test/tc_workbook.rb in writeexcel-0.1.0 vs test/tc_workbook.rb in writeexcel-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,115 +1,140 @@
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib"
-require "test/unit"
-require "writeexcel"
-class TC_Workbook < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- t = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
- path = "temp#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
- @test_file = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, path)
- @workbook = Workbook.new(@test_file)
- end
- def teardown
- @workbook.close
- File.unlink(@test_file) if FileTest.exist?(@test_file)
- end
- def test_new
- assert_kind_of(Workbook, @workbook)
- end
- def test_add_worksheet
- sheetnames = ['sheet1', 'sheet2']
- (0 .. sheetnames.size-1).each do |i|
- sheets = @workbook.sheets
- assert_equal(i, sheets.size)
- @workbook.add_worksheet(sheetnames[i])
- sheets = @workbook.sheets
- assert_equal(i+1, sheets.size)
- end
- end
- def test_set_tempdir_after_sheet_added
- # after shees added, call set_tempdir raise RuntimeError
- @workbook.add_worksheet('name')
- assert_raise(RuntimeError, "already sheet exists, but set_tempdir() doesn't raise"){
- @workbook.set_tempdir
- }
- end
- def test_set_tempdir_with_invalid_dir
- # invalid dir raise RuntimeError
- while true do
- dir = Time.now.to_s
- break unless FileTest.directory?(dir)
- sleep 0.1
- end
- assert_raise(RuntimeError, "set_tempdir() doesn't raise invalid dir:#{dir}."){
- @workbook.set_tempdir(dir)
- }
- end
- def test_check_sheetname
- valids = valid_sheetname
- invalids = invalid_sheetname
- worksheet1 = @workbook.add_worksheet # implicit name 'Sheet1'
- worksheet2 = @workbook.add_worksheet # implicit name 'Sheet2'
- worksheet3 = @workbook.add_worksheet 'Sheet3' # implicit name 'Sheet3'
- worksheet1 = @workbook.add_worksheet 'Sheetz' # implicit name 'Sheetz'
- valids.each do |test|
- target = test[0]
- sheetname = test[1]
- caption = test[2]
- assert_nothing_raised { @workbook.check_sheetname(sheetname) }
- end
- invalids.each do |test|
- target = test[0]
- sheetname = test[1]
- caption = test[2]
- assert_raise(RuntimeError, "sheetname: #{sheetname}") {
- @workbook.check_sheetname(sheetname)
- }
- end
- end
- def test_raise_set_compatibility_after_sheet_creation
- @workbook.add_worksheet
- assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @workbook.compatibility_mode }
- end
- def valid_sheetname
- [
- # Tests for valid names
- [ 'PASS', nil, 'No worksheet name' ],
- [ 'PASS', '', 'Blank worksheet name' ],
- [ 'PASS', 'Sheet10', 'Valid worksheet name' ],
- [ 'PASS', 'a' * 31, 'Valid 31 char name' ]
- ]
- end
- def invalid_sheetname
- [
- # Tests for invalid names
- [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet1', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
- [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet2', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
- [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet3', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
- [ 'FAIL', 'sheet1', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
- [ 'FAIL', 'SHEET1', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
- [ 'FAIL', 'sheetz', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
- [ 'FAIL', 'SHEETZ', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
- [ 'FAIL', 'a' * 32, 'Caught long name' ],
- [ 'FAIL', '[', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', ']', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', ':', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', '*', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', '?', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', '/', 'Caught invalid char' ],
- [ 'FAIL', '\\', 'Caught invalid char' ]
- ]
- end
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib"
+require "test/unit"
+require "writeexcel"
+require "stringio"
+class TC_Workbook < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ t = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ path = "temp#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
+ @test_file = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, path)
+ @workbook = Workbook.new(@test_file)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @workbook.close
+ File.unlink(@test_file) if FileTest.exist?(@test_file)
+ end
+ def test_new
+ assert_kind_of(Workbook, @workbook)
+ end
+ def test_add_worksheet
+ sheetnames = ['sheet1', 'sheet2']
+ (0 .. sheetnames.size-1).each do |i|
+ sheets = @workbook.sheets
+ assert_equal(i, sheets.size)
+ @workbook.add_worksheet(sheetnames[i])
+ sheets = @workbook.sheets
+ assert_equal(i+1, sheets.size)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_set_tempdir_after_sheet_added
+ # after shees added, call set_tempdir raise RuntimeError
+ @workbook.add_worksheet('name')
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError, "already sheet exists, but set_tempdir() doesn't raise"){
+ @workbook.set_tempdir
+ }
+ end
+ def test_set_tempdir_with_invalid_dir
+ # invalid dir raise RuntimeError
+ while true do
+ dir = Time.now.to_s
+ break unless FileTest.directory?(dir)
+ sleep 0.1
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError, "set_tempdir() doesn't raise invalid dir:#{dir}."){
+ @workbook.set_tempdir(dir)
+ }
+ end
+# Comment out because Workbook#check_sheetname was set to private method.
+ def test_check_sheetname
+ valids = valid_sheetname
+ invalids = invalid_sheetname
+ worksheet1 = @workbook.add_worksheet # implicit name 'Sheet1'
+ worksheet2 = @workbook.add_worksheet # implicit name 'Sheet2'
+ worksheet3 = @workbook.add_worksheet 'Sheet3' # implicit name 'Sheet3'
+ worksheet1 = @workbook.add_worksheet 'Sheetz' # implicit name 'Sheetz'
+ valids.each do |test|
+ target = test[0]
+ sheetname = test[1]
+ caption = test[2]
+ assert_nothing_raised { @workbook.check_sheetname(sheetname) }
+ end
+ invalids.each do |test|
+ target = test[0]
+ sheetname = test[1]
+ caption = test[2]
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError, "sheetname: #{sheetname}") {
+ @workbook.check_sheetname(sheetname)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_raise_set_compatibility_after_sheet_creation
+ @workbook.add_worksheet
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @workbook.compatibility_mode }
+ end
+ def test_write_to_io
+ # write to @test_file
+ @workbook.add_worksheet
+ @workbook.close
+ file = ''
+ File.open(@test_file, "rb") do |f|
+ file = f.read
+ end
+ # write to io
+ io = StringIO.new
+ wb = Workbook.new(io)
+ wb.add_worksheet
+ wb.close
+ # compare @test_file and io
+ assert_equal(file, io.string)
+ end
+ def valid_sheetname
+ [
+ # Tests for valid names
+ [ 'PASS', nil, 'No worksheet name' ],
+ [ 'PASS', '', 'Blank worksheet name' ],
+ [ 'PASS', 'Sheet10', 'Valid worksheet name' ],
+ [ 'PASS', 'a' * 31, 'Valid 31 char name' ]
+ ]
+ end
+ def invalid_sheetname
+ [
+ # Tests for invalid names
+ [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet1', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet2', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'Sheet3', 'Caught duplicate name' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'sheet1', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'SHEET1', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'sheetz', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'SHEETZ', 'Caught case-insensitive name'],
+ [ 'FAIL', 'a' * 32, 'Caught long name' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', '[', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', ']', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', ':', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', '*', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', '?', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', '/', 'Caught invalid char' ],
+ [ 'FAIL', '\\', 'Caught invalid char' ]
+ ]
+ end