CHANGELOG.textile in wukong-1.4.7 vs CHANGELOG.textile in wukong-1.4.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+h2. Wukong v1.4.8 2010-06-05
+* made scripts inject a helpful job name using
+* Hash.compact_blank! and HashLike.compact_blank! -- eliminate all key-values whoes value is blank?
+h2. Wukong v1.4.8 2010-05-17
+* Bug in passing commandline args down to map and reduce child processes
h2. Wukong v1.4.7 2010-03-05
Lots more examples:
* examples/stats/avg_value_frequency.rb does an Average Value Frequency histogram
* examples/server_logs has a quite useful apache log file parser