lib/wukong/runner.rb in wukong-3.0.0.pre3 vs lib/wukong/runner.rb in wukong-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,144 +1,167 @@
module Wukong
- module CommandlineRunner
- def exit_with_status(status, options = {})
- warn options[:msg] if options[:msg]
- @env.dump_help if options[:show_help]
- exit(status)
- end
- def env= settings
- @env = settings
- end
+ # A base class which handles
+ #
+ # * requiring any necessary code like deploy packs or code from command-line arguments
+ # * having all plugins configure settings as necessary
+ # * resolving settings
+ # * having all plugins boot from now resolved settings
+ # * parsing command-line arguments
+ # * instantiating and handing over control to a driver which runs the actual code
+ class Runner
+ include Logging
+ include CodeLoader
+ include DeployPackLoader
+ include BootSequence
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ # The settings object that will be configured and booted from.
+ # All plugins will configure this object.
+ attr_accessor :settings
+ # Create a new Runner with the given +settings+.
+ #
+ # Uses an empty Configliere::Param object if no +settings+ are
+ # given.
+ #
+ # @param [Configliere::Param] settings
+ def initialize
+ self.settings = settings
- module ClassMethods
- def usage(usg = nil)
- return @usage if usg.nil?
- @usage = usg
+ # Instantiates a new Runner and boot it up.
+ #
+ # Will rescue any Wukong::Error with a logged error message and
+ # exit.
+ def
+ begin
+ new(settings).boot!
+ rescue Wukong::Error => e
+ die(e.message, 127)
+ end
- def desc(dsc = nil)
- return @description if dsc.nil?
- @decription = desc
- end
+ # The parsed command-line arguments.
+ #
+ # Will raise an error if +boot+ hasn't been called yet.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>]
+ def args
+ end
- def add_param(*args)
- defined_params << args
- end
- def defined_params
- @defined_params ||= []
- end
+ # The root directory we should consider ourselves to be running
+ # in.
+ #
+ # Defaults to the root directory of a deploy pack if we're running
+ # inside one, else just returns `Dir.pwd`.
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ def root
+ in_deploy_pack? ? deploy_pack_dir : Dir.pwd
+ end
- def base_config(conf = nil)
- return @base_configuration if conf.nil?
- @base_configuration = conf
- end
+ # Convenience method for setting the usage message of a Runner.
+ #
+ # @param [String, nil] msg set the usage message
+ # @return [String] the usage message
+ def self.usage msg=nil
+ return @usage unless msg
+ @usage = msg
+ end
+ # Convenience method for setting the description message of a Runner.
+ #
+ # @param [String, nil] msg set the description message
+ # @return [String] the description message
+ def self.description msg=nil
+ return @description unless msg
+ @description = msg
+ end
- def decorate_environment! env
- usg = self.usage
- env.define_singleton_method(:usage){ usg }
- env.description = self.desc
- defined_params.each{ |params| env.send(:define, *params) }
- end
+ # Kill this process with the given error `message` and exit
+ # `code`.
+ #
+ # @param [String] message
+ # @param [Integer] code.
+ def self.die(message=nil, code=127)
+ log.error(message) if message
+ exit(code)
+ end
- def in_deploy_pack?
- return @in_deploy_pack unless @in_deploy_pack.nil?
- @in_deploy_pack = (find_deploy_pack_dir != '/')
- end
+ # Return the name of the program this Runner is running.
+ #
+ # This is passed to plugins which can configure settings
+ # appropriately. Defaults to the name of the currently running
+ # process.
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ def program_name
+ @program_name || File.basename($0)
+ end
- def find_deploy_pack_dir
- return @deploy_pack_dir if @deploy_pack_dir
- wd = Dir.pwd
- parent = File.dirname(wd)
- until wd == parent
- return wd if File.exist?(File.join(wd, 'Gemfile')) && File.exist?(File.join(wd, 'config', 'environment.rb'))
- wd = parent
- parent = File.dirname(wd)
- end
- @deploy_pack_dir = wd
- end
+ # Explicitly set the name of the program this Runner is running.
+ #
+ # This is useful for unit tests in which the name of the currently
+ # running process may be different from the runner command being
+ # tested (`rspec` vs. `wu-local`).
+ #
+ # @param [String] name
+ def program_name= name
+ @program_name = name
+ end
- def run!(*run_params)
- settings = base_configuration || Configliere::Param.use(:commandline)
- boot_environment(settings) if in_deploy_pack?
- runner = new(*run_params)
- runner.env = settings.resolve!
- end
- end
- end
- class LocalRunner
- include CommandlineRunner
- base_configuration
+ # Return the usage message for this runner.
+ #
+ # @return [String] the usage message
+ def usage
+ ["usage: #{program_name} [ --param=val | --param | -p val | -p ]", self.class.usage].compact.join(' ')
+ end
- usage 'usage: wu-local PROCESSOR|FLOW [ --param=value | -p value | --param | -p]'
- desc <<EOF
- wu-local is a tool for running Wukong processors and flows locally on
- the command-line. Use wu-local by passing it a processor and feeding
- in some data:
+ # Return the description text for this runner.
+ #
+ # @return [String] the description text
+ def description
+ self.class.description
+ end
- $ echo 'UNIX is Clever and Fun...' | wu-local tokenizer.rb
- is
- Clever
- and
- Fun
+ # Is there a processor or dataflow registered with the given
+ # `name`?
+ #
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [true, false]
+ def registered? name
+ name && Wukong.registry.registered?(name.to_sym)
+ end
- If your processors have named fields you can pass them in as
- arguments:
+ # Retrieve the dataflow registered under a given `name`.
+ #
+ # @param [String,Symbol] name
+ # @return [Wukong::Processor, Wukong::Dataflow, nil]
+ def dataflow_class_for(name)
+ builder = (Wukong.registry.retrieve(name.to_sym) or return)
+ builder.for_class
+ end
- $ echo 'UNIX is clever and fun...' | wu-local tokenizer.rb --min_length=4
- Clever
+ # Is the given `name` a registered as a processor?
+ #
+ # @param [String,Symbol] name
+ # @return [true, false]
+ def processor?(name)
+ registered?(name) && dataflow_class_for(name).ancestors.include?(Wukong::Processor)
+ end
- You can chain processors and calls to wu-local together:
- $ echo 'UNIX is clever and fun...' | wu-local tokenizer.rb --min_length=4 | wu-local downcaser.rb
- unix
- clever
- Which is a good way to develop a combined data flow which you can
- again test locally:
- $ echo 'UNIX is clever and fun...' | wu-local tokenize_and_downcase_big_words.rb
- unix
- clever
- add_param :run, description: "Name of the processor or dataflow to use. Defaults to basename of the given path.", flag: 'r'
- add_param :tcp_server, description: "Run locally as a server using provided TCP port", default: false, flag: 't'
- def run *args
- arg = args.first
- case
- when arg.nil?
- exit_with_status(1, show_help: true, msg: "Must pass a processor name or path to a processor file. Got <#{arg}>")
- when Wukong.registry.registered?(arg.to_sym)
- processor = arg.to_sym
- when File.exist?(arg)
- load arg
- processor = || File.basename(arg, '.rb')
- else
- exit_with_status(2, show_help: true, msg: "Must pass a processor name or path to a processor file. Got <#{arg}>")
- end
- run_em_server(processor, @env)
+ # Is the given `name` a registered as a dataflow?
+ #
+ # @param [String,Symbol] name
+ # @return [true, false]
+ def dataflow?(name)
+ registered?(name) && dataflow_class_for(name).ancestors.include?(Wukong::Dataflow)
- def run_em_server(processor, env)
- do
- env.tcp_server ? Wu::TCPServer.start(processor, env) : Wu::StdioServer.start(processor, env)
- end
- rescue Wu::Error => e
- exit_with_status(3, msg: e.backtrace.join("\n"))
- end
- end
+ end