wukong.gemspec in wukong-2.0.1 vs wukong.gemspec in wukong-2.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -2,25 +2,18 @@
# Instead, edit Jeweler::Tasks in Rakefile, and run 'rake gemspec'
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
- s.name = %q{wukong}
- s.version = "2.0.1"
+ s.name = "wukong"
+ s.version = "2.0.2"
s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.authors = ["Philip (flip) Kromer"]
- s.date = %q{2011-07-01}
- s.description = %q{ Treat your dataset like a:
- * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by lines
- * stream of field arrays when it's efficient to deal directly with fields
- * stream of lightweight objects when it's efficient to deal with objects
- Wukong is friends with Hadoop the elephant, Pig the query language, and the cat on your command line.
- s.email = %q{flip@infochimps.org}
+ s.date = "2011-11-04"
+ s.description = " Treat your dataset like a:\n\n * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by lines\n * stream of field arrays when it's efficient to deal directly with fields\n * stream of lightweight objects when it's efficient to deal with objects\n\n Wukong is friends with Hadoop the elephant, Pig the query language, and the cat on your command line.\n"
+ s.email = "flip@infochimps.org"
s.executables = ["hdp-du", "hdp-sync", "hdp-wc", "wu-lign", "wu-sum", "hdp-parts_to_keys.rb"]
s.extra_rdoc_files = [
@@ -178,10 +171,11 @@
+ "lib/wukong/decorator.rb",
@@ -252,49 +246,13 @@
- s.homepage = %q{http://mrflip.github.com/wukong}
+ s.homepage = "http://mrflip.github.com/wukong"
s.require_paths = ["lib"]
- s.rubygems_version = %q{1.5.0}
- s.summary = %q{Hadoop Streaming for Ruby. Wukong makes Hadoop so easy a chimpanzee can use it, yet handles terabyte-scale computation with ease.}
- s.test_files = [
- "examples/contrib/jeans/normalize.rb",
- "examples/contrib/jeans/sizes.rb",
- "examples/corpus/bucket_counter.rb",
- "examples/corpus/dbpedia_abstract_to_sentences.rb",
- "examples/corpus/sentence_bigrams.rb",
- "examples/corpus/sentence_coocurrence.rb",
- "examples/corpus/words_to_bigrams.rb",
- "examples/emr/elastic_mapreduce_example.rb",
- "examples/ignore_me/counting.rb",
- "examples/ignore_me/grouper.rb",
- "examples/network_graph/adjacency_list.rb",
- "examples/network_graph/breadth_first_search.rb",
- "examples/network_graph/gen_2paths.rb",
- "examples/network_graph/gen_multi_edge.rb",
- "examples/network_graph/gen_symmetric_links.rb",
- "examples/pagerank/pagerank.rb",
- "examples/pagerank/pagerank_initialize.rb",
- "examples/sample_records.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/apache_log_parser.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/breadcrumbs.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/logline.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/nook.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/nook/faraday_dummy_adapter.rb",
- "examples/server_logs/user_agent.rb",
- "examples/simple_word_count.rb",
- "examples/size.rb",
- "examples/stats/avg_value_frequency.rb",
- "examples/stats/binning_percentile_estimator.rb",
- "examples/stats/rank_and_bin.rb",
- "examples/stupidly_simple_filter.rb",
- "examples/word_count.rb",
- "spec/spec_helper.rb",
- "spec/wukong/encoding_spec.rb",
- "spec/wukong/script_spec.rb"
- ]
+ s.rubygems_version = "1.8.10"
+ s.summary = "Hadoop Streaming for Ruby. Wukong makes Hadoop so easy a chimpanzee can use it, yet handles terabyte-scale computation with ease."
if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
s.specification_version = 3
if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then