + new Date().getTime(),
+ // do not count list elements outside of composer
+ if (list && !composer.element.contains(list)) {
+ list = null
+ }
+ if (otherList && !composer.element.contains(otherList)) {
+ otherList = null
+ }
if (!list && !otherList && {
doc.execCommand(command, false, null);
if (list) {
// Unwrap list
// <ol><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ol>
// becomes:
// foo<br>bar<br>
@@ -6379,30 +6493,41 @@
composer.selection.selectNode(list.querySelector("li"), true);
state: function(composer) {
- var selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode();
- return wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "OL" });
+ var selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode(),
+ node = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "OL" });
+ return (composer.element.contains(node) ? node : false);
-};wysihtml5.commands.insertUnorderedList = {
+wysihtml5.commands.insertUnorderedList = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
var doc = composer.doc,
selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode(),
list = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "UL" }),
otherList = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "OL" }),
tempClassName = "_wysihtml5-temp-" + new Date().getTime(),
+ // do not count list elements outside of composer
+ if (list && !composer.element.contains(list)) {
+ list = null
+ }
+ if (otherList && !composer.element.contains(otherList)) {
+ otherList = null
+ }
if (!list && !otherList && {
doc.execCommand(command, false, null);
if (list) {
// Unwrap list
// <ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul>
// becomes:
// foo<br>bar<br>
@@ -6432,16 +6557,19 @@
composer.selection.selectNode(list.querySelector("li"), true);
state: function(composer) {
- var selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode();
- return wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "UL" });
+ var selectedNode = composer.selection.getSelectedNode(),
+ node = wysihtml5.dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: "UL" });
+ return (composer.element.contains(node) ? node : false);
-};wysihtml5.commands.italic = {
+wysihtml5.commands.italic = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "i");
state: function(composer, command) {
@@ -6450,53 +6578,57 @@
// chrome: <i>, <em>, <blockquote>, ...
// ie: <i>, <em>
// opera: only <i>
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "i");
-};(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var CLASS_NAME = "wysiwyg-text-align-center",
REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-text-align-[0-9a-z]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.justifyCenter = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.exec(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.state(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var CLASS_NAME = "wysiwyg-text-align-left",
REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-text-align-[0-9a-z]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.justifyLeft = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.exec(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.state(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var CLASS_NAME = "wysiwyg-text-align-right",
REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-text-align-[0-9a-z]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.justifyRight = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.exec(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.state(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
-})(wysihtml5);(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var CLASS_NAME = "wysiwyg-text-align-justify",
REG_EXP = /wysiwyg-text-align-[0-9a-z]+/g;
wysihtml5.commands.justifyFull = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatBlock.exec(composer, "formatBlock", null, CLASS_NAME, REG_EXP);
@@ -6511,50 +6643,59 @@
state: function(composer) {
return false;
-};wysihtml5.commands.underline = {
+wysihtml5.commands.underline = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.execWithToggle(composer, command, "u");
state: function(composer, command) {
return wysihtml5.commands.formatInline.state(composer, command, "u");
-};wysihtml5.commands.undo = {
+wysihtml5.commands.undo = {
exec: function(composer) {
return composer.undoManager.undo();
state: function(composer) {
return false;
-};wysihtml5.commands.createTable = {
+wysihtml5.commands.createTable = {
exec: function(composer, command, value) {
var col, row, html;
if (value && value.cols && value.rows && parseInt(value.cols, 10) > 0 && parseInt(value.rows, 10) > 0) {
- html = "<table><tbody>";
+ if (value.tableStyle) {
+ html = "<table style=\"" + value.tableStyle + "\">";
+ } else {
+ html = "<table>";
+ }
+ html += "<tbody>";
for (row = 0; row < value.rows; row ++) {
html += '<tr>';
for (col = 0; col < value.cols; col ++) {
html += "<td> </td>";
html += '</tr>';
html += "</tbody></table>";
composer.commands.exec("insertHTML", html);
- }
+ }
state: function(composer, command) {
return false;
-};wysihtml5.commands.mergeTableCells = {
+wysihtml5.commands.mergeTableCells = {
exec: function(composer, command) {
if (composer.tableSelection && composer.tableSelection.start && composer.tableSelection.end) {
if (this.state(composer, command)) {
} else {
@@ -6579,14 +6720,15 @@
return [start];
return false;
-};wysihtml5.commands.addTableCells = {
+wysihtml5.commands.addTableCells = {
exec: function(composer, command, value) {
if (composer.tableSelection && composer.tableSelection.start && composer.tableSelection.end) {
// switches start and end if start is bigger than end (reverse selection)
var tableSelect = wysihtml5.dom.table.orderSelectionEnds(composer.tableSelection.start, composer.tableSelection.end);
if (value == "before" || value == "above") {
wysihtml5.dom.table.addCells(tableSelect.start, value);
} else if (value == "after" || value == "below") {
@@ -6599,38 +6741,39 @@
state: function(composer, command) {
return false;
-};wysihtml5.commands.deleteTableCells = {
+wysihtml5.commands.deleteTableCells = {
exec: function(composer, command, value) {
if (composer.tableSelection && composer.tableSelection.start && composer.tableSelection.end) {
var tableSelect = wysihtml5.dom.table.orderSelectionEnds(composer.tableSelection.start, composer.tableSelection.end),
idx = wysihtml5.dom.table.indexOf(tableSelect.start),
table = composer.tableSelection.table;
wysihtml5.dom.table.removeCells(tableSelect.start, value);
setTimeout(function() {
// move selection to next or previous if not present
selCell = wysihtml5.dom.table.findCell(table, idx);
if (!selCell){
if (value == "row") {
selCell = wysihtml5.dom.table.findCell(table, {
"row": idx.row - 1,
"col": idx.col
if (value == "column") {
selCell = wysihtml5.dom.table.findCell(table, {
"row": idx.row,
"col": idx.col - 1
- }
+ }
if (selCell) {, selCell);
}, 0);
@@ -6638,11 +6781,12 @@
state: function(composer, command) {
return false;
* Undo Manager for wysihtml5
* slightly inspired by
(function(wysihtml5) {
var Z_KEY = 90,
@@ -6653,87 +6797,87 @@
DATA_ATTR_NODE = "data-wysihtml5-selection-node",
DATA_ATTR_OFFSET = "data-wysihtml5-selection-offset",
UNDO_HTML = '<span id="_wysihtml5-undo" class="_wysihtml5-temp">' + wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE + '</span>',
REDO_HTML = '<span id="_wysihtml5-redo" class="_wysihtml5-temp">' + wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE + '</span>',
dom = wysihtml5.dom;
function cleanTempElements(doc) {
var tempElement;
while (tempElement = doc.querySelector("._wysihtml5-temp")) {
wysihtml5.UndoManager = wysihtml5.lang.Dispatcher.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.UndoManager.prototype */ {
constructor: function(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
this.composer = editor.composer;
this.element = this.composer.element;
this.position = 0;
this.historyStr = [];
this.historyDom = [];
_observe: function() {
var that = this,
doc = this.composer.sandbox.getDocument(),
// Catch CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y
dom.observe(this.element, "keydown", function(event) {
if (event.altKey || (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey)) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
isUndo = keyCode === Z_KEY && !event.shiftKey,
isRedo = (keyCode === Z_KEY && event.shiftKey) || (keyCode === Y_KEY);
if (isUndo) {
} else if (isRedo) {
// Catch delete and backspace
dom.observe(this.element, "keydown", function(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode === lastKey) {
lastKey = keyCode;
if (keyCode === BACKSPACE_KEY || keyCode === DELETE_KEY) {
// Now this is very hacky:
// These days browsers don't offer a undo/redo event which we could hook into
// to be notified when the user hits undo/redo in the contextmenu.
// Therefore we simply insert two elements as soon as the contextmenu gets opened.
// The last element being inserted will be immediately be removed again by a exexCommand("undo")
// => When the second element appears in the dom tree then we know the user clicked "redo" in the context menu
// => When the first element disappears from the dom tree then we know the user clicked "undo" in the context menu
// TODO: unexpected behaviour. Tends to undo on contextmenu showing in chrome on newly inserted blocks
/*if (wysihtml5.browser.hasUndoInContextMenu()) {
var interval, observed, cleanUp = function() {
dom.observe(this.element, "contextmenu", function() {
that.composer.selection.executeAndRestoreSimple(function() {
if (that.element.lastChild) {
@@ -6761,108 +6905,108 @@
dom.observe(document, "mousedown", cleanUp);
dom.observe(doc, ["mousedown", "paste", "cut", "copy"], cleanUp);
.on("newword:composer", function() {
.on("beforecommand:composer", function() {
transact: function() {
var previousHtml = this.historyStr[this.position - 1],
currentHtml = this.composer.getValue();
if (currentHtml === previousHtml) {
var length = this.historyStr.length = this.historyDom.length = this.position;
if (length > MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES) {
var range = this.composer.selection.getRange(),
node = (range && range.startContainer) ? range.startContainer : this.element,
offset = (range && range.startOffset) ? range.startOffset : 0,
if (node.nodeType === wysihtml5.ELEMENT_NODE) {
element = node;
} else {
element = node.parentNode;
position = this.getChildNodeIndex(element, node);
element.setAttribute(DATA_ATTR_OFFSET, offset);
if (typeof(position) !== "undefined") {
element.setAttribute(DATA_ATTR_NODE, position);
var clone = this.element.cloneNode(!!currentHtml);
undo: function() {
if (!this.undoPossible()) {
this.set(this.historyDom[--this.position - 1]);"undo:composer");
redo: function() {
if (!this.redoPossible()) {
this.set(this.historyDom[++this.position - 1]);"redo:composer");
undoPossible: function() {
return this.position > 1;
redoPossible: function() {
return this.position < this.historyStr.length;
set: function(historyEntry) {
this.element.innerHTML = "";
var i = 0,
childNodes = historyEntry.childNodes,
length = historyEntry.childNodes.length;
for (; i<length; i++) {
// Restore selection
var offset,
if (historyEntry.hasAttribute(DATA_ATTR_OFFSET)) {
offset = historyEntry.getAttribute(DATA_ATTR_OFFSET);
position = historyEntry.getAttribute(DATA_ATTR_NODE);
node = this.element;
} else {
@@ -6870,29 +7014,29 @@
offset = node.getAttribute(DATA_ATTR_OFFSET);
position = node.getAttribute(DATA_ATTR_NODE);
if (position !== null) {
node = this.getChildNodeByIndex(node, +position);
this.composer.selection.set(node, offset);
getChildNodeIndex: function(parent, child) {
var i = 0,
childNodes = parent.childNodes,
length = childNodes.length;
for (; i<length; i++) {
if (childNodes[i] === child) {
return i;
getChildNodeByIndex: function(parent, index) {
return parent.childNodes[index];
@@ -6907,11 +7051,11 @@
this.config = config;
if (!this.config.noTextarea) {
_observeViewChange: function() {
var that = this;
this.parent.on("beforeload", function() {
that.parent.on("change_view", function(view) {
if (view === {
@@ -6923,38 +7067,39 @@
focus: function() {
if (this.element.ownerDocument.querySelector(":focus") === this.element) {
try { this.element.focus(); } catch(e) {}
hide: function() { = "none";
show: function() { = "";
disable: function() {
this.element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
enable: function() {
-});(function(wysihtml5) {
+(function(wysihtml5) {
var dom = wysihtml5.dom,
browser = wysihtml5.browser;
wysihtml5.views.Composer = wysihtml5.views.View.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.views.Composer.prototype */ {
name: "composer",
// Needed for firefox in order to display a proper caret in an empty contentEditable
@@ -6978,11 +7123,11 @@
this.element.innerHTML = browser.displaysCaretInEmptyContentEditableCorrectly() ? "" : this.CARET_HACK;
getValue: function(parse) {
var value = this.isEmpty() ? "" : wysihtml5.quirks.getCorrectInnerHTML(this.element);
if (parse) {
value = this.parent.parse(value);
return value;
@@ -6990,25 +7135,25 @@
setValue: function(html, parse) {
if (parse) {
html = this.parent.parse(html);
try {
this.element.innerHTML = html;
} catch (e) {
this.element.innerText = html;
cleanUp: function() {
show: function() { = this._displayStyle || "";
if (!this.config.noTextarea && !this.textarea.element.disabled) {
// Firefox needs this, otherwise contentEditable becomes uneditable
@@ -7037,13 +7182,13 @@
// This is needed by our simulate_placeholder.js to work
// therefore we clear it ourselves this time
if (wysihtml5.browser.doesAsyncFocus() && this.hasPlaceholderSet()) {
var lastChild = this.element.lastChild;
if (setToEnd && lastChild && this.selection) {
if (lastChild.nodeName === "BR") {
} else {
@@ -7066,14 +7211,14 @@
innerHTML === "<br>" ||
innerHTML === "<p></p>" ||
innerHTML === "<p><br></p>" ||
_initContentEditableArea: function() {
var that = this;
if (this.config.noTextarea) {
this.sandbox = new dom.ContentEditableArea(function() {
}, {}, this.editableArea);
} else {
@@ -7086,24 +7231,24 @@
_initSandbox: function() {
var that = this;
this.sandbox = new dom.Sandbox(function() {
}, {
stylesheets: this.config.stylesheets
this.editableArea = this.sandbox.getIframe();
var textareaElement = this.textarea.element;
// Creates hidden field which tells the server after submit, that the user used an wysiwyg editor
_createWysiwygFormField: function() {
if (this.textarea.element.form) {
var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
hiddenField.type = "hidden";
@@ -7121,79 +7266,79 @@
this.textarea = this.parent.textarea;
this.element.innerHTML = this.textarea.getValue(true);
} else {
this.cleanUp(); // cleans contenteditable on initiation as it may contain html
// Make sure our selection handler is ready
this.selection = new wysihtml5.Selection(this.parent, this.element, this.config.uneditableContainerClassname);
// Make sure commands dispatcher is ready
this.commands = new wysihtml5.Commands(this.parent);
if (!this.config.noTextarea) {
"className", "spellcheck", "title", "lang", "dir", "accessKey"
dom.addClass(this.element, this.config.composerClassName);
- //
+ //
// Make the editor look like the original textarea, by syncing styles
if ( && !this.config.contentEditableMode) {;
var name =;
if (name) {
dom.addClass(this.element, name);
if (!this.config.contentEditableMode) { dom.addClass(this.editableArea, name); }
if (!this.config.noTextarea && this.textarea.element.disabled) {
// Simulate html5 placeholder attribute on contentEditable element
var placeholderText = typeof(this.config.placeholder) === "string"
? this.config.placeholder
: ((this.config.noTextarea) ? this.editableArea.getAttribute("data-placeholder") : this.textarea.element.getAttribute("placeholder"));
if (placeholderText) {
dom.simulatePlaceholder(this.parent, this, placeholderText);
// Make sure that the browser avoids using inline styles whenever possible
this.commands.exec("styleWithCSS", false);
// Simulate html5 autofocus on contentEditable element
// This doesn't work on IOS (5.1.1)
if (!this.config.noTextarea && (this.textarea.element.hasAttribute("autofocus") || document.querySelector(":focus") == this.textarea.element) && !browser.isIos()) {
setTimeout(function() { that.focus(true); }, 100);
// IE sometimes leaves a single paragraph, which can't be removed by the user
if (!browser.clearsContentEditableCorrectly()) {
// Set up a sync that makes sure that textarea and editor have the same content
if (this.initSync && this.config.sync) {
// Okay hide the textarea, we are ready to go
if (!this.config.noTextarea) { this.textarea.hide(); }
// Fire global (before-)load event"beforeload").fire("load");
_initAutoLinking: function() {
@@ -7216,11 +7361,11 @@
that.selection.executeAndRestore(function(startContainer, endContainer) {
dom.observe(this.element, "blur", function() {
@@ -7270,65 +7415,65 @@
_initObjectResizing: function() {
this.commands.exec("enableObjectResizing", true);
// IE sets inline styles after resizing objects
// The following lines make sure that the width/height css properties
// are copied over to the width/height attributes
if (browser.supportsEvent("resizeend")) {
var properties = ["width", "height"],
propertiesLength = properties.length,
element = this.element;
dom.observe(element, "resizeend", function(event) {
var target = || event.srcElement,
style =,
i = 0,
if (target.nodeName !== "IMG") {
for (; i<propertiesLength; i++) {
property = properties[i];
if (style[property]) {
target.setAttribute(property, parseInt(style[property], 10));
style[property] = "";
// After resizing IE sometimes forgets to remove the old resize handles
_initUndoManager: function() {
this.undoManager = new wysihtml5.UndoManager(this.parent);
_initLineBreaking: function() {
var that = this,
USE_NATIVE_LINE_BREAK_INSIDE_TAGS = ["LI", "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6"],
LIST_TAGS = ["UL", "OL", "MENU"];
function adjust(selectedNode) {
var parentElement = dom.getParentElement(selectedNode, { nodeName: ["P", "DIV"] }, 2);
- if (parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement && dom.contains(that.element, parentElement)) {
that.selection.executeAndRestore(function() {
if (that.config.useLineBreaks) {
} else if (parentElement.nodeName !== "P") {
dom.renameElement(parentElement, "p");
if (!this.config.useLineBreaks) {
dom.observe(this.element, ["focus", "keydown"], function() {
if (that.isEmpty()) {
var paragraph = that.doc.createElement("P");
that.element.innerHTML = "";
@@ -7340,39 +7485,39 @@
that.selection.selectNode(paragraph, true);
// Under certain circumstances Chrome + Safari create nested <p> or <hX> tags after paste
// Inserting an invisible white space in front of it fixes the issue
// This is too hacky and causes selection not to replace content on paste in chrome
/* if (browser.createsNestedInvalidMarkupAfterPaste()) {
dom.observe(this.element, "paste", function(event) {
var invisibleSpace = that.doc.createTextNode(wysihtml5.INVISIBLE_SPACE);
dom.observe(this.element, "keydown", function(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (event.shiftKey) {
if (keyCode !== wysihtml5.ENTER_KEY && keyCode !== wysihtml5.BACKSPACE_KEY) {
var blockElement = dom.getParentElement(that.selection.getSelectedNode(), { nodeName: USE_NATIVE_LINE_BREAK_INSIDE_TAGS }, 4);
if (blockElement) {
setTimeout(function() {
// Unwrap paragraph after leaving a list or a H1-6
var selectedNode = that.selection.getSelectedNode(),
if (blockElement.nodeName === "LI") {
if (!selectedNode) {
@@ -7387,15 +7532,15 @@
}, 0);
if (that.config.useLineBreaks && keyCode === wysihtml5.ENTER_KEY && !wysihtml5.browser.insertsLineBreaksOnReturn()) {
@@ -7443,16 +7588,16 @@
"html { height: 100%; }",
"body { height: 100%; padding: 1px 0 0 0; margin: -1px 0 0 0; }",
"body > p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }",
"._wysihtml5-temp { display: none; }",
wysihtml5.browser.isGecko ?
- "body.placeholder { color: graytext !important; }" :
+ "body.placeholder { color: graytext !important; }" :
"body.placeholder { color: #a9a9a9 !important; }",
// Ensure that user see's broken images and can delete them
"img:-moz-broken { -moz-force-broken-image-icon: 1; height: 24px; width: 24px; }"
* With "setActive" IE offers a smart way of focusing elements without scrolling them into view:
* Other browsers need a more hacky way: (pssst don't tell my mama)
@@ -7472,136 +7617,137 @@
position: elementStyle.position,
left: elementStyle.left,
WebkitUserSelect: elementStyle.WebkitUserSelect
position: "absolute",
top: "-99999px",
left: "-99999px",
// Don't ask why but temporarily setting -webkit-user-select to none makes the whole thing performing smoother
WebkitUserSelect: "none"
if (win.scrollTo) {
// Some browser extensions unset this method to prevent annoyances
// "Better PopUp Blocker" for Chrome
// Issue:
win.scrollTo(originalScrollLeft, originalScrollTop);
+ = function() {
var that = this,
originalActiveElement = doc.querySelector(":focus"),
textareaElement = this.textarea.element,
hasPlaceholder = textareaElement.hasAttribute("placeholder"),
originalPlaceholder = hasPlaceholder && textareaElement.getAttribute("placeholder"),
originalDisplayValue =,
originalDisabled = textareaElement.disabled,
this.focusStylesHost = HOST_TEMPLATE.cloneNode(false);
this.blurStylesHost = HOST_TEMPLATE.cloneNode(false);
this.disabledStylesHost = HOST_TEMPLATE.cloneNode(false);
// Remove placeholder before copying (as the placeholder has an affect on the computed style)
if (hasPlaceholder) {
if (textareaElement === originalActiveElement) {
// enable for copying styles
textareaElement.disabled = false;
// set textarea to display="none" to get cascaded styles via getComputedStyle = displayValueForCopying = "none";
if ((textareaElement.getAttribute("rows") && dom.getStyle("height").from(textareaElement) === "auto") ||
(textareaElement.getAttribute("cols") && dom.getStyle("width").from(textareaElement) === "auto")) { = displayValueForCopying = originalDisplayValue;
// --------- iframe styles (has to be set before editor styles, otherwise IE9 sets wrong fontFamily on blurStylesHost) ---------
// --------- editor styles ---------
// --------- apply standard rules ---------
// --------- :disabled styles ---------
textareaElement.disabled = true;
textareaElement.disabled = originalDisabled;
// --------- :focus styles --------- = originalDisplayValue;
focusWithoutScrolling(textareaElement); = displayValueForCopying;
// reset textarea = originalDisplayValue;
// Make sure that we don't change the display style of the iframe when copying styles oblur/onfocus
// this is needed for when the change_view event is fired where the iframe is hidden and then
// the blur event fires and re-displays it
var boxFormattingStyles = wysihtml5.lang.array(BOX_FORMATTING).without(["display"]);
// --------- restore focus ---------
if (originalActiveElement) {
} else {
// --------- restore placeholder ---------
if (hasPlaceholder) {
textareaElement.setAttribute("placeholder", originalPlaceholder);
// --------- Sync focus/blur styles ---------
this.parent.on("focus:composer", function() {
dom.copyStyles(boxFormattingStyles) .from(that.focusStylesHost).to(that.editableArea);
dom.copyStyles(TEXT_FORMATTING) .from(that.focusStylesHost).to(that.element);
this.parent.on("blur:composer", function() {
dom.copyStyles(boxFormattingStyles) .from(that.blurStylesHost).to(that.editableArea);
dom.copyStyles(TEXT_FORMATTING) .from(that.blurStylesHost).to(that.element);
this.parent.observe("disable:composer", function() {
dom.copyStyles(boxFormattingStyles) .from(that.disabledStylesHost).to(that.editableArea);
dom.copyStyles(TEXT_FORMATTING) .from(that.disabledStylesHost).to(that.element);
this.parent.observe("enable:composer", function() {
dom.copyStyles(boxFormattingStyles) .from(that.blurStylesHost).to(that.editableArea);
dom.copyStyles(TEXT_FORMATTING) .from(that.blurStylesHost).to(that.element);
return this;
* Taking care of events
* - Simulating 'change' event on contentEditable element
* - Handling drag & drop logic
* - Catch paste events
* - Dispatch proprietary newword:composer event
@@ -7616,11 +7762,11 @@
shortcuts = {
"66": "bold", // B
"73": "italic", // I
"85": "underline" // U
wysihtml5.views.Composer.prototype.observe = function() {
var that = this,
state = this.getValue(),
container = (this.sandbox.getIframe) ? this.sandbox.getIframe() : this.sandbox.getContentEditable(),
element = this.element,
@@ -7641,20 +7787,20 @@
}, 250);
// --------- User interaction tracking --
dom.observe(focusBlurElement, interactionEvents, function() {
setTimeout(function() {"interaction").fire("interaction:composer");
}, 0);
if (this.config.handleTables) {
this.tableSelection = wysihtml5.quirks.tableCellsSelection(element, that.parent);
// --------- Focus & blur logic ---------
@@ -7701,36 +7847,36 @@
dom.observe(element, "mousedown", function(event) {
var target =;
var allImages = element.querySelectorAll('img'),
notMyImages = element.querySelectorAll('.' + that.config.uneditableContainerClassname + ' img'),
myImages = wysihtml5.lang.array(allImages).without(notMyImages);
if (target.nodeName === "IMG" && wysihtml5.lang.array(myImages).contains(target)) {
if (!browser.canSelectImagesInContentEditable()) {
dom.observe(element, "drop", function(event) {
// TODO: if I knew how to get dropped elements list from event I could limit it to only IMG element case
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
if (browser.hasHistoryIssue() && browser.supportsSelectionModify()) {
dom.observe(element, "keydown", function(event) {
if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView,
selection = win.getSelection();
if (keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 39) {
if (keyCode === 37) {
selection.modify("extend", "left", "lineboundary");
if (!event.shiftKey) {
@@ -7744,39 +7890,39 @@
// --------- Shortcut logic ---------
dom.observe(element, "keydown", function(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
command = shortcuts[keyCode];
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && command) {
if (keyCode == 8) {
if (that.selection.isCollapsed()) {
if (that.selection.caretIsInTheBeginnig()) {
} else {
var beforeUneditable = that.selection.caretIsBeforeUneditable();
if (beforeUneditable) {
// TODO: take the how to delete around uneditable out of here
// merge node with previous node from uneditable
var prevNode = that.selection.getPreviousNode(beforeUneditable, true),
curNode = that.selection.getSelectedNode();
- if (curNode.nodeType !== 1 && curNode.parentNode !== element) { curNode = curNode.parentNode; }
+ if (curNode.nodeType !== 1 && curNode.parentNode !== element) { curNode = curNode.parentNode; }
if (prevNode) {
if (curNode.nodeType == 1) {
var first = curNode.firstChild;
if (prevNode.nodeType == 1) {
while (curNode.firstChild) {
} else {
@@ -7802,11 +7948,11 @@
} else if (that.selection.containsUneditable()) {
// --------- Make sure that when pressing backspace/delete on selected images deletes the image and it's anchor ---------
dom.observe(element, "keydown", function(event) {
@@ -7824,11 +7970,11 @@
setTimeout(function() { wysihtml5.quirks.redraw(element); }, 0);
// --------- IE 8+9 focus the editor when the iframe is clicked (without actually firing the 'focus' event on the <body>) ---------
if (!this.config.contentEditableMode && browser.hasIframeFocusIssue()) {
dom.observe(this.iframe, "focus", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (that.doc.querySelector(":focus") !== that.element) {
@@ -7841,17 +7987,17 @@
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
// --------- Show url in tooltip when hovering links or images ---------
var titlePrefixes = {
IMG: "Image: ",
A: "Link: "
dom.observe(element, "mouseover", function(event) {
var target =,
nodeName = target.nodeName,
if (nodeName !== "A" && nodeName !== "IMG") {
@@ -7862,16 +8008,17 @@
title = titlePrefixes[nodeName] + (target.getAttribute("href") || target.getAttribute("src"));
target.setAttribute("title", title);
* Class that takes care that the value of the composer and the textarea is always in sync
(function(wysihtml5) {
var INTERVAL = 400;
wysihtml5.views.Synchronizer = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.views.Synchronizer.prototype */ {
constructor: function(editor, textarea, composer) {
this.editor = editor;
@@ -7962,53 +8109,53 @@
wysihtml5.views.Textarea = wysihtml5.views.View.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.views.Textarea.prototype */ {
name: "textarea",
constructor: function(parent, textareaElement, config) {
this.base(parent, textareaElement, config);
clear: function() {
this.element.value = "";
getValue: function(parse) {
var value = this.isEmpty() ? "" : this.element.value;
if (parse) {
value = this.parent.parse(value);
return value;
setValue: function(html, parse) {
if (parse) {
html = this.parent.parse(html);
this.element.value = html;
cleanUp: function() {
var html = this.parent.parse(this.element.value);
this.element.value = html;
hasPlaceholderSet: function() {
var supportsPlaceholder = wysihtml5.browser.supportsPlaceholderAttributeOn(this.element),
placeholderText = this.element.getAttribute("placeholder") || null,
value = this.element.value,
isEmpty = !value;
return (supportsPlaceholder && isEmpty) || (value === placeholderText);
isEmpty: function() {
return !wysihtml5.lang.string(this.element.value).trim() || this.hasPlaceholderSet();
_observe: function() {
var element = this.element,
parent = this.parent,
eventMapping = {
focusin: "focus",
@@ -8017,23 +8164,24 @@
* Calling focus() or blur() on an element doesn't synchronously trigger the attached focus/blur events
* This is the case for focusin and focusout, so let's use them whenever possible, kkthxbai
events = wysihtml5.browser.supportsEvent("focusin") ? ["focusin", "focusout", "change"] : ["focus", "blur", "change"];
parent.on("beforeload", function() {
wysihtml5.dom.observe(element, events, function(event) {
var eventName = eventMapping[event.type] || event.type; + ":textarea");
wysihtml5.dom.observe(element, ["paste", "drop"], function() {
setTimeout(function() {"paste").fire("paste:textarea"); }, 0);
* WYSIHTML5 Editor
* @param {Element} editableElement Reference to the textarea which should be turned into a rich text interface
* @param {Object} [config] See defaultConfig object below for explanation of each individual config option
@@ -8062,24 +8210,24 @@
* disable:composer
* change_view
(function(wysihtml5) {
var undef;
var defaultConfig = {
- // Give the editor a name, the name will also be set as class name on the iframe and on the iframe's body
+ // Give the editor a name, the name will also be set as class name on the iframe and on the iframe's body
name: undef,
// Whether the editor should look like the textarea (by adopting styles)
style: true,
// Id of the toolbar element, pass falsey value if you don't want any toolbar logic
toolbar: undef,
// Whether toolbar is displayed after init by script automatically.
// Can be set to false if toolobar is set to display only on editable area focus
showToolbarAfterInit: true,
// Whether urls, entered by the user should automatically become clickable-links
autoLink: true,
- // Includes table editing events and cell selection tracking
+ // Includes table editing events and cell selection tracking
handleTables: true,
// Object which includes parser rules to apply when html gets inserted via copy & paste
// See parser_rules/*.js for examples
parserRules: { tags: { br: {}, span: {}, div: {}, p: {} }, classes: {} },
// Parser method to use when the user inserts content via copy & paste
@@ -8100,64 +8248,64 @@
cleanUp: true,
// Whether to use div instead of secure iframe
contentEditableMode: false,
xingAlert: false,
// Classname of container that editor should not touch and pass through
- // Pass false to disable
+ // Pass false to disable
uneditableContainerClassname: "wysihtml5-uneditable-container"
wysihtml5.Editor = wysihtml5.lang.Dispatcher.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.Editor.prototype */ {
constructor: function(editableElement, config) {
this.editableElement = typeof(editableElement) === "string" ? document.getElementById(editableElement) : editableElement;
this.config = wysihtml5.lang.object({}).merge(defaultConfig).merge(config).get();
this._isCompatible = wysihtml5.browser.supported();
if (this.editableElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "textarea") {
this.config.contentEditableMode = true;
this.config.noTextarea = true;
if (!this.config.noTextarea) {
this.textarea = new wysihtml5.views.Textarea(this, this.editableElement, this.config);
this.currentView = this.textarea;
// Sort out unsupported/unwanted browsers here
if (!this._isCompatible || (!this.config.supportTouchDevices && wysihtml5.browser.isTouchDevice())) {
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {"beforeload").fire("load"); }, 0);
// Add class name to body, to indicate that the editor is supported
wysihtml5.dom.addClass(document.body, this.config.bodyClassName);
this.composer = new wysihtml5.views.Composer(this, this.editableElement, this.config);
this.currentView = this.composer;
if (typeof(this.config.parser) === "function") {
this.on("beforeload", this.handleBeforeLoad);
if (this.config.xingAlert) {
try { console.log("Heya! This page is using wysihtml5 for rich text editing. Check out");} catch(e) {}
handleBeforeLoad: function() {
if (!this.config.noTextarea) {
this.synchronizer = new wysihtml5.views.Synchronizer(this, this.textarea, this.composer);
if (this.config.toolbar) {
this.toolbar = new wysihtml5.toolbar.Toolbar(this, this.config.toolbar, this.config.showToolbarAfterInit);
isCompatible: function() {
return this._isCompatible;
clear: function() {
@@ -8169,19 +8317,19 @@
return this.currentView.getValue(parse);
setValue: function(html, parse) {"unset_placeholder");
if (!html) {
return this.clear();
this.currentView.setValue(html, parse);
return this;
cleanUp: function() {
focus: function(setToEnd) {
@@ -8194,27 +8342,27 @@
disable: function() {
return this;
* Activate editor
enable: function() {
return this;
isEmpty: function() {
return this.currentView.isEmpty();
hasPlaceholderSet: function() {
return this.currentView.hasPlaceholderSet();
parse: function(htmlOrElement) {
var parseContext = (this.config.contentEditableMode) ? document : this.composer.sandbox.getDocument();
var returnValue = this.config.parser(htmlOrElement, {
"rules": this.config.parserRules,
"cleanUp": this.config.cleanUp,
@@ -8224,10 +8372,10 @@
if (typeof(htmlOrElement) === "object") {
return returnValue;
* Prepare html parser logic
* - Observes for paste and drop
_initParser: function() {