examples/pagerank/run_pagerank.sh in wukong-1.4.7 vs examples/pagerank/run_pagerank.sh in wukong-1.4.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Directory to pagerank on.
-work_dir=$1 ; shift
-if [ "$work_dir" == '' ] ; then echo "Please specify the parent of the directory made by gen_initial_pagerank" ; exit ; fi
+work_dir=$1 ; shift
+if [ "$work_dir" == '' ] ; then echo "Please specify the parent of the directory made by gen_initial_pagerank: $0 initial_dir [number_of_iterations] [start_iteration]" ; exit ; fi
+# How many rounds to run: default 10
+n_iters=${1-10} ; shift
+# the iteration to start with: default 0
+start_i=${1-0} ; shift
-# How many rounds to run
# this directory
script_dir="`dirname $0`"
-for (( curr=0 , next=1 ; "$curr" < "$max_iter" ; curr++ , next++ )) ; do
- curr_str=`printf "%03d" ${curr}`
- next_str=`printf "%03d" ${next}`
+for (( iter=0 ; "$iter" < "$n_iters" ; iter++ )) ; do
+ curr_str=`printf "%03d" $(( $start_i + $iter ))`
+ next_str=`printf "%03d" $(( $start_i + $iter + 1 ))`
+ echo -e "Iteration $(( $iter + 1 )) / $n_iters:\t `basename $curr_dir` => `basename $next_dir`"
$script_dir/pagerank.rb --rm --run $curr_dir $next_dir