bin/request-log-analyzer in wvanbergen-request-log-analyzer-0.2.2 vs bin/request-log-analyzer in wvanbergen-request-log-analyzer-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,115 +1,48 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/request_log_analyzer'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/command_line/arguments'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/base/log_parser'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/base/summarizer'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails_analyzer/log_parser'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails_analyzer/summarizer'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/merb_analyzer/log_parser'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/merb_analyzer/summarizer'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bashcolorizer'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/ruby-progressbar/progressbar.rb'
puts "Request log analyzer, by Willem van Bergen and Bart ten Brinke\n\n"
-# Substitutes variable elements in a url (like the id field) with a fixed string (like ":id")
-# This is used to aggregate simular requests.
-# <tt>request</tt> The request to evaluate.
-# Returns uniformed url string.
-# Raises on mailformed request.
-def request_hasher(request)
- if request[:url]
- url = request[:url].downcase.split(/^http[s]?:\/\/[A-z0-9\.-]+/).last.split('?').first # only the relevant URL part
- url << '/' if url[-1] != '/'[0] && url.length > 1 # pad a trailing slash for consistency
- url.gsub!(/\/\d+-\d+-\d+(\/|$)/, '/:date') # Combine all (year-month-day) queries
- url.gsub!(/\/\d+-\d+(\/|$)/, '/:month') # Combine all date (year-month) queries
- url.gsub!(/\/\d+[\w-]*/, '/:id') # replace identifiers in URLs
- return url
- elsif request[:controller] && request[:action]
- return "#{request[:controller]}##{request[:action]}"
- else
- raise 'Cannot hash this request! ' + request.inspect
- end
-# Print results using a ASCII table.
-# <tt>summarizer</tt> The summarizer containg information to draw the table.
-# <tt>field</tt> The field containing the data to be printed
-# <tt>amount</tt> The length of the table (defaults to 20)
-def print_table(summarizer, field, amount = 20)
- summarizer.sort_actions_by(field).reverse[0, amount.to_i].each do |a|
- # As we show count by default, show totaltime if we sort by count
- field = :total_time if field == :count
- puts "%-50s: %10.03fs [#{green("%d requests")}]" % [a[0], a[1][field], a[1][:count]]
- end
# Parse the arguments given via commandline
- $arguments = CommandLine::Arguments.parse do |command_line|
- command_line.switch(:guess_database_time, :g)
- command_line.switch(:fast, :f)
- command_line.switch(:colorize, :z)
- command_line.switch(:merb, :m)
- command_line.flag(:output, :alias => :o)
- command_line.flag(:amount, :alias => :c)
- command_line.required_files = 1
+ arguments = CommandLine::Arguments.parse do |command_line|
+ #command_line.flag(:install, :alias => :i) # command_line.command(:install)
+ command_line.flag(:format, :default => 'rails')
+ command_line.flag(:aggregator, :alias => :a, :multiple => true)
+ command_line.flag(:database, :alias => :d)
+ command_line.switch(:combined_requests, :c)
+ command_line.switch(:colorize, :z)
+ #command_line.switch(:estimate_database_time, :e)
+ #command_line.switch(:fast, :f) #
rescue CommandLine::Error => e
puts "ARGUMENT ERROR: " + e.message
load File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../output/usage.rb"
+# if arguments[:install]
+# if arguments[:install] == 'rails'
+# require 'ftools'
+# if'./lib/tasks/')
+# File.copy(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../tasks/request_log_analyzer.rake', './lib/tasks/request_log_analyze.rake')
+# puts "Installed rake tasks."
+# puts "To use, run: rake log:analyze"
+# else
+# puts "Cannot find /lib/tasks folder. Are you in your Rails directory?"
+# puts "Installation aborted."
+# end
+# else
+# raise "Cannot perform this install type!"
+# end
+# exit(0)
+# end
-if $arguments[:merb]
- $summarizer = => $arguments[:guess_database_time])
- $summarizer = => $arguments[:guess_database_time])
-if $arguments[:fast]
- line_types = [:completed]
-elsif $arguments[:merb]
- line_types = MerbAnalyzer::LogParser::LOG_LINES.keys
- line_types = RailsAnalyzer::LogParser::LOG_LINES.keys
-# Walk through al the files given via the arguments.
-$arguments.files.each do |log_file|
- puts "Processing #{line_types.join(', ')} log lines from #{log_file}..."
- if $arguments[:merb]
- parser =
- else
- parser =
- end
- # add progress bar
- unless $arguments[:fast]
- pbar =, File.size(log_file))
- parser.progress { |pos, total| (pos == :finished) ? pbar.finish : pbar.set(pos) }
- end
- parser.each(*line_types) do |request|
- $ { |r| request_hasher(r) }
- end
-# Select the reports to output and generate them.
-output_reports = $arguments[:output].split(',') rescue [:timespan, :most_requested, :total_time, :mean_time, :total_db_time, :mean_db_time, :mean_rendering_time, :blockers, :hourly_spread, :errors]
-output_reports.each do |report|
- report_location = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../output/#{report}.rb"
- if File.exist?(report_location)
- load report_location
- else
- puts "\nERROR: Output report #{report} not found!"
- end
+# Run the request_log_analyzer!
+request_log_analyzer =!
\ No newline at end of file